
Love In High School

Krystie's POV

This few days, Seunghyun and Tiffany were busy practicing for their compeition. I felt super happy for them and really hope that they could be together. Hope Seunghyun treasure this chance well and Tiffany to stop her mindcept of not having noona-dongsaeng love. Come on, they are just 7 months apart, is not even 1 year. This girl, really getting on my nerves. As to create chances for them, I would always not at home, went out with Hongki baby.

"Baby, what do you think Seunghyun and Tiffany doing now?" I asked.

"Baby, Don't worry about the both of them, we already help them alot. The rest is up to themselves." Hongki baby answered.

"That's true. But the 2 of them really like each other. So I really hope that they can be together. Like us." I smile.

"I hope that they can be together too. I believed they will be together" Hongki baby replied.

The both of us headed for a moive, and a romantic lunch. I felt really happy being with him.

Tiffany's POV

This few days, Seunghyun had been coming over after school for practice. Competition is getting nearer and nearer. I'm getting nervous and nervous.

"Seunghyun, do you think that I play well? Is there anything that I need to improve? Or ... " Before I go on, Seunghyun interuppted.

"Tiffany, don't worry. You play really well. Don't be to nervous alright." Seunghyun ruffled my hair.

"I don't want to be nervous too, but competition is tomorrow." I replied.

"I believe in you. You play really well." Seunghyun answered.

"No no, I don't play well enough. Seunghyun, lets continue." The both of us started playing piano after that.

Krystie's POV

Seunghyun and Tiffany having their competition tomorrow, So after lunching with Hongki baby, he called up Jonghun oppa, Jae Jin oppa and Minhwan to meet us at the supermarket. We going to get some ingredients, we gonna cook and show our support to Seunghyun and Tiffany.

"Baby, lets get this. This is both Seunghyun and Tiffany favourite." I told Hongki baby.

We spent 1 hour in there, and home sweet home.

"Baby, Oppas, Minhwan, Lets be quiet alright, don't disturb them practicing." I told them while opening the door slowly.

We place the stuffs in the kitchen and started preparing.

Seunghyun's POV

Tiffany was super nervous. She kept asking me about where to improve and so on. Her nervous expression is really cute. We had practice for 2 hours and still practicing.

"Tiffany, you smell something?" I asked her.

"Hmmmmm, ya ya. There's sound coming from outside too." Tiffany answered.

"That's right. Do you think Krystie came back?" I answered.

"Maybe, lets go have a look." the both of us get up and headed to the living room.

"Hyungs? Minhwan? What are you all doing here" I called out, they were in the kitchen.

"Tomorrow is your compeition, so we prepapre dinner to show our support." Krystie.

"Awwww, Krystie, so sweet of you." Tiffany went to give her a hug.

"Tiffany ah, don't I deserve a hug too?" Hongki Hyung asked.

"That's right, I got help in preparing too>" Jae Jin Hyung said.

"Alright, Everyone deserve it." Tiffany went to hug Hyungs and Minhwan.

The both of us help in preparing and soon dinner was ready. We sat down and enjoy the food.

"Seunghyun, Tiffany, I can't go down to your school to support, I shall wish the both of you all the best. I believe you can do it." Hongki Hyung held up his glass of drink in the air.

The others held up their glass of drink in the air too. The both of us held our glass in the air too, and cheers.

"Thank you" The both of us thanked them.

After dinner, Tiffany and I continue with our practicing, last round and we were done.

"Tiffany, see you tomorrow. Sleep early alright. Don't worry so much." I ruffled her hair and left.


Tiffany's POV

Oh man, today is the competition. I felt really nervous. Hongki oppa sent us to school again. Before Hongki oppa left, he wished us all the best. Seunghyun and I went to the backstage to prepare and wait for our turn. We were not in our school uniform, he was in a black suit, and I wore a little black dress. I'm feeling really nervous.

"Tiffany, relax. Don't be too nervous. We can do it." Seunghyun held my hand and say those words to me.

We are the third group to perform, so Seunghyun kept holding on to my hand till our turn. His hand is like some magic pill, with he holding my hand, I don't feel nervous anymore.

"Now, lets welcome the third group. Song Seunghyun and Tiffany Woo, they would be playing Kiss the Rain." The MC called out.

"Seunghyun, It's our turn, Its our turn." I panicked.

"Tiffany, I will be here with you. Relax. Breathe in, Breathe Out." I did what Seunghyun said, he continue holding my hand and we walked out together.

We heard alot of clappings, and cheerings.

"Go Seunghyun. Saranghaeyo." One of the student shouted. I wanted to laugh, but can't at the moment.

We sat down on the chair and place our hand on the piano keys. Before we start, Seunghyun whisper to me.

"Tiffany, relax alright. We can do it." He whispered.

After hearing his words, we started on our performance.

After the last note we played, we looked at each other with a smile. He held my hand, walk to the front on stage, we smile and bowed. I can really hear lots of cheering. At the backstage, I let out a sigh of relief.

"Seunghyun, We finised our performance. I heard alot of cheers. But they were directly for you by some fangirls." I smile.

"Not only me, you had cheers from some guys too." He teased.

The both of us were chatting happily at the backstage. Soon results going to release.

"Seunghyun, will you mind if we did not win?" I asked.

"Silly girl, why would I mind. It's ok if we didn't win. At least we got to perform together." He smile.

"That's true. At least we performed together, I'm happy enough." I replied. At this time, we were looking into each other eyes.

"Tiffany" Before I could go on, The MC announce all groups to go out.

"It's result time, lets go." I linked his arm and headed out to the stage.

We were standing in a row. I was wondering who would be the champion, students from our school or students from other schools? They performed really well too. The MC, announced the 3rd place and 2nd place.

"So now, who will be the first?" The MC asked.


"The champion is ..... Song Seunghyun and Tiffany Woo. Congratulations." The MC announed and clap.

"Huh?" I was in a dazed when I heard this. We are the champion? Seunghyun held my hand and we went to receive our trophy and prize money.

"The reason of Song Seunghyun and Tiffany Woo won is not because they were students from our school. I like the idea of them, one use left hand, the other use right hand. They bring out the right feeling of playing this music piece Kiss The Rain. Thus they won the first place. Congratulations" The principal told the whole school.

We received a round of applause and receive congratulations from the other competitors. We went to the back stage after that.

Seunghyun's POV

All along, Tiffany was really nervous. I can't help it, so I held her hand to give her support and asked her not to be nervous. How I wish I can hold her hand always.

We won, we are the champion. Frankly speaking, I didn't know that we would be the first. I don't mind not wining anything because I get to perform with Tiffany, this will do. After receiving congratulations from other competitors, we went to the backstage.

"Seunghyun" Tiffany sprung me with a hug. "I can't believe that we won. I'm really happy." She said.

"Yes, I'm really happy too. I didn't expect that" I answered.

"Both of you, hug enough?" Someone say this.

The both of us quickly broke apart and it was Krystie who said that.

"Congratulations" Krystie and Minhwan congrates us and gave us a hug.

"Tiffany, told you, you can win. Still so nervous. Seunghyun, you know what, yesterday night she can't sleep, kept tossing around." Krystie told me.

"Really? Tiffany is this true?" I asked.

"yes, this is true. I'm too nervous." Tiffany laughed.

"Alright, Hyung, Tiffany, Krystie. I told hyungs about this. They were happy for the both of you and Hongki hyung had made a reservation at this restaurant to celebrate." Minhwan told us.

"Minhwan ah, Why my Hongki baby called you instead of me?" Krystie asked.

"Krysite, like this you also jealous. Hongki Hyung called you, but you didn't picked up." Minhwan laughed.

"Really?" Krystie took out her phone and check. "Oh, Hongki baby really called me." Everyone laughed.

After all this laughter we parted. We went home to prepare ourselves for the dinner later on.


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ShineeRocksForever #1
its good! seriously :D Don't keep saying it isnt, eevry of it is good! :D
ShineeRocksForever #2
oh my gosh!! so sweet !!!! now seunghyun & tiffany ppali ppali!!!!
IHeartYoga #3
glai143hk: Glad that you love my story :) Thank you :)
IHeartYoga #4
ShineeRocksForver: Thank you for your constant support :)
ShineeRocksForever #5
AH!!! what's inside the remaining boxes!? hahahah ppali ppali update. This chapter is super nice :))
IHeartYoga #6
ShineeRocksForever: Thanks for you support. Glad that you like it...
IHeartYoga #7
ShineeRocksForever: I also feel like going Everland Theme Park. Lets go together.
ShineeRocksForever #8
wow! this is awesome, really really awesome.