Punishment & Project

♫ HANSEL ♫ : A Gift For Happiness

Baecky with the manager and stylist head to the CEO main office while the other boys are waiting them in the dancing room. they are going to explain to the CEO what happen yesterday. They know it was their own mistake to have fun without telling the company and now they just hope the CEOwill accept their apology.

"So, what do you all want?" ask Mr Shin after Baecky and others come inside his room. Mr Shin was sitting at his seat while those kids stand infront of him. He look each of them. Mr Shin know the kids must be want to explain the things.

"Uh, Mr Shin. We want to say sorry to you." Nanie said with her head looking on the floor.

"What? What is that sorry for?" ask Mr Shin play he dont know nothing with them.

"We headed to Yongpyong ski Resort without telling you or the company" said Marc later. then Mr Shin stood up.

"So?" he ask again.

"We know we make a mistake and we were very sorry about this." now Baecky voiced. 

"So you all admit that you all make a mistake" Mr Shin ask all of them and they nodded.

"THEN WHY YOU DID IT?" angru Mr Shin unexpected. Hyekyung gasp Baecky hands whil Miharu stand behind Baecky. marc and Nanie just stay where they are.

"Did you all know if the reporter know the fact you ran away without told the company, this could be a huge problem to our company" he spoke that out. He take a few breath. Absolutely Mr Shin face now turn red.

"I am very disappointed with you all. Marc & Nanie, you are their manager, and its been your responsibility to take control of them, not joining their childishness. Miharu & Jin Ah you too. " said Mr Shin in disappointed tone. Marc and other cant look into Mr Shin eye to eyes. Mr Shin speak the truth.  The boys was their responsibility.

"Baecky, Hye Kyung. Appa dont know what to say to both of you. " Mr Shin look at Baecky and Hyekyung Hyekyung almost drop off her tears. She know her dad totally disappoint to she and the others.

"Mianhae. We really sorry Mr Shin" they said together.

"We will take any punishment you want to give" said Nanie looking straigth to Mr Shin.

"Ok, if that you want" said mr Shin.


The other boys are practicing NEVERLAND dance step, but surely their mind is not into the dance. Their minds is gone with those who are met Mr Shin.

"Aish, i cant. I need a rest" said Kyu Jeon who cant concentrate. The other follow him to. They sat in circle waiting for other.

"This is crazy hyung. I'm dying to know what happen." Munhee said it to Kyu Jeon.

"Me too" said Hae Joon and Lee Jun together. While tha magnae still play chased each other. They keep chit chatting around themself until the other cameback.

"So what happen noona?" aske Kyu Jeon as soon he saw Nanie step in with others.

"Kids, please listen carefully" Nanie said after take a deep breath.

"Please hand me your phone. This is direction from the CEO. Later we will keep your laptop computer too and the games room also closed." continued Nanie. The kids face turn to dark. They didnt expect this happen.

"What?" Lee Jun half screaming.

"We need your phone & laptop. We will keep it" Marc repeat what Nanie said before.

"This is unfair" Haejoon and Munhee sighing.

"Unfair? yeah thats unfair. Even my camera recorder in Mr Shin hands, my credit card, my phone, my laptop, my car key & my wallet. You all just need to give him two item. While me, i even dont have my ID card in my hand? only MP3 with me. Dont be a whimper kids" said Baecky harsh. The others kind of shock what just happen to Baecky. They thought Baecky will be exclude from punishment.

"And your schedule will pack this week. No resting time. Keep working on solo or group project." then Nanie read their schedule one by one. That is no joke time.


Mr Shin was with a producer i recording studio and watching what has Baecky record while they at the resort. He actaully has fun watching them had a happy moment in there. But as he said, he bit disappoint with the boys. He punish them because he didnt want this happen again. He want the boys learn bout manner.

"Woo, this is interesting" he said after watching it. There is an interesting idea that he got from the video.

"I want you to edit this video to make it like MV since all of them sing the song. Make it pure and sweet." said Mr Shin, the produced nodded. Mr Shin smiled.


"Annyeonghaseyo." Sunday and Baecky greet the songwriterknown as Mr Dragon Bang.

"Ne annyeong. So Baecky and Sunday? Is it?" ask Mr Bang. They nodded.

"I got a few song for both of you. And you both know right that you will be duo project and make digital album?" aske him again.

"Neh we know it. We will used B-Funky as our name group." Baecky said with calmly.

"So this is the song & i need both of your mp3 now so i can save the music to your mp3. I want you all keep listening to the beat and try it. Tomorrow we will start practice. OK?" said Mr Bang giving each of them a file that contain a song track and lyrics. Baecky and Sunday take it also giving him their mp3.

"Never Give Up & Be My Valentime" read them together.


"So Lee Jun, this your song. This song write by Mr Kim Hyun Joong from SS501. He said it will be nice if you can sing it.  And after we look at it, it was very suitable with you." saidone producer.

"Neh, Annyeong. Kim Hyun Joong imnida." said the song-writer. Who doesnt know him? Lee Jun speeshless meeting the guy.

"I write this two song when i fly to Malaysia and looking the fans i got inspiration. So i wanna to give this song for talented artist then i found your group. So i decide to give it you" said Hyun Joong.

"So, here you go Lee Jun, the title of the song is Lucky Guy & Please" said the producer handed the file.


Haejoon walking through the Leon Entertainment. He looking around. Marc company him this time.

"Hyung, who i will featuring?" ask him.

"You will see her later." Marc said.

"Annyeonghaseya. Welcome to Leon Entertainment company. Thanks because accepting our offer." said the CEO of Leon.

"Neh, we are more grateful because of the offer" said Marc. Then there is a girl in.

"Mianhae,i was late" say her.

"IU?" Hae joon shocked to see IU there.

"Yes, she will be your partner in two song called Nagging & I Know" saidthe CEO more.

"Munhee must be killed me later if he know i was featuring his ideal girl." Haejoon laugh evily inside his heart since he know Munhee is a fan boy to IU.


Munhee and Jaemin entered CUBE entertainment but they split in the lift because Munhee headed to the recording studio while Jaemin go to the oter studio.

"Welcome to Cube TYR." said the CEO Mr Hong. Munhee bow to him.

"So, this is the person you will help with your rapping skill. Hyun A, G.Na & WheeSung" continued Mr Hong.

"Neh, thank you because believing in my abilities & i hope we can be in a great team." said Munhee smiley.

"So the song is "Change" with Hyun A, "I'll Be Back Off" with G.NA & "Words that Freeze My Heart" with Wheesung. Is there any problem?" asked Mr Hong.

"No sir. I'll be do the best sir" Munhee said. He just need add the rap lines for those song.

While Jaemin stood up to infront of dancing studio. He peek outside when heard a song playing. its a girl song.

"Hanbal dagagamyeon dubal meoleojijiman 

Jogeum deo gaggai yeopye 

Ggok buteo seoseo an nwa jullae 

Oneuleun nae mam modu boyeojullae "
"Jaemin-shi"  greet some one make Jaemin jump a little because he kind of shock. It was a girl.
"Annyeonghaseya. Oh Ha Young imnida." said her. Jaemin smiled.
"Lets go inside. We were waiting for you"  said Hayoung. jaemin followed her. He smiled alone and lil bit embrass because Hayoung saw he freaking out.
"Annyeonghaseya, Yang JaeMin of HANSEL." Jaemin introduced himself infront of 7 angels.
"He was cute" "Aww, so sweet" and others compliment are throw to Jaemin. His face now blush like strawberry. And he got to know from A-Pink manager that he would be in A-Pink MV as lead model. And off course Jaemin heart is dancing now.
Kyu Jeon called some one through Jin Ah phone as soon he enter JYP Entertainment building.
"Hyung, where you at?" ask him looking around
"Behind you" the others replied He turn around and saw his big brother wave to him. He get close to him. Its Taecyeon.
"Uhm hyung, i got offer from your company, but i dont know what is it" Kyu Jeon said clueless.
"You got it because of me. They are looking a model to be a part of our hobae MV." Taecyeon spoke.
"Heh? What do you mean?" Kyu Jeon asked again.
"I said you will help Miss A in their new song "Good Bye Baby"" Taecyeon continued. Kyu Jeon jaw drops.
"Miss A? You mean Suzy?? Min?? Jia?? & Fei??" he ask again.
"Aish stupid bro. Yess" Taecyeon smack his little brother head.
"Thats awesome!! I cant breath~~~" he sang little. Then he pick out his handphone.
"Wonder who will i be with? Your dream girl~~~ :P" he type and send it to Lee Jun. He laugh evily and want to play with Lee Jun. Then he give back Jin Ah phone.
its kind of twist right? Haha.. I just going to make them crazy!!!!
poor Baecky huh?? That the leader punishment..
Lets start the crazy life!!!
#i just realize that i make their phone kept on their manager, then i make Kyu Jeon called his brother.. where he got the phone?? hahaa, editing back~~
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Chapter 63: uwwaahh...I love all the chapters! I'm really sorry for not commenting in so long...my school work has increased, so I usually don't have time come on. Can't wait for the fan meeting!
nanie92 #2
Chapter 63: Waa.. It's been a while... :)
And woah.. Look at the poster.. It's really good, and the date that you choose is really nice too.. ;)
WOOT FANMEET!! aha, troublemakers will always be troublemakers :) they had their first radio show yay! :D
Awww poor Tyr >.<
Lol boys will always be boys XD
The comeback stage was DAEBAK !!
I can't wait to see what they'll prepare for their first fan meet >.^
nanie92 #5
Awhh.. our TYR is a crybaby.. huhu..
Their comeback stage in Music Back is really great.. :)
hahahahha... SISTAR's fanboy~!! Must be fun watching them dancing those dance steps.. xD
Wow.. 1st fan meeting..? Nice!!
I teared up when they saw their families...aww so sweet. Aha crybaby TYR.
Their comeback stage is daebak!!!!! You picked two really good songs~
nanie92 #8
Finally, the MV is out~ :D
BEACHHH! I love the beach.
Running away with permission.
And Dongho is also with them. Hope he won't cause any trouble.
Woo~!! the beeeaaccchhh~~~ XD they ran away....but with permission XD