Chapter 15

Oh Great, Im falling in Love....

Wooyoung's POV

I have been in my room all day just staring at the ceiling. I've been thinking about Ji Eun the whole day and I'm not sure if that's a good or bad thing. Whenever I see her I get a huge smile on my face, whenever she laughs I can't help but laugh too. When I hug her my heart flutters and when she has to go I feel sad and broken. Gosh, I think I'm lovesick. This is so not healthy.

I groaned in frustration and ruffled my hair. This is so annoying and I feel like crap. I sat up and decided to take a shower hoping that my mind would clear.

After my shower, I changed and told the boys I would be heading out. I put on sunglasses and a cap so no one recognized me and hopped on the bus. I had no clue where the bus was going but thought nothing of it. I looked out the window seeing the people and busy streets of Seoul. There were many couples holding hands and showing their love for each other. I suddenly felt a pang of jealous hit me as I watched them. I didn't realize how lonely I was.

GOSH! WHY AM I SO LONELY?! LONELY LONELYYYY LONELY LONELY?!! (lol). I pouted and stayed on the bus a little longer.

"Hey, kid! You gonna get of or what?" I snapped my head up and groaned. I guess this is my stop, I didn't even know where I was. I shrugged and once I stepped out of that bus I immediately regretted it. I face palmed myself, Out of all the placed this is where that stupid bus led me!? I stood in the neighborhood of Ji Eun and a few houses down was hers.

To go or not to go??? I kept pacing back and forth not knowing what to do.

I was still pacing when a familiar and annoying voice brought me back to reality. I stopped dead in my tracks and tried to find a place to hide. ASDFGHJKLMNFDSA!!!! WHY IS THERE NO HIDING SPOT?!!? I eventually gave up and just stood there.

"Oppa? Is that you?!" I plastered on a fake smile and turned around.

"Huh? Oh, uh, annyeong Yuri-ah!" She smiled back at me and skipped closer.

"What are you doing here?"

"Uh, I should be asking you that. I thought you were back in the states." She shrugged.

"Well, I came for another visit. Don't tell me you missed me already." She winked and I couldn't help but scowl, she noticed and pouted.

"Oh, cut the crap Yuri. No one's watching." Her 'innocent' face was quickly replaced by a smirk.

"How's your new toy?" She asked.


Author's POV

Wooyoung threw her a nasty look and wondered how he ever liked a girl like her.

"She has a name." She raised an eyebrow and scoffed, her smirk growing.

"Like I care?" His hatered for her grew more and more.

"You should. I wasn't the one who cheated and ran away to the states." She crossed her arms and looked at Wooyoung disbelievingly.

"What makes you think I cheated on you?" Wooyoung narrowed his eyes at her and scowled.

"Oh, I don't know, maybe the fact that I caught you kissing a guy in the mall."

"Ch, build a bridge and get over it." Wooyoung gave her a sarcastic smile.

"Oh, I have and trust me I moved on a LONG time ago. I met someone who's worth it and someone much more nicer, prettier, and sweeter than you'll ever be." He retorted. Yuri glanced behind Wooyoung and her smirk came back. 

Ji Eun was walking down the same street as them with her earphones plugged in her eyes listening to music, but her eyes flickered ahead of her. She spotted Wooyoung and Yuri, and they seemed to be having an argument. Not knowing what to do, she hid behind a tree that was blocking her view from the two of them.

But she was too slow for Yuri's eyes. Snapping her eyes back to Wooyoung, she decided to take the oppurtunity since she was the only one who had noticed Ji Eun.

"Oh, I wonder who she is?" She said, pretending to think to who it could be. "Maybe...Ji Eun?" She countered, but Wooyoung didn't react the way she wanted him to.

"Maybe it is!" He spat to her face. Ji Eun's ears perked at the sound of her name. She pressed herself against the tree trunk, listening furthur. Yuri huffed.

"Well, well. Fallen in love haven't we?" She smirked for the 100th time. Wooyoung's eyes narrowed, not answering her.

She leaned into Wooyoung's ear, causing Ji Eun's eyes to widen. From her point of view, it looked like they were kissing.

Yuri leaned in and with a husky voice spoke in his ear. "If I find out that you really do love her Jang Wooyoung, I won't let it go that easy..." She leaned back and grinned evilly. She waved slyly. She eyed the tree, suspecting Ji Eun to be behind it.

"Bye oppa~~ See you later." Winking, she left a speechless Wooyoung and a very curious Ji Eun. 

When Ji Eun was sure Yuri had left, she tried to sneak her way quietly back home. She stepped back away from a tree but accidentally stepped on a tree branch. Wooyoung snapped back to reality and quickly spun around. Ji Eun stood there motionless hoping he's just walk away but instead Wooyoung eyed the tree suspiciously and took a step forward.

"Is anyone there?!" Wooyoung called. Ji Eun groaned  inwardly but didn't answer. Wooyoung was getting impatient and decided to look for himself. As he got closer and closer, Ji Eun started to panick. Suddenly, an idea popped in her mind.

Wooyoung peeked behind the tree and to his dismay no one was there. He scratched his head in confusion and looked around but eventually he gave up and leaned on the tree for support.

Ji Eun on the other hand, bit her lip from whimpering in pain. She was high up sitting on one of the branches in the tree holding on to dear life. On her way up Ji Eun had cut her arm on a nearby and now it was slightly bleeding but the pain. It hurt so bad that she had to close her eyes and but her lip even harder until it started bleeding. To add to her misery, Wooyoung wouldn't leave and a new cut had found itself on her thight. I just had to wear a skirt! Well at least I'm wearing shorts underneath.... She thought.

Ji Eun couldn't take the pain and had loudly whimpered. She widened her eyes and immidiately covered with her hands. Once she let go of the branch she had started to slip off. Just in time for Wooyoung to spot her.

He tried to hold out his arms to catch her but that failed miserably as they both crashed to on the soft grass. Both of them groaned and tried to open their eyes. Why is the ground so soft and warm? Ji Eun thought. Ugh. Now I have a headache... Wooyoung thought.

When they had regained their consciousness, their eyes became wide. Ji Eun  was on top of Wooyoung in a VERY awkward postition. They locked eyes and stayed like that for what felt like forever. Wooyoung was the first to break the silence.

"Uhh.. J-ji E-eun, m-maybe y-you should g-get o-off of m-me" He stuttered. Ji Eun looked at him confused then widened her eyes as she realized what he was talking about. She scrambled her way up and in the process elbowed Wooyoung in the stomach.

"Oomf" Wooyoung groaned. Ji Eun gasped and bowed saying multiple sorry's. Wooyoun laughed at her silliness and pushed himself off the ground. Ji Eun frowned at him and he stopped laughing and instead coughed awkwardly.

"Um, uh, so what were you doing up in the tree" he asked. Ji Eun was about to answer but she remembered her cuts and looked down inspecting each one. There was dry blood around the wounds but there were a few more drop trying to sneak its way out. "Maybe we should get you home first and clean up these wounds." She nodded her head and started limping home. Wooyoung notice her struggle and run past her squatting down. Ji Eun stopped and have him a questioning look. He rolled his eyes and motioned for her to get on. Ji Eun was about to argue but Wooyoung stopped her. "Just get on my back or we'll both be in pain." She hesitated for a moment but got on anyways.

Wooyoung stood up with a safe hold on Ji Eun. She draped her arms over his shoulder and leaned her head against his back. Wooyoung smiled to himslef, totally forgetting about Yuri and walked her home. When they got in front of her door Wooyoung crouched back down and let Ji Eun off his back. She carefully got off and flinched when she made contact with the ground. Once Wooyoung stood up Ji Eun opened her door and limped to her couch. Wooyoung eneterd the home and looked around amazed.

"Waahh! This is a nice home!" Ji Eun smiled.


"Ji Eun-ah, where are your parents?" He asked.

"They're in Japan for a meeting and my brother is somewhere around the house." Right on cue, Youngbae came strolling down the stairs and Wooyoung shot up.

"Ji Eun-ah, I thought yo-" He started then stopped when he reached the bottom of the stairs and saw Wooyoung. Younbae eyed him suspiciously then walked to her sister while still looking at him.

"Ji Eun-ah why is the- HOLY SHIZ! WHAT HAPPENED TO YOU?!" he screamed when he saw Ji Eun's condition. She smiled sheepishly and rubbed the back of her neck.

"I sorta kinda fell off a tree..." his eyes widened even more.

"MWOH?!" He snapped his head to Wooyoung and pointed a finger at him. "WHAT KIND OF BOYFRIEND ARE YOU?! NOT CATCHING HER WHEN SHE FALLSS!?!?"

Ji Eun and Wooyoung snapped their attention to him and looked at hime wide-eyed.

"BOYFRIEND?!" They said in unison.


Ok so I'm really sorrry for not updating but my co-author-bless her soul- helped me write this chapter....

I've been emotionally distressed!! Gahhh!! Guys are so tiring sometimes....

Well anyways I'm writing a new SHINee fanfic and I'll hopefully will start it soon!

Comments are a favorite so... comment please!! ^_^

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I shall be updating this week! :D


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YouDunnoMe #1
wow good fic !!
Chapter 20: lol the picture of wooyoung so funny :D
Chapter 21: CHAPTER 21 KILLED ME. It was like a Korean drama so CUTE!!
xxw00uxx #4
Chapter 22: it's so cute , cute ending .. i love it <3
Chapter 22: It was a pretty nice ending. I love it, but it kinda lack something. IDK what. Hahaha.
Chapter 21: The pictures are cute. Aww. Jay <3

The scene is love... <3
Chapter 14: Milky Couple FTW. I found Jason's & Pilsuk's names confusing, I imagine them as Wooyoung & IU. Haha. Great work author~ :)
iamandie #8
nah, the ending is good. :D
misschinatown #9
cute and sweet ending~