Happy Moment With You...

Love In High School

Krystie's POV

Finally Tiffany and Seunghyun got together, I'm happy for them. But I had been asking how Seunghyun confessed to her, she don't want tell me. Same for Seunghyun, I asked him and he also don't want tell me.  Whenever Hongki baby got no schedule, he would send me to school and send me home. Seunghyun also send Tiffany to school and send her home unless he got schedule. The both of them are as loving as me and Hongki baby.

After school, Seunghyun and Tiffany went for their date and of cos, I went dating with Hongki baby. He was on his disguise so we could walk hand in hand. But sometime he would be recongnised, at that time, I would pretened that I don't know him, and meet him at another place. This is what happen if you date an idol.

"Baby, where should we go today?" I asked while linking his arm.

"Any place will do. As long as you I'm with you, anyplace is fine." Hongki baby replied.

"Awww, baby, you're so sweet. Love you more more." I gave him a hug.

"Awww, baby, you're so sweet too. Love you more more too." Hongki baby gave me a peck on my cheek, and we continue holding hands.

"Baby, I just remember I need to do soemthing for Jonghun. I will see you at our usual restaurant alright." Hongki baby and I parted.

I went to the restaurant and wait for him. What is he helping Jonghun oppa to do? Can't Jonghun oppa do it himself? Maybe his busy.

Hongki's POV

Having a date with Krystie right after her school. As we were walking, i saw the Jewerly Shop and I remembered that Krystie like one of the necklace. I wanted to buy for her that time, but she decline as it was expensice. But I can see that she really like it. I shall give her a suprise.

So I lied to her that I need to do something for Jonghun and asked her to the restaurant first. I went in and bought the necklace, it has a meaning for it. I saw her sitting at the restaurant, so I covered her eye with my hand.

Half And Hour Later

Krystie's POV

Someone covered my eyes and say "Guess who am I?"

This must be Hongki baby. "I know who you are. You're James." I replied.

"Wrong answer. Guess again." he said.

"Hmmmm, Troy? I answered and chuckled.

"Baby, who's James and Troy? How could you guess wrong?" Hongki baby complained while going to his seat.

"Baby, Of cos I know is you. I'm just playing with you." I laughed.

"Baby, you're being cunning." Hongki baby laughed.

"Let me reward you for being cunning. This is for you." Hongki baby passed me a small box.

"Being cunning also got present? What is this?" I accept the small box from him.

"Open up and you will know." Hongki baby replied.

"This... this... this... heartshape necklace is the one we saw the day before." I replied.

"That's right. I know you really like it. But you don't allow me to buy cos it's expensive. But for you. no matter how expensive it is, I will still buy for you. Everything is worth it for my baby." Hongki baby got up from his seat, and help me to put it on.

"Hmmm, it look so nice on you." Hongki smile and "I love you." He give me a peck on my cheek.

"Baby, Thank you, I love you." I gave him a peck on his cheek too and he went back to his seat.

"Baby, there's one meaning for this necklace." Hongki baby told me.

"Meaning? What meaning?" I asked.

"The salesgirl told me, this is their latest collection of 'I Love You' necklace. And I bought it, for the girl I love, Krystie Choi." Hongki baby replied.

"Baby, why you treat me really good. I felt really touched." Tears started forming in my eye.

"Silly, You're my baby, of cos I treat you well." Hongki baby replied.

"Alright, lets order food now and continue our sweet moment later." Hongki baby, wave to the waiter and he place his order.

Hongki's POV

I can see smile all over Krystie's face. I'm really happy that she likes it. I love her alot and wants to make her the world fortunate girl.

We started digging in, and continue our date.

"Baby, where do you want to go now?" I asked.

"Hmmm, shall we go for a movie? It has been a long time since we watched movie together." Krystie baby answered.

"Sure, lets go." I held on her hand and went to the cinema.

"Baby, lets watch this horror movie, I heard my classmate said that it's nice." I point to him the poster of the horror movie.

"Are you sure? Don't you feel scare? I'm alright with it, if you want." I replied while giving her the are you sure want watch this face.

"Yes baby. With you by my side, I'm not scare of anything." Krystie baby answered.

We went to purchase the tickets, and bought some popcorns in. The movie starts, and Krystie linked my shoulder, all this while she kept putting her head on my shoulder. How cute can she be.

"Baby, I thought you said, with me by your side you not scare of anything?" I teased.

"Yes, but this is really scary. I can't help it. AHHHH, the ghost came out" Krystie baby, scream and put her head back to my shoulder.

I can't help but to laugh. She's really cute. When there's no ghost part, she will let her head up.

"BOO!" I gave her a scare.

"AHHHHHH" she quickly cover her eyes.

I laughed. "Baby, there's nothing." I told her.

"Baby!" She hit my arm "So evil of you." She pouted.

"Alright alright. Stop pounting. let me give you a kiss." I gave her a peck on her cheek.

After movie, we went to shop around and went for dinner.

Krystie's POV

Watched horror movie with Hongki baby,a nd he gave me a scare. So cute of him. After movie we went to shop around and went for dinner. He sent me home after that.

"Baby, thanks for everything. I love this necklace alot." I thanked him.

"You're welcome baby. I'm glad that you like it. See you happy and I'm happt too" He smile and we kissed.

We parted after a hug.


Hellp :)


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ShineeRocksForever #1
its good! seriously :D Don't keep saying it isnt, eevry of it is good! :D
ShineeRocksForever #2
oh my gosh!! so sweet !!!! now seunghyun & tiffany ppali ppali!!!!
IHeartYoga #3
glai143hk: Glad that you love my story :) Thank you :)
IHeartYoga #4
ShineeRocksForver: Thank you for your constant support :)
ShineeRocksForever #5
AH!!! what's inside the remaining boxes!? hahahah ppali ppali update. This chapter is super nice :))
IHeartYoga #6
ShineeRocksForever: Thanks for you support. Glad that you like it...
IHeartYoga #7
ShineeRocksForever: I also feel like going Everland Theme Park. Lets go together.
ShineeRocksForever #8
wow! this is awesome, really really awesome.