The Kingkas

A Glued Friendship

Donghae's P.O.V

I used my thick, muscular leg to kick the soccer ball around. I felt sweat flying all around me, but I ignored it. I breathed calmly, focusing on the goal net. I saw the goalie shaking nervously, his hands slowly raising up to block my ball. I was the best soccer player in Arts N' Music Academy. I know it's called the Arts N' Music Academy, but strangely, they give out Sports events. I stared into the goalie's eyes, glaring evilly. He trembled, and finally...

"GOAL!" I yelled, raising my arm high up in the air. My best friend, Heechul, got up the stadium seat and clapped his hand. The goalie shrunk at least 10 inches, covering his head. The goalie slowly looked at me.

"Mwo?" I barked at him, glaring at him evilly. Just looking at that goalie gave me stress. The goalie flinched and ran off. What a fool.

"Good job, Donghae," Heechul complimented. I didn't smile. Well, I smirked at least.

"Good job? GOOD job? I do better than that, Heechul. You know that," I glared at him. Heechul flinched a little, and nodded.

"That was stupendous," he mumbled.

"Thank you," I replied, taking a drink of water. I wasn't that tired, but it's good to refill your energy, am I right?

"Donghae!" Ryeowook called, waving his hand. I gave him a small wave while he dragged Leeteuk.

"Ya!" Leeteuk complained, making Ryeowook let go of his wrist. I smirked.

"Good job, hyung!" Ryeowook complimented. I glared at him. Heechul cleared his throat.

"Not good, Ryeowook. Stupendous," Heechul whispered. Ryeowook covered his mouth. I got my soccer ball and kicked it directly at him. I could kick so hard, that when you catch it, it would give you so much pain. Ryeowook ducked and my soccer ball headed towards a table with 4 girls happily chatting along. My ball smashed into one girl's shoulder, and she winced in pain. Heechul, Leeteuk, and Ryeowook covered their mouth, but I didn't. I just went towards the girls. 3 girls glared at me, except the one who was injured.

"Give me my ball," I demanded.

"No sorry?" Yuri, a girl that I know, asked me with disgust. I stuck my tongue out.

"Yes, no 'sorry'. You have a problem?" I asked harshly. Yuri shook her head quietly. The girl who got injured handed me the ball.

"Ow... Well, you are forgiven. I'm Yoona. What's yours?" Yoona asked, rubbing her shoulder.

"Does it matter?" I asked harshly again.

"Yes?" Yoona said, still rubbing her should. I frowned at her.

"No, it doesn't matter. Why does it matter anyways?" I asked. 

"'Cause I want to get to know you better? At least introduce me to your friends!" she smiled. I felt disgusted. Why is she smiling at me like this? Isn't she angry?

"Um... okay... this is Leeteuk, the oldest of us," I introduced. Leeteuk shook hands with Yoona happily.

"That guy is Heechul," I pointed to Heechul. Yoona extended a hand, but Heechul just did a quick "high-five." 

"Get it? You stuck your hand out? It's a high-five? Get it?" he laughed. No one laughed. I didn't get his "jokes." Or even if they were jokes.

"Um, yeah! Ha, ha..." Yoona fake-laughed. Heechul slunk his shoulder, scooting aside for Ryeowook.

"Finally, that's Ryeowook," I said, rolling my eyes. Ryeowook shook Yoona's hand, smiling and grinning wildly. I was kind of freaked out by that. Then, I turned around.

"Wait!" I heard Yoona call me.

"What?" I snapped.

"What's you name?" she asked me curiously.

"Um... Donghae," I replied, feeling awkward a bit. Why was I feeling like this? I decided to ignore it, and ran off to the field. Whenever I tried to kick the ball, I kept thinking of Yoona. What's wrong with me? I thought to myself.

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Randomly featured on 11/17/14! It's been 4 years since I've wrote this story, too (I cringe, lol).


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@--Moonie: Haha, thanks! ^_^
--Moonie #2
this was cute!
@Pizzalover: But it's so cheesy XD And cliché O_O And weird at some parts (if not, then most) :P It's such an old story, I can't believe that I improved my writing from this story. O_O
@BarbieTiffany: Thank you! >.<
@ninjasmell: Thank you! :) But I'm wondering how random this random feature is. I've been featured randomly twice (this is my 2nd random feature) O_O
ninjasmell #7
congrats on getting featured!
@pastelbow: Thank you! ^_^
@JJaehwa: Haha, thanks! :)
Congrats!! :D