It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 57

It Started With An Ice Cream

(Urgent Call)


10:00am when we reached the mall..........Dong Ho and Kris Anne went to the toys department as soon as we arrived.....

We both separated to look for our gifts for Kelly................So we went straight to the Pet shop.........And look for some adorable puppies^^


Me:Wow!! They are so cute^^


Me:So what kind of breed??

Xander:Hmmmmm......Let's check this one^^

Me:Omo!!! It's so fluffy oppa!!!

Seller #1:Hi ma'am^^Looking for some puppies??


Seller #2:Look....They are an example of a sweet couple^^ (Whispering)

Xander:Excuse me......

Seller #1:Yes sir??

Xander:I want this one......Male and female.......

Seller #2:Okay sir^^

Me:Yah!!! I want to pinch them^^

Xander:Hahaha!! Here^^ (Pinched my face)

Me:Hey!! Do I look like a dog to you??

Xander:No...It's just that you're so adorable when you are amazed^^

Me:Ahhhh^^ Heheheh^^

Xander:How much??

Seller #2:That will be 65,956 won sir......


Seller #2:We can give them a name tag sir if you want^^

Xander:You want to put them a name tag??



Seller #2:What is their name sir??

Xander:For the male...Name it Xander.....And for the female....Name it Shiee...

Seller #2:Let me guess that's your name and your girlfriend's name right??


Seller #2:That's nice^^ (Putting the name tag of the puppies)

Me:Omo!! I want to take them home^^

Xander:Hahaha!! You can't...It's for our baby^^

Seller #1:Wow.....You already have a baby^^

Xander:5 years old^^

Seller #2:You two look so young^^


Seller #2:Okay...It's finish^^

Xander:Thank you^^

Seller #2:You're welcome sir^^

Me:I want to hold the Xander puppy^^


Me:Thank you miss^^

Seller #1&2:You are welcome ma'am^^

Me:Bye bye^^ Say bye bye now Xander puppy^^ (Holding the paws of the puppy and waved)

Xander:Let's go......Call Kris Anne and Dong Ho....



Dialing Kris Anne's #......................................................................................................


Kris Anne:Hello??

Me:Hey Kris^^ It's Shiee.....

Kris Anne:Hey^^

Me:We're already done buying the puppies.....How about you??

Kris Anne:We're also done..By the way where are you??

Me:We're infront of the pt shop....We'll be going to the toys department^^

Kris Anne:Okay...See you^^

Me:Bye bye^^ (Hung up the phone)

Xander:So?? Where are they??

Me:They are already done buying Kelly's gifts^^


Me:We should meet them at the front of the toys department^^

Xander:Sure.......It's okay for you Shiee puppy right??^^ (Talking to the puppy lol)

Me:Let's go^^



Infront of Toys department...............................................................


Kris Anne:They're here^^

Dong Ho:Omo!! That's the cutest thing I've ever seen!!! (Referring to the puppies)

Me:Hi guys^^

Dong Ho:Wow!! They also have name tags!!

Xander:Hahah!! Dong Ho meet Xander & Shiee puppy^^

Dong Ho:They are so cute^^

Kris Anne:Where are we going next??


Suddenly......................Xander oppa phone rang...................................................


Xander:Excuse me for a while............





Monica:You have to go home now...........


Monica:I need to tell you something..............

Xander:What is it??

Monica:I can't tell it over the phone............

Xander:And why??

Monica:It's all about mom and dad............

Xander:What about them??

Monica:Just go home oppa......Please.......

Xander:Okay...........(Hung up the phone)

Me:What's wrong?? (Worried)

Xander:Shiee I have to go home..........

Me:It's okay.....

Xander:I'll drop you home first........

Me:Are you okay??

Xander:I'm fine..........

Me:Guys we have to go now..........

Kris Anne:Why??

Me:Xander oppa needs to go home............

Kris Anne:Okay.......

Me:Is it okay for you two??

Dong Ho:I'm fine with it^^

Me:Let's go oppa.........


The atmosphere inside Xander oppa is unexplainable...............................................No one is talking............And no one even dared to talk................................


Me:Bye oppa.........

Xander:Bye bye.....I'll just bring the puppies tomorrow.......


Kris Anne:We will be getting off here now oppa^^

Dong Ho:Thanks for the ride hyung^^


Me:Take care......(Closed the door)

Dong Ho:What's wrong with him??

Me:I don't know either...............

Kris Anne:I hope he'll be fine.................

Me:Me too.......

ELI:Oh?!? (Infront of the door)

Me:Hi oppa^^

ELI:Hey!! How's the sleep over??

Me:It's wonderful^^


Me:Yeah.....(Bad vibes)

ELI:Did you ate your breakfast?? Or lunch??

Me:I'm not planning to eat anything.....I'll just sleep......

ELI:Okay......What's wrong with her?? (Asking Kris Anne)

Kris Anne:Mood swings??

ELI:Awwww.....Is that a present?? (looking at the big box)

Dong Ho:Yeah^^ Tomorrow is Kelly's birthday^^

ELI:What?!?! Tomorrow?!?!

Dong Ho:Yeah..........

ELI:I have to buy a gift!!!

Dong Ho:Hahahah!!

ELI:Excuse me......Tell Shiee that I'll be late!! (Waving)

Dong Ho:Okay!!


Eusebio's residences..........................Dining room..................................


Xander:What's wrong??

Monica:Mom called.....................


Monica:She told me...................


Monica:She wants us to go to the CANADA..........................


Monica:Yeah......(Started to cry)

Xander:I will not go..............

Monica:But oppa.........



Xander:Whether they like it or not.....I'm not going to Canada...................

Monica:What if...............

Xander:No more what if's Monica.......I'm done dealing with them.....And I'm tired!!!

Monica:I don't want to go too..........

Xander:Then if they are going to call again....Tell them that I'm not interested.......


Xander:I'll be inside my room if you need me.................



Xander went upstairs and lock himself inside his room with the puppies.........................


Xander:Shiee.......(Puppy) I don't want to go to the Canada.....I don't want to be separated with you..........I finally found you and I don't want to loose you again...........Tell me Xander....(Puppy) What should I do?? I will never forgive myslef if I'm gonna leave Shiee.......I know that I suffered that time when she left me not knowing it.........But it's okay......We're just little kids that time..........I don't want to see her cry again.............I don't want somebody will also give her an ice cream when she's crying.........................Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life........


See you in the next chapter^^



Eusebio's Dining Room^^
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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.