The Average Day

Staying with Suju

~~{ Kay's POV }~~
The next few days went on like usual, with everyone getting along. Heechul was continueously being a dork. Kyuhyun kept on flirting with me, but not as much as usual, since we declared that we were just friends.

Zhou Mi was still just a sweet to me, though he sometimes got jealous when I would hang out with Kyuhyun. Henry was being all big brother-like but still allowing me a little freedom.
Meanwhile, Siwon was trying to convince me to let him pretend to be my father and Heechul could be my mother. I cracked up everytime.
Yesung and Ryeowook were doing good too. Wookie taught me a few good recipes and let me cook with him every so often. Yesung was madly obsessed with his turtle and begged me to hang out with him, like,

And Sungmin, oh, was he crazy! He was just like Yesung, except a little sweeter. Except when I said no to him, then he'd EXPLODE!
Leeteuk was normal old ( I don't mean like old person old!! it's just a figure of speech!! ) leader-like Teukie. I didn't see him much since he was always out doing his radio show.
Eunhyuk was always with Ashley, and I mean ALWAYS! He followed her around like a dog! Donghae on the other hand would just float around, looking over my shoulder when I cooked or was on the computer, following

Henry around the house, etc.. Sometimes he could be found out in the pool being his regular fishy self.
But if I had learned anything since I first came here with my sister, it's that staying with Suju is crazy!
You never know what to expect from a bunch of Asians!
Life is full of surprises. Like last Saturday...
[ Kay's Flashback ]

I was sitting there on my bed staring up at the roof with a Sailor Moon manga in my hands ( A/N: I'm a manga addict >.< ).
The door opened and Zhou Mi stepped in with a water bottle. I put away my book and smiled brightly.
" Good morning Mimi~ " I sang as he stepped over to my bed and sat on the edge.
" Kay, I'm bored, " he complained with a pout. I hugged him tightly.
" Let's go do something fun then! " I tugged his arm and began dragging him out. A random idea popped into my head and I giggled at the thought.
" You go on the roof and wait. I'll go out onto the street and give you the signal, " I said as I nudged him of the direction of the stairs to the roof.
" Wait, what's the signal? What do I do? " he called out to me as I rushed downstairs.
What's my plan you ask? Well, he's going to pour his water on me from 4 stories up! It sounded fun to me, even if it is crazy!
I ran through the door, remembering to tell Henry that I'm just doing an experiment. Once out I stopped and looked up.
Unfortunately, I couldn't see all the way up. The sun blocked off most of the sky. I had to squint my eyes to even glance in that direction.
I saw a tall silouette ( shadowy figure ) standing 4 stories above me. It was Zhou Mi waving down at me. I waved both of my arms like a person trying to be rescued by a helicopter.
" Mimi! Pour the water on me! " I just realised how silly this sounded. Oh well...
" What?? " He yelled.
" Pour! The! Water! On! Meeee!! " I yelled as load as I could.
The next thing I know, I am being splashed by a quart of cold water. It may not seem much, but close enough.
I heard Zhou Mi chuckling up there as my hair dripped but the rest of me remained dry. His figure moved out of view. I continued looking up at the bright sky, searching for him.
Then, he comes up behind me with a big bucket of water. He pours it all over me, leaving me completely soaked!
I turned around and pushed him into the puddle of water on the floor, laughing my head off.
He looked up at me with an evil look.
" Help me up, " he held out his hand. I grabbed it, only to be yanked down on top of him.
We laughed together and when we stopped, we stared into each others eyes.
" Are you still bored? " I said with a sly smile. He smiled back at me.
" I'm still missing one thing, " he leaned in and kissed me passionately.
I kissed him back, savoring this sweet moment.
It was definately the most passionate, most sweetest, most wonderful kiss I ever had.
That was, until it got ruined.
" Yah! " I pulled off of Zhou Mi and looked up with reddened cheeks. It was none other than my dear appa, Siwon.
" What do you think you were doing to my daughter?! " he ran up to me and hugged me from behind.
I looked at Zhou Mi with a small pout and I mouthed the words " I'm sorry " .
Siwon tugged me by the arm while I was still turned around. Zhou Mi just stood there with a pout on his face.
Like I said, life is full of surprises.
[ End of Flashback ]

See what I mean? These guys are nuts!
In other news, me and Zhou Mi have been getting much closer.
Every morning he wakes me up with a morning kiss and we make breakfast together. Then we would hang out the whole day, maybe watch a movie or go out to eat.
And every night, he would tell me a funny bedtime story and end it with a bedtime kiss.
Henry would always note how cute we were together. Me being with Zhou Mi is probably the only thing he isn't protective over, probably because he trusts him.
Unlike Siwon. He never breaks out of character. He's always being the protective father.
" Kay! Stop writing in your diary! It's mother daughter bonding time! " my "mom" Heechul poked his head into my bedroom and yelled at me.
I sighed and rolled my eyes.
" Yes Mommy, " I said, some what irritated.
Lucky me! A day with my mom! Oh boy! (Sarcasm.. )
Heechul grabbed my arm and pulled me out the house.
And he brought me shopping! What's with these guys and shopping?!
I was forced to be dragged around by him all day. I kept whining like a little kid.
" How about we get some ice cream? " he gave me a bright, sweet smile.
" Yay! " I skipped with my " mother " into the ice cream shoppe. Everybody looked at us, probably thinking that we really were mother and daughter. ( A/N : he could TOTALLY pull it off ;D )
We both got strawberry ice cream and a chocolate milk shake.
After that, I got dragged around to even MORE stores. Then he dragged me back home before Henry could start worrying.
And from there on, my day is somewhat average.
That is, if you include cooking for more than 10 guys and my little sister; chasing after a different member each day for searching through my stuff, or being hugged, tugged and dragged on a daily basis, average.
But don't worry, I'm doing okay. And so are the guys, just so that all of those little ELFs don't freak out and attack me or anything.
That's just life for you. My average day while living with Super Junior, something that nothing else would ever come close to.


good chapter, right?  ^^
it's a little short.... :{ *pout*
it's just a little summary of Kay's last few days here.
there's only going to be like one or two more chapters (sorry! don't kill meeee!!! )

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Please upvote so that I could get featured one day ^^
@Promi53ToB3li3v3: Hehe, thanks!
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #3
WOW fantastic baby!! Love ur story <3
We almost got 2000 views!! Keep it up!!
I was just reading over this and I realised how stupid it was at the beginning. Really? Ashley, hyper?
She seems TOO much like real Ashley...
I like Heechul's attidude though :)
thanks! ^^ I really want to get this featured one day...
AnimeKitty #8
Of course! Your story rocks!
I hope you guys are still reading this.... :P
Hello readers! Please help me get this published! I will read anyone's story and comment if you'd like, so I can get more Karma points.
Anyways, please comment and subscibe if you are reading this! Tell your friends and spread this story around! Maybe one day it will be on the home page under the featured stories! :D
Let's keep our hopes up and support me all the way! Make sure you read the sequel too and all of my other stories! Thanks guys for always being there for me, through reader's block, crappy chapters, and stupid AFF and their problems. Thank you so much!