Chapter 16

He's Perfect


Jonghyun went inside his class, music class.

Everyone was playing their instruments, noisily but when Jonghyun came, everyone become quiet.

"Uhm, weird" Jonghyun muttered, walking on his seat. Some girls’ squeals at Jonghyun's presence inside their class, making Jonghyun chuckled.

He proceeded to talk a sit and grab his Music notebook from his bag. He's been writing a song for Key recently and he wants it to be perfect.

"Uhm, Jonghyun oppa~" Some girly voice came barging his mind; he looks up with a smile.

"What is it?" Jonghyun asked, sweetly. He doesn't want these girls to be humiliated for disturbing his quality time with his important notebook.

"Can we take a picture with you?" The girl asked, holding her camera up. Jonghyun felt nervous but happy at the same time. It's like he's a famous star and someone just had to take a picture with him. Isn't that awesome?

"Sure, no problem," Jonghyun stood up and places himself beside the girl, they both held up a V sign and cutie smile on his face. After they took the picture, the girl thanked him and starts squealing her way back to her seat.

He continued his thing but someone just came and interrupt him again, "Jonghyun-ah~" another girly voice. He look up, hiding his pissed off face.

"What is it?" He asked, once again, for another time. The girl handed her a paper and a pen, 'what should I do with this?' He mentally asked himself a stupid question.

"Can have your autograph?" The girl asked, blushing badly. Jonghyun's eyes widen when he heard the 'autograph' word. Why? Is he that famous, I mean Popular. Why people taking pictures with him? Asking for an autograph?

Sometimes, when he's turning his head around, he would see some girls taking some pictures of him, stolen shots.

He quickly grabs the pen and paper and starts making up a signature with his name, obviously. Replacing the 'ㅇ' character to a heart. I few more and he have done, He never done this before so, it's kind of his first time; signing an empty white paper.

"Thank you," The girl bow and quickly head off, he saw the girl went out the class.

Apparently, she's not in his class.

He looks around again and saw a couple of girl students taking stolen shots from him. What the hell, people?

An unknown teacher came and announces that their teacher was absent and they can do whatever they want to their free music time period.

Jonghyun took this opportunity to write the song, perfectly. Since, there's nothing to do and he's yeobo is still in class.

He can hear the students hurrying to get out from the class, leaving a lonely Jonghyun inside. He doesn't mind that, it's better than a bunch of people looking at you, weirdly way.

Jonghyun was half way done to his song; all he need is a guitar which is on their house.

Jonghyun heard his stomach made a sound, he was hungry. "Maybe, a quick grab-a-food thing would help me." He smiled cheekily before heading to the door, leaving his things inside the room.

He quickly made his way to the canteen where less people were there. It wasn't lunch.

He went to the counter and got greeted by the canteen lady, "Hey there handsome, what do you want?" The girl asked in her sweetest voice. Jonghyun smiled, awkwardly. 'Cause they're CANTEEN LADY just called him HANDSOME this is impossible to happen.

"Uhm, I'll have some salad, please." Jonghyun starts pulling out his wallet and grab some exact money for the food.

The lady scooped the food and gave it to Jonghyun, "its okay, honey. It's free, just for you." The lady winked as she pushes the money away.

Jonghyun laughs, nervously leaving the lady's sight.

"What's happening in this damn school? People are being so good to me." He asked himself as he took the sit near the door, he could wait for Kibum there but he has to catch up his things first.

He slid off his phone and starts texting his yeobo.

To KeyYeobo <3

 Yeobo, I'm here at the canteen. After your class, get here, right away. <3 Saranghaeyo...

He pressed send and took his phone away.


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Chapter 24: I also read this on Wattpad... This is the first fanfiction I read when I open my Wattpad account! I really love this! One of my favorite fanfiction!! ♥
elaineyysenpai #2
They're all popular, or more popular than before, now!! I loved this storie! So sad that it's already ending...Can't wait to read more of your stories! <3
phoenix_taemints #3
woah~! what happened between those two? O.O
Ahhhh ang cheesy pero ang cute bagay talaga kayo hcfvdgdfgvhstuj Ahh seriously love them and Ahh key you don't have to diet ur fabulous update soon and thank you for the update
phoenix_taemints #5
jongkey without a life is weird..! hahaha!!! and i'm so happy you finally updated!!! :D
*puppy eyes*
i wanna have some chappy~
phoenix_taemints #7
oh men! jessica's a now.?
shkdjfhsdjgfjsdhj i now it ice princess will never do any good update soon
phoenix_taemints #9
hahahaa!! my bias is kai and yi xing!!! :D
HAHA^^my favourite is Sehun and lay!><