The Guys

Staying with Suju

~~{ Ashley's POV}~~
After Zhou Mi and Kay ran off, it was really akward there. I wanted to yell at Henry for embarrassing Zhou Mi and making them leave.
But instead we all parted our ways to play pinball, or turn in our tickets, or walk around. Eunhyuk went with me.
" What was all that about? " he asked.
" Oh, he was just teasing. I'm sure Zhou Mi's alright, " I was totally making this up.
" Maybe we should go look for him and see if he's okay, " he suggested.
" Nah, let's enjoy our time here while it lasts, " I sighed.
" Hey guys! " Heechul seemed to jump out of no where, nearly giving me a heart attack.
" Heechul! You scared me! "  I had my hand over my heart feeling it beat a million times a minute.
" Did I really? " he had a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
" Hey, hyung, what time is it? " Eunhyuk said, sounding a little irritated.
" Uh, 3:30, why? " Heechul glanced at his red watch.
" Oh, we're going to have to leave for dinner soon, better tell Henry, " he looked at me. " Come on Ashley."
He grabbed my hand, though he looked kind of shy to, and led the way towards Henry.
When we reached him, he was playing some kind of arcade game that I didn't recognize.
" Hey, Henry. We got like an hour and a half before dinner, do you mind if me and Ashley walk around town? " Eunhyuk asked.
" Uh, sure, meet us at the restaurant at 5:00, okay? " Henry focused on the game.
" Got it, " Eunhyuk turned around and dragged me out.
" Oppa! " I yanked my hand away from him as we stood outside on the side walk.
" What? " he turned to face me.
" What are you doing? " I was a little angry with him.
" I just wanted to spend time with you, " he frowned, probably thinking that he did something wrong.
" Oh, Eunhyuk! " I gave him a quick hug. " Why didn't you just ask me earlier instead of dragging me with you? I would've definately wanted to come! "
He looked down at his feet.
" Sorry, " he mumbled.
" Now, come on, let's go! " I grabbed his hand and pulled him onward.
~~{ Zhou Mi's POV}~~
I couldn't believe what had just happened. It was like a dream come true.
Kay's face was still close to mine. I could feel magical waves flowing all the way to my toes.
Sungmin was still standing there with a smile on his face. I looked over at him and he gave me a thumbs up. He walked away to give us a little privacy.
" Kay..." I looked back at her, still shocked.
" Saranghaeyo..." she whispered with a smile on her face.
I just realised that I had been holding my breathe.
" Me too, " I said quietly, releasing my breathe.
" Yeah, I know, " she giggled. I smiled.
This had to be a dream. I pinched myself to check. Nope, not dreaming.
There was a short moment of akward silence.
I decided to break the akwardness. So I grabbed her hand and pulled her towards the karaoke are where we were at before. I played a nice slow song and danced with her.
I loved dancing with her. It made me feel so relaxed and peaceful.
Together, me and Kay danced swiftfully as if we were in a fancy ball.
I didn't notice it but a small crowd had formed around us. It was Henry, Kyuhyun, Heechul, and Sungmin. I didn't care, I was happy right there, dancing with Kay.
We finished and bowed to the audience.
 I left Kay for a second and went over to Henry.
" I'm sorry for earlier, " he said to me.
" Yeah. I guess it kind of just broke the limit for me. I know that you were just joking around, " I replied.
" Yeah, but I was telling the truth. You guys do look cute together, " he gave me a small smile.
" You think so? "
" Definately."
" Henry? You won't believe this, but, she kissed me, " I said in a low whisper.
" That's great, so everything is working out for you, " he gave me a brotherly hug.
I'm glad that everything is okay now.
" Oh well, it's time for us to go to the restaurant! " Henry led the way towards the door and out to the street. We walked to the old fashioned restaurant down the road.
It was a simple resturante decorated with antiques and they served original dishes.
Once we arrived, we found Eunhyuk and Ashley chatting in front of the door. They seemed happy.
We went in and sat down at a large table, big enough for all of us.
Kay sat beside me and grabbed a menu.
" What do you think is the best? " she asked me.
" Well their seafood mixed noodles are pretty good, but so is practically everything else on the menu, " I read through the names of dishes.
" You got to try the pat bing soo here! You should get it for dessert! " Sungmin said from across the table.
" Okay so, seafood mixed noodles and then pat bing soo for dessert. Sounds nice! " she laughed.
The waitor came over and we ordered our food.
We waited for our food to come, chatting and sipping our tea. Me and Kay had a great conversation and we all had a few laughs.
Once our food came we ate and still talked. Kay's skills with chopsticks had been perfect.
We finished eating and ordered our dessert. Kay really loved her pat bing soo. Everyone was having a great time.
We paid and left. It was finally time to go to the park to relax.
Henry led the way towards the river. The sun was still out but it was nearing the horizon. It made the sky look a beautiful light blue with hints of yellow and orange.
We arrived at the park soon enough.
~~{Kay's POV}~~
Korea is such a beautiful place. We went to so many different places today.
But by far the park was the nicest. There were big trees and a few hills to run over. There was a big field in the middle. There was a side walk going through the middle of the park that was lined with a few benches.
It really was beautiful. Especially with the sun just beginning to set, forming shadows everywhere and shining a bright glow over everyone.
I breathed in the fresh air. It smelled like fresh cut grass, flowers, and the wind flowing around me.
Zhou Mi grabbed my hand and led me to the river bank.
The water was still. It made a perfect reflection of the sky as it turned orange and pink. I picked up a rock and skipped it across the surface of the water, causing it to ripple.
I sighed and took in the beauty of it all.
" Sit, "  Zhou Mi plopped down on the grass and ordered me to follow. I sat down beside him
" It's really nice here, " I told him, stretching out on the grass in order to get a better view of the sky. I could see the moon beginning to shine.
" Yeah, are you glad I told Henry to take us here? " he asked, laying down as well.
" Yeah, " I sighed. It was so relaxing there.
" Hey, do you guys want to play soccer with us? " Donghae called out to us. I sat up and turned to face him.
" Sure, I need to burn some calories anyways. Coming Zhou Mi? " I stood up and offered a hand to him.
" Nah, I'll stay here and relax, " he replied.
I turned back around and followed Donghae.
" Hang on, you got some grass on your back, " he went behind me and began brushing leaves off of the back of my shirt gently.
" Haha, that tickles, " I laughed as his hand brushed my side.
" Really, " he instantly went into tickling mode and attacked.
" Hahahaha!! STOP!!! Hahaha! OPPAAA!!! " I tried to block him and fight back but it was no use. 
Soon enough he was worn down and gave up. I gave him a playful shove.
" Now, what was that for? " I asked in a motherly tone.
" I was just messing around. You got to have fun every once and a while, you know, " he joked, shoving me back. " Come on, race? "
" You're on, " I got ready.
" GOOOOO!!! " he sped off and so did I.
Me and him were about neck and neck. That's when I started to get ahead of him.
" Haha! Take that! " I called out.
He pushed me playfully and we both fell into a heap in the grass. We started rolling around with laughter.
" Ha, that was, fun, " Donghae said, breathless from running.
" Yeah. Wooo, I'm worn out, " I sighed.
" You still up for soccer? " he sprung up. This guy never stops!
" You bet! " we ran over to the others and joined the game.
Turns out that today was a pretty good day!

Wooo, i'm worn out! LOL!! will write next chapter soon! comment and subscribe~

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Please upvote so that I could get featured one day ^^
@Promi53ToB3li3v3: Hehe, thanks!
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #3
WOW fantastic baby!! Love ur story <3
We almost got 2000 views!! Keep it up!!
I was just reading over this and I realised how stupid it was at the beginning. Really? Ashley, hyper?
She seems TOO much like real Ashley...
I like Heechul's attidude though :)
thanks! ^^ I really want to get this featured one day...
AnimeKitty #8
Of course! Your story rocks!
I hope you guys are still reading this.... :P
Hello readers! Please help me get this published! I will read anyone's story and comment if you'd like, so I can get more Karma points.
Anyways, please comment and subscibe if you are reading this! Tell your friends and spread this story around! Maybe one day it will be on the home page under the featured stories! :D
Let's keep our hopes up and support me all the way! Make sure you read the sequel too and all of my other stories! Thanks guys for always being there for me, through reader's block, crappy chapters, and stupid AFF and their problems. Thank you so much!