First Day! (Twins)

The 임's

Hi twins! EDITED

It’s time.


Jinyoung can feel his eyes moisten up with tears. He looks over to the two toddlers that’s ready with their uniform and smiles plastered on their faces. Their hair are all sleek and neat just like their daddy, the request from both boys. Mouth non-stop talking with each other on how excited they are or how they will learn new things and become smart just like their mommy and daddy.


Although the twins are excited for kindergarten, Jinyoung is the one that’s crying the most. He feels like the twins grow up too fast that he can’t keep up with the pace. It feels like yesterday he got a tight grip from both of them and hear them crying for the first time. Breathing the air for the first time after Jinyoung took care of them for 9 months.


“Mawkie we can play swings. Then we can meet new fwends and Yoongi is also coming with us. Then we can leawn lots of things—“ Jackson chatters non-stop ever since he woke up.


He’s the one that’s excited the most. Just thinking of playing in a new environment, learning new things, and meeting new people excites him the most. Jackson is really the extrovert while Mark is the introvert one. Mark would rather be home and get cuddles from his mommy rather than play outside.


Jinyoung thought with Mark being so introvert, he’s going to cry or beg his mommy to not send him to kindergarten but he’s wrong. Mark is almost as happy as Jackson. He’s literally bouncing up and down on the bed when Jinyoung was about to put him in his uniform.


“Morning babe” Jaebum came to the kitchen and kissed his wife a good morning. Not forgetting the bump too.


“Morning honey. Coffee and breakfast are ready. The twins are quite excited about their first day while Youngjae’s pouting like there’s no tomorrow” says Jinyoung as he flipped the egg for Youngjae and mashed the potatoes for Bambam.


“Why did Youngjae pout?” Jaebum’s eyebrows rose in a question manner but Jinyoung shook his head, telling him that he doesn’t know.


Jaebum decided to see what’s bothering the sunshine baby. He joins them in the dining room, where the hyper twins non-stop chatter on what they will do and how fun kindergarten will be. Youngjae is sitting in front of them, a pout clearly forms and hands crossed. His eyes glaring at his brothers and glare even more.


“Good morning babies and Youngjae” he calls for the kid, “why the pout sunshine?”


Youngjae turns to his daddy and points at the twins. “They keep talking ‘bout kindelgawden daddy! I want to join too scuse ish cool”


Jaebum finally understands why Youngjae is feeling down this morning. He’s jealous.


“Well baby, you’re not at the age…yet” Jaebum softly told the kid.


Jackson, who hears all of this, turns to Youngjae and stick his tongue out. Teasing his baby brother seems so fun and that’s always leaving teardrops in the end.


“Im Ka-Yee Jackson how many times do I have to tell you to not do that, huh? You better say sorry or there’s no more dessert for the next 3 weeks” Jaebum strictly told Jackson.


The said boy only pouts and nods, taking a few small steps to Youngjae where he’s hiding in Jaebum’s embrace.


“I’m sorry Youngjae. Hyung loves you and promises to play with you when I’m home!” Jackson peck Youngjae on the cheek and finally Youngjae turns around.


Supporting a big smile, he wiped his tears away. “Ish otay hyung! Youngjae is happy.”


“Okay, Jackson and Mark, better finish the breakfast fast or else you’ll be late” Jaebum says, gulping down another bacon.


“Aye aye captain!”




“We’re here”


The car door opens and flashlights greet them. Bodyguards surrounding them, making sure that the family will go in safe and sound. Especially with Jinyoung’s pregnancy.


Inside the school, it’s buzzing like crazy. Kids and parents are here and there, some are crying, some support big smile (Jinyoung swore that there are some parents that’s relieved that their kids are in school). Mark and Jackson held Jaebum’s hands while Youngjae is with Jinyoung, helping his mommy pushing the stroller where Bambam’s still sleeping inside it.


Jinyoung decided to drop the twins off since it’s their most important day (Jaebum swore that if Jinyoung said it one more time…. ). He’s in a fight with his husband since Jaebum strongly rejected the idea. With the cold weather and Jinyoung’s big baby bump, surely Jaebum just wants him to stay at home.


But what can he say when Jinyoung pulls out those damn puppy eyes that’s somehow, inherited to the kids too.


“Please please please baby. I’ll be really careful and I’ll put Bambam on his stroller. I promise that I will not carry any of our kids. Please please please” Jinyoung jutted his bottom lip out, eyes widening like a puppy and Jaebum just defeatedly nod.


Now, Jaebum regrets his decision to let Jinyoung come too. It’s a complete madness because there’s so many people, including the paparazzi, and kids running around.


The family stopped in front of the classroom that the twins were assigned to. Jaebum look up at the class name, Sunshine Class? Sure…. it’s sunshine when you got zero kids crying. Jaebum thought as he hears many kids crying, but some of them are laughing.


“C’mon Jackson and Mark, take the shoes off and off you go” Jinyoung says, smiling softly and trying his best to not cry.


Jaebum crouched down, about to take the twins’ shoes off, when he look up at their faces. “Hey hey.. what’s wrong??”


Mark is on the edge of crying while Jackson already has tears running down his face.


“No no daddy we don’t want it” Jackson sobs, running to hide himself in Jaebum’s chest. Mark followed along.


“I thought you’re happy about this? C’mon you’re a big boy right?” Jaebum coaxed them, clearly he’s confused and sent a ‘help’ look to his wife.


Jinyoung frowned, sitting down on one of the chairs that’s present there, he pulls both boys away from their father. “Now now my babies, what’s wrong, huh? I thought you were quite happy this morning.”


“I don’t want to mommy. I wanna go home and cwuddle” Mark says, wiping his snots away.


Jackson nod. “Me too me too. Mommy let’s go home now.”


They both try to pull on Jinyoung’s hands so he would stand up, stopping when their mommy didn’t move at all.


“Tell me the reason first kids” Jaebum says, taking a seat beside Jinyoung.


“Well…” Jackson fiddles with the end of his shirt, looking up at his mommy and daddy. “Mawkie and I don’t want to because you will leave us so we don’t want it daddy.”


“Now take us home mommy and daddy!” Mark demands, tears b in his eyes.


Jinyoung shook his head, looking at his husband with a knowing smile on his face. Looking back at his darling twins that have full tears and snots, he hugs both of them.


“My babies, we will be back in a few hours you know” he coos at them, earning another screams and tears from the twins.


The teacher comes and introduced himself, Hongbin is his name. He greets the famous Im’s family, not so surprisingly to see the twins crying and clutching to their parents. For a few minutes later, Jinyoung can finally un-latch the tight grip. Making promises that they’re going to be here, and of course, ice cream is a must if they’re being a good boy in school.


“Daddy and I are going to be here exactly when the alarm rings okay? Love you babies. Be safe” Jinyoung kisses each of them on the cheek


Jaebum came back with a panting and red face Youngjae on his arms. The kid somehow found out that the swings at the school swings faster than the one in the park. Jaebum also says his goodbye and promises to pick them up too.


Hongbin told the twins to put their bags and shoes in their own racks. The twins look unsure, but one push from Jaebum, they comply with it anyway.


After one last kiss on each cheeks, the family went ahead to go home. Jaebum has to go to his office and Jinyoung has to rest since his feet kinda get swollen from too much standing. They strap Youngjae and Bambam, then took off.




“Have a great day at the office babe. Don’t forget to pick the twins up. Love you” Jinyoung kisses his husband, sending him off to work.


Jaebum kissed him back and went down to kiss the bump. “Be good baby. I’m going now. Bye babe.”


Jinyoung waves until he can’t see the car  anymore. Closing the door, he just realized how quiet his house is now. Well, Youngjae and Bambam are playing in the living room, but there’s usually two more mouths that will scream. Jinyoung took a peek at the two youngest (for now), sitting perfectly while watching some baby cartoons.


Surprise, surprise, even Youngjae still enjoys baby cartoons.


“Can mommy join you guys?” Jinyoung looked down at the two cuddles buddy.


Youngjae nod his head furiously and grabbed his mommy’s hand, telling him to sit in the middle. Bambam scoot over more closer and lay his head underneath Jinyoung’s arm, near the bump while Youngjae is laying on Jinyoung’s lap. They give kisses to the bump before going back to watch again.


Jinyoung knows how excited the family is for their new addition, well some tears shed because the twins thought that they’re going to be forgotten. Which is totally a lie because even with the arrival of Youngjae and Bambam, Jinyoung stills remember how it used to be with just the two of them.


Becoming new parents and dealing with new things in the parenting world are really a new challenge for the married couple. Jinyoung remembers how it used to be just two baby chairs and now they have four, almost five.


Jinyoung looked down and smiled. He sees how sleepy Youngjae is now and Bambam is already in his dreamland.


“Sleep well my babies. Love you” Jinyoung runs his fingers through their hair, knowing that it will sooth both of them.


Youngjae finally closes his eyes and soft snores can be hear from time to time.








Two little bodies ran through the crowd and amazingly landed themselves into Jaebum embrace.


“My babies, how are you doing in school today, huh?”


Jackson starts to talk fast like a train on the go, Mark followed along but sometimes just nod his head in agreement. Turns out, the twins really did great because they didn’t cry at all and were really cooperative with every single activity that the teacher gave to them. Well, some mishaps in here and there, but overall they did good and they earned the ‘star’.


“Good job my babies!” Jinyoung coos, looking at the ‘star’ paper with a proud expression, obviously plastered all over his face.


The family went and said goodbye to the teacher. The twins grown attached to Hongbin, even Jackson made a promise that he will be the first person to come and he will bring his mommy’s famous chocolate chip cookies to go.


“I’ll make sure to wait for that! Thank you. Be careful on the way home boys” Hongbin waves as the family went inside the car and drove away.




The elder averted his eyes to his wife, who’s standing at the end of their bed, face red and eyes puffy like he’s been crying. He sits up slowly, trying his best to not wake the twins who slept beside him. He figured that both of them are super tired from the hectic day in school. Youngjae and Bambam followed along their brothers even though they already got their nap.


“What’s wrong honey? Are you hurting somewhere?” He wipes away the tears that’s falling down again.


“Mark and Jackson are growing up and it’s so fast. I’m afraid that I can’t keep up with it, and then in the next two years it’s Youngjae time then Bambam then it’s going to be this little one here then I’m all alone” Jinyoung is wailing right now.


Jaebum hush his wife and brought him out to the living room. It’s quiet and peaceful in there with some toys scattered all over the floor. Jaebum sat down and brought Jinyoung close to him.


“They will always need you Jinyoung-ah. You’re their mother.”


Jinyoung shook his head, “but they will all grow up and soon forget about me. Just now, Mark and Jackson fell asleep without kisses from me and usually they ask for milk first” he sniffs.


Jaebum sighed. He knew that this was going to happen, and he remembers how Namjoon warned him about this one, since Jin is basically a crying mess when Yoongi doesn't need his help in putting his own clothes. Jaebum tried to do his best to reassure Jinyoung that the boys will always need him. He knows that Jinyoung is just afraid and honestly, Jaebum himself isn’t really ready for the fact that his kids are growing up.


Having kids was never easy, but it’s a beautiful journey. The cries in the middle of the night, fights in between siblings, getting pranked on, nursing when their kids are sick, and so much more. Neither Jaebum nor Jinyoung were ready for their kids growing up. The next thing you know is that they’re ready to move out to their own place, leaving Jaebum and Jinyoung to have the house for themselves.


Jaebum pulled Jinyoung even closer and kissed him sweetly, wiping away the tears that’s still there.


“I love you”


“I love you too” Jinyoung sighs. He then turns to look Jaebum straight at his face. “Tell me honey, am I crazy?”


Jaebum shook his head. “No baby. I feel the same way, but you know that I’ll be there with you, helping you in every way.”


They cuddled for a while, embracing in the peaceful silent. Jinyoung can’t remember the last time he did things like this with his husband. Kissing and cuddling seems like a rare time for them. Their family is big, but Jinyoung is grateful for every laughter that the 4 toddlers provide for him and Jaebum everyday.


Plus, there will be a new addition anytime soon.


Jinyoung smiled and rubbed his bump absentmindedly. “Jaebum?”




Jinyoung moved closer, “I love you and I love our not-so-little family”


“I love it too. Soon, we will have another feet running around in the house” Jaebum rubbed the baby bump, feeling the kick and smiled. “Are you having any pains from the kicks babe?”


Jinyoung shook his head, “Not really. Just sometimes when he kicks really hard on my bladder, then it’s a pain in the heart.”


Jaebum laughed at Jinyoung’s choice of words. It sure grown to him too because you have kids, you can’t curse in front of them. Jinyoung always went with the most random words Jaebum ever heard. Once, Jinyoung was about to say ‘sh!t’, but he remembered that he was holding Youngjae to his hip and instead he said ‘ake mushroom’.


“I can’t wait for the baby to come out, so I can devour you honey” Jaebum groans, nuzzling his face to Jinyoung’s chest.


Jinyoung gasped, hand flew and slap the back head of his husband, “Honey!! The kids might hear you and the baby already hears you” he whispers.


“So what? The kids are asleep and I’m sure that the baby doesn’t understand the word ‘devour’ already”


Jinyoung shook his head in amusement. “I love you and your random needy time.”


“You know you want it too” Jaebum said, wriggling his eyebrows in a playful manner.


“Hmm… I might want some lollipop. Care to give me some honey?” Jinyoung pulled out his best puppy eyes that made Jaebum groan. He doesn’t know how dirty and innocent his wife can be when it comes to this things.


“Stop palming through the jeans or you’ll know what happen” Jaebum let out another groan as Jinyoung’s hand playfully played with his ‘lollipop’.


“What? I didn’t do anything” Jinyoung put on an innocent face, but Jaebum knows that look.


“Let’s go, my office is empty”


When you have 4 kids and 1 on the way, why not have some fun when they’re asleep.




Since the twins are now in school, the routine in the house changed. Jaebum and Jinyoung would get up and shower, then Jaebum will wake the twins up while Jinyoung made breakfast and packed lunch for the twins. Youngjae always woke up by himself but then he would latch himself to Jinyoung and Bambam is always with Jaebum.


Breakfast will be served and Jaebum will take the twins on the way to the office. Jinyoung will stay at the house, minding the two and clean a little bit before playing with them. Answering their curious questions about the baby inside their mommy’s stomach.


Afternoon will roll on and the twins are home along with Jaebum, since Jaebum always take them to his office after picking them up if he didn’t have any meeting to attend. They will bath and settle down in the living room. Jinyoung will cook dinner, occasionally get help from the kids but he usually gives them the most easiest task to do.


The chefs are there but Jinyoung loves to cook all by himself, which sometimes gave Jaebum a heart attack since he’s pregnant now.


After dinner, they play a little bit or watch a movie or two then it’s bed time. Usually, Jinyoung would bath and dress them, but since he’s pregnant then he’ll help when it’s pjs time. Story time and kisses here and there, light outs in the household.


Then it’s another like day for the next day.



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YES I STILL REMEMBER THIS STORY ASFDKJIOENVS!! I know I said this way too many times but college just take literally all my time away. I will (promise) update when I can! Love you guys x


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fallinlvve #1
Chapter 38: Reread this story and fall in love with it even more. Thank you for this masterpiece.
fallinlvve #2
Chapter 38: Really nice and cute work. Thank you so much for writing this. You are amazing.
nazihaa #3
i love it..❤️
asdfemiaghjkl #4
bright16 #5
momomia #6
Chapter 35: Hye. I'm new fans here. I just got into this fandom and i hope I'll never late for it. I didn't expect I'll read about jonghyun here. Yes i am a shawol. It's still hurt me whenever i read about him. Thank you for your support to our shinee and shawols fam. Btw i really enjoy read your story. Gosh I'm so inlove with jjp couple :')
Vyo3012 #7
Chapter 38: Oh no is it really completed. Well anything you decide is for the best though. I really hope that this will still continue because i checked aff every few weeks for your update. Hehe. But everyone has their own works. So goodljck on whatever ur doing ?
alfsecret #8
Chapter 38: I didn't expect that you are gonna marked this as a completed story.
I'm so happy when I know you were updating this story. And i hope it's not gonna be the last chapter of this story even you marked it as a complete story. I always love this story sooo much.
Wish you a good luck authornim!! Hwaitiing!! <3 <3
Kookie9 #9
Chapter 38: I cannot believe this !
I was literally re reading this story yesterday because I missed it and today you're updating it !
It's such a surprise but the best surprise ever !
And I'm so happy that you chose to write about toddlers markson because it's my favorite tbh, I'm so soft for first time parents JJP :')