Chapter 21

He's Perfect


Everyone gasped and switches their gazes at Hyoyeon.

"Seriously, Noona?" Taemin's eyes widen. Everyone look at Jonghyun's way and saw he was perfectly calm.

He looks at them, terrified. "Why are you looking at me like you're ready to kill me?" Jonghyun said as he tags along with his boyfriend who's giving him the same look.

"Yeobo~" Jonghyun whined to his boyfriend.

"Stop looking at me like that," Jonghyun slaps his boyfriend, lightly not to be scolded. He just look down and plays with his fingers until everyone decided to shift their looks unto others things around them.

"Jjong, you look so damn calm." Key commented as he taps Jonghyun's shoulder.

"Do you like the attention?" Key raised an eyebrow as he eyed his boyfriend. Jonghyun look up and starts shaking his head.

Well, he did like it, just a little bit.

"No! No!" Jonghyun shakes his head, continuously.

"But, why your answer sounds like denying?" Donghae smirked as he fixes his fine hair in front of the huge mirror of the dance room. Well, they are becoming closer now so it’s okay to .

“I’m not denying-“He paused and look at Kibum who have his eyes straightly to his, “Yeah, well, maybe, just a little, but-“Jonghyun groan in frustration as he tried to find a perfect explanation for his boyfriend. He had switched his answer to maybe or shortly to yes already.

“It’s okay.” Key sighed. He doesn’t hate his boyfriend for liking the attention nor he wasn’t jealous over it, it’s just a simple reason to hate his boyfriend and he’s not going to give in.

The bell ring and the girls outside the room are going to their own respective rooms.

Everyone sighed in relief that they can finally go out and leave the room. They almost stayed there for an hour.

“Kaja,” Minho opened the door to lead everyone out.

But, Hyoyeon decided to stay a little bit and skip classes.

“Okay, Noona. Let’s meet up later after classes, outside.” Taemin said, waving his pretty little hand to his friend.

Everybody left the room and only Hyoyeon was left inside.

Hyoyeon looks at herself in the mirror and tried resembling what the heck her face and heart’s problem. Apparently, she’s been experiencing a heart attack when they got stuck inside the room and it’s very uncomfortable.

She walks towards the iPod player at the corner of the room and set the settings into shuffle and plays a random song.

She places herself on the middle and starts dancing. She moves perfectly and her steps are very sharp.

Through dancing, she can easily think, think deep. Her problems would probably fade if she just focuses on thinking when she dances.

The song ended and got followed by clap.

She quickly turns around and saw Donghae standing by the door with his hands together.

Her eyes widen when the others came. Jonghyun, Key, Taemin, Minho, Seohyun, ShinHye and Yonghwa.

“How long you’ve been there?” Hyoyeon asked eyes still on Donghae. She bit her lips. She was sure that her face doesn’t look good when she’s dancing especially when she’s thinking.

And, most of all, when she’s dancing she doesn’t like audience.

“Since, you’ve started dancing.” Donghae grinned as he walks closer to her.

“Hey, no flirting, please.” Seohyun run towards Hyoyeon and blocks Donghae from in front. She loves Hyoyeon so much and she’s not going to let Donghae lay a finger on her until he passes the surprise test for him.

“I’m not flirting.” Donghae smiled, embarrassedly. The others walk behind Donghae and chuckled at the scene of Seohyun being overprotected.

“Hyoyeon can’t date?” Yonghwa said as she wraps his arm around ShinHye.

“She can’t.” Seohyun glared at Yonghwa for being so stupid. They have discussed this earlier that Hyoyeon is very important to her.

“Why, Seohyun-ah?” Jonghyun asked as he took the empty space at the corner and sat there. Taemin and Minho did the same.

Seohyun grunted. “Not that I don’t want Hyoyeon Unnie to date, but-“She paused for a second before turning her body in front of Hyoyeon. Hyoyeon look at her with a smile on her face.

“He should pass the test I’m going to give him, before dating my Unnie.” Hyoyeon widened her eyes after she heard the test word. Wow! She never really expected that her Two day friend had did this to her.

“What kind of test?” Donghae asked as he frowns. But, for Hyoyeon, he would do anything.

“I’ll think about that.” Seohyun smirked as she exits the dance room. Since, she has classes to attend. She’s the one who drag the whole group inside the dance class because he saw Donghae entered in and stared at Hyoyeon for a very long time.

“So, what should we do here, now?” Key asked as he looks around only finding him staring at his own reflection on the mirror.

“Well, Seohyun-ah dragged us here.” ShinHye glance at Yonghwa before receiving a sign that they should leave the place.

“We’ll be going now, Annyeong!” Yonghwa waved goodbye to them and left the room for their classes.

The room became silent and none of them wanted to be back at their classes. They’re too lazy to listen to their teacher’s lesson.

Taemin’s smile widens and starts jumping up and down. He claps his hands, continuously earning a confuse look from the others.

“Hyung! Hyung!” He shouted as he shake Minho’s shoulder and proceed to clap his hands again.

“What is it??” Minho asked. As he hold on Taemin’s shoulder and prevent him from moving. Well, it’s quite rare to see the maknae to move so loud and be excited over something that’s easy to read.

He did an exhale and inhale before smiling widely again.

“Just tell us, Taemin.” Jonghyun said, anticipated to what he’s going to say. Taemin is known with different fun and awesome ideas that his Hyung and Noonas would like.

“We’re going to join a dance contest with the whole class, right?” Taemin looks at everyone’s face and saw them nodding enthusiastically.

“Can we do a special number? I heard they’re finding some performers do a special numbers.” Taemin grinned and clasped his hands together before placing it under his chin to make a cute Aegyo for everyone.

“That’s a great idea.” Key beamed.

“I think so,” Jonghyun stood up and look at everyone. He wanted to do that performance with them.

“We can’t do that.” Hyoyeon said. They can see clearly that Hyoyeon was frowning with it.

“Why?” Donghae looked at her. He can see that Hyoyeon was holding something inside her that she can’t let out.

“That will cause a big trouble for Jonghyun more.” Hyoyeon look up and eyed Jonghyun.

“Big trouble? Eh?” Minho said as he gave her a confuse look, not only him, everyone is giving Hyoyeon a confuse look.

Hyoyeon is not like the others who are straight to the point. She’s having a hard time with better communication, a better communication that that someone wouldn’t hate her for one simple comment about something.

That’s why she’s very happy that this people in front of her now had accepted her.

“That will cause a major popularity increase for Jonghyun because of what he is now. Not only in our school, somewhere in the school that we’re going to compete.” Hyoyeon explained as she lean her back on the wall. She had turned the music down.

“Hyoyeon think about it,” Donghae look at her with a grin on his face, he must be telling something very interesting that Hyoyeon can’t understand.

“Not only can he make his popularity increase, even us. We can be as popular as Jonghyun.” Donghae clapped his hand once before receiving tons of compliments from everyone.

Hyoyeon sighed, ‘yeah, we can be popular.’


“Yeobo, do you think that’s a great idea?” Key asked as he fastens his seatbelt. Today, Jonghyun had brought his precious car.

“What is it?” Jonghyun looked at him after he had fastened his seatbelt. He inserts the key on the keyhole and then starts the engine.

“The special number,” Key said as he looks at his phone for any miss calls or text messages from any of his friends. He frowns when he found nothing; he pocketed his phone before looking at his Boyfriend, skillfully driving.

“It was a great idea. We’re going to popular more.” Jonghyun said as he steps on the brake when the stoplight turns into red.

“I know right?” Key smirked as he lean his head on the backrest of the car.

He opened the car window and let the wind outside flew inside the car.

“Yeobo, are you getting hot?” Jonghyun asked, he glance at his boyfriend who’s sweating. Key felt a sweat flow on his temple, he slid out the handkerchief that his boyfriend gave him and brushes the sweat away.

“I’m okay.” He smiled.

Jonghyun lean over and switches the air condition. He lean back again and pull up Key's window again.

"Thanks," Key said as he pecks Jonghyun's cheek.

Jonghyun knew that Key love to do a special number. But, something's bothering him. One of the questions that he wanted an answer is: Does Key wanted an attention too?

He knew Key so well but this time, he's unreadable anymore.

They arrive in front of their house. Jonghyun pulled over at the empty space beside the garden.

Jonghyun walked out from the car and walk around to the other side of the car to open the car door for Key.

"Thank you," Key mumbled as he walks out from the car. Jonghyun closes the door while Key opens their house.

They got in the house and quickly remove their shoes.

"Yeobo, what do you want for dinner?" Key quickly went to the kitchen to do some cooking.

"Anything, yeobo." Jonghyun dropped himself on the couch and grab the remote then turn on the television.

Key stood in front the counter and chops some fruits and vegetables for their dinner. As he cooks his special dish, he was thinking about the whole happenings to Jonghyun's life. He did reach the upper-level of popularity; girls are a bit so stupid over such thing.

Just because he saved a girl from some skinny thieves, his popularity came up that fast. Anyone can do that.

"Yeobo, are you done?" Jonghyun entered the kitchen and saw his yeobo cooking.

"Almost," Key said. He felt an arms going around his waist. Jonghyun pull him closer and rest his head on his shoulder.

"But, I'm hungry." Jonghyun said, seductively. He tickles Key's earlobe with his tongue as he smirk.

"Not now," Key said, scratch that, he moan. He thinks it's really bad time to make him do that, he'll be so mad when he's dish got burn.

"I'm just hungry" Jonghyun whispered. He knew Key is being serious and he knew that Key doesn't like to be bother when his cooking but he cared less.

Jonghyun flip him to make a better view of his feline face. "You're pretty," He complimented as he caress his left cheek.

"I know, but, not now." Key's voice really turns serious this time, making Jonghyun back away and whispers 'sorry'.

"You're such a mood destroyer." Jonghyun frowns as he looks at Key's feminine back. That's one of the things that he likes about Key, he's gorgeous woman-like body.

"Sorry, dear. We can't make out inside my kitchen." Key emphasized the word 'my' as he pour the cooked dish on a plate and place it on the counter.

Kitchen, it's Key's top of the list favorite place inside their house. And, when he's there, the only thing he would do is cook and eat, period.

"Eat and fill up your stomach." He grins as he pulls out chopsticks on the corner of the counter where their utensils are place.

"Yes, my dear." Jonghyun stole a kiss on Key's cheek before eating his food.

Key chuckled and found the gesture cute. "You're quite sometimes." Key said as he sits on the nearby stool. In their relationship, Jonghyun is the one who always make the first move. For example: when they fight, Jonghyun is the first apologize even though it was entirely all his fault.

"We never had before, right?" Jonghyun asked as he glances at Key, calmly. He saw his boyfriend froze and his eyes widen. Who wouldn't? It's his first time to release such a topic; in short, they don't have life, even though they're living in the house.

Key shook his head and had calmed himself, “Nope, never until we graduate high school. It's not like we want it, right?" Key was anxious to his answer. He did wanted a life, I mean, they already kiss and touch each other for some time but no, it can/have wait.

"Aish, Key when we graduate high school, we don't have any time for each other cause we'll be damn busy with our college lives-" Jonghyun cut his words as he look at Key, almost verge of laughing.

Well, for Key, he found Jonghyun so amusing.

"Do you want us to have already?" Key said as he stares at Jonghyun's pouty lips.

He didn't wait for an answer, "Don't be too eager, yeobo. We have plenty of time in the future, near future." Key said as he pecks Jonghyun's lips before grabbing their shared plate and put it on the sink.

Jonghyun didn't even notice that Key had already finished their food until he just stood up and kissed his lips.

"Wash the dishes, I'll be off to shower" Key smiled and drift away from the kitchen.

"Don't forget to grab a towel if you don't want me to barge in and take you here and there!" Jonghyun chuckled after he shouted.

"Yeah, right!" Key shouted, mockingly. He did grabbed a towel cause he doesn't want that to happen.


Hello my Lovely Readers :>
Did you missed me? No? Okay :))

Sorry if I haven't update lately or more than two weeks. 
Don't worry, I have three reasons: 1) We lost connection [That's pretty much !] 2) The charger and battery of my laptop got broken [That's where I write my chapters and mostly, I update in the middle of the night with it. Without my parents knowing I'm still awake! hahaah^^] 3) I was busy handling my school papers for my scholarship [Damn! It's okay to have a scholarship, right? XD]

So, here's a 8 paged and 2,323 words update for all of you :D It took me two days to write this chapter! 

Okay, while I was out ~ I found and got updated by tons of JONGKEY MOMENTS! 
Subscribe to this >
EXPLANATIONS, you'll die spazzing about JONGKEY all the time ^^
hahahaha xDD

Here's the whole video >
JongKey mwauh :*

JONGKEY watching themselves XDD

Anyways, have you seen SNSD's Paparazzi yet? If not, here > Paparazzi xD
LOL! I almost faint spazzing about how beautiful Hyoyeon is! And, how awesome their concept is^^

GOSH! Kill me now ^^

Well, that's it~ Thanks a lot :DD








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Chapter 24: I also read this on Wattpad... This is the first fanfiction I read when I open my Wattpad account! I really love this! One of my favorite fanfiction!! ♥
elaineyysenpai #2
They're all popular, or more popular than before, now!! I loved this storie! So sad that it's already ending...Can't wait to read more of your stories! <3
phoenix_taemints #3
woah~! what happened between those two? O.O
Ahhhh ang cheesy pero ang cute bagay talaga kayo hcfvdgdfgvhstuj Ahh seriously love them and Ahh key you don't have to diet ur fabulous update soon and thank you for the update
phoenix_taemints #5
jongkey without a life is weird..! hahaha!!! and i'm so happy you finally updated!!! :D
*puppy eyes*
i wanna have some chappy~
phoenix_taemints #7
oh men! jessica's a now.?
shkdjfhsdjgfjsdhj i now it ice princess will never do any good update soon
phoenix_taemints #9
hahahaa!! my bias is kai and yi xing!!! :D
HAHA^^my favourite is Sehun and lay!><