Chapter 18

Prime Suspect

"Hansol Vernon Chwe's home has been searched and evidence of his involvement with the murders have been found. Articles of every single murder, including the most recent ones, have been found in his home. We've found the case to the murder weapon and we've also found blood stained t-shirts in his home. After several DNA tests we've made a match to whose blood it could be. One sample was of Grace Vernon Chwe age forty-seven and mother to Hansol, Melanie Im age fifteen, and Jeon Mina. It has not been confirmed yet on the whereabouts and likelihood of Miss Jeon being alive just yet. We are still hoping to bring this young girl home to her family. "

"We checked with Mr. Chwe's bank account and there were a few purchases from yesterday here in Seoul. Mr. Chwe has yet to be caught and he is still very much running the streets of Korea. I beg you if you happen to see this man," Vernon's face lit up the screen beside Jiyong, "Then contact the authorities immediately. This is important for your safety and your fellow citizens. Thank you all for your time." 


In the past three weeks there had been hundreds of calls. Some were nasty prank calls and others were merely false alarms. 

Yesenia had given into the idea that this was truly on Vernon's hands. That he murdered those people and that he had stolen her daughter. Jungkook however couldn't accept it. He couldn't believe Vernon had done this. However, each passing day he teetered back and forth with wanting to believe and to not. 

Today was one of the day's in which he found Vernon to be the blame. Yesenia had finally passed out from lack of sleep, and Mark had come over with a case of beer to attempt to calm the younger man's nerves. Attempt was the key word. 

Jungkook had drained a few bottles and started to vent to Mark.

"How could I not have seen it? How could I have trusted him with my daughter? I should have seen something wrong with the way he looked at her or how he'd always held her in his arms. I'm a damn detective for crying out loud! It's my JOB to see the signs!" 

He slammed the clear class bottle against the table top and ran a hand through his hair. He muttered about all the signs and eventually Mark rested his hand on the other's knee.

"Jungkook, one it isn't your fault. Second, are you so sure that it's even Vernon doing this? Just yesterday you were telling me how much he loved Mina. And how he always did his best when it came to you all."

"So you're on his side then? You're defending the bastard that kidnapped my daughter and killed his own mother along with countless other people!?"

"Yeah sure that's what certain evidence is saying but did you ever think that-"

"All of the evidence points to him! You really want to deny the incriminating evidence? And what is it exactly you think I'm ignoring?"

"The evidence is exactly what you're ignoring. It is very substantial I will agree with that but doesn't it all seem to fit too perfectly? He uses his cards all the time and yet we can't catch him even if it had only taken us a few seconds to get there. The blood stains weren't splatters or a complete soak. They were a few little blobs."

"So you think he's being set up? Who would do that?"

"I have my ideas. I've been working with a guy from the precinct for a little while and we're checking into our theories. Once we have something down we'll brief you about it. You can choose to believe us or you can continue waiting for the wrong man to get arrested. It's up to you."

The only time Mina ever fell asleep was because of exhaustion. Other than that she was too afraid to close her eyes. And the only time she was ever sure she was awake was when the lights came on. She didn't know if that signaled a new day or a few hours. All she knew is she'd get some food and someone would come in and stick a needle in the crook of Vernon's arm. 

The blinding white lights were flipped on making Mina cringe. The sound of leather shoes hitting the concrete filled the room. The man walked in front of the cell and squatted down. He set a case beside him and took out a syringe and drug he'd used on Vernon countless times

TOP fiddled with the vile a bit looking over its label. Its contents would keep Vernon in a coma like state until he said different.

"Please don't hurt Mr. Vernon." Mina's voice was muffled due to her face being buried into said man's shirt. She was too afraid to look up at the man.

"Don't worry." Was all he said before filling the syringe. He adjusted his body in a way that hid his work from the only camera in the room.

He set the vile to the side and pulled out a small towel which he emptied the drug inside. He looked at Mina with a slight smile on his face and lifted a finger to his mouth to warn her not to say anything. She barely knew what was going on. How could she say anything?


Updated finally!! I'm so exhausted lol. Today was a good day. Hope you kinda
Join lol 


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Chapter 24: Oh -
I just read all of your story straight and it's ing amazing ! (☍﹏⁰)
I'm so eager for the next chapter !
Fighting ! ٩(。・ω・。)و