I Didn't Expect...

Love In High School

Krystie's POV

I'm happy being with Hongki baby, really happy. At the same time, I also afraid that our relationship will be know. Although being with him have to be secretly, and walk on the street with his disguise on, I don't mind at all cos I love him. I was having alot of thoughts and suddenly Tiffany came in looking very serious.

"Hey Girl, don't you know you have to knock before you came in?" I joked with her.

"Krystie, I got no time for your joke. Our relationship had been known" She answered as she walk into my room.

"Relationship had been known? You mean, Hongki baby and I, you and Seunghyun?" I asked and give her the this is not true face.

"Yes. Photos of us dating is on the papers." She answered and gave me the papers.

"This was all taken at Everland Theme Park. So they were being reconginse." I exclaimed.

All along Tiffany and I were afraid that our relationship will be know. And now this came true. Thepaper were all our photos, holding hands, hugging and so on.

Tiffany's POV

I was awake early and Krystie was still sleeping. So I decided to get breakfast for ourselves, I'm lazy to make breakfast, I believe that even I make brekast, Krystie won't even want to eat it. As I was walking, passerby kept pointing at me, and talking about me. Why are they doing this? I don't know. I receive a phone call from one of my classmate.

"Tiffany, why you and Seunghyun together didn't tell us? Krysite with Hongki right." She said.

"You must be kidding how is this ... " I was walking by the convienent stall and I saw photos of us in the paper.

"I'm busy right now. bye" I quickly hang the phone and went to get the papers.

Our photos dating Seunghyun and Hongki was on the papers. It was taken at Everland Theme Park. I receive another phone call. It was Seunghyun.

"Baby, had you read the newspaper? Our relationship had be know." I told him as soon as I answered his call, and also make my way home.

"Yes, we were on our way for our schedule and there were reporters asking. Are there any reporters over at your house?" He asked, worrying.

"Nope. Baby what should we do now?" I asked.

"Don't worry, Hongki hyung and I will know what to do. You becareful alright. Call you again." We hang down after that.

As soon as I reached hom, I went into Krystie's room and showed her the paper. The both of us really didn't want such things to happen.

Hongki's POV

We were on our way for our schedule and as we reached the place, there were reporters asking about Seunghyun and my relationship. The both of us just smile and with the help from the security, we went into our waiting room. I'm trying to call Krystie but her phone is switch off. Just as I was about to ask Seunghyun to call Tiffany, he had alredy done that.

"Hyung, now the media know the both of you had girlfriends, what are you going to do?" Jae Jin asked.

"Since now the media know about it. I would not deny. Or not this won't be fair to Krystie." I answered.

"Yes, what Hyung said is true. If I deny, it would be unfiar to Tiffany." Seunghyun answered.

"Is this what the both of you wants?" Manager hyung came in and asked.

"Yes, Hyung can we say that they are our girlfriends?" Seunghyun and I asked.

"Since now this is on the papers,  tell the truth is the best way. But the both of you must know this. If you announce it, you might get anti fans, your girlfriends maybe hated by your fans." Hyung replied.

"Hyung, I know this will happen. I'm not afraid" Seunghyun and I replied.

"Alright. I shall have a mini press conference. Lets those reporter ask what they wants and the both of you can choose answer or not to answer." Hyung told us about it.

Seunghyun's POV

Our realtionship had been known, it was all over the papers. There are reporters asking about it, but we just gave them a smile andw ent into our waiting room. Manager hyung heard our conversation, and he allow us to announce that we are dating. I know we might have anti fans, but as long as Tiffany's by my side, other things doesn't matter. After our schedule, Hongki hyung and I made our way down to the girls house.

Krystie's POV

Tiffany and I did not step out of the house at all. We were just sitting at the living room, worrying about Hongki baby and Seunghyun. There must be alot of reporters bugging them about this.

"Tiffany, now this is all over the papers. Do you think they will have anti fans?" I asked.

"I hope not." Tiffany replied and went to get her laptop and go to the forum.

"Tiffany, see all the comments" I exclamied.

There were comments like:

Hongki oppa, you break my heart. How can you have girlfriend?

Seunghyun, why must you have girlfriend? WHY WHY WHY??? I hate you.


Seunghyun, you should be mine. You and this girl not compatible at all...

There were also comments and the both of us:

The both of you do not belong to my FT Island boys.

es, stay away from them.

You not pretty enough to be with my FT Island boys.

"Tiffany, why is this happening? I now can really understand Shin Se Kyung's and Jonghyun's feeling. The feeling of being bash is really not good." I sighed and someone rang the doorbell. Tiffany went to open it.

Tiffany's POV

Krystie and I were worrying about Seunghyun and Hongki oppa. I remembered that, when SHINee Jonghyun announce that he got girlfriend, he received alot of remarks and the his girlfriend got it too. Our handphone kept ringing non stop, it was from our classmate, asking am I really dating with Seunghyun, and Krystie dating Hongki oppa. One of our classmate even scolded us, asking us to leave them. After we answered 3 phone calls, we decided not to answer it anymore. So I went to get my latop, and the both of us saw all the comments. There were comments directly to Seunghyun and Hongki oppa, and also the both of us.

"Krystie ah, I rather the comments were directly on us only and not on Seunghyun, Hongki oppa." I told her.

Someone was at the door, so I went to open it. It was Hongki oppa and Seunghyun. They were not on their disguise at all. As they came in, I immediately gave Seunghyun a hug and Krystie gave Hongki oppa a hug. We broke apart and sat on the sofa. As the laptop was on the table, Hongki oppa saw all the comments before I could switch it off.

"Hongki oppa, this nothing nice to see." I told him and trying to get the laptop back, but he don't allow. Seunghyun and him read all the comments.

"Baby, I'm sorry. Let you get scolded by the fans." Seunghyun apologise.

"No no, baby. You don't have to apologise. I don't blame you at all." I answered.

"I should be the one saying sorry, if we didn't go to the theme park, none of this will happen. Our relationship will not be known." I told him.

"Silly girl. Why are you saying sorry. I don't blame you too. Even if our relationship was not known in this manner, I would still let our relationship known sonner or later." Seunghyun replied.

Hongki's POV

Seunghyun and I went over to the girl's apartment, and Tiffany's laptop was on the table, I saw all the comments on us and on the both girls.

"Baby, I'm sorry." I held on to Krystie hand.

"No baby, You don't have to say sorry." She answered.

"Baby, I should be the one saying sorry, if ... " I interrupted before Krystie could continue.

"Krystie, Tiffany. the both of you listened up. Manager hyung allowed us to announce we are dating and he would be holding a mini press conference for us regarding this matter. We will bring the both of you along and say that we are dating." I told them.

"Are you serious? Hongki oppa, baby. Just the photos only, you all have received such comments, I don't want to see you all ahving anti fans." Tiffany replied.

"That's right. Baby. Why don't you deny?" Krystie answered.

"No way. I'm not going to deny. Krystie, we had been together secretly for 2 years. This is enough. I want to hold you hand, hug you and do everything a couple can do without any disguise on." I replied and gave Krystie a hug.

"That's right. Tiffany. We had been together secretly for 2 years. This is really not fair to you. I want let everyone know that you are my girlfriend." Seunghyun told Tiffany.

The 2 girls objected it af first. But after that they agree with us, and will be going for the mini press conference with us.

The Next Day


Seunghyun's POV

We went to fetch the girls and went for press conference together. Soon the reporters had arrived. I walk out hand in hand with Tiffany and Hongki hyung walk out hand in hand with Krystie. We sat down and start answering the reporters questions.

"Hongki, so you're really dating?" One of the reporter asked.

"Yes. Her anme is Krystie Choi and we had been together for nearly 2 years." Hongki hyung answerd.

"How about you Seunghyun?" Another reporter asked.

"Yes. Her name is Tiffany Woo and we had been together for nearly 2 years too." I asnwered and smile.

"2 years? The both of you really really secretive about it. Since you all had hide it for 2 years, why did you want to announce it now?" Reporter asked.

"Seunghyun and I don't want our girlfriend to be known to the public as we are idols, we need to protect the both of them. SInce now you all had found out about it. We got no reason to deny it." Hongki hyung answered.

"This will shattered your fans heart. Don't you afriad of having anti fans?" Reporter asked.

"I know that fans may feel sad over it, and we might have anti fans. But if cause of this reason, We continue to hide our relationship, this is not fair to both of our girlfriends. But I really hope that primadonnas will still continue to support FT Island and give us blessing. Girlfriend and primadonnas are important to me" I answered.

"That's right. So I hope primadonnas will continue to give us support alright. We would not neglect you all even if we got girlfriend" Hongki hyung replied.

"Krystie, Tiffany. How do you feel about those comments that the fans gave you?" Reporter asked.

"Frankly speaking when I first read the comment, I was quite shock. Cos I really didn't expect this will happen. But since it has already happen, then I shall face it." Tiffany replied.

"That's right. I also felt angry when reading it too.Because idols should have their own private life too. And if the fans really support and love their idols alot, they should give them their blessing instead of bashing them in the comment box." Krystie answered.

The reporter continue to ask question, and we continue to answer it. All we answered were the truth, no lies at all. Before press conference ended, they ask to took photo of us, Hongki hyung and Krystie, Tiffany and I. After press conference, we went for dinner, and sent the girls home.

Krystie's POV

We went for the press conference, frankly speaking, I'm really nervous as this is my first time. I'm really touched with all the answer that Hongki baby replied to the reporter. I can sense that he really love me alot. After press conference we went for dinner and they sent us home. Hongki baby and I were walking in the front, Seunghyun and Tiffany were walking at the back.

"Baby, I'm really touched with all the answer you reply. I didn't expect that." I told Hongki baby.

"I knew you will say these." Hongki baby laughed.

"Baby, i also didn't expect you answer to the reporters. You still told me that you are nervous. But don't seems too." Hongki baby say while putting his arms on my waist as we walk.

"I'm really nervous ok. But really angry when reading the comments. If your fans really love you and Seunghyun, they should supoort the both of you." I answered.

"Baby, ou are very frank, this is why I love you so much. After today, the road maybe tough as now everyone knew about our relationship." Hongki baby told me.

"I don't mind, as long as I'm with you." I replied, we stopped walking, looked at each other and we kissed.

Hongki baby and Seunghyun went home after sending us into our house.

Tiffany's POV

Seunghyun and Hongki oppa came to fetch us for the press conference, I'm feeling really nervous. It was my first time attending press conference. With so many reporters infront of me, asking questions, camera flashing here and there. Beside Seunghyun and Hongki opaa answering questions, there were question for Krystie and I too. I'm really happy with the answer Seunghyun answered. After press conference, we went for dinner and they sent us home. This is the first time we went our together without their disguise on. Hongki opp and Krystie were walking in the front, Seunghyun and I were at the back.

"Baby, now I can hold your hand openly, without disguise and everything." Seunghyun smile.

"Yes yes. After holding for hand secretly for 2 years. We can be open now." I smile.

"Baby, you better don't let go of my hand, since you like holding it so much." Seunghyun joked.

"Baby, you also like holding my hand so much, so you better don't let go too." I played along.

"We shall hold each other hand and not letting go." Seunghyun answered with his big smile on his face.

"But baby, now our journey will be tough since people knew about our relationship. Are you prepared?" Seunghyun asked.

"Yes, Baby. No matter how tough the journey is, with you by my side, everything will be alright. But after today, you may have anti fans too, I'm sorry." I replied.

"Sill girl, you don't have to apologise to me. This is nothing. like what Krystie said, if my fans really love me, they will continue to support me." He answered and put both of his hand on my waist, and we kissed.

We broke apart, and he sent me till my house. Krystie were already at the doorstep with Hongki oppa. Kiss goodbye Seunghyun and Krystie kiss goodbye Hongki oppa and the both of them went home. After bathing, Krystie was in the living room watching televsion, I took my laptop and sat beside her.

"Tiff, I didn't expect that this will happen. I thought we had to like secertly dating for years man." Krystie said this as she went to kitchen to get a glass of water for herself and for me.

I took at the glass of water from Krystie. " That's right. I didn't expect that our relationship would be known. Although it's tough to be date them secretly but at least they will still haven fans supporting them. At least they won't have such comments." I let her see the comments on the forum.

"Awww, I don't like this man. I know the feeling of seeing your idol dating, is sad and heartbreaking. But idols need they own life. If they really love Hongki baby and Seunghyun alot, they should support them and give them their blessing." Krystie answered.

"That's right. Hope this will be over few days later and fans will continue to support them." I replied.

We continue chatting while waiting for our boyfriend to call us. And we headed to bed after that.


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ShineeRocksForever #1
its good! seriously :D Don't keep saying it isnt, eevry of it is good! :D
ShineeRocksForever #2
oh my gosh!! so sweet !!!! now seunghyun & tiffany ppali ppali!!!!
IHeartYoga #3
glai143hk: Glad that you love my story :) Thank you :)
IHeartYoga #4
ShineeRocksForver: Thank you for your constant support :)
ShineeRocksForever #5
AH!!! what's inside the remaining boxes!? hahahah ppali ppali update. This chapter is super nice :))
IHeartYoga #6
ShineeRocksForever: Thanks for you support. Glad that you like it...
IHeartYoga #7
ShineeRocksForever: I also feel like going Everland Theme Park. Lets go together.
ShineeRocksForever #8
wow! this is awesome, really really awesome.