The Smell Before Rain: Doctor Doctor Gimme the News

The Smell Before Rain








    “Rian was actually Dad’s friend’s son. His friend abandoned Rian when he was just 2 and I remember meeting him for the first time. I didn’t mind having a brother,” Matt explains, driving down the highway. “But I know that after all these years he resents being the one that never fitted.”

                “Why didn’t he ever say anything?” I ask my brother, watching his face closely to see if he was lying. Why would anyone lie about this tho? I felt like my whole life and everything I thought that was true flipped upside down. I’ve known Rian all of my life. He’s not supposed to hurt me like this.

                “Why would he? If he did, we’d just pitied him more and he hated that. I knew though. I’ve seen how he hid away during Me and Ba’s dinner parties. He was ashamed of himself,” Matt says, turning into the hospital parking lot. I felt so bad for Rian. How did I not know this before? Matt parks the car and I was starting to panic. What if they doctors found out I was ? :o by RIAN. What would my family do? I still think of him as my brother.  “Kimchi, you gonna come in or what?” Matt looks at me weird. I didn’t want to get out of the car.

                But sooner than I’d like, I was sitting on the examining bench watching the doctor click away on the computer. Matt insisted he come and see what’s wrong with me, because he’s majoring in biomedical sciences. I was terrified of finding out the results :/

                “Kimberly, looks like you have an infection,” the doc says.

                “Where is it?” Matt asks him. Damn! Why is he so nosy lol.

                “Why do you care?” I ask him, making myself sound indifferent.

                “I’m majoring in medicine,” my brother rolls his eyes at me. I frown at him, looking at the doctor who was looking from Matt to me confused. “Where’s the infection?”

                “It’s coming from her ,” the doctor says.

KUGAKULFGFUIEGEUIGFDKGFDJHAGJHAGJHAGFJDAJHFDG ING HELL I could feel my cheeks turn blood red and I thought I was going to die!!!! T_T

                After I got the prescribed meds and we were in the car, Matt laughs out loud. “So, I guess you and Jay’s been going at it?”

                “Shut up,” I muttered, turning my body away from my brother, staring out the window. Damn, I wished Jay and I did the dirty :b

                “Tell him not to grind so hard. s are-“

                “MATT. KNOCK IT OFF,” I growled at him. I hate talking about this kind of stuff! Especially with my brother. He better drop it.

                “I’m trying to keep you from getting your rubbed raw-“

                “Rian was the one who ing me!” I yell, immediately covering my mouth with my hands. Matt slams on the brake and caused us to snap our necks forward. Damn, he really needs to stop doing that!

                “He WHAT?!?!?!” Matt stares at me incredulously, he eyes bulging out of his head. I shook my head, not knowing what to say.  Matt stares at me for about 3 seconds while cars veered off the road to avoid crashing into us. He finally notices how he’s a public disturbance and drives onto the shoulder lane and turns the emergency lights on. “Kimmie! What’d Rian do to you?”

                I was looking out the window, trying to find the guts to tell him when Jay’s black sports car cruised by slowly. ! He saw me D: This moment couldn’t get any better, cuz Jay’s mouth dropped opened when he saw me.  I watch his car as he quickly moves into the shoulder lane and jogs over to our car.

                “It’s Jay,” I say. Matt whips his head around to see Jay standing outside, his breath was visible in the cold air. Matt quickly rolls down the window.

                “You guys okay? What’s wrong?” he asks us, his eyes flying to me. I blush under his concerned look. God, Matt’s gonna make me talk. Why in the world does Jay have to be here?

                “Kimmie says Rian her,” Matt looks back at me and I almost wanted to burst out sobbing. I look at Jay for his reaction. He has none. It was like he didn’t care. I frowned, holding back the tears.

                “Is that true?” Jay asks me. And the most I could do was nod, tears my eyes.

                “I want to go home,” I whisper. Jay pulls back and looked at the traffic and nods.

                “Matt, brah, lemme take her home. Talk to Rian, aight? I’ll take care of her,” Jay tells Matt.




Hi you guys. Sorry this is so short >_< I'm supposed to be doing homework but I'm HOOKED on Kpop and I can't get enough of Jay Park <3 Plus I don't want to write in the morning cuz I have a tendency of being late and missing the bus xD sooo you guys will have to bear this short chapter. I'll update a super duper long one this week:) Promise lol. Hmm I reread the last two chapters and I realized I totally forgot about the christmas chapter LOL. I was like 'oh my buddha whadda fhack! I hope none of my readers notice o.O' butttt I think it'd be better if I put this out in the open. Tell me if that bothered you xD I got so caught up in the and I forgot about chirstmas T_T I'll probably get a lump of coal for christmas this year lol. Subsribers and comments are welcomed! You guys can join  my infatuation and obsession with Jay Park ;D <3 


@iloveswissrolls  I LOLed so hard reading your comment! XD I’ll update hmm.. Friday? It’ll be a long chapter tooJand lol I hate the bus :b so yellow and loud…. Like me trolololol lol jk. Blegh it’s my bedtime :b thanks for reading! I’ll update when I get time<3


@dglove25   I feel like I should make Rian jump off the Seattle Space Needle TROLOL lol. The plot of this story will be so twisted xD I love all the posters you make man. Brings me so much happiness :’D I’ll update soooon <3


@borrrill   Awh thanks manJLolol did I call it lame? I meant my life is lame lmao. It’s hard to write when I have school. The end of the semester is coming up in a week and a half and I have finals and and it’s crazy >.< Blahhhh I’ll update asap<3


@UNF-BELIEVABLE    hi new reader lolJyes yes yessss the college math book thing. I actually pulled that out from one of Jay’s covers. It was from Look at Me Now/ Deuces. Love that vid <3 thank youuuu! I like this story too lol.

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Chapter 28: I literally cried. LOLed mostly but cried in the end
kissingyoulove #2
omo omo!!
flowerchild #3 least theey got to grow.old.together...i should tell jay about this story if i ever meet coughmarrycough him lolol
Dubuu12 #4
This story was amazing, I loved it. <3
iloveswissrolls #5
Aww! It may be a bit cheesy, but it's super cute :)
RadiantBelle #6
YAAAAY! I was crying...yet again...but this time it was out of happiness. I'm so pathetic LOL This should be a drama *cough cough* just saying.
@iloveswissrolls Oh no! That's not weird at all :3 i do that all the time lol.
@iloveswissrolls YAYAYAY :D confetti dancing is the best kind of danceing there is!
@Caramel-chan hope you liked this ending! :)
@raingodess424 omggg, are you foreal? he parties hard doesn't he? omg, you're so lucky! :3
@messyjelly lol I'm glad! hope you liked this story!:)

I hope all you guys liked this story! thank you so so so much for commenting and subscribing <3 means the world to me TT-TT
iloveswissrolls #8
Oh wow I can literally see a drama playing out in my head. That's not weird.