Everything Fell Apart

Took My Breath Away

Hey guys, so sorry for re-posting the chapter. I just wanna test if AFF has normally functioned again. I already wrote down the next chapter and it's actually ready to be posted. I just need to fix it a little here and there. Wait for it, okay? ;)

And because AFF broke down a couple of days ago, I lost my newest subscribers and comments, awww :'( :'( :'( please do re-subscribe or subscribe if you haven't, hehe :D enjoy!

Kyuhyun never felt guitier or dirtier in his whole life. He couldn't believe what just happened. Once he was back to his senses and realized what he was doing, he immediately pulled his face away from Victoria's. She tried to kiss him again, but he stepped back from her with a horrified expression on his face. He shouldn't had let that happened. He got carried away and gave in to what she wanted. It wasn't that he didn't enjoy kissing her, but he already had Nara. And kissing Victoria just made him even more confused. He covered his face in frustration and left the rooftop without even looking back at her. He needed to find Nara and reassured his feelings.

So there he was, in the car on his ride home with Nara. She was looking at the view outside the window on her side and she hadn't said anything through out the journey. She was awfully quiet that night, unlike her usual self. It made him felt even guiltier if it was possible. His girlfriend was having a problem that he didn't know about and he was kissing another girl. He felt like screaming and banging his head to the steering-wheel.
He reached for her hand and held it gently in his. "Nara-ah," he called her softly.
Nara turned her attention to him. She still didn't say anything. Kyuhyun was starting to get worried, "What's wrong?" She just shook her head and turned her attention back to the view. It might seemed like he tried to be nice to her out of guilt, but it really wasn't. He was genuinely cared and worried about his girlfriend. He brought her hand to his lips and kissed it gently. He gazed back at her and found that she had been staring at him with a small smile on her face. He smiled back and never let go of her hand for the rest of the ride.
They arrived in front of Nara's apartment in no time. Kyuhyun didn't want to leave her just yet. Something wasn't right and he was determined to know what it was before the night ended. He was about to asked her one more time  when she suddenly spoke, "Oppa, let's go to a park near here for a while. I don't wanna go home just yet." Kyuhyun smiled at the thought that Nara was willing to talk to him about it, but his smile soon disappeared once he heard her next sentence, "I want to talk to you."
The I-want-to-talk-to-you sentence was never a good indication in any relationship. He was contemplating whether or not he should tell her about the kiss he shared with Victoria earlier. The guilt was killing him inside and he didn't wanna keep her in the dark for much longer. He wanted to talk about all the matters that had been going on for the past week. And he wanted them to work it out together for the sake of saving their relationship.
Kyuhyun drove to a small park near Nara's apartment and parked his car quietly. She opened the door and got out of the car without uttering a single word. Kyuhyun was startled and immediately turned off the engine and locked the door of his car. He felt his stomach tighten just like when he was about to do his first stage with Super Junior, but in a bad way. His heart was racing and he had a horrible feeling in his guts.
The park was located on a small hill. The night view of Seoul could be seen from behind the fences. It was beautiful, but Kyuhyun couldn't care less. All he could care about was the girl that stood a few feets away in front of him with her back facing him. After a while, she turned her body to face him with her hands inside her coat's pockets. The wind blew her hair and she still had that small smile on her face. Her eyes were shimmering with unshed tears. Kyuhyun suddenly didn't feel like listening to what she wanted to say.
"Oppa, let's end it here," Nara finally let out the words. She had been thinking for ways to said it, but she couldn't think of any better words.
Kyuhyun could feel himself stopped breathing after he heard her words. "What are you talking about? Don't joke about things like these, it's not funny," he chuckled and shook his head. He didn't want to look into her eyes, afraid that all he would ever find was her determination to get things over with between them.
Nara walked closer to him and took his hands in hers. She understood then how Eunhyuk must have felt the night she chose Kyuhyun over him. She understood why Eunhyuk was willing to sacrifice his own happiness for the people he loved. "I'm breaking up with you, oppa." She forced herself to look at him. She was shocked to see that his eyes were also red and shimmered from the tears that were threatening to fall.
"Why? I thought we're doing fine," Kyuhyun frowned and asked her with a shaky voice. He held her hand tighter, silently telling her that he didn't wanna let go.
"We were. Before I realized how much you still love her." Nara started to caress his cheek gently with one hand. She couldn't help herself. It would be the last time she did it anyway.
Kyuhyun rested his face on her palm and held on to it as if his life was depended on it. He felt even more scared when he realized who she was talking about.  "I don't, Nara-ah. I don't love her anymore." He could feel in his guts that Nara wasn't going to change her mind. But he refused to take it, he couldn't let her leave him.
There was silence for a while before she said in a small voice, "But you kissed her..." As the words rolled out her tongue, she felt her heart was breaking into small pieces. And there was no way to mend it ever again.
Kyuhyun tighten his grip on her hand. He felt so sick of himself. She saw him kissed Victoria. He turned his head down, he felt ashamed to even look at her. But still, he didn't wanna lose her. "I'm sorry..." his voice cracked as he kissed her hand over and over again.
"I'm sorry too, oppa. I'm sorry I can't mend your heart." At that point, she couldn't contain her tears anymore. It rolled down her cheeks one by one like a rainfall. She tried to stop it, but her heart just hurt too much.
Kyuhyun lifted his head and found himself crushed as he met her eyes. Tears were rolling down her cheeks and she was sobbing uncotrollably. He could tell from her eyes that she was ready to let go. He swallowed the lump on his throat, trying to fight back the tears. He leaned closer and embraced her in a bone-crushing hug.
"But I love you," He whispered to her ear, desperately trying to make her stay. He realized then, he couldn't care less about Victoria. All he wanted was Nara.
Nara tangled her arms behind his neck, hugging him back tightly. She just wanted to feel his warmness and soak in his scent one last time. "Apparently..." she took a deep breath, "not as much as you love her."
After hearing her words, Kyuhyun knew that there was no other way to change her mind. He felt a warm liquid rolled down his cheeks. His body started to shake and he could hear himself sobbing. He never cried for a girl before, not even when Victoria broke his heart. He never felt that much pain in his life, and his heart just couldn't take it anymore.
He burried his face on Nara's shoulder and poured his heart out in silence.

Kyuhyun came home to the dorm that night looking like a mess. His eyes were hurt from too much crying and he felt at loss. He just walked in lifelessly, like a zombie. Usually, he would want to avoid his hyungs at times like those, but that night was different. He needed all the support and comfort he could get from his hyungs. He didn't care if his eyes were swollen from the crying. If crying for a girl that he loved made him a , then so be it.

It was already passed midnight, so he didn't expect all his hyung to be awake at that time. But he walked into the living room just to find all of his hyung were gathered there. It seemed like Leeteuk had gathered them to have one of their bonding times. They would gather at least three times evey week just to talk about their day.

Ryeowook walked out of the kitchen humming to his solo for the SS4 while bringing midnight snacks for them. He almost dropped the bowl once he saw Kyuhyun's state. "God, Kyuhyun! What happ- are you okay?"

Kyuhyun didn't say anything and just walked straight to where all his hyung gathered. He dropped himself beside Leeteuk and rested his head on his shoulder before he closed his eyes. Leeteuk Kyuhyun's hair gently and patted his head to comfort him. Leeteuk swept his gaze accross the room, silently asking the other members about what happened to their magnae. But the rest of the members either shook their head or shrugged their shoulder in confuse. So Leeteuk took a deep breath and whispered to Kyuhyun, "Kyuhyun-ah, what's wrong?"

Kyuhyun didn't answer straight away. He wanted to make sure that he was stable enough to answer. "She broke up with me."

Sungmin and Ryeowook gasped at his answer. Eunhyuk's eyes instantly opened wide, suddenly he didn't feel like sleeping anymore. "Why?" Leeteuk asked Kyuhyun as calm as he could. He was as shocked as the other member was, but he didn't want to make Kyuhyun felt more anxious.

Kyuhyun swallowed the imaginary lump on his throat and explained everything to his hyung. From what happened when Victoria approached him in the restaurant to the incident at the rooftop and how Nara broke their relationship off. After he finished telling his story, nobody dared to say anything. Some of them were shocked and some of them were just furious.

"Being with Victoria was all I wanted. So when she practically offered herself to me, I just couldn't help it," Kyuhyun opened his eyes and stared at nothing, "it wasn't out of love, it was more of... curiosity." He took a deep breath and continued rambling, "I'm at fault here, I got nothing to say to defend myself. I deserve this." He smiled sadly at his last wordsand felt his eyes started to form tears once again.

Sungmin scooted closer to Kyuhyun and put his hand on Kyuhyun's knee. "You shouldn't make any asumption on your own feelings right now. You're not thinking straight." Kyuhyun just stared blankly at him, so he decided to just continue, "I'm not taking sides here, but hear me out. You liked Victoria so much in the past. Maybe, just maybe, you're not actually over her. We all know how much you adored her. You love Nara, we're sure of that. But maybe, she's just- aaaargh, how should I say this," Sungmin ruffled his hair out of frustration, trying to find the right word without sounding too rude, "maybe she's just a replacement?"

Sungmin observed Kyuhyun's reaction carefully. He was afraid that Kyuhyun would get mad at him for saying things so bluntly. But Kyuhyun just straightened his back and whispered back at him. "To be honest, I still don't know how I feel towards Victoria. I'm still trying to figute it out. But one thing I do know is that Nara wasn't a replacement."

Yesung squeezed Kyuhyun's shoulder. trying to give him strength. "I really do love her, hyung." Kyuhyun said and smiled sadly at Sungmin. Sungmin never saw him in that state before. It was as if he was too tired to even cry.

"I can't even get mad at you. I know I should be mad cause you hurt the girl that I like," everybody in the room turned their heads in shock towards Eunhyuk. But he couldn't care less, "but I know how complicated it is between you and Victoria, and how sincere you are towards Nara. So... Don't be afraid to talk to me, I'll do what I can to help you." Eunhyuk smiled at Kyuhyun and patted his head.

"Okay okay, it's time for a group hug. Come on guys," Siwon laughed and started to hug Kyuhyun and soon the rest followed. Everybody was squeezed together into a giant ball of laughter.

"Guys, I can't breathe," Kyuhyun laughed a little and tried to wriggle out of his hyungs hugs. He felt extremely grateful to have them around at moments like that. He took a deep breath, hoping he could at least get a clue on how to fix his problems.

Kyuhyun needed to wake up early in the morning for a special music show, but because he couldn't sleep at all that night, he got ready with a horrible feeling and a major headache. His makeup coordi had to put more foundation and concealer to hide the dark circle under his eyes. He knew Nara would also be there that day, but he just didn't have the time to look for her, and it seemed like that she purposely avoided him. 

After the dry rehearsal, Kyuhyun went looking for Nara in every possible places. He even went as far as going into other artists' waiting room, just to make sure that Nara wasn't in there. Due to the stress and lack of sleep, he got tired easily. So he decided to comeback to Super Junior's waiting room and rested there for a while. In the middle of the hallway, he suddenly bumped into Victoria. Victoria couldn't hide her joy as she had been looking everywhere for him.

"Kyuhyunnie, I've been looking for you," she said to him with a sweet smile on her face. She just wanted to clear things out between them. She was a little confuse with his action. After kissing her passionately the night before, he just stormed out without even uttering a single word. What did actually happened? Were they back together?

Kyuhyun smiled back at her and kept on walking, knowing that she would tag along. Victoria circled her arm around Kyuhyun's and smiled cutely at him. She could sense that he wasn't in a good mood, so she tried her aegyo on him. Kyuhyun didn't even pay attention and just kept on walking.

"Ey~ why are you so cold to me? Did I do something wrong?" Victoria tilted her head and asked in a cute voice. Kyuhyun chuckled and patted her head lovingly. It felt so weird having Victoria next to him, he was already used to Nara's height. He was about to turned at the corner when he suddenly heard an awkward cough. Changmin was standing a couple feets away in front of him with the girl that had been on his most wanted list ever since that morning.

Kyuhyun couldn't figure out why Changmin was together with Nara, but he didn't care. He just wanna talk to her. Kyuhyun frowned when he realized that Changmin had a weird expression on his face, his eyes widened and he kept on sending him a suggestive look, as if he was trying to tell him something through his eyes. Then Kyuhyun finally realized what Changmin meant when he caught Nara's eyes that was looking intently at him and Victoria. He immediately shook off Victoria's arm and silently cursed himself for being so stupid. Nara left the scene as soon as possible cause she started to feel suffocated. It hadn't been one day since they broke up, but he already showing off their affection in front of her so bluntly. How dare he...

Nara entered the nearest empty room and put down the makeup kit she had been holding on the table. She shut her eyes close and tried to get rid of the jealousy that was starting to build inside her. Kyuhyun wasn't hers anymore, so why should she care? She was panting and she shook her head slightly, trying to control her emotion when suddenly she felt a pair of arms hugged her gently from behind. She jolted at the touch.

She could recognize that scent anywhere. "What are you doing? Let go," She said in a small voice.

Kyuhyun had prepared everything he wanted to say to Nara. But being in an empty room alone with just her, washed away his insanity. He couldn't think of anything else, he just wanted to be with her. He tighten his hug on her and whispered, "What I did was wrong. But you do know that I love you." He then proceeded to kiss her cheek softly.

Nara tilted her head a little, enough to see Kyuhyun's face. He was looking back at her with sincerity in his eyes. He leaned down his face and captured her lips in his. It was just a light kiss, but it shook Nara's heart. She loved Kyuhyun so much... Why couldn't she be with him?

Kyuhyun kept kissing her lightly over and over again. He turned her body and sat her down on the table. He captured her lips once again and deepened the kiss before she could had a chance to protest. Nara tangled her fingers on his hair and pulled him closer. Her lips mould perfectly with his and she moaned when she felt him on her bottom lip. He pushed her body further against the mirror and started to kiss her from her jawline down to her neck. His hand was already under her blouse, caressing the side of her body. Her lips was searching for his, she cupped his face with her hand and slowly tracing his bottom lip with her finger before she pressed her lips hard against his. They kissed passionately and his hand already found its way to her chest. He caressed it slowly before squeezed it gently over her bra. She gasped in shock and moaned at the touch. Kyuhyun quickly sealed her lips with his once again to muffled the sound.

Suddenly Kyuhyun's cellphone started to ring and it brought Nara back to her senses. Kyuhyun groaned in annoyance and fished out his cellphone from his jeans' pocket. He turned it off before he shifted his attention back to the girl in front of him. "We shouldn't be doing this," Nara said while panting hard due to their heavy make out session earlier, "I gotta go." Nara hopped off the table and fixed her blouse and her hair. She was looking at anywhere but him. Kyuhyun's mouth was slightly open due to the shock. One minute ago they were just kissing each other like their lifes were depended on it. And now she would leave him just like that?

"Look at me," Kyuhyun said  in a low voice, the dissapointment was evident in his voice. "I said look at me!" He yelled at her and trapped her against the door in between his arms.

Nara was shocked, Kyuhyun had never treated her that way before. "Look into my eyes and tell me that you don't love me."

She felt her body had grown weak and she could almost unable to stand on her feet. "I don't love you anymore." Her voice was small and weak. Even a fool could feel the hesitation in her voice.

Kyuhyun smirked upon hearing her answer. "You're lying."

Nara was suddenly furious and she felt like wiping off the smirk on his face. "Maybe I still do. But you cheated on me, remember?" He felt like someone squeezed his heart after hearing her answer. Her hands were formed into a fist and she pushed Kyuhyun with all her might. She quickly stormed out of the room before Kyuhyun could stop her. Her heart was pounding hard against her chest. A part of her wanted to get back to the room and sort things out with him. But the other part of her just wanted to hurt him and stay as far away as possible from him. She mentally slapped herself for getting carried away like that. It was hard to resist him, and she didn't know whether she could do it the next time she met him.

Kyuhyun stared blankly at the door. He knew it wasn't going to be easy, but he was willing to fight. No matter how hard it was, he was determined to win her back.

Well hello my lovely readers! :) I'm so sorry for not updating as often as I used to. I got caught up with assignments, blahblahblah. And I'm sorry if this chapter is just lame. I promise I'll do better on the next one. And again, I haven't done a re-check on the grammars and tenses, I'll do it later when I'm free. 

And hey, who's chasing who now? :p Throw me some ideas on how I should make Kyuhyun win Nara back! Or do you want her to end up with the other male lead *cough* Eunhyuk *cough* instead? haha :D i'm having a minor writer's block here. So please do help me :( :( :(

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.