♫ HANSEL ♫ : A Gift For Happiness

Be With HANSEL In NEVERLAND & Future Plan


After 4 days of debut and got great response from the fans, MY Entertainment finally launch the boys music video of Neverland from HANSEL. NEVERLAND comes from the fairy tale story "Peter Pan", where the kids will never grow up and its kind of Children Paradise. And HANSEL boys take a role as Peter Pan that want to show to their world.

Either the song or the video, they like spreading a spell that make we want to be there with them. With a strong beat of electro music  with the catchy dance plus the wonderful video music sets, the video is totally awesome. 


Lets Watch The Video ;



Besides that, the CEO of MY Entertainment Mr Shin Seung Hoon, also state the boys will have their own project to do. Each of them will show their talent to the public. The Leader Baecky & Sunday will merge into a duo called "B-Funky". While L.Jun will produce his own single. Not just that, TYR the rapper & Haejoon will be colabration with several artist . Lastly OK KJ and the magnae JJ got an offer from some company to be their lead for music video of their artist.

The CEO also said that this is the time for the boys to make their own name and prove their insider.


Source : Star News / myhansel.co.kr 

by : Miss Yuya_Love_B




 Late reveal the MV? ahaha, guess me forget about the mv.. kkk..

thanks for the suggestion..

for long-run show :

HELLO BABY (wonder who will the dad and mom), RUNNING MAN, DREAM TEAM, SESAME PLAYER (ah, the boys such a troublemaker), IDOL ARMY, IDOL MAID (uhm, read all the profile : they hate MESSY), MR TEACHER (scared the boys will teach the teacher), WE GOT MARRIED (uh, its look only for Baecky & KyuJeon.)

For promotion :




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Chapter 63: uwwaahh...I love all the chapters! I'm really sorry for not commenting in so long...my school work has increased, so I usually don't have time come on. Can't wait for the fan meeting!
nanie92 #2
Chapter 63: Waa.. It's been a while... :)
And woah.. Look at the poster.. It's really good, and the date that you choose is really nice too.. ;)
WOOT FANMEET!! aha, troublemakers will always be troublemakers :) they had their first radio show yay! :D
Awww poor Tyr >.<
Lol boys will always be boys XD
The comeback stage was DAEBAK !!
I can't wait to see what they'll prepare for their first fan meet >.^
nanie92 #5
Awhh.. our TYR is a crybaby.. huhu..
Their comeback stage in Music Back is really great.. :)
hahahahha... SISTAR's fanboy~!! Must be fun watching them dancing those dance steps.. xD
Wow.. 1st fan meeting..? Nice!!
I teared up when they saw their families...aww so sweet. Aha crybaby TYR.
Their comeback stage is daebak!!!!! You picked two really good songs~
nanie92 #8
Finally, the MV is out~ :D
BEACHHH! I love the beach.
Running away with permission.
And Dongho is also with them. Hope he won't cause any trouble.
Woo~!! the beeeaaccchhh~~~ XD they ran away....but with permission XD