Music break the boundary

My best years
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Jimin started walking home. He was far away from his dorm and didn’t want to make anxious Namjoon. He took a path that he never took before and got a little disoriented. He kept walking, taking different road and tiredness was beginning to install in his body. He stops moving for a few minutes and watched around him carefully. ‘Isn’t it the same road that yesterday?’ The shop was the same but the environment seemed different with the sun on. He allowed himself to crack a smile of relief and was starting to walk again when someone interrupted him by his commentary.

“You’re creepy when you smile alone.” Jimin turned at his left and saw the same guy that yesterday.

“So, what do you want from me?” continued Yoongi while opening the shop.

“W- what?” responded Jimin dumbfounded.

“Namjoon texted me saying that you wanted something from me and that you’ll come.” he responded now in the shop, while telling Jimin to enter by a gesture of his hand. He may be cold, but he knows good manner.

‘Namjoon, really….’ Jimin cleared his throat and told his current situation “No... I was walking by myself and got lost...” Yoongi gave him a judging look. “It was the night yesterday and the lighting was different, so it’s normal if I didn’t recognize it!” Yoongi judged him harder and had a smirk now.

“Can I listen to it?” Yoongi thought a lot.

“If you don’t want I can understand, don’t be pressure by myself.”

“You can come. Let’s say that it is my apology for being rude yesterday.”

‘Maybe I misjudged him... He is…. kind.’ Yoongi lead him to the second floor and walked at the end of the corridor; there, a strong black door was standing. Yoongi pushed the door and Jimin got impressed. It was a studio like he saw in the Tv: platinum, record, computer, micro, a resting space with cough; everything was present.

“Don’t you want to come?” said Yoongi to Jimin who had his mouth opened in amazement. Yoongi thought that he was cute at this moment, but he kept for himself.

“Yes, I coming! I’m sorry, it’s wow!! I never went in a real recording studio before, it’s impressing!!” Yoongi couldn’t help but to let a mocking laugh. “You look like a child.” Jimin’s heart skip a beat. He was feeling embarrassed and at the same time, Yoongi laugh didn’t let him indifferent.

Jimin closed the door behind him and awkwardly stayed in the middle of the room. Yoongi sighed at him. He was already sat in front his material and could see Jimin stand up through the glass reflection. “Go, take a seat. I’m not going to eat you.” Jimin only blushed and take a seat near him mumbled a faint “Sorry…”

A strong silence came then. The noise of Yoongi tapping in his keyboard was full the room. Jimin patiently wait. He stared at Min Yoongi hand, touching rapidly his keyboard. His hand was plain white and greatly taken care. He traveled his stare until he reached his face. He was still wearing his hood on the head with his glasses on. Now that Jimin thought about that, it was the first that he saw him with glasses, and he found him quite attractive with it. He went to his tiny and perfectly shape nose, until he reached his lips who was being nervously chewed on by him.

“Am I that good looking for stared at me like that? You almost forgot to breath.” Yoongi was now slightly turned toward Jimin, hand still on the keyboard, but stop this time. Jimin didn’t know what to answer and shouted the first word that came in his mind “Yes!” He covered his mouth in surprised and Min Yoongi was now looking at him with wide eyes. He quickly took his mind back and let a

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parkkareen #1
Chapter 22: I criend so much, this part is very sad. i really like your story. honestly, this is the best story that i have ever read. thankyou for presented this story. two word for you "The Amazing Author".
could I know your name? where are u from? could you tell me please? i hope you will replied my comments.
parkkareen #2
Chapter 21: the best story ever, thanks for writer to present this story. i like it so much. you are the good writer.
Chapter 28: great ending and Omg the ending is amazing. i will update soon. Your story is by far the best bts story i have read.
Actually, I've found this story for along time ago but I didn't read it because I want it to finish first. So, here I'm. Your story line really touched. I like it when you put the members with their own story as Jimin who's the one who help them and give them some of his light. It touched my heart. I really love this kind of story. Yeah, I like Jimin the most in Bangtan and of course I like it if he's main character but it will be more interesting if other members have their own problem too. So, yoi totally made it. I love this so much. And I just want to say that you made me ship vmin. I ship Jimin with all members in Bangtan and different kinds relationship. There is one members who I ship him with Jimin the most but now I found that vmin are cute. Hehehe.
I hope you can write the story about Bangtan again with our Jimin as a main. You're the good writer so I wish you'll always have good luck. Have a nice day.
raileyrain #5
Chapter 28: Omg .. omg .. omg .. I can't stop squeeling nor fangirling .. you're a true talent .. you moved my heart this was a roller coaster really .. I felt all kind of emotions I felt pain and hurt for them .. my heart warmed for their success and happy relationships .. I consider myself lucky for coming by your stories .. reading and enjoying them .. thank u for gifting us your writings .. I'm really proud of you ❤
im_fine_okay2 #6
Chapter 28: .....Where are my words at! This was is so beautiful it's perfect! so many emotions and my eyes got really blurry when I got to you're note*holding in my tears* The characters where pretty equal *whispering* even though I keep forgetting Jungkooks existence in this story. *dramatically bows* I'M SORRY!........YOU DID VERY WELL WRITING THIS STORY. PROUD AF^^
ceisyaxo #7
Chapter 26: Taetae........
life gives and takes.....yeah it's true...
I hope they're okayyyy
thanks for the update♥
im_fine_okay2 #8
Chapter 25: There's something with jungkook, I always forget his existence in this story! IM SO SORRY FORGIVE ME! I HAVE SINNED
raileyrain #9
Chapter 26: J hope is trully everyone's hope he's such a sunshine .. and Jimin is such an angel .. Taetae I'm really sad for you but it's not the end you can always start over everyone has got your back Taetae .. and you authornim thanx for always amazing us with your updates :)