Chapter 17

Icey Fire

“So he wants me?” I stared at the package, which contained a letter to the boys. Joongjong was demanding they hand me over. “Why me?”

“You’re a rare gem that’s why,” Soonyoung said, squeezing me tight.

“Basically, your powers are the rarest of them all, which is why he wants you on his side,” Seungcheol explained.

“I thought there’d be more people with my powers to be honest,” I said.

“There’s only a few handful of people with ice powers in this world,” Jeonghan said. “Chan, are they drying up well?”

“Yes Jeonghan hyung,” the maknae answered obediently. He was using his powers to dry me and Soonyoung up quickly from the rain outside. Seungcheol would usually have the task of drying us up with his powers but it was way too cold. Soonyoung’s powers also came in handy too and I warmed my hands up with the little fire ball hovering on his hand.

“Handful as in...?” Nohee probed.

“Handful as in 10 of you exist in the entire world,” Jisoo said.

“Compare that to our powers, which are more common,” Joonhwi said.

“One thing’s for sure is that we aren’t gonna hand you over,” Wonwoo said.

“Yeah, Soonyoung would kill us first for handing you over before going to kill Joongjong,” Jihoon cackled.

“Anyway,” Seungcheol called the rest to order. “I think Nohee and Yewon will be our main priorities from now on. Until we have a good plan on how to defeat this man.”

“Yessir!” the other members saluted their leader. Nohee refused at first but relented when Myungho used his puppy eyes on her.

“I gotta admit,” Nohee confessed as we sat down for one of our nightly girl talks. “Myungho is really cute.”

“Well ask him if he likes you then?” I suggested.

“Oh my gosh no way!” she squealed.

“Girl, surely you’d be a great match with him.”

“I’ll... definitely think about it,” she giggled.

“You better,” I laughed.

We spent the rest of the night talking and then ended up falling asleep on the bed.

“Yewon~ wake up time~” I heard Soonyoung singing into my ear the next morning and felt him wrap his arms around me. Eyes still closed, I did the same and snuggled closer to him, making him laugh, the vibrations going through his chest.

“Why do you lovebirds have to do this so early in the morning?” Nohee grumbled next to me, turning over and taking more of the blanket for herself. I had Soonyoung’s warmth next to me and wasn’t bothered at all. Soonyoung persisted, continuing to wake me up with kisses all over my face. I scrunched my face up and peeked an eye open, where his shining eyes looked excitedly into mine.

“Morning Soonyoung,” I mumbled and he grinned.

“Good morning to you too sleeping beauty,” he whispered.

“Good god why am I even in the same room as you two?” Nohee groaned, sitting up quickly and walking straight out of the door, making me and Soonyoung laugh.

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SpringBlossom19 #1
Chapter 3: Lol. I was just waiting for this! Its really cute