Broken angels

My best years
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Hello it's me again :) This time, it will be Jimin's turn to reveal his past. I didn't want it to be THAT angst but my mood is not bright right now , so I think that we can see it through the chapter unfortunetely :/ Anyway, Jimin was not that bright at the first place *searching for excuses lol* Be ready lol.


Jimin decided to take an early train; three hours separated him from Seoul to Busan. He slept during all the trip. Arrived at Busan, he widens his eyes and took a deep breath. ‘Busan, here I am…’ He took a bus and went into the city. During the trip, he recalled all is memory. The good like the bad…. Mostly the bad one. The more he was coming into the city and the more he was feeling depressed. The bus stopped and Jimin went down. He looked at the city and try to get familiar with it one more time. It was painful for him. He could remember every shop that he went with his little brother. Same for his girlfriend, everything came back on the surface. ‘I miss you... you two.’

He walked and went to his house. There, he looked at his house from all its angle and decided to enter. ‘6 months already passed…’

“Jimin?? Omo, my son Jimin!! How are you? How is it to live alone like an adult now?

-I’m good mom. I eat noodle every day hahaha!!”

His mother put him on a hug and his hair. She was smiling at him, and love could be seen in her eyes.

“Where is dad?

-Oh, he is working. He couldn’t take a break today, but he will be there tonight.”

Jimin’s father was working as a fisherman and his work took him a lot of his time. Jimin kissed his mother on her cheek and went up in his old bedroom. Nothing change, everything was neat.

‘Ahaha, I came back Yong...’ He craned his head to see out the window, some children playing in the nearby park. He always went there with his brother after school. They were playing cops and robbers even if they were a little too grown up for this. Jimin fainted a little weak smile while thinking of the past. He felt a warm liquid fallen on both of his cheeks. It was actual tears which contain his feelings: failure, depression, half-witted; and the events that happened before his departure. Many things occurred which destroyed him and his mind. He locked the door and went to bed.

The following morning, he woke up with a headache. His mind was dizzy and he felt nauseous. He stood up and went to the bathroom at the end of the corridor. He throws cold water on his face, which made him shiver a little. He dried himself with a towel and went to the living room. There, he saw his father reading the newspaper with a preoccupied expression. Jimin cleared his throat and his father lifted his head from his paper, watching him with warm eyes. Warmth that seems to have leaved his body.

“So how is my favorite son?

-I’m good, dad.

-You look a little tired… Is this why yesterday you didn’t eat with us?

-Yes, the trip leaved me tired.

-Eat a little this morning and spend some time outside today, it could help you.” Jimin nodded and sat down in front of his father. He looked older than in his memories. His cheeks were thinner, some wrinkles on his forehead were added, and his aura were less luminous. Indeed, he had changed but not like Jimin expected.

The afternoon he went in the town to see his brother. He passed by a florist and bought a bouquet of flower for him. Every step closing the distance made his heart beating faster. ‘Finally, I get to see you.’ Jimin arrived in front of his brother and kneeled near him.

He softly touched him and say his full name aloud “Park Yong.” He stared at him and his smile. They shared the exact same smile. “I bought you flowers, I didn’t know what you wanted and then I remembered that you appreciated flower scent. Do you love them? Oh yes, you can’t answer me…” A strong wind touch Jimin face which stole him a few tears. “… Why… Why did you leave Yong?” He was now crying in front of his brother stele. It’s been six months that Jimin lost his brother. He killed himself by walking on the road. Park Yong. Yong which mean “Brave” in Korean. His parents chose this name for him to be strong and overcome any obstacles in his life. But, killing himself is considered as a weak gesture. Was he weak? Or was he strong enough to decide to end his life? Opinion differ still Yong will not be brought back alive, and Jimin was aware about it. At first, they thought that it was an accident and in an instant, Yong was not from this Earth anymore. After finished administrative stuff, the nurse gave them his last clothes that he was wearing. A few minutes after, his mother collapsed, leaving Jimin speechless. While his father was trying to wake up his mother with the help of a nurse, Jimin saw the paper that she let down. It was his brother suicidal note. His handwriting was shaky and tears leaved some mark on it.

“I had enough of fighting. Ending my life was the only solution. I’m sorry everyone. I love you.”

Jimin almost choked on his tears. His heart got rip on thousands of pieces, and no one could help him to put the pieces together. He lived the most difficult week in his life. At the beginning of the week, his brother was there with them. Moreover, at the end, they were burying him under ton of ground.

Jimin died at the same time as his brother.

“Jimin!!” It was pouring rain right now. Jimin had fallen asleep on his brother stele. A person was shaking him and calling him name several with a worried voice. Jimin snap back to the reality and froze. ‘I know this voice….’ He lifted his head and saw his ex-girlfriend, who had put an umbrella above them.


-Iseul…” She lifted him and helped him to stand on his f

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parkkareen #1
Chapter 22: I criend so much, this part is very sad. i really like your story. honestly, this is the best story that i have ever read. thankyou for presented this story. two word for you "The Amazing Author".
could I know your name? where are u from? could you tell me please? i hope you will replied my comments.
parkkareen #2
Chapter 21: the best story ever, thanks for writer to present this story. i like it so much. you are the good writer.
Chapter 28: great ending and Omg the ending is amazing. i will update soon. Your story is by far the best bts story i have read.
Actually, I've found this story for along time ago but I didn't read it because I want it to finish first. So, here I'm. Your story line really touched. I like it when you put the members with their own story as Jimin who's the one who help them and give them some of his light. It touched my heart. I really love this kind of story. Yeah, I like Jimin the most in Bangtan and of course I like it if he's main character but it will be more interesting if other members have their own problem too. So, yoi totally made it. I love this so much. And I just want to say that you made me ship vmin. I ship Jimin with all members in Bangtan and different kinds relationship. There is one members who I ship him with Jimin the most but now I found that vmin are cute. Hehehe.
I hope you can write the story about Bangtan again with our Jimin as a main. You're the good writer so I wish you'll always have good luck. Have a nice day.
raileyrain #5
Chapter 28: Omg .. omg .. omg .. I can't stop squeeling nor fangirling .. you're a true talent .. you moved my heart this was a roller coaster really .. I felt all kind of emotions I felt pain and hurt for them .. my heart warmed for their success and happy relationships .. I consider myself lucky for coming by your stories .. reading and enjoying them .. thank u for gifting us your writings .. I'm really proud of you ❤
im_fine_okay2 #6
Chapter 28: .....Where are my words at! This was is so beautiful it's perfect! so many emotions and my eyes got really blurry when I got to you're note*holding in my tears* The characters where pretty equal *whispering* even though I keep forgetting Jungkooks existence in this story. *dramatically bows* I'M SORRY!........YOU DID VERY WELL WRITING THIS STORY. PROUD AF^^
ceisyaxo #7
Chapter 26: Taetae........
life gives and takes.....yeah it's true...
I hope they're okayyyy
thanks for the update♥
im_fine_okay2 #8
Chapter 25: There's something with jungkook, I always forget his existence in this story! IM SO SORRY FORGIVE ME! I HAVE SINNED
raileyrain #9
Chapter 26: J hope is trully everyone's hope he's such a sunshine .. and Jimin is such an angel .. Taetae I'm really sad for you but it's not the end you can always start over everyone has got your back Taetae .. and you authornim thanx for always amazing us with your updates :)