How I Wish...

Love In High School

Tiffany's POV

As usual, brother sent me to school. I made my way to class and hoping that Seunghyun was in class. As soon as I step in, my eye brighten up, Seunghyun is in school today.

"Good Morning Seunghyun, Minhwan. How's schedule yesterday." I asked the both of them.

"Fun but tiring." Minhwan replied.

"So you know who are we?" Seunghyun asked.

"Seunghyun, someone only knew it yesterday ok. She found the both of you familiar but don't know that both of you were from FT Island. She's a primadonna too." Krystie teased me.

"Krystie. You had been laughing at me since yesterday, can't you just forget it." I smile.

"haha, I can't help it but to laugh." Krystie laugh out loud.

"So Tiffany, you're our fan too? But I don't remember seeing you." Minhwan came to stand beside me.

"Minhwan, you all got so many fans, how isit possible that you will remember me? Further more, when FT Island came to Singapore, I didn't attend any of your event as the timing is always not right." I can't help but to pout.

"Hmmm, It's really a bad timing. Since now you know we are from FT Island, what do you want from us?" Seunghyun gave me a wide smile.

"Yes, if you want a hug from us, just tell us." Minhwan gave me a cheeky look.

I took out the album from my bag and passed to Seunghyun.

"haha, just sign on my album will do, let your others member sign too can? I asked Seunghyun with my heart pounding real fast. I actually talking to my bias.

"No problem. What are friends for" Seunghyun smile.

"Friends?" I talked to myself. He treat me as a friend and not only classmate?

"Tiffany, since now you know we are FT Island, don't you feel excited, you can scream if you want?" Minhwan asked.

"Huh? Of cos I'm excited. But I still have to control myself. And like what Seunghyun said, we are friends. So only fan girls scream upon seeing you all." I laughed.

Soon teacher came in, so we returned to our seats and listen to the class. During the lesson, I can't help but kept looking at Seunghyun, he's so cute, handsome. And he look memerising when he's serious.

Seunghyun's POV

I was talking to Minhwan, Krystie and Tiffany came in asking about how's our schedule. How cute can she get? She found us familiar but don't know who we are. No wonder when she first saw us she didn't scream or do anything. So this is the reason. The way she pout when telling us how she's not able to attend the events, it's really cute. She's really different from the other girls.

Lesson ended which means breaktime. I would want to know her more.

"Tiffany, Krystie. Lets have lunch together. Lets go."

We walked out of the classroom to the canteen. We parted to get our own food. Minhwan and I were the first to buy our food. 5 minutes later, the 2 girls came back and Tiffany bought the same food as me, even the drinks is also the same. I can't help but to smile.

Alright, lets start eating.

Tiffany's POV

Finally it is break time. I was about to ask Krystie what she wants to eat and Seunghyun came forward to us.

"Tiffany, Krystie. Lets have lunch together. Lets go."

Oh man, I'm going to have lunch with Seunghyun, I'm really excited, although it's just a lunch but not all fans got this chance. I'm one of the lucky ones. We parted to get our own food, Seunghyun and Minhwan got their food already. To my suprise, I ordered the same food as Seunghyun, even drinks. But this is only coincident, why am I so happy about it?

Krystie's POV

"Hmmm, Seunghyun asked us to lunch with him. Before Tiffany was here, he don't ask me for lunch often. Why is this so?" I was thinking hard about my own question.

After buying our food, we went over to the table. Seunghyun and Tiffany ordered excatly the same food, and drinks. Hmmm, this is really rare.

Seunghyun's POV

We eat as we talked. Since Tiffany like FT Island, should I let her meet with the others members too? She would be happy if this really happen.

"Tiffany, what will you do if you get to see FT Island members? I asked her.

"Hmmmm, I would be really happy. Imagine all 5 members right infront of me. But how is this possible. I'm lucky enough to see 2 out of 5 members." Tiffany smile and continue her food.

"Seunghyun, you very bais can. We knew each other for months and you didn't ask me such questions before. But you ask Tiffany this when you only met her for like 2 days. I don't care, I want you ask me the same question." Krystie demanded.

"Alright, Krystie what will you do if you get to see FT Island members." I gave in and asked her the same question.

"Hmmm, I would be superly happy, as I can see Hongki." Krystie laughed.

"Krystie, Don't you feel happy when you see us?" Minhwan ask this with a chicken drumstick on his hand.

"Starting very happy, but after long ready. No more happy feeling." Merong.

All of us laughed at what Krystie said. Should I arranged a meet up for Tiffany to see the other members? Shall ask the others first.

Tiffany's POV

We were chatting happily and I was thinking how great will it be if I get to see all 5 members.

"Tiffany, what will you do if you get to see FT Island members?"

Seunghyun asked me this question, as though he can read my mind. So I gave him my answer. Krystie was really mad at him, and demanded for the same question. She's really cute can. All she know is Hongki Hongki and Hongki. After lunch we went back to class and continue with our lessons.

After school we parted as Seunghyun and Minhwan going for their schedule. How I wish they could bring us along so I get to see other members.

"Alright, Tiffany Woo! Enough of how I wish, how I wish, How I wish. At least you can be in the same class as Seunghyun you all time bias. This is enoguh." I told myself.

Yes, Seunghyun is my all time bias. But I like the other members too.

Minhwan's POV

After a long day in school and performing, we finally reach home. As we were lazy to cook, we decided to order delivery. While waiting the food to arrive, we gather at the sofa to watch television. Seunghyun hyung sat beside me and I thought of what happen in school. Hyung ask Tiffany for lunch, and he kept looking at her during lesson.

"Hyung, why do you keep looking at Tiffany during lesson." I asked Seunghyun.

"I caught you doing that alot of times." I gave him a smirk.

"Who's Tiffany?" Hongki Hyung interrupted us.

"Tiffany is a new student. She came from Singapore and she's a primadonna." I told everything to hyungs.

Seunghun's POV

Minhwan told hyungs everything so I went into my room and took out the album for them to sign. At the same time, I thought of what Minhwan had said. Why did I look at Tiffany during lesson? I myself also don't know why.

"Here's Tiffany albums. Minhwan and I had sign, now is your turn." Hyungs took turn to sign on the album.

"Hyungs, we tomorrow got no schedule right." I asked them.

"Yup, tomorrow is rest day for us." Jonghun hyung replied.

Knowing that we would be free tomorrow, an idea came up. I don't know what I want to do this but I just want to do this.



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hope you won't find it bored.

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ShineeRocksForever #1
its good! seriously :D Don't keep saying it isnt, eevry of it is good! :D
ShineeRocksForever #2
oh my gosh!! so sweet !!!! now seunghyun & tiffany ppali ppali!!!!
IHeartYoga #3
glai143hk: Glad that you love my story :) Thank you :)
IHeartYoga #4
ShineeRocksForver: Thank you for your constant support :)
ShineeRocksForever #5
AH!!! what's inside the remaining boxes!? hahahah ppali ppali update. This chapter is super nice :))
IHeartYoga #6
ShineeRocksForever: Thanks for you support. Glad that you like it...
IHeartYoga #7
ShineeRocksForever: I also feel like going Everland Theme Park. Lets go together.
ShineeRocksForever #8
wow! this is awesome, really really awesome.