Late Night Update

♫ HANSEL ♫ : A Gift For Happiness



HANSEL's Baecky Give Selca Again

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HANSEL's member Baecky Kwon once again give his close selca to his fans. In the middle of the night, Baecky  post a picture of himself. That can make fan worried and happy.

On December 24th, the rising idol uploaded a single selca and tweeted, " Merry Christmas. Its cold now, take care of yourself. Ah, I'm tired and sleepy after having a blast all my HANSEL's family."

Fans celebrated with Baecky as they left, take care of yourself, Baecky”, "Merry Christmas Leader~~", "You must have a great day with your family!!!" & "said hai to all"..

Source + Photos: Baecky’s Twitter
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Chapter 63: uwwaahh...I love all the chapters! I'm really sorry for not commenting in so school work has increased, so I usually don't have time come on. Can't wait for the fan meeting!
nanie92 #2
Chapter 63: Waa.. It's been a while... :)
And woah.. Look at the poster.. It's really good, and the date that you choose is really nice too.. ;)
WOOT FANMEET!! aha, troublemakers will always be troublemakers :) they had their first radio show yay! :D
Awww poor Tyr >.<
Lol boys will always be boys XD
The comeback stage was DAEBAK !!
I can't wait to see what they'll prepare for their first fan meet >.^
nanie92 #5
Awhh.. our TYR is a crybaby.. huhu..
Their comeback stage in Music Back is really great.. :)
hahahahha... SISTAR's fanboy~!! Must be fun watching them dancing those dance steps.. xD
Wow.. 1st fan meeting..? Nice!!
I teared up when they saw their families...aww so sweet. Aha crybaby TYR.
Their comeback stage is daebak!!!!! You picked two really good songs~
nanie92 #8
Finally, the MV is out~ :D
BEACHHH! I love the beach.
Running away with permission.
And Dongho is also with them. Hope he won't cause any trouble.
Woo~!! the beeeaaccchhh~~~ XD they ran away....but with permission XD