Not Dead?


'WAAAAHHH!!' Jinki fell back against the wall, scrambling around, trying not to bump his head and he went, 'There is a ghost in my apartment!' Kibum-or rather the spirit raised an eyebrow and said, 'I am not a ghost. I live here, and I will be talking to someone right now to throw you out!' He stormed off...walking right through the wall. Yes. He didn't even use the door. 'Oh dear god...' Jinki muttered himself as he got up, ran out of the bathroom looking up and down the empty hall. 'No ghost...oh god.' He ran to the bedroom, threw on clothes and grabbed a string of rosary beads that his mother gave him-don't ask why, she wanted him to have some guidance. He never used them, but now felt like a good time. 'Ok...'

He wrapped them around his wrist and walked down the hall, not seeing the ghost anywhere. 'Ah...maybe nightshifts are not the best idea after-AHH!' The ghost came back, Kibums form walking through the wall-and Jinki jumped back holding out his beads and said, 'OK spirit...go back to where you came from. I rebuke you! I rebuke you!' He said it again, but the spirit just stared at him, like it was sure he was dumb. 'OK...mad old man. I am not dead. I think I would know.' Jinki shook his head and he said, 'No. No, you were in a coma, in the hospital. And now Kibum is dead...but you need to go. Now!' Jinki all but threw the beads at the spirit but they just flew out of his hand...and right through the spirit.

'I am not dead! I can feel my heart beating! You're a liar and an intruder!' Kibum said, pointing a finger at Jinki saying, 'I am calling my brother right now. He will...' His face went blank and he went. 'My brother...why isn't he here? What did you do with him?!' Jinki was not ready to be yelled at by a ghost and he dropped his hand saying, 'I have done nothing. But this place belongs to me now. So be a good ghost and get...back to wherever you were!' Jinki made his point, and then without thinking, pushed the ghost back, sending it through the wall...and it disappeared. 'Ah.' Jinki smiled, feeling very happy with himself and then he went to his bedroom-locking the door but like it was worth it.

He lay down, looking around, as if the ghost of his patient was going to be watching over him. But was the man really dead? Surely, if he was or if something had happened...someone would have alerted him. Something didn't make sense. He got up, pulling on jeans and a jumper, putting on shoes and soon he was outside and in his car, driving to the hospital. He parked outside, running into the semi empty building startling the nightstaff and then he got the ward he was looking for. 'Doctor?' The young nurse on duty bowed her head and she said, 'Why are you here? Is it 7 already?' Jinki shook his head and said to her, 'The patient, Kim Kibum. Has anything happened? Is he...still alive?'

'Yes. I just checked on him. Still the same as usual. Why? Is everything alright?' Jinki sighed, and he said, 'I need to see him.' He strode down the hall, stopping at Kibums room and...there he was. Monitors still beeping, heart rate still steady...everything was still the same. 'How is this happening?' Jinki leaned against the wall, trying to piece everything together. If Kibum was still was his spirit away from his body? It made no scientific sense. But then again...Jinki wasn't a scientist. 'Doctor?' He turned, facing the young nurse and he smiled, 'Forgive me for intruding. I...I best get home and rest. Have a good night.' He quickly walked out, getting back to his car, and just sitting in it, his head feeling like it was spinning. 'How can this be?' He drove back home, getting back inside, not looking at anything and just collapsing on his bed and closing his eyes.

'Enjoy that while you can.' He opened his eyes and there was Kibums spirit...'I will have it back.' Jinki sat up, not feeling so afraid anymore and he said, 'How did you get here?' Kibum stopped glaring for two seconds and he said, 'What do you mean? I live here .' Jinki rubbed his temples and he said, 'I know. were in an accident. I just went to see your body in the hopsital. Don't you remember the accident?' He looked at the spirit, at Kibum and the poor guy stood there looking like he was trying to recall something...and he was afraid of the outcome. 'I...I...remember, leaving the office. Taemin forgot his wallet...' The spirit smiled a little and then his eyes widened and suddenly he was in front of Jinki, thier faces inches apart. 'Where is my brother? Where is he? Was he hurt too?!'

', he wasn't...' Jinki moved back, not really enjoying the fact that a ghost of a person was in front of him. 'He's ok. He's fine...I saw him the other day actually.' Kibum scrambled closer and Jinki winced, thinking he would feel cold but...Kibum felt warm. Then again, he was still alive. Partly. 'Really? You promise? Because he needs someone around. I'm that someone; which is why I need to be alive.' Jinki swallowed and he said, 'I know. You are still alive. And we...I mean we, us at the hospital...we will bring you back.' Kibum said back, that glare back in his eyes and he said, 'You better. Otherwise, I have a new place to haunt forever...'

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Shinee2020 #1
Chapter 19: That was so cute! :)
Chapter 19: Open ending?!? I NEED A SEQUEL PLEASE!!! >< the story is really AMAZING.
Chapter 16: 75% of him is legs XD
Chapter 11: Damn those nurses. I feel you all. XD

Kibum is so sweet to that little boy <3
Chapter 10: OMG. What just happened?!? UwU. I Jinki already falling for bummie?!? <3
Chapter 8: Oh god. The TaeKey scene just broke my heart ㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 5: Awwwe The TaeKey relationship is so pure. I love it when they’re bros in a story <3
Chapter 19: i missed this story so much that i'm reread it..
hoping for a sequel ><
sailorave #9
Chapter 19: Uuugh! I need a sequel! ???
Chapter 19: Gah. This is so cute, I want to punch a wall. T_T