Why Can't You Love Me?

A Glued Friendship

Leeteuk's P.O.V

I changed into my gym clothes after Donghae left. As I was going out, I adjusted my gym bag, wondering where Ryeowook went. When I was going to open the door, Heechul was also going out.

"Where are you going?" I asked.

"To the school's kitchen. I might find something to eat," he said, his lips. I rolled my eyes.

"Why? The fridge don't have any snacks?" I asked.

"Well.... I have a reason to go there.. so yeah," Heechul said quietly. I smirked as I was heading towards the gym. When I arrived at the gym, I heard whipping. Is someone in here? I thought. I followed the sound, wondering who it was. The whipping got louder and louder. Suddenly, I heard jumping. Someone is definitely in here. I approached closer and closer to the sound. I hid behind a wall, peaking at the mysterious figure.

"UGH!" a familiar voice cried, tripping on the ground. I quickly ran up to the person. I knew who it was in an instant.

"Taeyeon, you alright?" I asked, worried. Taeyeon stopped moving, and turned her head towards me. I gave her a small smile.

"Good, you're alright," I said softly. She then glared at me, stepping farther away from me.

"Leave me alone, I need to practice," she said harshly. Ouch. She continued to jump for a few seconds, but then slip. And when I mean seconds, I mean seconds. I ran over to her. 

"Taeyeon! You're over training!" I said, dragging her on the bench. She laid down, breathing heavily. I wiped her forehead with my favorite (and handy) handkerchief. I touched her forehead, and boy, was it burning!

"YA! KIM TAEYEON! You got a fever and you're exercising?!" I exclaimed. She just laid there, breathing even more heavily. 

"Wait here, don't move! I'm going to get some medicine," I said. I ran to the front door, where I left my bag. I looked into my bag for something to slow down the medicine. Luckily, there was already medicine in there! I laughed. Aren't I so responsible? I took out two pills and opened my water bottle. I ran up to Taeyeon, who was up, jumping. I rolled my eyes. Does she not listen to me?!

"KIM TAEYEON! I told you to sit!" I yelled across the room. Taeyeon stopped and tripped again. She sighed, struggling to get up.

"A-Ani... I don't need help... from a boy," she hissed. She glared at me, jumping and over training. I bit my lower lips, sitting on a bench. What could I do? I called Donghae. 

"What?!" he answered. 

"How do you stop a girl from overtraining when she got a fever?" I asked quickly. 

"I don't know! Have you seen Yoona?" he asked. My eyes rose.

"Yoona? Isn't she at her dorm or something?" I asked.

"No! Hyung, I need to go. Bye," he said, hanging up. I sighed. When Taeyeon tripped again, I took her jump rope and threw it somewhere in the room. I picked her up wedding style, laying her on the bench.

"Y-Ya! L-L-Leeteuk! Stop it, I don't need you help!" she said weakly. She pounded on my chest while I handed her the medicine and water.

"Eat and drink and sleep. That's all I want you to do. Can you do that for me?" I asked. She stopped and thought about it. Then, she nodded. I sighed in relief as she ate her medicine. Then, a curious question popped in my head.

"Taeyeon-ah, why can't you love me like the rest?" I asked. 

Taeyeon's P.O.V

"Taeyeon-ah, why can't you love me like the rest?" Leeteuk asked. I scrunched my eye brows. What did he mean?

"What do you mean, Leeteuk?" I asked, weakly. He shifted uncomfortably.

"Like, you like other boys and girls, but you probably ignore me. You even like to your ex-boyfriend. But it seems like you're avoiding me instead of talking and hanging out with me. I guess I feel a bit... I don't know, lonely?" Leeteuk explained. I bit my lower lips. Wow, I never thought about it like that, I thought. I cleared my throat.

"Is that really how you feel?" I asked. He nodded slowly.

"I guess it's because of my childhood life. When my dad left my mom, my mom cried so much. She told me men and love are the most silliest thing in your life. She explained me the pain and ever thing," I sighed.

"But love isn't silly! It's the purest thing that brings couples together! As for men.... how about women, then, huh? Every human being does something wrong... you can't blame them," Leeteuk protested. I shook my head.

"Ani, you don't understand. My mom felt very angry and hurt. If you seen--"

"She just wanted to protect you from feeling heart broken! It doesn't matter! You're not your mom! You can love others and probably won't break up! You and your mom are two different human beings with two different life! You can't expect that if you love, you'll be heartbroken like your mom!" Leeteuk interrupted. I just stared at him. We gazed at each other's eyes for a moment, but then I turned away.

"You don't understand. She's my mother. She knows exactly what I need," I mumbled.

"No she doesn't! Taeyeon, can't you see? Your father loved you mother! It just happened so that something happened during their relationship! So they broke up! But before, they were in love! Just like I love you!" Leeteuk said.

"Then let me ask you... how much do you love me?" I asked. Leeteuk turned my head and lifted my chin. He stared at my lovingly in the eyes, and his lips crashed into mine. His hands were around my waist, and this time I didn't push back. I responded by kissing him back, wrapping my hands around his arms. The kiss deepened, but then I pulled myself away. Our faces were one centimeter away from each other.

"This is how much I love you," Leetek whispered, kissing me again. From that very day, Leeteuk changed the way I felt and how I acted towards him. Because I loved him...

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Randomly featured on 11/17/14! It's been 4 years since I've wrote this story, too (I cringe, lol).


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@--Moonie: Haha, thanks! ^_^
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
@Pizzalover: But it's so cheesy XD And cliché O_O And weird at some parts (if not, then most) :P It's such an old story, I can't believe that I improved my writing from this story. O_O
@BarbieTiffany: Thank you! >.<
@ninjasmell: Thank you! :) But I'm wondering how random this random feature is. I've been featured randomly twice (this is my 2nd random feature) O_O
ninjasmell #7
congrats on getting featured!
@pastelbow: Thank you! ^_^
@JJaehwa: Haha, thanks! :)
Congrats!! :D