Anything for You

Took My Breath Away

Nara stared at the name that was carved beautifully on the hard surface of the wooden door. 'CEO Kim Young Min'.

She stared hard and long. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, suddenly having second thoughts over her desicion.

She opened her eyes and found tears were already streaming down her face slowly. One drop at a time. Knowing what she was about to do was irreversible and fatal just made everything alot harder.

Kyuhyun on the other hand, couldn't stop cursing at the ridiculous traffic. The traffic had never been that bad, but it suddenly decided to stuck completely at that exact time.

"! Why aren't we moving?!" Kyuhyun cursed loudly and banged his fist against the van's window.

Leeteuk jumped in his seat hearing profanities flowed from the magnae's mouth. One moment, he was talking to Nara, and the next moment he was cursing like there was no tomorrow.  "Kyuhyun-ah, what's wrong with you?" Leeteuk grabbed Kyuhyun shoulder and forced him to meet his eyes.

Leeteuk was more than shock to see tears in Kyuhyun's eyes, threatening to fall soon. He bit his lower lip and he was panting heavily, as if trying to control his emotion. His body slightly tremble.

Leeteuk immediately pulled Kyuhyun into  hug. "Calm down. Tell me what's wrong," Leeteuk rubbed his back gently and tried to sooth him.

Sungmin, Yesung, Donghae, and Ryeowook stared confusely at the pair. They had never seen Kyuhyun so panic before, they were at lost at what to do. Kyuhyun just suddenly became panic and asked the driver to speed up after receiving a call from Nara a few minutes ago.

Kyuhyun didin't say anything back to Leeteuk. He could feel the blood had drained from his face. ! ! ! His mind just refused to give any solution to his problem. He had tried contacting Nara a few times, but her cellphone was dead. Or purposely turned off, to be exact.

Suddenly, Kyuhyun pushed Leeteuk away and opened the door abruptly. The manager's eyes widened in horror at the next thing that Kyuhyun did.

He jumped out from the van and ran as fast as he could through the cars that was completely stuck in the traffic. "Kyuhyun!! Cho Kyuhyun!!" His manager yelled his name, but he was too far to go back now.


12 hours earlier...


Nara stirred in her bed as the sun peeked through her slightly opened curtain and fell upon her eyes. She pulled the blanket higher and burried her face against the pillow, refusing to wake up anytime soon.

Just when she felt her eyes were starting to get heavy one more time, she felt light feathery kisses planted on her neck, slowly moving down to her bare shoulder.

She smiled and shrugged her shoulder a littte, trying to get some more sleep. But instead of moving away, the other person put his arm around her thin waist and pulled her back against his chest instead.

"I know you're awake, stop pretending," Kyuhyun whispered at her ear with his bed voice and bit her earlobe playfully.

Nara tried to ignore the tingling sensation on her stomach. "Kyuhyun-ah... Go back to sleep," she muttered sleepily.

Kyuhyun loved it when she called him that way. She had always called him 'oppa', so hearing her said his name in such a y way just made him happy... and slightly . "Haven't you had enough?" Kyuhyun laughed and kissed her temple softly.

Nara put her hand above his while still closing her eyes. "Whose fault I'm so tired right now?"

Kyuhyun smirked at her question. He had 'kept her awake' for hours the night before, proving how much he missed her. "Guilty."

Nara just hummed and continued to sleep. Kyuhyun pouted and shook her body gently. "Would you rather sleep than spending time with me? Your boyfriend's a busy person, you know."

Nara finally gave up and turned her body around, snuggling against his chest. She opened her eyes slowly and smiled at him. "I'm awake now. What do you wanna do?" She gave light kisses along his jaw line and a peck on his lips.

Kyuhyun leaned in closer to her face and pressed their lips together. He kisses her over and over again, not breaking the contact even once. He twirled her hair in his fingers and smiled against the kisses. His smile was contagious, and Nara soon found herself smiling along.

Suddenly Kyuhyun's phone rang loudly. "Ignore it," Nara whispered and bit his lower lip teasingly.

"Mhm," Kyuhyun captured her lips one more time and started to deepened the kiss.

But his cellphone just keep ringing and it ruined their mood. Nara put her finger against his lips, effectively stopping him from kissing her and pushed his chest lightly, "Maybe it's important."

Kyuhyun groaned in annoyance and reached for his phone on the bed side table. "It better be."

As if trying to upset him even more, the phone stopped ringing once he picked it up. What the hell, he thought to himself.

But the said person apparently decided to send a message instead. Kyuhyun opened it lazily. But as soon as he read the text, he got up from the bed abruptly and sat at the edge of it. His face turned pale as he stared at the message in disbelief.

Nara noticed Kyuhyun's sudden change of behavior. She sat on the bed while still holding the blanket to cover up her body. She tapped his shoulder lightly, causing him to gasp in surprise.

Nara was confused seeing him so jumpy out of a sudden. "What's wrong, oppa?"

Kyuhyun quickly hid his phone under the pillow and gave her a fake smile. "Nothing," he pecked her lips once. "I'm gonna go shower first, okay?"

"Okay..." Nara stared at him questioningly.

Kyuhyun grabbed his boxer and put it on quickly. He took a few steps towards the bathroom when he suddenly turned around and walked back to the bed. He put one of his knee on the bed for support and leaned down to her face.

He cradled her face gently and gave her a short but passionate kiss. He closed his eyes and rested his forehead against hers. "I love you." He whispered softly.

A frown appeared on Nara's face. But she answered him nonetheless. "I love you too..."

And with that, Kyuhyun smiled and walked back to the bathroom, leaving a very confused Nara sitting on the bed.

She couldn't help herself, she knew what she was about to do was wrong. But she got to know what was wrong with Kyuhyun. She heard the shower running, signaling that Kyuhyun was already inside the bathroom. She carefully took his cellphone from under the pillow and opened the message he just received earlier.

Her eyes widened in horror as she dropped the phone to her lap.


From: Oh Jinyoung

Hyung, not picking up, huh? I can easily spread this picture, unless you meet me at SM in 30 minutes. Guess I'll se you.


Jinyoung didn't forget to attach a picture of Kyuhyun and Nara at the club last night, having their own private moment.

Nara could only watched as Kyuhyun got out of the bathroom and mumbling lies about how he was needed at the studio. She was still frozen in bed until Kyuhyun closed the door to her apartment and snapped her back to reality.

Why us?

Kyuhyun ran his fingers through his hair and opened the door to one of the dance studio at SM slowly. He peeked his head in and saw Jinyoung was standing in the middle of the room, staring at his own reflection on the mirror.

Jinyoung noticed Kyuhyun's prescence and turned his head towards him. Kyuhyun tried not to show any emotion on his face and closed the door behind him slowly.

"Right on time, hyung. As always," Jinyoung smirked at Kyuhyun and eyed him from head to toe.

Kyuhyun cringed hearing the term 'hyung', he let Jinyoung called him by that title once because he trusted him and thought of him as his younger brother. But now... he felt sick just seeing by seeing his face. "Erase that photo." Kyuhyun said calmly.

"No small talk? Okay... Consider it done." Jinyoung took a step closer to Kyuhyun.

Kyuhyun narrowed his eyes at Jinyoung. It can't be this easy... "What's the catch?"

"Ah... Always careful, aren't we?" Jinyoung stood right in front of Kyuhyun. He fearlessly stared back at Kyuhyun. Eventhough he was shorter than Kyuhyun, that didn't stop him. "One condition."

"What is it?" Kyuhyun asked him carefully. He tried to keep his emotion in check. There was nothing he wanted in this world more than punching Jinyoung hard on his face at that moment.

"End things with Nara." Jinyoung's expression turned into hatred and anger.

Kyuhyun closed his eyes and took a deep breath. It didn't surprise him, he saw this coming. "I love her. I can't do that."

Jinyoung got a bit angry at Kyuhyun's bluntness. He hated the fact that Nara wasn't his. "Predictable."

"Why can't you just let her go? She's happy now... Just let her be." Kyuhyun tried to reasoned with him.

Jinyoung glared at him. "She... didn't give me a second chance." His expression turned sad at the next moment. "I can give her the world if she just let me..."

"I've given her my world." Kyuhyun stated calmly.

Jinyoung's expression hardened at the words. "You've made your desicion then... Expect this picture at the CEO's table by the end of the day." Jinyoung walked passed by him and whispered at his ear, "Imagine what it'll do to your carreer."

Kyuhyun's jaw tightened and he closed his eyes. He knew very well the damage it would cause. But he had no other choice. He loved her too much.

"Just... leave Nara out of this. Don't spread the picture. Tell the CEO any scandal about me. Just don't hurt her, please." Kyuhyun grabbed Jinyoung's arm and begged him, throwing away his pride. "After all, I'm the one you hate, right? Not her."

Jinyoung thought for a second and glanced coldly at Kyuhyun. "True."

Without giving any other explanation, Jinyoung left the room and slammed the door closed.

Kyuhyun heaved a tired sigh. He knew Jinyoung would except his offer. He was more than willing to sacrifice himself for her happiness. She had suffer too much because of him.

Nara... I'll do anything for you.

Little did he know, Nara had been following him from the apartment and listened to his and Jinyoung's conversation all along.

Kyuhyun sat quietly inside the van with Leeteuk, Donghae, Sungmin, Yesung, and Ryeowook. They just finished their schedule for the day and was heading back to SM headquarter.

His mind was wandering, he couldn't concentrate at all that day. He shifted his gaze from the window. He quietly observed s one by one. He would cause them a big trouble soon, and he just felt really sorry that they would got dragged into his mess.

He was about to open his mouth and apologized to them when suddenly his cellphone rang. He fished it out from his jeans pocket and saw it was from Nara.

A faint smile was formed on his face before he picked it up. "Nara-ah."

"Are you busy, oppa?" Nara smiled as she heard his voice.

"No, I've finished my schedule. But we got stuck in a stupid traffic. Thank God you called," Kyuhyun laughed and played with the hem of his blazer.

"Good... Cause I wanna talk to you about something." Nara felt was starting to hurt. She had been holding back her tears for quite some time.

"What is it, babe?" Kyuhyun still didn't feel anything wrong. He rested his head against the headrest, feeling relax just by hearing her voice.

It was silent for a while before she continued, "I love you... You know that right?"

Kyuhyun'e eyes immediately shot opened at her question. She was beeing unusually calm, unlike her cheerful self. "Nara-ah, is there something wrong?"

Nara ignored his question. She bit her lower lip before speaking once again. "I can't let you take all the blame for me." Her voice was starting to shake.

"What are you talking about..." He trailed confusedly. Somehow, he was afraid to hear what she was about to say.

"It's between Jinyoung and I, you got nothing to do with this." Nara tried to speak as calm as she could. "So don't sacrifice yourself."

Kyuhyun finally caught on. Wait, how did she know? Kyuhyun thought to himself. "I'm not-"

Nara cut him off before he had a chance to finish. "You have so many people that love you, oppa. Your family, your members, your fans... Me? I have nothing to lose."

"Nara-ah, stop it!!" Kyuhyun yelled at her, he was furious. How can she thinks like that?

"Please understand my desicion, oppa. Just go along with my story if they ask you about it later, okay?" Nara smiled sadly and unconciously let out a sob. She tried to muffled it with her hand, but Kyuhyun could still hear it.

Kyuhyun never would have thought that Nara would go to this extent. The thought of losing her was unbearable. He whispered desperately to the phone. "Nara-ah, whatever your plan is, don't do it. Please... I love you so much. I don't wanna lose you."

He could hear her chuckled. "How can you lose me, oppa? I'm already yours. Always have and always will." She took a deep breath and said her final sentence with a shaky voice. "Goodbye, oppa. I love you... so much."

"Nara!! Nara?!" Kyuhyun called her name over and over again, but she already hung up the phone. He tried to call her back, but the call went straight to her mailbox.

She immediately turned her cellphone off after ending their conversation. She went to the top floor of Sm building, where the CEO's office was located.

Nara stared at the name that was carved beautifully on the hard surface of the wooden door. 'CEO Kim Young Min'.

She stared hard and long. She closed her eyes and took several deep breaths, suddenly having second thoughts over her desicion.

She opened her eyes and found tears were already streaming down her face slowly. One drop at a time. Knowing what she was about to do was irreversible and fatal just made everything alot harder.

Kyuhyun on the other hand, couldn't stop cursing at the ridiculous traffic. The traffic had never been that bad, but it suddenly decided to stuck completely at that exact time.

"! Why aren't we moving?!" Kyuhyun cursed loudly and banged his fist against the van's window.

Leeteuk jumped in his seat hearing profanities flowed from the magnae's mouth. One moment, he was talking to Nara, and the next moment he was cursing like there was no tomorrow.  "Kyuhyun-ah, what's wrong with you?" Leeteuk grabbed Kyuhyun shoulder and forced him to meet his eyes.

Leeteuk was more than shock to see tears in Kyuhyun's eyes, threatening to fall soon. He bit his lower lip and he was panting heavily, as if trying to control his emotion. His body slightly tremble.

Leeteuk immediately pulled Kyuhyun into  hug. "Calm down. Tell me what's wrong," Leeteuk rubbed his back gently and tried to sooth him.

Sungmin, Yesung, Donghae, and Ryeowook stared confusely at the pair. They had never seen Kyuhyun so panic before, they were at lost at what to do. Kyuhyun just suddenly became panic and asked the driver to speed up after receiving a call from Nara a few minutes ago.

Kyuhyun didin't say anything back to Leeteuk. He could feel the blood had drained from his face. ! ! ! His mind just refused to give any solution to his problem. He had tried contacting Nara a few times, but her cellphone was dead. Or purposely turned off, to be exact.

Suddenly, Kyuhyun pushed Leeteuk away and opened the door abruptly. The manager's eyes widened in horror at the next thing that Kyuhyun did.

He jumped out from the van and ran as fast as he could through the cars that was completely stuck in the traffic. "Kyuhyun!! Cho Kyuhyun!!" His manager yelled his name, but he was too far to go back now.

He could barely think about anything else. Nara. She was the only thing on his mind.

He could feel his legs were hurting and his lungs were burning from the lack of oxygen. But he couldn't care less. He took a glance at his watch and realized it had already been about 10 minutes since Nara called him. He pushed himself to ran even harder. The SM building was still a few blocks away.

Nara wiped the tears away from her eyes and gulped down the imaginary lump on . Her heart was practically not functioning from all the abuse it received that day. Just when she thought her heart had gone numb, the image of her boyfriend's smile made her heart ached painfully strong. She clutched her chest tightly and fought back the tears.

Kyuhyun... I'll do anything for you.

And with that, she knocked three times at the SMent CEO's office.

Kyuhyun bumped into several people and fell on the hard cement pavement. He got up immediately, ignoring the stinging pain on his right palm which was bleeding.

"Come in," answered the CEO from behind the door. 

The building was still nowhere to be seen, he ran faster and faster, challenging his limit. He could feel in his guts that he was too late. Tears and sweat was all over his face. He screamed as hard as he could, desperate, angry, scared, and pained.

"SONG NARA!!!!!"

Hello guys. Okay, don't be mad at me for not updating for so long.

My EHD crashed and I lost the chapters I've written down for this story. I was so angry and I didn't had the time nor mood to re-write those chapters. But then I remember you guys, so I managed to bring back my mood and wrote down this full-of-drama-chapter for you guys! :D

Thanks for katharine who sent me a message and worrying about me. Everything's fine now :)

Sooooo, cliff-hanger :3 what do you think will happen guys? Will they be seperated once again? *gasp*

Don't forget to leave me your comments and please do subscribe if you haven't, okaaay? :)

See ya!

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(Took My Breath Away) I'm not abandoning this story, don't worry. Your update is cmoing out soon :). Thank you for your patience :)


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Chapter 37: Whaaa~ omg please update soon, I need to know what happens to Kyu & Nara. Its such a great story♡
Chapter 37: I seriously miss this story so much :(
Chapter 37: Hi! This is so random, but i was re-reading Kyu and Hyuk's story again and i just remembered how hooked i was with them :) i just really missed reading your stories :) hope you're doing well!
Chapter 37: waaa~~ please don't separate them again... no~~ did Nara already tell the CEO? is Kyuhyun too late to save Nara? did Jinyoung did it?? waaa~~ can't wait.. update soon Author-nim!! I'll look forward for it! :D
Pleeeeeeeaaaaaaaseeee update, I really like this story and miss it!
ecikurcaci #6
kyu ert.. hhahaaa
poor hyuk.. but hyyk with ahreum now..
like ur story. hhhahhaa
Rainbowzjulia #7
Chapter 37: omg please update im dying here
evilbluemonkey #8
Chapter 37: Update pleaaaaaaaassssseeee!!! >,<
Chapter 37: im waiting for an update. dongseng, where are you?T;T
katharine #10
update soon.