Teaser 1-Meet Him

♫ HANSEL ♫ : A Gift For Happiness


Baecky's POV

Yes! Finally, I managed to become a member of Hansel. Auh, had been updating Twitter status and received many responses from the fans. I am so happy with all the responses. I hope that the second member to be exposed is aomeone person I know and am not awkward with. Who will they probably pick to be with me?


The phone is ringing

*Ma girl, Ma girl, Ma girl, Magirl
Whatever other people say
You’re my girl
Maboy, Ma boy, Ma boy, Ma boy
I love you too..


"Baecky here" I answered shortly after saw the caller name.

"Baecky, come to the office now" the voice male said. 

"Will be there shortly." I respond. It was from Shin Sajangnim, the CEO of MY Entertainment.

I wondered, why did Mr. Shin call me? Is there something important he wants to inform me of? Hmmm, whatever, I have to rush to his office.


CEO SHIN's main office

"In.." Someone said from inside the room.

I open the door slowly and I saw Shin Sajangnim sit on the couch with a smile. Then I entered into hhe room and stood in front of him. Ah, I just realized that there is another man in his room. He stood looking at me while I looked at him confused.

"Ok Kyu Jeon" he said, offered his hand with a smile
"Baecky" I reached back his hand and smile.
"He is the 2nd member of the group HANSEL, I believe Kyu Jeon has its own charisma to attract the attention of all people" said Mr. Shin. I nodded to each he said.
"Thank you sir. Thank you for believing in me. I will not disappoint you," he said joyfully and seeing his smile makes me think "ah, boy. I've seen it, but where and with whom?"
"Baekwon, hope we can work together" he told me.
"Uh wait. Did you just call me Baeckwon?" I was shocked to hear him call me that. Baeckwon only called by my good friends and family members.
"Ah, I think you had forgotten me. We met at HyunA's birthday party before." he said.
Yes, now I remember that we once met before. But why I was not aware of his presence throughout the time I had been here? Ah fool, how I want to realized if there were more than 100 trainees here, and I hardly exchanged greetings with them.
"You guys already know each other? It's easier if that is so." Mr. Shin smiled and we nodded simultaneously.
"Oh yes, Baecky. Hye Kyung will meet you shortly at the dance studio. She will bring you Kyu Jeon meet someone who will be the manager of HANSEL" he continued.
"Hye Kyung is who?" Jeon Kyu asked.
"She's my daughter and she was the personal manager for Baecky" said Mr. Shin
"He was my closest friend as well as HyunA and Zico" I whispered to Kyu Jeon, and he nodded.
"Yes, sir. I'll be waiting for her at the dance studio" I said to Mr. Shin.
yeay, the teaser have launch!!! ok did you guy notice? that i've been decide a manager for HANSEL..
stay tuned to know who will make it~~~ 
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Chapter 63: uwwaahh...I love all the chapters! I'm really sorry for not commenting in so long...my school work has increased, so I usually don't have time come on. Can't wait for the fan meeting!
nanie92 #2
Chapter 63: Waa.. It's been a while... :)
And woah.. Look at the poster.. It's really good, and the date that you choose is really nice too.. ;)
WOOT FANMEET!! aha, troublemakers will always be troublemakers :) they had their first radio show yay! :D
Awww poor Tyr >.<
Lol boys will always be boys XD
The comeback stage was DAEBAK !!
I can't wait to see what they'll prepare for their first fan meet >.^
nanie92 #5
Awhh.. our TYR is a crybaby.. huhu..
Their comeback stage in Music Back is really great.. :)
hahahahha... SISTAR's fanboy~!! Must be fun watching them dancing those dance steps.. xD
Wow.. 1st fan meeting..? Nice!!
I teared up when they saw their families...aww so sweet. Aha crybaby TYR.
Their comeback stage is daebak!!!!! You picked two really good songs~
nanie92 #8
Finally, the MV is out~ :D
BEACHHH! I love the beach.
Running away with permission.
And Dongho is also with them. Hope he won't cause any trouble.
Woo~!! the beeeaaccchhh~~~ XD they ran away....but with permission XD