The Smell Before Rain: 'NEW BREAD'

The Smell Before Rain


I woke up, disorientated and confused. Where was Michaela? My roomate? And than I saw the motivational posters, the one that has the kitty hanging on the branch that says ’Hang on in there!’ on my wall and did a face palm. I was home! Duh! Lol, I got up from bed and looked down to see my bare toes. “Hi,” I say to them and made them wiggle up to me. “How’s it going down there?”
Lol damn. I’m weird. I checked my phone that was sitting on the desk in the corner of my room. 9:23 A.M. No texts. I have no friends :b haha. I do, but most of them are still in school, finishing their finals. I’m taking a hiatus from school, just until I‘m ready to get back to Stanford. 3 months off? I shuffled my feet to the bathroom at the end of the hallway and washed my face and brushed my teeth.
“Morning, Kimchi,” Rian greets me as I exit the bathroom and he entered. I went upstairs to find breakfast already made, a nice change from having to go to the dining hall or grabbing something from the deli every morning.
“Moring Me. Morning Ba,” I greet them as I slid into the chair and looked at the table full of food. Congee<3 I hadn’t had any in such a long time. “This all for me?” I grin at Me as she set a plate of limes in front of me.
“Yes. You need to eat to have energy,” she tells me.
Energy for what? :o “For what?” I ask her.
“Anh Bao, you want to explain to her?” Me asks Ba. I look at Me then Ba and then Me again. They’re plotting against me o.e Me smiles at me reassuringly, but I knew that smile. Like when my goldfish died. She told me he died of natural cause, but then Rian told me she was trying to cut me some slack and clean the tank for me but she accidentally had the water too cold and the fish went into shock and died T_T She gave me that smile of hers then too. Lol, I don’t even know how that was relevant. 
I began shoveling the congee into my mouth and taking swigs of soybean milk. “Kimmie, since you’re going to be here for a while we think it’d be good for you if you experience how it is to live on your own,” Ba tells me. I spit the milk out, spraying it everywhere. Me turned around and gave me the evil eye. The first thought that popped into my head was THEY’RE KICKING ME OUT??? D: 
“You mean you want me to move out?” I ask him, eyeing him curiously. Matt and Rian were coming upstairs. I can use them to back me up! How come they get to live at home while I have to find my own place to live?
“Yes,” Me tells me.
“Moving out? Wait what?” Rian says, taking a seat at the table. 
“Mom and Dad want me to move out. I can’t do that! I’d die,” I hissed the last part to him. He laughs. 
“Me, Ba, did you hear that?” Rian says. They look at us, waiting for Rian to tell them what I had said.
“Shut up,” I kick Rian’s foot. “You’re supposed to be backing me up, bro.” He yelps, giving me the look. I smirk at him.
“You’re so immature,” Matt tells me. “I don’t think you’d be able to survive a week on your own.”
“You guys have no confidence in me,” I fake cry into my hands. I can hear Me laugh.
“Kimmie, you can borrow Rian’s car while you live downtown,” Ba tells me. And once I heard that and saw Rian’s facial expression change, I knew that the deal was sealed. I’m gonna go get my own place, just to piss Rian off and prove to Matt I can too live a week on my own.
The same day I headed downtown, to the heart of Seattle. It’s so diverse down here, people walking outside even when it’s misty. I was wearing a pea coat, scarf, and ankle boots. This time, if it rains I’m prepared(: That bastard won’t steal my taxi this time! Cuz I got my own car haha. I just drove around town, looking for a nice lil place to stop at and have a cup of tea. After a half hour I decided just to go to Starbucks. I parked the car (in which Rian took great pride in), next to a little sports car and made sure I locked it. 
I ordered a green tea and settled down at the table nearest the window. I like looking out windows. There was a dance studio next door and I could hear the music blasting. It bugged the out of me >.< About 10 min later it finally stopped and I relaxed a little. I watched yes I’m a creeper all these dancers leave the studio. Then, I saw the back of the head of someone very familiar. It’s like I met him before. His car was parked right next to mine and I watched him meticulously as he opened his car door of his suave black car and…. I almost laughed out loud when I noticed that he couldn’t open the door because I parked too close to his car! He turned around and I choked on the tea. It’s The Bastard! :O
OMFG that makes it even funnier! He stood there, puzzled looking. tt, he’s not that bad looking o.O   I watched him as he scratched his head and I smiled. He looked right at me through the window and I quickly turn my head away, hoping he hadn’t seen me. But before I know it, the door swings open and someone’s tapping my shoulder.
I look up at him and his facial expression changed. Am I really that ugly? -__-
“Oh. It’s you again,” The Bastard says, crossing his arm over his chest. I could see his biceps flexing and I did my best not to stare.
“You don’t sound happy to see me,” I joked, staring at his face instead of his arms. But his face was exceptionally fine too.
He let a sigh and said, “Is that your car out there?”
“Yes. It is,” I tell him, taking a sip of my tea. “What of it?” LOLOLOL I’m keeping it so cool right now! Even when I’m talking to a total hottie! 
“I can’t get into my car if your car’s right there,” he says, looking impatient.
“Ever thought of opening the passenger door and sliding in?” I ask him. He looks at me like I just sneezed in his face.
“Listen, that wouldn’t be cool of I did that,” he says. I snort.
“It wasn’t cool when you stole my cab!”
“Oh, so that’s what this is all about? I told you, I was in a hurry. I’m a busy guy. I have places to go and things to do,” he says wearily. I was about to take another sip of my tea when he put his hand on the top of it, pushing it back down to the table. That was when I noticed his hand.
‘It says ‘NEW? BREED’ not ‘NEW BREAD’,”I say out loud.
“Huh? What?” He pulled his hand back and looked at me funny. “You thought it said ‘bread’? What’s wrong with you?”
I frown at him. “You’re so mean,” I say. He looked like he was taken back a little. But than he regained his composure.
“I’m sorry if I came across that way,” he tells me. Then he didn’t say anything for a sec, as if he was thinking about what to say next. “To make up, how about we go out for coffee tomorrow? I have some choreography to practice tomorrow next door. Meet me here?” he gave me a charming little smile.
“You’re good with bribes, you know that?” I say to him. He laughs and my heart rate beats faster. Whoa, what is this? My heart races faster when he laughs o.O It’s like a correlation graph.
“Aight, see you here tomorrow,” he says and made his way out. I watched, mesmerized by his walk and the swag that was emitting from him. 
“Damn,” I whisper under my breath, amazed at his iness. “DAMN!” I say a lot louder when he opened the car door and it hit my car’s door. Damn damn damn!!!!! THAT BASTARD!
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Chapter 28: I literally cried. LOLed mostly but cried in the end
kissingyoulove #2
omo omo!!
flowerchild #3 least theey got to grow.old.together...i should tell jay about this story if i ever meet coughmarrycough him lolol
Dubuu12 #4
This story was amazing, I loved it. <3
iloveswissrolls #5
Aww! It may be a bit cheesy, but it's super cute :)
RadiantBelle #6
YAAAAY! I was crying...yet again...but this time it was out of happiness. I'm so pathetic LOL This should be a drama *cough cough* just saying.
@iloveswissrolls Oh no! That's not weird at all :3 i do that all the time lol.
@iloveswissrolls YAYAYAY :D confetti dancing is the best kind of danceing there is!
@Caramel-chan hope you liked this ending! :)
@raingodess424 omggg, are you foreal? he parties hard doesn't he? omg, you're so lucky! :3
@messyjelly lol I'm glad! hope you liked this story!:)

I hope all you guys liked this story! thank you so so so much for commenting and subscribing <3 means the world to me TT-TT
iloveswissrolls #8
Oh wow I can literally see a drama playing out in my head. That's not weird.