The Seemingly Heartless Girl

Took My Breath Away

I decided to reposted this chapter 'cause I didn't realize that AFF had deleted it when it was going under maintenance -,-" have you guys read this chapter? I'm introducing a new character here. And apparently, the comments were also deleted --" so go on and read! And don't forget to leave me your thoughts. Pretty pretty pleaaase ;D

Nara opened the fridge and took a bottle of cold mineral water. She finished the whole bottle and refilled it before she put it back in to the fridge. She turned her body and swept her gaze through her small studio apartment, everything could be clearly seen in one sweep. A smile crept on her face as she saw her boyfriend sleeping peacefully on her bed. But her smile was soon replaced by a frown once she remembered the conversation that happened between Jinyoung and Victoria over a week ago.

"No, I won't stop. Not until I can get Nara back from your good-for-nothing Kyuhyun. Even if it means I have to bring them down."

Nara turned her body back and faced the sink. She closed her eyes as she suddenly felt nauseous. I shouldn't have eavesdropped that night, now I couldn't rest well at nights thinking what would Jinyoung do to us, she thought to herself.

Her mind wondered and she imagined the worst thing that could happen to Kyuhyun and her. They've been through alot. She didin't think she could survive if she ever had to live without him in her life once again.

Suddenly a pair of arms circled her waist from behind and made her jumped a little in surprise. She put her hand over her chest and rested her head against the person's chest while heaving a sighed of relief once she realized who that person was.

"Did I scare you?" Kyuhyun chuckled and kissed her cheek. Nara laughed and  put her hands above his and them affectionately.

"A little. Did I wake you up, oppa? I'm sorry," she turned her body around and face him. She rested one hand on his chest and one hand on his cheek  while his hands were still securely placed around her waist.

"Mhm," Kyuhyun closed his eyes and kissed her palm softly. "Why aren't you in bed?"

Nara smiled and caressed his cheek slowly. "I got thirsty."

Kyuhyun raised an eyebrow hearing her answer, "At 2 in the morning?"

"Yeah, am I not allowed to?" Nara laughed and punched his chest lightly.

Kyuhyun laughed and hugged her close to his body. He rested his head on the crook of her neck. "I haven't seen you in a week. I missed you so much, let's just come back to bed and cuddle, yeah?" Kyuhyun mumbled his words.

His warm breath tickled her skin. "I missed you too," she pulled away from the hug and flicked his forehead playfully, "It's not like we won't get to see each other tomorrow."

Kyuhyun rubbed his forehead with a small pout on his face. "We have a get together with the members tomorrow. They'll steal you away from me, I just know it. Then I'm meeting someone after. We won't have enough time together."

Nara pecked his pouting lips and turned his pout into a grin. "Ah right, the get together... Shindong oppa will also bring his girlfriend right?" Kyuhyun nodded his head. "Who are you meeting after?"

"A hoobae at our company. I haven't met him in a while, so I'm thinking to take him out for a drink tomorrow." Kyuhyun shrugged his shoulder nonchalantly.

"Who?" Nara nudged him lightly.

"He's still a trainee. I think he's on your batch, his name is Jinyoung." Kyuhyun laced their fingers together and guided her back to the bed.

Nara stopped abruptly on her track and stared at Kyuhyun in horror. Her face turned pale and she put her hand on her forehead as she suddenly felt light-headed.

Kyuhyun crouched down a little to match her eye level and cupped her face with his hands. "Nara-ah, are you okay? What's wrong?" A frowned appeared on his face. He shook her body a little, afraid that something bad was happening to her.

"I don't... Have you... How, how do you know him?" Her words came out in jumble. She was in a state of shock.

Kyuhyun searched for her eyes and saw fear in them. "What's wrong, Nara?" he asked her back instead.

"Nothing. I just... Let's go back to bed." She shook her head and walked passed by him. She laid on the bed with her back facing him. She didin't dare to look him in the eyes cause she knew that he could read her like an open book. She bit on her nails, she was so scared and nervous. Kyuhyun knows him? Not just know, they're freaking close! God, what is this? What is Jinyoung up to? How come he-

Her trained of thoughts was suddenly put on a stop when Kyuhyun put his hand on her waist and turned her body around to face him. He rested his head on the pillow next to her with a worried expression plastered on his face.Their face was inches from each other, their noses were barely touching. He put one hand on her cheek and caressed it gently. "Nara-ah, is there something you're not telling me?"

Nara closed her eyes for a moment then looked deep into his eyes. Will he understand? Will he believe me?

She decided it wasn't the best time to tell him since they were both so tired that day. He just got back from Japan that night and headed straight to her apartment while she just had a long day of training. "I'll tell you tomorrow after the get together, oppa. Let's just sleep for now."


Kyuhyun was about to protest when suddenly Nara placed a tender kiss on his lips. They locked lips for a while before she pulled away and snuggled into his chest. "Tomorrow."

Kyuhyun sighed and hugged her tightly. He knew it wasn't wise to probe her any further. "Alright, tomorrow." He kissed the top of her head and closed his eyes, ready to get the sleep he much deserved.


"BAM! You lose, eat up!" Shindong laughed hard as he danced in victory. He just beat Eunhyuk in Stracraft, for the third time in a row.
"How come I'm so bad at this!" Eunhyuk groaned in frustration and opened his mouth unwillingly to receive his punishment. The punishment was to eat a spoon of ice-cream from each of the member. They thought the punishment was nothing when Leeteuk recommended it at first. But they changed their mind once Yesung crouched down on the floor after eating all the ice cream.
"Don't get too excited, hyung. You're playing against me next," Kyuhyun smirked at Shindong as he fed Eunhyuk a giant spoon of ice cream. Eunhyuk almost threw up and barely swallowed it.
"Huh, what's that? You need my help, Nari-ah? Coming!" Shindong pretended to go help his girlfreind in the kitchen to avoid going against Kyuhyun. He knew the result already.
"No way, you're not getting away this time, hyung. Sit," Kyuhyun pulled the back of Shindong's collar and dragged him down to the chair.
Nara chuckled hearing the boys immature behavior. Boys will always be boys, she thought to herself as she chopped the salad on the cutboard. "Do you need any help, Nari-ah?" Nara asked Nari who was in charge of the soup.
"Here, taste this. Do you think it's too salty?" Nari brought a spoon of the soup for Nara to taste. 
Nara tasted it and gave Nari a thumb up. "Not at all, it's perfect."
Nari smiled happily as she walked back to the add some seasonings. "So how are things with Kyuhyun?"
"It's going great. How about you and Shindong oppa?" Nara smiled and looked back at Nari. She was glad that she had someone who shared the same exprerience. She could always talk to Nari cause she knew Nari would understand.
"He's been extra nice to me lately. I wonder what's going on," Nari laughed and shook her head.
"Maybe he's feeling guilty for leaving you for more than a week. Kyuhyun's been doing the same to me," Nara giggled at the thought.
"We're here!" Suddenly Nara heard Sungmin yelled from the front door. We? Sungmin oppa and... who? is he bringing someone?
Nara finished preparing the salad and she brought it out to the dining table. "Hi, oppa. You're late," Nara smiled and teased Sungmin. She put the salad down on the table.
Sungmin laughed and walked over to Nara. He gave her a brotherly hug. "Sorry, I have to pick up someone."
"Who?" Nara gasped and her face instatyly brightened, "Are you bringing a date?" She smiled happily at the thought of another girl joining her and Nari's little club.
Sungmin laughed hard and pinched Nara's cheek. "It's my cousin. Don't worry, if I'm dating someone, you'll be the first one to know." Sungmin gave her a wink before he walked away to his room to change into something more comfortable.
Nara rubbed her cheek as her eyes scanned the living room. Her eyes fell at the sight of a pretty girl sitting on the couch, happily conversing with Donghae. She had this beautiful jet black hair that reached down her chest with bangs swept up to the side. Her hair was straight with curls at the end. Her skin was pale and her lips were as red as cherry. Nara's first impression of her was that she was really beautiful and that she reminded her of one of Disney's princess, Snow White.
Kyuhyun saw Nara stood by the dining table and motioned for her to come close. Nara smiled and approached him after she was done setting the table. Kyuhyun pulled her down so she was sitting on his lap and kissed her cheek lovingly.
"Dinner's ready, boys," Nara announced as she watched Eunhyuk and Ryeowook going against each other. Ryeowook was losing, she could obviously see that.
"Thanks, we'll eat after this match," Leeteuk smiled thankfully at her and Nari.
"Oppa, is that Sungmin oppa's cousin?" Nara whispered at Kyuhyun as he played with her hair.
"Ah, you haven't met her yet, right?" Nara shook her head slowly. Kyuhyun pulled her up as the rest of the boys were starting to attack the dinner. He laced their fingers together and approached the girl.
Kyuhyun approached the girl first and whispered something to her. Then he pulled Nara by his side and introduced the two of them. "Nara, this is Lee Ahreum, Sungmin's cousin. Ahreum, this is Nara, my girlfriend." Kyuhyun smiled at the two of them. He then kissed the top of Nara's head and left to let them bond.
Nara took a closer look at her face. Wow, she really is beautiful. Her name suited her well. She had this doe eyes with never-ending eyelashes. But there was something mysterious about her. The look in her eyes... She seemed distant and cold. Nara shook the thought away and bowed slightly at her. "Nice to meet you, Ahreum-ssi."
Ahreum bowed back and gave her a small smile, "Nice to meet you to, Nara-ssi."
Nara was about to start a conversation when Ahreum suddenly left to the kitchen without saying a single word. Huh, what's wrong with her?
At first, Nara thought that Ahreum was just hungry or something. But it kept on going whole night long. Everytime Nara tried to approached her or tried to make a conversation with her, she would walk away or just answered shortly. Ahreum seemed happy everytime she chatted with the Super Junior members or Nari, but her attitude would change drastically when it came to Nara.
Nara sat on the kitchen counter after she was done washing the dishes with Nari and Ahreum. Ahreum left the kitchen quickly after and didn't say a single word to her. Nari was on the living room, giving the desserts to the boys. Nara sighed to herself. She couldn't understand what she did wrong. We just met today, what could I have possibly done to Ahreum that made her hate me so much? A frown appeared on her pretty face.
The kitchen was directly facing the living room, so she could observed everything that was happening out there. She saw Ahreum timidly approached Eunhyuk and tried to talk to him. There was a smile on her face and a hint of blush on her cheek. Nara thought that she was really cute and she really wanted to be friends with her.
But Eunhyuk just gave Ahreum an annoyed look and replied shortly before he stood up from the couch and joined the other members. Huh, what was that?  I know she might be heartless, but he shouldn't do that to a girl. Nara watched as Ahreum gazed at Eunhyuk sadly. For a moment, the cold look on her face dissapeared. She seemed fragile and approachable. But in just seconds, her cold exterior returned when Kyuhyun sat next to her on the couch. She chatted with him with a small smile on her face. Nara shook her head, she's confusing.
Suddenly Ryeowook appeared out of nowhere and hopped on the kitchen counter to sit next to Nara. "What are you doing here?" Ryeowook nudged her arm gently.
"Just thinking," Nara shrugged her shoulder as she eat a strawberry that she took from the fridge.
Ryeowook took one for himself and eat it in one bite. "What about?"
Nara looked hesitant before she finally answered, "Ahreum-ssi..."
"What about her?" Ryeowook looked at Nara and raised an eyebrow.
"I don't know. There's something about her that I don't understand. She smiled, she laughed, yet she seemed so cold and distant. It's like she always have her guards up. And I don't think she likes me very much," Nara mumbled her last words.
Ryeowook sighed and ruffled her hair. "She's just... She's been through alot for a girl her age. She's a really nice girl once you get to know her. The members love her just like our own little sister. Just like we love you," Ryeowook smiled sweetly at Nara.
Nara smiled weakly at him, "If you say so..."
"Although I might know why she's giving you a hard time," Ryeowook said as he took another strawberry.
"What? Spill," Nara urged him.
Ryeowook seemed a little hesitant. "She likes Eunhyuk. A lot. We've been trying to get them together, but Eunhyuk was always so... passive," he glanced at Nara briefly before he continued, "then you came along and snatched his heart right away. So I guess, it's pretty natural for her to behave that way towards you."
Nara sighed after hearing Ryeowook's explanation. "But I'm with Kyuhyun now. Doesn't she know that?"
"She does. But the pain doesn't just go away, Nara-ah," Ryeowook gave her a meaningful smile. "Just gave her a chance. She might look heartless on the outside, but in the inside, she's actually a really sweet girl."
Nara nodded and  thought about what Ryeowook just said to her. If the Super Junior members loved her, then she must be a nice girl. Nara was determined, she needed to work on the misunderstanding.

Sooo, I introduced you guys to a new character, Lee Ahreum.  Apparently she has a complicated personality with a mysterious past, huh? 

Let me tell you something, she's going to be the main character along with Eunhyuk in my new story! Yeaaaay :D  I've written down a few chapters and I'm gonna post it somewhere along this week. It's going to be sort of a spin-off from this story.
You guys are going to support me, right? Look forward to it! :D
As usual, comments are much loved and subscribe if you haven't. See ya! :D
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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.