The Return

Staying with Suju

~~{Kay's POV}~~
I never gave Zhou Mi the attention he wanted, and know he's supporting me in a rough time?
I didn't do anything to deserve such kindness from him.
I smiled though I was still crying. I gave Zhou Mi a hug.
" Stop crying, " he wiped a few tears from my face.
" I can't. You're being the nicest person ever. I know you never really got what you wanted and all, " I told him, trying to stop the flow of tears.
" All I want is to see you happy, " he confessed and gave me another hug.
I looked into his eyes.
If he wanted to see me happy, he got his wish. Because I was happy right where I was.
I must have been smiling without noticing it since Zhou Mi smiled brightly back at me.
" Now, come on, let's go back downstairs, " he put out his hand to help you get up off the bed.
Once I was up, we just stood there, looking at eachother for a moment until he released my hand and led me out into the hall.
Everyone was in the living room watching T.V. except Siwon was in the kitchen making some coffee.
They were watching a drama. Kyuhyun and Sungmin were standing by Donghae and talking to him. Henry sat in his usual chair and stared blankly at the T.V.
I found an empty spot on the couch and sat down. Zhou Mi sat beside me.
Sungmin looked at me and stepped away from Kyu and Donghae.
" Hey, I heard about your sister, I hope she's okay, " he said with a sigh.
" The doctor said she'll be fine. We're just worried about how long she'll be in the coma, " I explained.
" Oh, yeah, you never know. So Eunhyuk stayed there?"
" Yeah, he was going to watch over her and call us if there's any news, "
" Well, you have my best wishes, "
" Thanks, " I smiled at Sungmin. He went back to his little group.
Hopefully Ashley will wake up from her coma soon.
~~{Eunhyuk's POV}~~
I sat in a small chair next to the bed that Ashley was in.
I felt a tear roll down my cheek but made sure I didn't cry.
" Ashley, wake up, please, I need you. I'm nothing without you. I never even got to tell you my feelings. Just, please wake up, " I begged, looking at her blank face.
Nothing happened at all.
I stood up and paced the room and stopped by the wall.
Kicking the wall with anger, I let out a loud yell.
" Calm down sir, " the doctor said to me. I returned to my seat.
" How's she doing, doc? " I asked, griping my pants and causing a small rip to form.
" She's doing okay. I think she might be awakening soon, " he looked at one of the monitors on his desk.
" Like, today? "
" I don't know. Just not to long, that's all, "
What does he mean, he doesn't know? Doctors are supposed to know everthing!
I sighed and covered my face. I hope she wakes up soon.
" Ashley...." I could'nt stop the tears.
" Eunhyuk? " I heard a weak, tired voice nearby. A girl's voice.
~~{Ashley's POV}~~
My eyes fluttered open at the sound of Eunhyuk's voice and sobs.
" Eunhyuk? " I said in a whisper.
I opened my eyes to see him raise his head. I could see a few tears on his face.
" Ashley? Your awake! " he quickly wiped away the tears.
" How long have you been here? "
" The whole time, I never left. I was always by your side, "
I smiled, that was so nice of him.
" Where's everyone else? "
" Oh! They're at home, I have to call them to tell them you woke up! " he pulled out his phone and called them.
I looked around the room while I waited for him to finish his call.
" Why did you stay here, Hyukie? " I asked when he hung up.
" Well, because, I wasn't gonna leave you here alone, Ashley. I wanted to watch over you and make sure your okay. Because.... because, I've always liked you from the start but I couldn't admit it. And I started thinking that I would never be able to so I knew that I was gonna be here when you wake up, waiting, even if it took a million years, "
I smiled and gave Eunhyuk a quick hug as I heard people rushing down the hall outside.
Everyone from back at the house except Heechul, who was probably still asleep, stopped in front of the doorway.
They all smiled brightly and stepped in. Everyone was happy.
I recieved a lot of hugs and high fives while Eunhyuk sat there looking very proud of himself.
Once the celbration was over, everyone crowded around my bed.
" You should really thank Eunhyuk, if he wouldn't have found out what happened, you would still be unconcious in the bathroom, " Henry said.
" Thanks Eunhyuk, for always being there, " he seemed to blush a little.
" Well, why don't we take you back home? " they looked at the doctor and he gave a little nod.
I jumped up, still in my hospital gown, and rushed to the bathroom to change.
Once I returned, we all thanked the doctors a hundred times.
I practically jumped into the car, excited to return back home.
" You know what? " I said while I looked out the window as we sped down the road.
" What? " Eunhyuk sat beside be.
" I didn't eat breakfast yet, " everyone laughed.
" Well, if you're hungry, I think we still have left over sandwiches from this morning, " Kay told me.
Once we got home, everything went back to normal.
I had my breakfast, and lunch since it was already 2:00 pm, and watched T.V. with the guys.
The day went by quick and soon enough, the sun was setting.
" Come with me, " Henry tugged my arm upstairs.
Once we got to the 4th story, we went to a door that led to the roof.
He guided me carefully onto the roof while I giggled softly.
The view was amazing. You could see the whole city from up there.
In the distance, the sun was glowing on the horizon with pink and orange clouds surrounding it.
On the other side of the sky, I could see the moon in a small, dark blue section of the sky.
" This is beautiful, Henry! " I looked at him with a huge smile on my face.
" Yeah, I thought you would like to see it. I come up here everyday to watch the sunset and I think about the rest of the world and how they see it, " he sat down and hugged his knees.
" Wow. Henry, I'm glad you're our cousin. If you weren't we would have never came here. None of this would've happened, " I sat beside him.
" Yeah, I'm glad too. Life here has been so much funner with you guys around, " the sun disappeared as he said this.
I watched the glow fade away after it, making the moon the brightest thing in the sky.
Henry laid back and looked at the sky as well. A few stars appeared.
" Look, a shooting star, make a wish! " he pointed as a comet flew by.
But what is there to wish for? Everything I want is already here.


done! next chapter coming up (ps: sorry it took so long, i've been reaaaly busy )

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Please upvote so that I could get featured one day ^^
@Promi53ToB3li3v3: Hehe, thanks!
Promi53ToB3li3v3 #3
WOW fantastic baby!! Love ur story <3
We almost got 2000 views!! Keep it up!!
I was just reading over this and I realised how stupid it was at the beginning. Really? Ashley, hyper?
She seems TOO much like real Ashley...
I like Heechul's attidude though :)
thanks! ^^ I really want to get this featured one day...
AnimeKitty #8
Of course! Your story rocks!
I hope you guys are still reading this.... :P
Hello readers! Please help me get this published! I will read anyone's story and comment if you'd like, so I can get more Karma points.
Anyways, please comment and subscibe if you are reading this! Tell your friends and spread this story around! Maybe one day it will be on the home page under the featured stories! :D
Let's keep our hopes up and support me all the way! Make sure you read the sequel too and all of my other stories! Thanks guys for always being there for me, through reader's block, crappy chapters, and stupid AFF and their problems. Thank you so much!