The Smell Before Rain: Haunting Thoughts

The Smell Before Rain


Poster  from Dglove25 <3



                  I could hear the wind blow against the car, making it difficult for Jay to drive straight on the highway. It was hard for me not to start hyperventilating either. I mean, what was I supposed to tell him? I got my brother? “Are you hurt or anything?” his voice rang out in the dark car. The only light was from the dashboard, the little buttons and knobs illuminating a blue glow on everything.

                “No. I’m fine,” I tell him, swallowing hard.

                “You sure?” he asks me.

                “Yeah,” I say, turning my head away from him. We were on an old empty street. I suspect there’d be crack addicts around here, hiding in the dark.

                “Why didn’t you tell me this before?” he asks me, his voice soft. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest.

                What do I tell him? Why didn’t I? “I don’t know. I’m fine though,” I assure him. And he didn’t continue the already dying conversation. I felt like he didn’t care at all. If he did, he’d do a brake check like Matt done and interrogate me like a detective. But he didn’t. He dropped it. Maybe that was his nature around awkward, shocking events like this. I frowned, listening to the wind blow against the window shields.


                Nightmares occur and reoccurred several times a night and it was the same thing. That suction feeling on my birthmark and the raw grinding inside of me. I’d scream and scream but nothing came out. Nothing at all. And soon, all that was left for me that was in motion was my tears that dripped out of the corner of my eyes into my ears. Rian would be on me grunting and his eyes rolling into the back of his head.

                My eyes snap open and I sit straight up in bed drenched in a cold sweat. And I start to sob. I could feel Rian pressed down on me and I couldn’t breathe, the sobs ravaging my body. The door swung open and I could see the outline of Jay’s slender toned body. “Jay,” I choked. His arms wrapped around me.

                “Shh, I’m here. You’re okay. I’m here, Kimmie,” he hushed me, rocking me back and forth and I cried into his bare shoulder, getting snot and spit all over his hot skin. ing a that’s gross >.< But he didn’t seem to care. He never seemed to care. His strong arms were wrapped around my sob racked my body and for the first time in a while I felt safe. “I think we need to talk,” he tells me after my crying stopped, which was the longest time he’s ever held me. I didn’t want him to let go, ever. I look at his handsome face, half of him lit up my the light coming from the hallway, his other half dark.

                “He me. That bastard,” I tell him, wiping the spit off his shoulder.

                “I think we should go to the authorities,” Jay says, taking my hand and stopping me from getting carried away with cleaning off my snot and . He chuckles softly, setting my hand down. “Why can’t you clean the house like this?” I can’t help but crack a smile. “Unless you want me to beat the out of him for you.”

                “You’d get in trouble for that, Jay.” I look into his eyes, his single lidded eyelids hung low over his gorgeous brown eyes and felt as if I knew everything there was to know about Jay Park. I didn’t though. I didn’t know what he was thinking at the exact moment. And I didn’t know what he thought of this whole god damn situation. My eyes crept down to his bare chest, his tattoos so ing hot. “I think I should talk to my parents first, before we get the cops.”

                “Aight. Want to invite them over?” he says, “to talk?”

                “You’ll have to hide,” I tell him. He pouts, sticking his lower lips out. I wanted to lean in and bite his lip. I can’t believe that he could cheer me up this quick. Just talking to him made me feel a million times better.

                “Why? Your mom loves me. Can’t I just, like chill with you? It’s time your parents accept you’ve grown up,” he tells me, giving me a peck on the nose.

                “I have to think about this,” I mumble, all my brain matter disintegrating because of that lil kiss.

                “What’s there to think about?” he asks me, his voice deep and husky.

                “Erm,” I blush, not knowing what to say. “Um- There’s…” Before I could continue to make myself look even more stupid than I already was, Jay’s lips were on mine and images of Rian eating my mouth popped into my head. I wanted to kiss Jay back. I wanted to open my mouth to let him in, but Rian was knocking at the front of my mind and I turned my head to the side so his lips slipped off mine and onto my neck.

                “I’m sorry,” he pulled back quickly, clearly flustered. His breath short and quick. Damn! Why does he have to be so ing hot :o “I’m sorry, Kimmie. Should’ve known you’re not read- erm, I’m- since you’re fine I’ll let you sleep.”

                I watched mesmerized by his fluid movements as he got up to leave, when my sensible side came back to me. I can’t bear thinking of Jay sleeping in his own bed. The bed I had my blood on :/ “Jay, hey stay with me,” I say.

                “Hm?” he turned around, stopping at the door.

                “Sleep here with me,” I tell him. “In case… I have a nightmare?”

                “Why are you so damn cute?” he says, a playful smile on his lips. I laugh. I’m cute? Psh. He must be talking about my panda plush over there lol. He closes the door and strides over to the bed and flopped onto it, his arms immediately wrapped around me again. I  smiled, letting his warmth take me over, his broad toned chest pressing against my back. Rian was in the back of my mind :/






Damn, it’s not as long as I thought it was going to turn out >_< My mudda’s been hassling me all week to get my room cleaned cuz Tet is coming up, but she doesn’t know how much homework I have O.O Final exams are next week too cuz the end of the semester is coming up. Which means I won’t have much time to write at all :/  I’ll squeeze some time in tho <3 Hope you guys liked this chapter.


@borrrill~  updated brahhhJI’ll get into more depth with Jay as time progresses aightt? Lmao lololol I bet jay’s great in bed xD like all his dance videos he rolls his hips like a mothera it’s amazing. <3


@UNF-BELIEVABLE~ thank youuu:) means a lot to me man.


@raingodess424~ Ahh ik what you mean man xD I’ve watched so many videos of his and I implied he’s a sweet, caring guy with a helluva lot of swag <3 so basically he’s the good badass. Or bad good boy lol idk. Douchey Rian’s future is still unknownnnn :b I’I’ll update soonJ


@dglove25~ damnn I’d love to get a tattoo of something like that. I listen to him nonstop xD I get you, no worriesJ this chapter isn’t up to par lol. Hope you liked it tho!

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Chapter 28: I literally cried. LOLed mostly but cried in the end
kissingyoulove #2
omo omo!!
flowerchild #3 least theey got to grow.old.together...i should tell jay about this story if i ever meet coughmarrycough him lolol
Dubuu12 #4
This story was amazing, I loved it. <3
iloveswissrolls #5
Aww! It may be a bit cheesy, but it's super cute :)
RadiantBelle #6
YAAAAY! I was crying...yet again...but this time it was out of happiness. I'm so pathetic LOL This should be a drama *cough cough* just saying.
@iloveswissrolls Oh no! That's not weird at all :3 i do that all the time lol.
@iloveswissrolls YAYAYAY :D confetti dancing is the best kind of danceing there is!
@Caramel-chan hope you liked this ending! :)
@raingodess424 omggg, are you foreal? he parties hard doesn't he? omg, you're so lucky! :3
@messyjelly lol I'm glad! hope you liked this story!:)

I hope all you guys liked this story! thank you so so so much for commenting and subscribing <3 means the world to me TT-TT
iloveswissrolls #8
Oh wow I can literally see a drama playing out in my head. That's not weird.