Chapter 23

He's Perfect


The practice went smoothly and perfect.

All of them listen to anyone's suggestion for the routine but, most of the suggestions came from Taemin and Hyoyeon.

It was five in the afternoon when they finished the practice so; they decided to eat dinner together.

"Where should we eat?" Hyoyeon asked as she wraps her hand around Donghae's waist. They have a thing already, reason is mysteriously hidden.

"I'll cook, let's go home." Key suggested as he glance at his boyfriend who's giving him a smile as a suggestion accepted.

"But, Umma, when is the last time you went grocery? Last, last week, right?" Taemin frowns. How can he cook if there are no ingredients to cook in their fridge?

"Right, I'll grocery then," Key said, patting the maknae's head as a thank you gesture.

"I'll come with you," Jonghyun said, slipping his hand on Key's hand.

But, Key shakes his head, "No! You'll have to drive them to our home." Key smiled softly.

"Umma, I'll come!" Taemin raises his hand, excitedly. He was waiting for this moment to come. A Umma-son moment.

"No, Minnie. uhm, it's already late." Key said. Sure he's going to be worried to the things Taemin would want him to buy for him. He already budget their money just this day.

"But Umma," Taemin whines like a little kid.

"We'll go," Donghae said as he raises his available hands in the air.

"Okay," Key said. He smiles to Taemin before standing beside Donghae and Hyoyeon.

“No Key, I mean, we’re the ones,” Hyoyeon paused before pointing at herself and Donghae, “who’ is going to buy the ingredients. Just message me the thing we need to buy.” Hyoyeon smiles as she raises her phone up.

“Is that okay with you two?” Key said as he looks at them, he shifts his position back to Taemin’s side.

“It’s totally okay, just text me the address of your house.” Donghae assures the younger.

“Okay then, so, you’ll be buying those with your money.” Jonghyun chuckled. He was worrying about the money that they’re going to spend for their dinner.

“Clock is ticking,” Seohyun whines as she taps her wrist watch with her index finger.

“Ooh, Sorry,” Donghae apologized before turning to Jonghyun.

“Yeah, we got lots of cash here.” Donghae said before waving good bye to them.

After Donghae and Hyoyeon left, Key gathers everyone in a circle and gave them the biggest question mark look at them. Everyone knew what Key’s eyes means so they started explaining.

“I’m surprised too,” Taemin said as he shows off his surprise face to everyone, which is disgusting to look for them.

“But how?” Key asked, scratching his head in confusion. He was Hyoyeon’s guy best friend after all, he suppose to know it.

“Clock is ticking,” Seohyun whines again. She was standing beside the circle and she’s the only one who’s not in the circle. She knew already, and besides, she’s the first person Hyoyeon told about her relationship with Donghae.

They all stood straight and apologize again.

“Can we go now?” Seohyun said as she crosses her arms on her chest.

“Why are you so impatient?” Key asked, slightly annoyed at her attitude. He was known for correcting others’ wrongs and being so straight forward.

“I’m hungry,” Seohyun answered without looking at him.

“Let’s go, I’m hungry too.” Yonghwa said as he pulls Seohyun beside her and starts walking out from the building.

The other four guys follow behind. But, Key cut in front of the two unreasonable-good-together-couple and eyed them.

“We’re supposed to lead.” Key said as he pulls Jonghyun with him.

“Now, let’s move.” Key smiles at them, telling them that no hard feelings by his beautiful eyes making everyone laughs.

Luckily, they all fitted inside the car which is smaller for them. Jonghyun decided to make Taemin and Minho to ride the bus but Key refuses because of his worry of what might happen to his little Minnie. Key suggested Yonghwa and Seohyun to take the bus but Seohyun said she hurls when riding a bus so they ended up full stuffed inside a car.

What is most awkward is Seohyun ended up sitting on Yonghwa’s lap while Taemin is in front and Minho beside Yonghwa.

“Did I tell you guys, already that you two look together?” Key looked behind and smiles at Yonghwa and Seohyun.

Yonghwa returns with a thank you and smiles too while Seohyun glares at him.

“We don’t look good together.” Seohyun muttered as she looks down, sheepishly. Her liking Yonghwa is the top secret of her, even Hyoyeon doesn’t know about it.

“Okay, let’s go then.” Jonghyun said as he starts the engine and starts driving.

The whole ride was silent since no one got anything to say. To avoid awkwardness, Taemin lean over the CD player and insert his selected music.

It plays TTS Twinkle. Everyone sing along especially Seohyun, who knew the song very well.

When it’s the part of the high part, Seohyun raise her hands and sang the high part. Everyone look at her with a grins and applauses.

“What a voice you have there, Noona.” Minho praised as he continuously clap his hands.

Everyone become silent again, only the music can be heard.

“Key, do you think we can fetch Hyoyeon unnie and Donghae Oppa?” Seohyun asked as she rests her hands on Jonghyun’s car seat headrest.

“We’re packed.” Key chuckled as he wraps his arm around Taemin and hugging him closely. Jonghyun glared at their position. And wonders, if Taemin knew how to drive, if he knew, he will surely switch position with him.

“They can be at the trunk, it’s very comfy there.” Jonghyun giggled as if that would happen.

“You pabo, they can’t be there.” Seohyun glared and slaps Jonghyun’s arm.


“Yeobo, can you pass me the cut carrots, please?” Key asked for Jonghyun, he quickly grab the bowl full of carrots and gave it to Key earning a thank you smile.

They arrived at the house, safely. The whole gang was on the living room, watching TV, Hyoyeon and Donghae arrived too and quickly gave the groceries to Key for the cooking. Jonghyun, craving for more Key-and-him time, so, he decided to help him.

“What are you cooking, yeobo?” Jonghyun wraps his arms around Key’s waist.

“Jeyuk Bokkeum,” Key simple said before pouring the last teaspoon for Soy Sauce.

He mixes it well before pouring it on the frying pan to be cooked; ignoring the arms that were around his waist, uncomfortably.

“I can’t move easily, Jjong.” Key whines as he mixes the food on the frying pan.

Jonghyun releases him with a groan and stands beside him.

“Do you need something?” Jonghyun asked as he looks at him already serving the delicious Jeyuk Bokkeum on a serving plate.

“Prepare the table, please.” Key ordered as he places the plate full of Jeyuk Bokkeum on the table with a placemat under it.

“Okay.” Jonghyun said before snatching a kiss on his left cheek.

Key chuckled. Key thought, he was just so touchy that’s why he wanted a life, which he doubt that will happen. Wait, until they get married.

Jonghyun set the plates, chopsticks and rice on every bowl before calling everyone.

“FOOD IS SERVED!!!” Jonghyun shouted over some volume up television they are watching to. They all sprinted on the dining room; smelling the delicious food.

“Whoa, who made this?” Yonghwa asked as he took the sit beside Seohyun.

“Umma, of course, out of the entire cook in our gang, he’s the best cook!!” Taemin praised him as he starts digging for rice.

They ate, noisily which Key hated the most. So, he kept quiet the whole meal but, there's this topic that came out suddenly that makes him get Goosebumps.

"So, Key-ah how's life?" Donghae asked, nonchalantly. Just like a father asking his son.

The couple widens their eyes Except for the others who's quietly eating and waiting for his answer. They're not surprised with that question though they don't have one. It's just a matured question.

"Uh-" Jonghyun got choked from the water he was drinking.

"Are you alright, Hyung?" Minho taps his back as Jonghyun continues to cough. He nodded.

"So, life?" Hyoyeon repeated. She giggles whilst chewing her food.

Key gathers every confident molecule inside his body and then smiled at them, "Sorry, we don't have those." Key said before continuing to eat.

Now, it's everyone’s turn to get choke.

"Mwo?!" Everyone shouted in unison. Key and Jonghyun thought, why would they be so shock at the sudden revelation? Does couple really have to have life?

"Wae?" Key said as he looks down on his food, hiding his burning cheeks. Jonghyun just chuckled at the scene. It was funny for him, to be honest. It’s just like watching an episode of The Simpson all over again.

"That's weird; Key always borrows a pain killer to me. He told me his thighs always in pain." Hyoyeon said as she looks at Key with a big question mark stick on her face.

Jonghyun looks at Key, shocked.

"And, there's a day when I found Jonghyun in a store buying ." Donghae chuckled. It was true, though. He did found Jonghyun buying bags of it.

Key eyes went furious when he quickly glares at Jonghyun for being so noticeable. He knew Jonghyun was buying condoms, it was for the preparation Jonghyun was doing, only him. Key didn't mind it unless he keeps it low profile.

"That's for my friend." Jonghyun said, trying not to stutter. He was embarrassed.

"Who's friend?" Minho asked. He knew all of Jonghyun's friends.

"Uhm," Jonghyun thinks of his older friends, "JunJin sunbaenim." Jonghyun said, Junjin is his uncle, and he definitely regrets saying his name. Luckily, no one knew him except for Key.

"Who's that?" Taemin asked as he glances at Minho who just shrugs.

"His uncle," Yonghwa blurted out.


Le me back to school XDD

My next update is by now week, i think xD
As long as I have my free time ^^

I'm not excited to this school year since i'm going to see my est ex-boyfriend again!! LOL XDD

So, ANNYEONG! Don't forget to watch F(x)'s Electric Shock MV ^_^


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Chapter 24: I also read this on Wattpad... This is the first fanfiction I read when I open my Wattpad account! I really love this! One of my favorite fanfiction!! ♥
elaineyysenpai #2
They're all popular, or more popular than before, now!! I loved this storie! So sad that it's already ending...Can't wait to read more of your stories! <3
phoenix_taemints #3
woah~! what happened between those two? O.O
Ahhhh ang cheesy pero ang cute bagay talaga kayo hcfvdgdfgvhstuj Ahh seriously love them and Ahh key you don't have to diet ur fabulous update soon and thank you for the update
phoenix_taemints #5
jongkey without a life is weird..! hahaha!!! and i'm so happy you finally updated!!! :D
*puppy eyes*
i wanna have some chappy~
phoenix_taemints #7
oh men! jessica's a now.?
shkdjfhsdjgfjsdhj i now it ice princess will never do any good update soon
phoenix_taemints #9
hahahaa!! my bias is kai and yi xing!!! :D
HAHA^^my favourite is Sehun and lay!><