Arrival In Korea.

Love In High School

"Brother, actually I'm quite excited to reach Korea" Tiffany said why making herself comfortable in her seat.

"haha, same same. We will be reaching in 6 hours time, lie on my shoulder to catch some sleep" Kevin said this while palcing Tiffany head on his shoulder.

"Alright, you catch some sleep too." both of them fell asleep after not long.

6 Hours Later

"Tiff, wake up, we reached* her brother gently wake her up.

"We finally reached after a long ride" rubbing her eyes as she talked.

When they walked out from the exit, they saw this guy holding on to this card with Kevin Woo name on it.

"Hello, Mr Woo." handshake with Kevin. " I'm Kim Shin Dong, your assistant.. I'm here to fetch you to your apartment." lead him out of the airport.

They arrived at the apartment in half and hour time. When they opened the door. Tiffany is the first one to look around the house, inspect each room.

"Wow, brother. This apartment is so so so big. 3 bedrooms, 1 study room, 1 walk in wardrobe so on and on." exclaimed Tiffany while bringing her luggage into one of the room.

"That's right. I didn't expect this too." Bringing his luggage into his room.

After they place their luggage into the room, they sat on the sofa with Shin Dong. As he explain everything to them one by one.

"Mr Woo, Miss Woo, this is the key to this apartment." passing them the keys.

"Mr Woo, this is the documents that need you to read through and there will be a meeting tomorrow. The company had provided you with the car, so this is the car key." passed the document and key to Kevin.

"Oh Ok. There's even car for me? I didn't know about this." Thank you Shin Dong.

"Miss Woo, this is the school you will be studying, Seoul Arts High School. We found this school for you based on your interest that your Mr Woo gave us. This school consists of drama, art and music, Since you like music alot, you will be in the music class. And school will start tomorrow. This are the stuffs you needed for school." passed everything to her.

"Erm, you don't have to call me Miss Woo, call me Tiffany will do. Seoul Arts High School? Music class? Tomorrow start school? Why isit so fast? What am I going to do over there?" gave Shin Dong alot of questions.

"Tiffany, you don't have to worry so much, you will be fine. The teachers and students are very friendly. So Mr Woo, since tomorrow is your first day at work, and Tiffany's first day of school, I will be here at 6:30am, show you the way to Tiffany's school and to the company." said Shin Dong.

"Ok, no problem. Thank you Shin Dong." said Kevin.

"Alright, thank you Mr Kim" said Tiffany.

Shin Dong left them after he explained everything to them. Kevin and Tiffany start packing up, this took them hours to finish packing up. It was about 6pm when they finished packing up. They went for some mini shopping at the mall further down the street and settle their dinner there. They went home after few hours.

"Tiff, have you pack your school stuffs, brought everything you needed?" Kevin double check everything for Tiffany.

"Brother, don't worry. I had packed everything." hook his brother arm and sit on her bed. "Actually, I felt very nervous and excited at the same time. I'm going school tomorrow, It's so fast. And I'm actually going to study music" said Tiffany.

"Yeah, I know you like music alot. And over in Singapore, you don't have the time to study music. So I told them to look for school based on your music interest. Must study hard alright.." said Kevin

"AHHHH, you are the best brother in the world." gave him a hug. "Oh ya, I remembered your assistant passed you some documents regarding the meeting tomorrow, had you gone through it." looked at Kevin with a serious face.

"Hmmmm, good question. I'm half way through. And I remebered that my absent minded sister will be starting school tomorrow, so came over to check on her." smile Kevin.

"Half way through? Brother tomorrow is your first meeting, faster go back to your room and continue looking through your document. Don't worry about me." pushing Kevin out of her room.

"Alright alright. Don't stay up too late. Turn in early." Kevin say this on his way out of the room.

"Ok, you don't sleep too late too. Good Night." close her room door and prepare herself to bed. "oh dear, school start tomorrow, and I don't know anything, don't know how to sepak Korean language. How am I going to communicate with teachers and so on?" Alot of question came into Tiffany mind, but she had a very tired day and soon fell asleep.


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ShineeRocksForever #1
its good! seriously :D Don't keep saying it isnt, eevry of it is good! :D
ShineeRocksForever #2
oh my gosh!! so sweet !!!! now seunghyun & tiffany ppali ppali!!!!
IHeartYoga #3
glai143hk: Glad that you love my story :) Thank you :)
IHeartYoga #4
ShineeRocksForver: Thank you for your constant support :)
ShineeRocksForever #5
AH!!! what's inside the remaining boxes!? hahahah ppali ppali update. This chapter is super nice :))
IHeartYoga #6
ShineeRocksForever: Thanks for you support. Glad that you like it...
IHeartYoga #7
ShineeRocksForever: I also feel like going Everland Theme Park. Lets go together.
ShineeRocksForever #8
wow! this is awesome, really really awesome.