Wake Up in Early Day for What?

♫ HANSEL ♫ : A Gift For Happiness


7 am in the morning, the boys are wake from their beautiful sleep by a loud alarm.

"WAKE UP YOU PIGLETS!!!" the girls shout to the same line to the boys. Each one of them in each room. Nanie waking up KyuMarc, HyeKyung wake the Kwon brothers, JinAh wake the HaeMun couple and Miharu in the magnaes room. The boys still struggling in their beds.

"5 Minutes" they answers to the girls. But they shacking the boys bed to make them get up from thie bed and keep disturb them till they wake from their sleep.

"Why so loud?" Kyujeon complain as he out of his room with a messy hair. The other boys are already gather in living oom. Marc still yawn.

"Ah!!" suddently he yell.

"What wrong hyung?" ask Baecky, and all eyes are watching him. The girls understand why Marc shouting out of blue.

"You all got schedule today! A comeback!!" said Marc then he runs to the bathroom to clean himself.

"COMEBACK??" the boys shocked after heard what Marc said and still clueless.

"yes boys, so get ready because we got important meeting for your new full album in 3 hours from now. But before that, we are taking you all to breakfast first. So you got an hour to get ready." Nanie explain to them clearly.

"Yeay!!!!" the boys jumping all together with the girls. Then runs to bathroom as soon as possible because of the excited.


MY Ent Studio

The boys are waiting for their boss. While the managers and stylist are out. Instead of doing nothing the boys decide to play while waiting them.

"Good morning boys" Mr Shin said hello as soon he entered the room with his secretary and three manaeger and two stylist. The boys are standing up and bow to Mr Shin. mr Shin nodded and he giving istruction to HANSEL manager to give each of them a file. And the boys take it.

"1ST FULL ALBUM : HANSEL" Baecky read the title of the files. Then they opened the files to look more.

"It's All Lies, Dora Dora, Insane, Baby U, Hello & Goodbye. with Bonus Track : Tick Tack &  Nichi Kinenbi (100th Day Anniversary). Those song will be in your album. Seven song to be produce and i really hope that i can count on you all to make this album complete with a hard work from each of you since  the song are also from you all who participate to make the songs" Mr Shin explain to them. Baecky stand up from his sit. Later the other six followed him

"Thank you for believing on us Mr Shin. We, HANSEL will try our best and put effort to make this succesful." they give a bow to Mr Shin. Mr Shin pat Baecky shoulder the leaving them in the studio.


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Chapter 63: uwwaahh...I love all the chapters! I'm really sorry for not commenting in so long...my school work has increased, so I usually don't have time come on. Can't wait for the fan meeting!
nanie92 #2
Chapter 63: Waa.. It's been a while... :)
And woah.. Look at the poster.. It's really good, and the date that you choose is really nice too.. ;)
WOOT FANMEET!! aha, troublemakers will always be troublemakers :) they had their first radio show yay! :D
Awww poor Tyr >.<
Lol boys will always be boys XD
The comeback stage was DAEBAK !!
I can't wait to see what they'll prepare for their first fan meet >.^
nanie92 #5
Awhh.. our TYR is a crybaby.. huhu..
Their comeback stage in Music Back is really great.. :)
hahahahha... SISTAR's fanboy~!! Must be fun watching them dancing those dance steps.. xD
Wow.. 1st fan meeting..? Nice!!
I teared up when they saw their families...aww so sweet. Aha crybaby TYR.
Their comeback stage is daebak!!!!! You picked two really good songs~
nanie92 #8
Finally, the MV is out~ :D
BEACHHH! I love the beach.
Running away with permission.
And Dongho is also with them. Hope he won't cause any trouble.
Woo~!! the beeeaaccchhh~~~ XD they ran away....but with permission XD