Now that you know, are you happy?

My best years
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“Jimin can you invite your friend, tomorrow? It will be great if you present him to us~”

It was a Saturday morning. Jimin was still sleeping when Jin asked him this. He didn’t fully understand his request and accept it. He woke up three hours later. He saw a text from Jin saying “I’m counting on you! Come at my restaurant with your friend, around 5 pm. Namjoon will be already with me.” He slowly remembered everything. ‘So…. I was not dreaming…’

Jin searched during this time some information about Taehyung. He was a well-known chef in Seoul, and his background allowed him to literally found anybody. He had a name: KIM TAEHYUNG and a rough description from Jimin’s dream. It was just a matter of time, before he will found where he works.

Jimin quickly contact Taehyung. After the oversight of before, Jimin had must wait the day after for getting his numbers. Taehyung jokingly said that it was when he was at home, that he remembered the fact that he didn’t have his number. “Hello it’s Taehyung! How are you? Good? Hm, I understand but can you leave a message after the bip? Thanks~”

Taehyung didn’t answer but his funny voicemail did make laugh Jimin... ‘Oh god Taehyung, never change please.’ Jimin dialed a second time, which success.

“Hello it’s Jimin!

-Yes, I know.

-Hm… Were you busy?

-No, I was taking a shower, that’s why I couldn’t answer you call. Sorry~

-Hm… Are you free this afternoon? My friend Jin want to see you. You may encounter my best friend too.

-OH!!! The famous Kan- I mean Namjoon? It will be with a pleasure!!

-Be ready for 4:30 pm, we’ll see each other in the city

-Oh, it’s soon! See you~”

Indeed, Taehyung was right. Jimin had only 25 minutes to pick up an outfit and being at the appointment at time. He chose jean and red shirt; and went out. He regrets not taking a blazer, Jimin was a little cold now. He saw Taehyung playing with his smartphone. He had this rectangular smile, that melt him every time that he saw that.

“Taehyung!! I’m here!” shouted Jimin while weaving a hand. Taehyung saw him and got excited.

“Jimin!! Where are we going? And… Aren’t you cold?

-We go to my friend’s restaurant. He works as a chef there.” responded Jimin. Taehyung kept staring at him. Jimin felt his cheek becoming red. He was surely blushing now.

“What? What is it, Taehyung?

-I said “Aren’t you cold?”

-Yes, I am Taehyung. But, I’m a big boy now so-”

Taehyung didn’t let finish Jimin’s sentence. He covered Jimin’s shoulder with his jacket. Jimin tried to protest but Taehyung frowned. “Thanks….” mumbled Jimin. “You’re welcome!” answered Taehyung jolly. While walking, Taehyung had his arm around Jimin shoulder. Jimin could feel his heart exploding at any moment. Even if he was most of the time clumsy, Jimin appreciated this moment where Taehyung was manly.

Arrived in front of the restaurant, Jin and Namjoon welcomed them warmly. Jin hugged Jimin first. Taehyung spread his arm too but received a cold glare from Jin; which surprised both Jimin and Taehyung. Namjoon came in front of Jin and welcome Taehyung.

“Hello! We are Jimin’s friends. My… hm… friend Jin, over there, is a little tired from his working day, excuse himself.

-I understand.”

Jimin apologized too. He didn’t understand why Jin was acting so coldly toward Taehyung. Maybe he was upset, or maybe it was something else.

Jin show them their table and sat down. The restaurant was empty and Jin explained that he private the whole restaurant for them. He said that he didn’t want to be disturbed by the clients and the noise. Jimin asked if his patron was ok with this. Jin responded that his patron is a close to one of his relatives, so there were no problem with it. Jin went to the kitchen, searching for the plate of tonight.

Meanwhile, Namjoon and Jimin started talking.

“Oh! I love your jacket!!

-…. Thanks.

-Where did you buy it? I

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parkkareen #1
Chapter 22: I criend so much, this part is very sad. i really like your story. honestly, this is the best story that i have ever read. thankyou for presented this story. two word for you "The Amazing Author".
could I know your name? where are u from? could you tell me please? i hope you will replied my comments.
parkkareen #2
Chapter 21: the best story ever, thanks for writer to present this story. i like it so much. you are the good writer.
Chapter 28: great ending and Omg the ending is amazing. i will update soon. Your story is by far the best bts story i have read.
Actually, I've found this story for along time ago but I didn't read it because I want it to finish first. So, here I'm. Your story line really touched. I like it when you put the members with their own story as Jimin who's the one who help them and give them some of his light. It touched my heart. I really love this kind of story. Yeah, I like Jimin the most in Bangtan and of course I like it if he's main character but it will be more interesting if other members have their own problem too. So, yoi totally made it. I love this so much. And I just want to say that you made me ship vmin. I ship Jimin with all members in Bangtan and different kinds relationship. There is one members who I ship him with Jimin the most but now I found that vmin are cute. Hehehe.
I hope you can write the story about Bangtan again with our Jimin as a main. You're the good writer so I wish you'll always have good luck. Have a nice day.
raileyrain #5
Chapter 28: Omg .. omg .. omg .. I can't stop squeeling nor fangirling .. you're a true talent .. you moved my heart this was a roller coaster really .. I felt all kind of emotions I felt pain and hurt for them .. my heart warmed for their success and happy relationships .. I consider myself lucky for coming by your stories .. reading and enjoying them .. thank u for gifting us your writings .. I'm really proud of you ❤
im_fine_okay2 #6
Chapter 28: .....Where are my words at! This was is so beautiful it's perfect! so many emotions and my eyes got really blurry when I got to you're note*holding in my tears* The characters where pretty equal *whispering* even though I keep forgetting Jungkooks existence in this story. *dramatically bows* I'M SORRY!........YOU DID VERY WELL WRITING THIS STORY. PROUD AF^^
ceisyaxo #7
Chapter 26: Taetae........
life gives and takes.....yeah it's true...
I hope they're okayyyy
thanks for the update♥
im_fine_okay2 #8
Chapter 25: There's something with jungkook, I always forget his existence in this story! IM SO SORRY FORGIVE ME! I HAVE SINNED
raileyrain #9
Chapter 26: J hope is trully everyone's hope he's such a sunshine .. and Jimin is such an angel .. Taetae I'm really sad for you but it's not the end you can always start over everyone has got your back Taetae .. and you authornim thanx for always amazing us with your updates :)