How Hard It Is (II)

The 임's

He look.. so mommy in here idk lol ignore me and go on read the chapter

Edited! Note : thanking blueflowertink who edited the chapter for me!! ^_^

“I’m coming!”


Squeals and groans can be heard from the inside. Finally, someone opens the door. His hair is styled in the most perfect way and dressed in a semi-formal outfit.


“Jinyoung! Thank goodness you’re here! I don’t know who else I have to call because Himchan is obviously busy” cue the rolling eyes from Jin, “thank you so much you can babysit my babies. It’s been a long time since I’ve gone on a date with Namjoon, and I should say that the kids can’t be quite handful but I believe that y-”


Before Jin can rant more, Jinyoung cut him off. “No way it’s fine! Besides, I have nothing to do because the kids are with….” he hesitated to say the name, opted with another nickname. “with their father so I thought why not open my time with my darling babies too.”


Jin can see the hurt from his best friend’s eyes when it comes to that sensitive topic. He already saw how much hurt and pain Jinyoung felt and held back many times. Jin wanted to help, but Jinyoung refused greatly. He didn’t want to make much more burden to someone’s household.


“I’m fine Jin. Don’t worry about m-“


Before Jinyoung can finish his sentences, little bodies crash onto him. “NYOUNGIE MOMMY!!!”


Yes, Jin’s kids have grown to call their mother’s best friend with ‘Nyoung Mommy’, courtesy to Hoseok who wants to call someone ‘mommy’ too since he called Jin ‘mama’.


“Hey babies, how are you doing?” Jinyoung took a good look at Jin’s kids, Hoseok and Yoongi. He can see big smiles and twinkling eyes from Hoseok while Yoongi just stood there with hooded eyes.


He’s sure that Yoongi’s nap time isn’t now.


“Hi Yoongi and Hoseok, how are you guys doing?” Jinyoung softly asks.


Hoseok smiled big and proceeded to tell his Nyoung mommy what happened with him during the day, while Yoongi just yawned and sleepily rub his eyes. He moved forward to Jinyoung and just dove straight to his warm embrace. The cute gestures that Yoongi does sometimes make Jinyoung want to take him home.


“Okay kids, let Nyoung mommy breathe first. Go to the living room and play, mama needs to talk with Jinyoung here” Jin told the kids, in return he got a few complaints because the kids wanted to play with Jinyoung immediately.


Both mothers finally settled down with some tea at the kitchen island, he still has 30 minutes before the date because Namjoon have to go finish some work first.


“How are you doing Jinyoung?”


At the question from Jin, he knows that it didn’t mean just a ‘how are you’ question. More like how is he holding up.


Is Jinyoung eating fine? What about his feelings? How did he manage to take care of his kids? How’s living alone? The rent? How’s the kids with this situation? Did you talk to Jaebum? How’s the baby? Did he kick too much? What about your cravings?


More like that kind of question.


“I’m.. fine. Do not worry about me” Jinyoung closed his eyes for a second before opening them again. He can feel headache coming.


Yes, Jinyoung decided to move out from Jaebum’s house. He rented the cheapest apartment that he can get with his own money. It’s only 5 minutes away from Jaebum’s home, but the process is filled with many tears from the kids (though, they really didn't know what happen) and many more attempts to make Jinyoung not leave from his husband.


To conclude, Jaebum didn’t accept the request. He took it badly and he cursed Jinyoung like there’s no tomorrow when they talked in the living room, thank goodness the kids were at Seokjin’s. He threw a lot of stuff and broke almost half of the living room. He tore it apart and in the end, he broke down in front of Jinyoung to the point he went down on his knees and begged for forgiveness.


Jinyoung didn’t ask for a divorce, gosh no. He already promised himself on the day they got married that no matter what will happen, he will not divorce to Jaebum unless the man asked for it himself. He didn’t want to have failure in his marriage just because small things that they can still talk about.


A separation is the only way both of them can think clearly on what to do and how to solve it. So, Jinyoung settled to move out but the place is only for when he slept at night because most of the days, he will go to Jaebum’s house and take care of the twins. After the twins fall asleep, Jinyoung will go back to the apartment then he’ll go back to the house again before the twins even woke up.


Truthfully, when Jinyoung toldl Jin about this, Jin was really confused in why Jinyoung moved out, but still go back and forth to the house. It will tire his pregnant self. Jinyoung just shook his head when Jin opposed his idea, telling him that he does not want to separate the kids from their father and he didn’t want the kids to know.


He would tell Jin that he’s fine because Jaebum’s chauffeur will always be there for him. One thing that Jinyoung agreed with when he requested for a separation for a while is the chauffeur. Jaebum offered him many things, like the expensive apartment or the house beside them, but Jinyoung chose the chauffeur. He thought it’s ridiculous since he’s only 5 minutes away but then he remembered that he’s pregnant.


“Well, need anything and you should tell me. How’s the baby tho?” Jin stirs their convo to talking about Jinyoung’s pregnancy.


He knows that babies excited Jinyoung to no end. Another reason why he’s the first one that’s always excited whenever someone came with their baby.


“He’s kicking me to no en! Ugh… I wish Jaebum was here to soothe him” Jinyoung complains, muttering the last words.


“Did he join in the pregnancy too Nyoung?” Jin asked as he smoothed down Hoseok’s hair. That kid suddenly joined the mothers with wild hair, claiming that he’s a lion.


Jinyoung ponders for a while, then nod. “He… did his best though. He didn’t come home late again nor de he go to the office so early. He will ask the kids if they want  lunch together and he will go back home then go again to his office.”


“How is he with your cravings?”


“Funny, he stock lots of ice creams, pickles, mustard, some strawberry and lots of food. He also planted lots of sun flowers just because one day, I didn’t even realize that he’s already home, I absentmindedly said that I wanted to plant some sun flowers” Jinyoung softly giggles at the memories.


Surely, it’s a shock when the next morning you go to the house and find lots of sunflowers scattered around in the front mini garden near the gigantic gate.


Jin immediately whip up his windshield laugh, that made Hoseok scream and laugh with him too. Hoseok always loved attention, same with Jackson, and the kid will do anything to have parents’ attention. Hoseok will scream and clap his hands while Jackson will jump up and down his and laugh.


“He did try hard huh?”


Jinyoung nod. “He di- eeyy Yoongi, what’s wrong baby?”


Yoongi look up to his Nyoung mommy with grabby hands and Jinyoung complied. Despite that he’s already 2 almost 3 years old and already exclaimed that he’s a grown up boy, he still loves cuddles and kisses.


The mothers keep gossiping to each other, Yoongi and Hoseok found new hobbies now which is listening to the stories (though they don’t understand), until Jinyoung saw a sleek and neat Namjoon struggling with his wristwatch from the kitchen door.


“Honey, ready to go?”


Jin nodded and handed Hoseok over to Jinyoung, the kid grasp Nyoung mommy’s hand quickly with his thumb on his mouth. Jin thought that he’s sleepy but it’s just another habit of his kids, which he quickly pulled the thumb out and switched it with babies snacks.


The three of them quickly say “goodbye” to Jin and Namjoon, few tears shed because Hoseok thought that his papa will leave him, before going back inside. Hoseok immediately ran to the living room when he heard the usual theme song of Pororo. Jinyoung had to pull the kid back a bit since he’s too close to the TV.


Jinyoung look over to the clock and saw that it’s 6PM. He quickly checked his phone, only to find 1 missed call and a text from Jaebum. It has a picture attached into it and when he opened the picture, he sees his messy twins. They are completely drenched in yellow and green paint seeing that Jaebum planned to do the nursery today.


My Defsoul Husband💞


-Picture attached- Send 5:40PM


Say hi to the green and yellow twins! P.S. miss you lots! Love you (hurry home)


Jinyoung smiled at the picture but frowned when he read the text. Not that he’s disgusted or what, but it’s just…… weird. For some reason, he feels like he needs to go back and have his family again, but at the same time, he wants Jaebum to know how hurt he is.


Something poked his huge belly and Jinyoung found out that it’s Yoongi. The kid look up with a curious face then back down at the belly again, poking it again.


“Do you want to feel the kick Yoongs?” Jinyoung smoothed down his hair and the toddler nod excitedly as he move to a better position to feel the baby.


Hoseok is far gone in Pororo land.


“Woaaah!! It kicked!” Yoongi exclaimed, his face turned into a happy one. Smiling so big that Jinyoung can see his gums.


“Again again jaejae!!” Yoongi told the belly and when ‘jaejae’ kicked again, Yoongi shrieks in excitement and clapped his hands.


Jinyoung noticed the name though, ‘jaejae’. “Who’s ‘jaejae’ Yoongi?”


“That’s his name Nyoung mommy. Youngjae, but I call him jaejae just to be short” Yoongi told him absentmindedly since he’s too busy search for the baby again.


Jinyoung smiled at the kind thought of a 3 years old kid. Yoongi gave him name and Jinyoung had to admit, it rhymes. 임 영재. Jinyoung look over to Yoongi and kissed him many times until he shrieks and plea to stop. 






Someone’s scream rang throughout the house and Jinyoung immediately knew that it’s Mark. He just stepped his foot inside the house and it’s only 5 in the morning. He is alarmed and immediately ran to the twins’ bedroom, praying that Mark didn’t notice that he’s not in his usual outfit, which is pjs.


“Hey baby… Why are you screaming so early huh?” Jinyoung cradle him to his chest, thanking God that Jackson and Jaebum didn’t wake up.


Mark sniffles and kept snuggling more deeper to his embrace. He babbles on how he got bad dreams about dragons and monsters chasing him. Jinyoung only laughed and kept note to not let Mark watch any monster cartoon again.


After calming Mark down, Jinyoung checked over to Jackson and Jaebum, before going downstairs to start with breakfast. He put Mark on the baby sling since he put up a fight when Jinyoung wanted to put him on the play pen.


“Why are you so clingy today huh?” Jinyoung looked down at Mark, softly rearranging the hair so it’s, somewhat, neat again.


Jinyoung cleaned up a bit, Jaebum can be really messy if he’s left alone, especially with two kids, before making breakfast. Mark is silently dozing off on his back and Jinyoung loves it when his kids are in that position. He knows that he shouldn't carry Mark on his back, even with the slings on, but he loves it because it feels like they’re a baby again. Jinyoung laughed at the soft snore that Mark let out and coos when the baby is wriggling a bit.


He is too busy looking out for the pancakes and bread at the same time, to notice that there’s someone with bed hair, no shirt, and eyes still sleepy, watching him with much admiration. Jaebum usually never woke up this early, but when he felt the bedside is cold, he knew that he had to wake up early to see his love making breakfast.


“Oh…. hyung




That’s all what Jinyoung has been calling him for the past few weeks. Jaebum never knew how much he hated that word until Jinyoung called him that.


The couple already promised that once they got married, they had to threw away the hyung-dongsaeng thing since they’re husband and wife (or husband and husband, I don’t know pick your choice) and Jinyoung always called him with sweet nicknames. Jaebum had to admit, he misses it terribly.


“Honey.. what time did you get here?” Another thing that Jaebum hates is that Jinyoung has to go back and forth to his house.


Jinyoung is too stubborn that his decision can’t be moved. He said that it’s for the best and for Jaebum to not worry since he didn’t ask for divorce…. yet.


“Around 5 and just in time when Mark screamed at the top of his lungs, which by the way because he got a bad dream about dragons and stuff. “Remind me to not let him watch weird things on TV again” Jinyoung nod to himself.


Jaebum moved to sit by the kitchen island. He put his elbow on the counter and silently captured the scene in front of him. Jinyoung looked so beautifully pregnant standing there, the stomach bulge so big already, Mark is sleeping peacefully on his back with the sling around him. Jaebum tries to capture every moment and every move that Jinyoung does.


How Jinyoung carefully stacked the pancakes while the eggs and beef bacon were cooking, once in awhile checking on Mark, then back to cooking again. Preparing the twins’ food and their own juices along with milk. Jaebum thanking Jinyoung that he stocked his milk, or else it’s a disaster for him.


Jackson woke up a few minutes later and the family sat down to eat breakfast. As usual, there’s never a peaceful breakfast in the household seeing that Jackson now supporting pancakes on top of his head and Jinyoung is shrieking like crazy at his kid, while Mark loudly laughs and clap his hands. Almost like he’s supporting his brother to play with the food.


Little feet kick as Jaebum bath both of them, completely drenched in maple syrup is totally not on Jaebum’s morning list but that’s what happened. Jinyoung is busy cleaning the kitchen downstairs, even though Jaebum already banned him from cleaning since he’s pregnant, but the latter doesn’t care.


Jinyoung suddenly pop his head to the bathroom. “Hyung, let them out. Don’t take too long or else their hands will scrunch like raisins and we both know we don’t want raisin twins”


Jaebum softly laughed at how his wife described the result of taking baths too long, but he complies and takes both twins out anyway. Well, with a little bit of a fight since the twins love bathing so much. Mark loves to wet the person that bathes him while Jackson just loves to see the wave that will move his toys. That’s why, Jaebum and Jinyoung sometimes do games on who’s going to bath the twins if Jaebum is off from work. But with the situation right now, Jaebum almost offered himself to do everything.


“There are my babies” Jinyoung cutely exclaims and softly put lotion, powder and anything that’s necessary for a baby after bath.


Jaebum helped from the side with the outfit, seeing that Jinyoung wore pastel colour for the day, he will dress his twins the same.


“Mommy!!” Jackson squeals and laughs can be heard from the closet where Jaebum picked the twins’ clothes.


He went back with the clothes, only to see a diaper Mark running around with a powder bottle on his hand, while Jackson is squealing and giggling on the bed because Jinyoung is tickling him no mercy.


Mark runs around not looking forward, resulting to crash onto his daddy. “Hehehe daddy sowwy”


Jaebum only laughs as he caught Mark, who’s trying to run away again. “Come here baby and let’s get you dressed before you catch cold”


Dressing the wriggling twins can be such a handful job, Jaebum didn’t know how Jinyoung can do this everyday when he’s at the office.


“Come here you diaper ” Jaebum looked over to Jinyoung and can see how he’s struggle with a running Jackson. Trying to catch a hyper 1 year old boy to dress him up can be quite exhausting since he’s 7 months pregnant.


The baby, or Youngjae as what everyone would call him now, has been kicking non-stop and that made Jinyoung not to sleep. Thanking God because Jaebum finally came to his rescue and dressed Jackson himself while Jinyoung took a deep breath for a moment.


Jaebum went to the office a little bit late that day. Because a certain boy named Jackson decided that maple syrup is the best for shampoo.


“Come baby, say bye to daddy first then we can watch some movies… or play” Jinyoung ushered both boys to the foyer where Jaebum was waiting, looking handsome and dandy in his office suit.


Truth is, Jinyoung misses the latter so much. He misses the way that he got a kiss everytime Jaebum went to work or just an assuring kiss from him, telling Jinyoung that he will do good with the kids today.


He sees Jaebum crouching down to get to eye-level with the twins, kissing each one of their cheeks before they kiss Jaebum back. Promising things like playing with each other or ice cream, along with Jackson kinda sobbing because he thinks that Jaebum is going far away. That kid is always like that everytime Jaebum went to work.


One last good bye and Jinyoung immediately closes the door before he breaks down and kiss his husband right there. The look that Jaebum sent to Jinyoung every time he fixed Jaebum’s tie and gave him his bag is hurting Jinyoung to the core. He can’t stand it and he’s not strong enough.


Everyone would see that they’re a happy family now and everything is normal, but both of them know that it’s just a facade because on the behind they’re hurting. No skinship or physical affection put in it, only doing it when it’s necessary.


“Mommy can we pway with Gase today??” Mark asked, his eyes sparkling with excitement and Jinyoung can’t say no so he nodded. 


Gase is twins favorite plush ever since they were babies (and I’m sure you readers know what it is). How they play is actually little bit scary and almost gives Jinyoung heart attack from time to time. Since it’s a bird, the boys will go around and jump for the bird. One time, Jackson almost fall face first if not for Jaebum’s fast reflex. 


Since then, if they want to play with Gase, they have to ask permission from their mommy or daddy first. Another reason why Jinyoung put a fluffy carpet on the living room. 




“Come baby, let daddy hold you since mommy can’t carry you” Jaebum held his hands out and Jackson jumped into it.


Another sunny day on a lovely Saturday and the family decided to eat lunch outside, credit to the twins who so badly wanted dumplings and porridge, so Jaebum opted to bring them for a family lunch.


As usual, paparazzi swarmed them and Jinyoung can barely walk if there’s no bodyguards beside him. Not wanting to miss the pictures of the cute family of the most powerful man in Korea and famous worldwide for his company. Flashlights here and there didn’t stop, people shouting questions for the family and Jinyoung thanking Jaebum to not forget the kids sunglasses. Don’t want to ruin their eyes.


Dressed in the usual style of the family, sophisticated style and all of that credit to Mark who picked the outfit for the family. Jinyoung remembered that the kid forced him and Jaebum to wear black and grey long coat perspectively. He also shove a white coat to Jackson and put it on for him.  What can Jinyoung say, his kids got the talent in fashion.


“Come here baby, don’t stay away from mommy. Hold his hand tightly” Jaebum told Mark, who stood and stared at the flashlights going around him.


After fighting with the crowds and paparazzi, the family finally settles inside the restaurant. Funny thing, the manager himself went down and apologized for the ruckus outside and made sure that the family will have a private booth for themselves but Jinyoung rejected it.


One thing that Jinyoung wants to keep away from his kids is life in the spotlight. He wants his kids to grow up like all normal kids and Jinyoung is doing his best to keep them away from the light. He wants his kids to be treated normal and no special treatment whatsoever.


In the end, the family settled with a booth by the window since Mark loves to eat by the window. Of course, Jaebum told the bodyguard to hold the paparazzi away from the window so that they can eat lunch peacefully without feeling like they’re in a zoo.


Jackson and Mark started to look at the menus, supporting a serious look as if their choices are the most important thing in the world. Jinyoung stiffs in a laugh but managed to hold it back since he didn’t want to upset his kids. Jaebum is sitting in front of him with Mark on his side while Jackson is with him.


A man in his 20s, suddenly approaches the table. “Hi my name is Gyeonghoon and I’ll be your waiter for the day. Welcome to Fortune Cookie and may I take your orders now?”


Jaebum look up to Jinyoung and nod towards him. “What do you want babe?”


The nickname just flew naturally from Jaebum’s mouth and he can’t stop it. He’s proud that he still has some effect towards the person in front of him since Jinyoung is now blushing red, hiding his face behind the menu.


“I— uh… I will get whatever the kids want” Jinyoung handed over the menu to Gyeonghoon and avoid any further contact with Jaebum. Instead, he looks over to Jackson and helped him to choose the food.


Jaebum chuckles as he saw how nervous Jinyoung looked. Don’t blame me if you’re still nervous babe. He smirks more when Jinyoung lock eyes with him but the latter quickly averted his sight to 'help' Jackson once more.


“Daddy” little voices snap him from eye-googling his wife. Jaebum turns to look at Mark to ask what’s wrong, but he just pointed at the color paper that Gyeonghoon, probably, left on the end of the table.


“Sure you can color buddy, here” Jaebum moves to take the paper and crayons to give it to Mark, along with Jackson’s one.


The kids colors silently, each of them in their own world and from what Jaebum can see, Mark is coloring water with a red crayon. Not sure that they have fire water now, but that’s kids for you. Jaebum looks over to Jinyoung, only to find that he’s fidgeting non-stop with the cloth table. A sign that he’s nervous.


Taking one look at the boys, making sure that they’re busy on their own, Jaebum grab one of Jinyoung’s hand. “Stop…. stop fidgeting. It’s just me Nyoung” he rub his thumb to the back of Jinyoung’s hand.


Although Jinyoung wants to pull his hand back so badly, he knows that he needs the comfort from his husband. How just simple affection from him managed to calm Jinyoung a bit, is another whole surprise even to himself.


“I’m fine. Just nervous I guess” he mutters the last part.


Waiting in silence can be so awkward, so Jinyoung thanked the heaven that the food finally arrived along with the cheer from the twins. Jinyoung grabs bibs and hand Jaebum one of them before putting it around Jackson’s neck.


“Nwwwooo I’m a big boy now!” Mark huff and that made Jackson follow his twin.


“Even big boys need to wear this too you know. So that we don’t dirty shirts and you don’t want your lovely baby bird shirt to get dirty, do you?” Jinyoung eyebrow raised and the twins finally comply with him, afraid that if it’s dirty the mommy will throw it away.


Eating time within the family is always a mess and both of them know it already. Mark loves to make the person who feeds him have a hard time, like now. Jaebum is having a hard time feeding him because Mark keeps moving away from the spoon until Jaebum snapped and strictly told him that he will not get food again if he keeps up the act.


Mark pout and whine when he sees his daddy put the spoon away and begin to feed himself. Mark turn to his mommy and babbles away, more like whines away, wanting to get fed to, like his brother. Jinyoung’s about to move and feed him but one stern look from Jaebum stops him.


“Mommy~” Mark whines more but his hands move toward his daddy.


At a time like this, Jackson thought that noodles is the best to eat when they’re out from their plate.


“Jackson!!” Jinyoung shrieks at the mess and quickly grabs tissues before it stains Jackson’s white pants.


Jaebum saw the commotion and just closed his eyes before he snap right in the full restaurant with people every minute turning their heads to see the family. He counted to three before opening his eyes and helped Jinyoung with the mess. He turns to Mark, who’s still pouting and now on the edge of crying, he scooped the boy to his arms and sway him as he sit down.


“There, baby. Didn’t daddy tell you to not play with food, huh?” Jaebum softly coos and tickles Mark.


Mark let out his trademark laugh. “Daddy daddy!!” jumping up and down on Jaebum’s lap.


Jaebum played with him a bit more before starting to feed him again. One by one, the dumplings and noodles are gone to his baby stomach.


“Good boy!” Jaebum praised Mark as he wipes his mouth.


Jinyoung, who’s silent all this time but still continue with feeding Jackson, is surprised at how Jaebum acted. Heck, he’s surprised that Jaebum didn’t snap at Jackson when he made a mess.


“You’re done babe?” Jaebum question Jinyoung and the latter immediately nod his head, wiping Jackson’s mouth too from any food stain.


“Mommy tush” Jackson cutely asked with his cute lisp and smile when Jinyoung handed him his orange juice. He sips happily, once in awhile playing peek-a-boo with Mark from behind his bib.


It’s silence at their table, except for a few baby languages from the twins, the rest is quiet from Jaebum and Jinyoung. Neither of them dared to make a conversation. Jaebum is dying to say something while Jinyoung is dying waiting for Jaebum to say something.


After all, he’s the ‘girl’ in the relationship so he’s waiting for his man to start a convo.


“Ji..” Jaebum starts but he’s hesitated, before continuing and deciding to man himself up. “Jinyoung, I miss you.”


Jinyoung splutters out his water mentally, thanking God he didn’t really do it. “What?? Don’t talk about that here or else people will here! There’s the twins too” he says in a hush voice.


Jaebum scratches the back of his neck, completely forgotten that he’s in public. He looks around and can see a few heads turn to his table every minute now and then. Gosh I need a privacy, can’t I have one?! he thought, feeling ridiculous because he’s sure that he felt like he’s in a zoo.


Too absorbed in his thought, he didn’t realize that Mark has been calling him every now and then. Claiming that he’s sleepy, Jinyoung immediately pull out his bottle and gave it to Jaebum.


“Don’t worry, it’s still mine. Just to be fast and easy you know” Jinyoung told Jaebum when the latter questioned the bottle in his hand.


Jaebum turns Mark so he, kinda, layed on his arms. Mouth quickly on the bottle nip and eyes dropping every second, cutely trying to play a wink with Jaebum but he can’t control his sleepiness. Little fingers grip quietly to Jaebum’s hand, once in awhile rubbing it but still again as Mark finally sleeps.


As quietly and as slowly as he can, Jaebum took away the, now, empty bottle, before fixing the position so Mark can sleep comfortably. He looks over to Jinyoung, who’s still feeding Jackson with a blanket over him. Peeking every now and then, making sure Jackson is already sleeping then he detach him and take the blanket off.


Jaebum is in awe at how careful he's doing it, especially with his huge belly in the way, Jinyoung managed to do it slowly and carefully. Jaebum can see how much love and adoration Jinyoung has for the twins and how he will literally do anything for the twins.


Jaebum looks down to the sleeping child on his embrace, taking his features in slowly. Capturing it so he will remember it for a lifetime. What surprised him is that how grown up the twins are. Sad that they’re growing up but at the same time he’s proud with it. He can see eyelashes resting beautifully, the cute nose and pouty lips (just like Jinyoung), the chubby cheek that are dead to kiss for.


He brushes back Mark’s hair, seeing that it’s getting to his face and the boy scrunch his face up but back to sleeping again once Jaebum took care of it.


“I think we need to take them to a hairdresser babe, their hair is getting long enough” Jaebum absentmindedly told Jinyoung, yet his eyes still capturing every features of Mark.


Jinyoung only answered a small ‘yes’, before looking down at Jackson again. Shushing him when he's wriggling around or when he searched for his milk. Jackson has a cute habit when he’s sleeping on Jinyoung or Jaebum’s arms, it’s how he will open his eyes but close it again, then he will open it again before closing it again. He’d do it 10 times, yes Jinyoung counted it, before completely drown in dreamland.


Jaebum decided that it’s time to go and he call for his bodyguards, telling them that he needs the kids carseat.


“We’re going now?” Jinyoung asks.


Jaebum nods, “Yep. The kids are asleep anyway and I need to rest from all these curious eyes”


Jinyoung knows that Jaebum is frustrated with how he can’t go out with people putting their nose into his life.


“Okay, let’s go now honey” Jinyoung stood up, didn’t even realize that he just called Jaebum with one of his loving nicknames.


Meanwhile, Jaebum froze in his place. Eyes looking forward with a blank look on his face, until Jinyoung waved his hand in front of him.


“Are you okay? You’re kinda spaced out and your face is red” Jinyoung hand went to his forehead, checking for any sign of a fever but found none.


“You just called me ‘honey’….” Jaebum says, dazzlingly looking right into Jinyoung’s eyes.


This time, it’s Jinyoung face who’s red. “I.. I-uh.. let’s just go now” Jinyoung hurriedly gets out from the booth and out the restaurant with Jaebum, proudly smirking, tailing behind him.


“We’re not done, we will talk when we get home… baby” Jaebum deep voice sent Jinyoung shivers down to the core.


No! Bad Jinyoung! Remember what he’s done to you. He’s freaking neglecting you!! Stay strong Jinyoung! He chants himself to not fall into the trap as they ride back home.


All he can pray is that, all of this will be over fast so he can be with his family again. Yet, he didn’t know whether to forgive Jaebum or not.



Jinyoung is gritting his teeth and crushing the hand he grasped before. He really hates contractions like this and he really needs Youngjae to come out now before he's making him lose his mind. He didn’t even know why the heck this time it’s so bad and it makes him want to rip his hair out from his head.

“Uggghhh please please let me get this one out please” Jinyoung is sobbing and there’s nothing that Jaebum can do.

“Sshh baby.. the baby will out when it’s time. Now, he’s not really ready. Ssshhh baby, don’t cry” Jaebum coos over so Jinyoung can, at least, relax a bit.

Jaebum’s heart almost stopped when he received a phone call in the middle of the night and it’s from his crying Jinyoung. Jaebum wasted no time and immediately went over to the apartment, only to find his wife sitting on the cold tile of the bathroom, holding his stomach and crying non-stop. He cursed himself to even let Jinyoung live alone when he’s near his due date.

Jinyoung turned to his right, toward Jaebum, with a red face and tears streaming down his face. “Please please Soul….”

Soul. Jinyoung called him Soul.

“I know baby, I know. Youngjae needs more time so he can greet us with a smile you know. You want him to be healthy right?” Jinyoung nod upon the question. “so let him finish up more in your stomach before we let him out to meet the world”

Jaebum kept on talking more so that Jinyoung is distracted from the pain and thank goodness an hour later, Jinyoung is sleeping like a baby. Probably exhausted from crying and screaming because of the pain.

He looked over to Jinyoung once again, making sure that he’s still sleeping, before moving away to grab his phone. He’s about to stand up and move, but Jinyoung didn’t let go his grasp.

“Mmhh.. stay honey. Please….” Jinyoung mumbles in his sleep and Jaebum has no heart to let the hand go.

He should be grateful to even have Jinyoung letting him to stay, even when they’re on separation.


A knock on the door makes Jaebum’s head whip to the door, only to see Jinyoung’s ultimate bestie and his former secretary along with his trusted employee. Kim Seokjin and Kim Namjoon themselves.

“Oh my gosh hi” Jin speaks in a hush tone, waving at Jaebum and moving closer to the bed with Namjoon tailing behind him. “how is he?”

Jaebum just shook his head, smiling when Namjoon showed him flowers and some food for him. “Thanks man”

“Don’t worry about it. How long again?” Namjoon pull up a chair so Jin can sit beside Jinyoung from the other side of the bed without interrupting the tight grasp Jinyoung has.

“Probably in 4 hours. Doctor said that he’s ready, but not fully ready. Just needs a little bit more time” Jaebum looks over to the sleeping Jinyoung, wiping his sweat here and there.

“Don’t worry about the kids, they’re playing soundly with Yoongi at my parents’ house”

Jaebum sent another thank you smile towards Namjoon. He's really confused about the twins since none of Jaebum nor Jinyoung parents can babysit for the night. Jaebum’s parents are overseas, totally cursing at each other because they surely will miss Youngjae’s birth, and Jinyoung parents are out of town for a seminar.

“Do you want some food Jaebum?” Jin asked. Jaebum’s about to shake his head no, but the mother of 2 already moved to open the container.

Jin gets the food ready and gives it to Jaebum, telling him to eat to gain some energy because waiting like this can be quite exhausting. At first, Jaebum refused but one stern look from Jin, he caves in and start to eat.

Gosh, I never know how tasty bibimbap is. Jaebum thought. He devoured more and even asked for another one.

Namjoon laughed at how hungry his boss/best friend is. “Dang it dude, thank goodness Jin packed for like 10 people”

“I know that he will eat more than 1 anyway, he- oh Jinyoung” Jin approaches the latter. “How are you feeling?”

Jinyoung moved around, still grasping tight on Jaebum’s hand, trying his best to look at Jin. “Meh.. so so”

“Here, drink first babe” Jaebum hand the bottle and Jinyoung gulped it like there’s no tomorrow.

“When did you guys come?” Jinyoung asked.

Namjoon looking at the watch on his wrist, “Around an hour ago. Don’t worry, we fed Jaebum already. Poor little baby, he’s so hungry.”

Jaebum swat Namjoon’s hands away, looking annoyed but they know that he’s just kidding. “Don’t baby me you pole.”

“Bunny teeth”

“Dark skin”

“So racist you tard”

“Kiss my ing mouth you twerp”

“Gladly if your name is Seokjin”

“Too bad the name is Jaebum”

“Another reason why it’s so icky”

“You love me tho”

“I’d rather jump of the cliff”

“I’d be glad to reserve you the spot. Where do you want it?”

“Not before I push you first you tw-“

“Stop it both of you!!” Jin cut off both boys who’s in the middle of a stupid childish shout off. “No cursing in the hospital you twerps and no more arguments or so help me I will throw both of you out, and yes that includes you Jaebum even though you’re the father”

Jinyoung muffles in a laugh when he sees Jin told off the boys. Jaebum and Namjoon’s head are down, looking like they’re little kids in the middle of discipline by their own mother.

“Understand me??”

Jaebum and Namjoon nod their head, but managed to push each other by their elbows when Jin turned around.

“What was that?” Jin turns to them again, eyes squinting.

“Nothing!” they answer in chorus.

Jinyoung laughs even more when Jin nags at his husband and Jaebum. He really looks so mother-ish.

The next few hours consist of laughters and lots of talks between the four of them. Catching up on everything, including the moms talking about their kids and life in the motherhood while the dads are planning to go somewhere for the holiday.


Of course, the moms protest, saying that they will get left handling the kids all by themselves, but Namjoon assured that it’s kinda like a family vacation.

“Ugh…” Jinyoung silently grunts, not wanting anyone to hear it but of course Jaebum hears it.

Jaebum looks at him and rub his hands slowly. Jinyoung closes his eyes as he feels another painful contraction. To say that he’s afraid, he is. Even after the twins he's still scared. Jinyoung is thankful for having Jaebum beside him like this. He knows that the elder has something important in the office,  but Jaebum threw it all the moment Jinyoung went to labor.

Heck, he even sent his secretary to the meeting that is so important for the company. Jinyoung protests but Jaebum’s words still rang clearly in his head.

“You’re my wife who’s in the middle of delivering our 3rd child and I don’t want to miss it. them if they don’t want to seal the deals with me, I can search for another. You and the twins, of course along with little Youngjae here, are the most important and it was such a stupid thing to do for letting the company come first before you guys. ”

With that, it sent Jinyoung to heaven and blushing red asf. Blaming Jaebum for that one.


“Sshh honey.. in a moment okay. In a moment” Jaebum whispers sweet soothing words to Jinyoung.

The latter is red now because he’s crying and holding onto the pain. Jin is at his side, dabbing a wet towel to Jinyoung’s forehead because he’s sweating too. Jin saw that Jinyoung is nearly ready and he sent Namjoon to call the doctor since Jaebum is on a death grip.

“Here we go baby, you can do it okay. I’m here with you. I love you” Jaebum kisses Jinyoung on the forehead.

Before Jinyoung completely delivers the baby, he manages to whisper something that brings Jaebum to cloud 9 again.


I love you too honey




“임 영재, welcome to the world”




“He look so cute omg Namjoon, shall we have one again?” Jin squeals and hugs his husband. 


Namjoon tho, just look at his wife like he’s crazy but can’t help to smile as Jin softly the baby’s cheek. Or should he say, Youngjae’s cheek. 


“He did scream so loud Bum lol, get that from you huh?” Namjoon teases the new dad, well not really new but still, who’s really falling in love with the baby on the little bed that’s installed beside the mother.

“So badly I want to shoot back at that, but dang man, I’m so in love with him. He’s a sunshine with the loud cries of his so I’m sure that he will fill the home with loud laughters too. Battling with his brothers about things… Can’t wait” Jaebum dreamily looks at his new son.

Namjoon smiles at how in love Jaebum is with Youngjae. Not saying that he’s not in love with the twins but Namjoon guess because of the separation and fights and everything, Jaebum finally back to himself and realized his mistakes. Namjoon know that he’s not going to do it again and can only hope, Jaebum didn’t dare to do it again.

“I think we should go home now, minding the kids too. C’mon honey” Namjoon pulled Jin by the waist, which makes Jin whine in protest but agree to go home and visit again tomorrow anyway.

Both of them know that Jaebum and Jinyoung need to be left alone to rekindle or just talk with each other about their own situation.

Now, the couple is left alone in the room with soft breathing from baby Youngjae. Jaebum is sitting beside Jinyoung, hands still intertwining with each other in joy looking at their new baby.

“You did great babe” Jaebum turn to kiss Jinyoung on the forehead, which Jinyoung return with a smile.

It’s silence again. No one talked, but surprisingly, none of them felt angry with each other or want to get away from each other. Both of them realize that this is what they need and where they belong. Separation only hurts them even more but it gives them time to reflect on their faults and how to solve it.

Jinyoung turned to Jaebum so fast that it shock the man. “Whoa babe… what’s wrong?”

“Will you let me go back to the house and remove the separation, for good?” Jinyoung questioned, his face defining determination,  but Jaebum can see that he’s shy asking for it.

“Babe wha—.. of course I will let you go bac-“

“Do you still love me after the separation? Do you want me back in the house again? Are you really sure? You can reject this and I’m okay with it but just don’t separate me from my kid-“ Jinyoung rambles on and on again to the point Jaebum didn’t know how to stop him.

“Honey stop!” Jaebum snapped but softens his tone when he sees Jinyoung frozen at his sudden high tone.

“Stop… you can’t let yourself down like that. You know how much I hate it when you’re feeling insecure. You’re wrong when you said you’re the one that’s guilty” Jaebum smiles at the confused look on Jinyoung. “I’m the one that should be sorry.”

Jinyoung opens his mouth to argue but Jaebum beat him to it.

“Listen to me first.. Jinyoung”

Jinyoung nod and cuddles back to his husband.

“Thank you. I’m going to say this until you really forgive me” Jaebum took a deep breath. “I’m sorry. I really am sorry. I was a stupid husband who choose work over my own family and completely neglecting my own wife when he’s pregnant. I’m at guilt.”

“I don’t understand why you asked for the separation and not divorce, even though I really don’t want one, but I’m ready to beg on my knees for forgiveness if you ever ask for one. I don’t even understand why you still take care of me when you have to take care of yourself and the twins.”

“I know what I did was wrong and I know that I will regret it till I’m dead. I know that you’re still mad at me and I know asking for your forgiveness is not easy but.. please Jinyoung don’t do this to me again. I’m sorry I’m sorry and I’m so-“


Jinyoung cut his husband by kissing him. God how much I miss these lips that’s always trailing down… omg focus Jinyoung! You were just giving birth! Jinyoung shook the dirty thoughts away and focused on the man before him.

“I forgive you”

Kissing Jaebum is sure like fighting because Jinyoung always lost when it comes to domination. Jaebum will always top and Jinyoung will never complain. Who wants to complain when you got a beast in bed like Jaebum anyway. (I’m sure you ahgasaes didn’t complain too huh *smirks*)

Parting with heavy breaths clouding over them, Jinyoung is smiling. He did miss his husband affection and love. The kiss just proved how much they need each other.

“I miss this baby” Jaebum snuggled more in Jinyoung, nose breathing in his wife’s scent. Taking it all in like it’s oxygen.

“I miss you even more” Jinyoung smiles. He ran his fingers through Jaebum’s hair, before pulling his face out from his neck. Dragging his eyes to every single feature on Jaebum’s face, scanning over it. “How about we end this separation and go back home together?”

Jaebum eyes went wide. “Together as in together as in you, me, and Youngjae back to the house again?”

Jinyoung nod and can’t help but laugh at how excited his husband is.


Because I miss my family, that’s why I decide to forgive him. 




Jinyoung is ready to go home with Youngjae. They are ready to greet the twins and Jinyoung still doesn't know how they will react.

Jaebum is busy going here and there because there’s a lot of stuff needed to bring home. Flowers, teddy bears (giant and small ones), clothes, baby bags, and still lots more. So many people visited Jinyoung, congratulating him for bringing another heir to the family, giving him their best regards. Some people can’t Jinyoung recognize since it’s Jaebum’s colleagues.

“Bring another car for me please, we still have loads to bring” Jaebum frustrated and Jinyoung can see that he’s scrunching his face in annoyance.

“No, I don’t want that one. Who said that I left the company? Well they better talk with my lawyer or so help me, I will make a press conference on why I’m missing. Tell Jinhwan to clean the mess and please send Taeyong to the room immediately. I need help with the baby bags” he hanged up.

Jinyoung frowned at how stressful his husband looks. He silently approaches Jaebum, wincing slightly because he has to stand up, rubbing his shoulders with one hand since another he has to hold Youngjae.

“Everything good honey?”

Jaebum let out a sigh and turned to his wife. Pecking his forehead and pecked Youngjae’s cheek. “I’m good baby. Don’t worry about a thing”

Jinyoung knows that something happened but he lets it go for now. He nods and waves to Taeyong who stood by the door in an awkward manner because of the skinship between them.

Jaebum instructed Taeyong to bring the rest of the bags and walk Jinyoung to the wheelchair he requested before. They’re ready and out the hospital with a few flashlights and people cheering and greeting them. Jaebum stops for a moment, to let them take pictures, then move again.

For once, he’s smiling at the polite paparazzi.



Baby laughters fill the house and it’s only 7 in the morning.

Jinyoung squints his eyes and groans. Too early. He thought. Swinging his legs out from the bed, he strut downstairs only to see the twins hover over the 9 months old baby Youngjae. They’re playing peek a boo and teasing Youngjae with taking his toys away.

The sunshine baby will scrunch his face in annoyance when someone takes his toys away, and gone the sunshine baby replacing him with angry baby.

Jinyoung stood still behind the sofa in the living room, just silently watching his boys playing around. A warm hands make it’s way to circle his waist, and that shocked Jinyoung. Turning around, he sees his sleepy husband.

“Honey! Don’t scare me like that ever again” Jinyoung grunts but kisses him anyway when the elder pucker his lips.

“Spying on the boys again?”

Jinyoung hums. “I love watching them play with each other. I don’t know how they brought Youngjae downstairs, but as long as he's safe and there's no bump on his head.”

“I’m sure he’s safe and the twins know how to take care of their own brother” Jaebum rubs Jinyoung’s shoulders in assurance.

They watch the kids play more and it’s actually really cute to just watch them like that. Mark sometimes playing peek a boo for distracting Youngjae and Jackson will take one of his toys and hide it until Youngjae’s pouting. Then he will give it to him again and the cycle begins just like that.

“I love you honey” Jinyoung turns and give a peck on the lips

Jaebum smiles and puts their foreheads together. “I love you too but that’s not what you call a kiss my darling.”

Jaebum moves forward and kisses Jinyoung like there’s no tomorrow. It’s a hot mess and Jinyoung can feel the morning wood from Jaebum saying hi to him.

Too deep in their kissing moments, they didn’t realize that the kids are now watching them with open mouths but they cover each other eyes.



“Daddy don’t eat mommy” a bawl comes from Mark but he keep his hands to cover his and Youngjae’s eyes.

Jinyoung pulls out from the kiss with a red face. Wiping his mouth and moves forward to carry the crying Mark.

“Mommy~ bad daddy bad” Mark punched, well a soft punch, his dad when Jaebum moved closer to them.

“No baby don’t do that. Your daddy is only giving love to me, like how he always do to you honey” Jinyoung holds Mark’s little hands, stopping him from punching Jaebum.

Mark sniffs and wipe away his tears. “Weally??”

Jinyoung nod. “Really honey. Now who— aayeee Jackson what’s wrong??” Jackson tugs more into his mommy’s pants, guiding him to a rolling Youngjae. “What is he doing mommy?”

Jinyoung turns to his husband who support a shocked look. Jaebum looks back to him. “Did he just… roll??”

Jaebum took a seat beside the baby and Youngjae smiles upon seeing his daddy. Jaebum picks him up and Youngjae starts to get amazed with Jaebum set of earrings. Pulling on it and laughing at Jaebum’s hurting face.

Jaebum pouts and asked for help from his wife but Jinyoung just shook his head and strut off to the kitchen, because he’s sure that his family is starving.

Jaebum turns to the smiling baby who’s now pulling at his necklace. His laughters really bring the mood up. “You really are the sunshine that came for our answers in the middle of heavy arguments sweetheart. I love you so much and thank you for being born”

He then saunters to the kitchen and back hugs Jinyoung, who’s busy cooking breakfast with Mark still on his arms while Jackson is playing all by himself with toy cars on the kitchen island.

“Thank you for carrying and delivering our little sunshine here baby. I love you too much” Jaebum whispers with so many love, it sends Jinyoung shivers down to the core.


“Daddy no!!” a possessive Mark came in between them, clearly ruining the perfect moment but Jaebum didn’t complain about it.

Instead, he plays peek a boo with Mark and more by pecking Jinyoung on the cheek.

“No!! Bad daddy bad!!” Mark pout.

Jaebum ruffles the kid’s hair and tickles him a few times. That brings smile to Mark and the kid asked to be put down by his mommy because he ’no longer hate his daddy and want to play with him’. Jinyoung pouts at the loss but got a kiss on the cheek from Jackson, who silently sauntered back to his mommy before going back to join his daddy and brothers.

Jinyoung peeks a little onto the living room where all of them are playing in the playpen, clearly playing some dragon drama because Jaebum is, apparently, shooting fires now.

Laughters and shrieks can be heard from the kitchen, and that’s enough to make the morning even more brighter. Jinyoung really feels that his home gets even more brighter ever since Youngjae joined them in the house.

Not saying that the twins are bad but probably because it’s their first time being a parent so it’s kinda frustrating at one time. He can clearly remember that sometimes he and Jaebum fight because of little things that shouldn’t even turn into arguments. Both of them still trying to fit into the whole parenting world that is apparently so hard. Jaebum is fighting between his family and his company, while Jinyoung is fighting with his own mother nature when dealing with the twins.

There are times where Jinyoung wants to pull his hair off just because the twins are crying non-stop and he didn’t know what to do. Or when they suddenly get sick or just do anything that he didn’t know how to handle it.


In the end, Jinyoung thanks the twins and Youngjae for being born in the world to live up his life and thanking Jaebum for being his longtime partner. Sure there’s some argument that even lead to separation, but nobody’s perfect and Jinyoung knows that it’s not only him that get stress.

Jinyoung is snap out from his daydream when a little body slam right to him. Looking down and it’s Jackson, who’s trying to hide from his ‘dragon’ daddy.

“Ohhh Jackson here look delicious but wait…” Jaebum stops and looks around. “where is he? Babe did you see the ‘ultimate super extra green amazing knight’ Jackson?”

Jinyoung laughs at the super long name, only Jackson that can come up with such a long name, but decides to play along. “oh my gosh no! I wonder where he is hm… I need someone to protect me from the dragon you know”

Little giggles can be heard, Jackson still tugging on Jinyoung’s pants as Jaebum searched for him.

“He’s not in the cabinet, nor under the table. Hmm.. I wonder where could he be”

Jaebum walks a little more and gets near to Jinyoung. He can see a giggling Jackson hiding under his mommy’s apron. Jaebum smirks and count to 3 before grabbing the kid.

“Hahahaha daddy nooo!!! Mawwwwkkkk!!!!!” Jackson screamed for his twin brother to save him.

Mark came in dragging Youngjae along on his bouncer, clearly amused with the drama his brothers and daddy put up.


“Don’t be afwaid cause Mawkie is hewe to save the day!”

The drama continues but stops when Jinyoung calls them for breakfast.

Remember how messy and handful it is when it’s breakfast (or eating) time when it was just with the twins? Oh well, add Youngjae to the plate and you know what happen.

Cue Jinyoung high pitch shrieks and Jaebum shock face at how the twins can have rice on their heads, while Youngjae’s face is full with mashed potato.

Freaking 9000-ish words for this freaking happy ending angst omg I'm a er for angst with happy ending.

So... Apparently lots of you guys a lover of angst too and completely frustated at how I left you all hanged at the last chapter lol so sorry!! Completely loving every single comments that you leave down below, thank you *bows deeply*

I don't know if this how you want but this is how I picture it. Any questions then you can ask me by comment down below or just message me ^.^ 

That's all. Happy reading and thank you! 

x - A

P.S. can anyone recommend me a good namjin fanfic?? Got hooked by BTS and GOT7 at the same time is painful because I have to share the love T_T

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YES I STILL REMEMBER THIS STORY ASFDKJIOENVS!! I know I said this way too many times but college just take literally all my time away. I will (promise) update when I can! Love you guys x


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fallinlvve #1
Chapter 38: Reread this story and fall in love with it even more. Thank you for this masterpiece.
fallinlvve #2
Chapter 38: Really nice and cute work. Thank you so much for writing this. You are amazing.
nazihaa #3
i love it..❤️
asdfemiaghjkl #4
bright16 #5
momomia #6
Chapter 35: Hye. I'm new fans here. I just got into this fandom and i hope I'll never late for it. I didn't expect I'll read about jonghyun here. Yes i am a shawol. It's still hurt me whenever i read about him. Thank you for your support to our shinee and shawols fam. Btw i really enjoy read your story. Gosh I'm so inlove with jjp couple :')
Vyo3012 #7
Chapter 38: Oh no is it really completed. Well anything you decide is for the best though. I really hope that this will still continue because i checked aff every few weeks for your update. Hehe. But everyone has their own works. So goodljck on whatever ur doing ?
alfsecret #8
Chapter 38: I didn't expect that you are gonna marked this as a completed story.
I'm so happy when I know you were updating this story. And i hope it's not gonna be the last chapter of this story even you marked it as a complete story. I always love this story sooo much.
Wish you a good luck authornim!! Hwaitiing!! <3 <3
Kookie9 #9
Chapter 38: I cannot believe this !
I was literally re reading this story yesterday because I missed it and today you're updating it !
It's such a surprise but the best surprise ever !
And I'm so happy that you chose to write about toddlers markson because it's my favorite tbh, I'm so soft for first time parents JJP :')