It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 45

It Started With An Ice Cream

(Best Day Ever)


It was around 11:00am when we finished shopping at grocery.......And I know that Xander oppa is tired piggy back riding Kelly..........So I decided to wake Kelly up.......


Me:Kelly?? (Waking him up)

Xander:No....Don't wake him up....

Me:But....You're tired......

Xander:I'm not gonna say that I'm not tired.....But instead.....Smile^^


Xander:Smile for me^^

Me:What for??

Xander:So that I won't feel exhausted..........

Me:Okay.... (Smiled at him)

Xander:Thank you^^

Me:No problem^^



Kelly:Eomma Shiee??

Me:Huh?? Kelly are you okay??

Kelly:Appa Xander....Please put me down.....

Xander:Okay...What's wrong Kelly??

Kelly:Yes appa^^

Xander:Appa?? (Confused)


Me:Are you sure he did eat something before he leaves his house?? (Referring to Xander oppa)

Xander:Yes............I asked Kevin about it........And he said that Kelly ate his breakfast....

Me:Kelly.....Look at me....Holding his face)

Kelly:What is it eomma??

Me:Kelly....I'm Shiee unnie...Not eomma Shiee....

Kelly:I know^^


Kelly:I don't want to call you unnie Shiee anymore.....I want eomma Shiee....And appa Xander^^

Xander:Kelly.....We're not your real parents.....

Kelly:I know...But I still want to.....


Kelly:You don't want me??

Me:What do you mean we don't want you??

Kelly:You don't want me to be your baby??

Xander:Of course we do!^^ (Interrupting)

Kelly:But why don't you want me to call you eomma and appa??

Xander:Because me and Shiee are not married Kelly^^


Me:It's very inappropriate......

Kelly:Uhmmmmmm.......(Teary eyed)

Me:No Kelly...Don't cry.....(Nervous)


Kelly:But what about eomma?? (Referring to me)

Me:Okay......It's okay....I've got no choice....Do I??

Xander:No you don't have.....

Kelly:Yay!!!! I've got an eomma and appa!! Yehey!!!

Dong Ho:What's all up with the celebration?? (Approaching us)

Kris Anne:Did we disturbed you?? (Holding a cotton candy)

Kelly:Guess what unnie!!!^^

Kris Anne:What is it Kelly?? (Half knee bended)

Kelly:I've got an eomma and an appa^^ (Introducing us)

Dong Ho:That's cool!!!!

Kris Anne:Congratulations then^^

Me:Ahehehehe........Kris.........Excuse us for a while......(Dragging Kris Anne)

Kris Anne:What is it??

Me:We're gonna be in a big trouble..........

Kris Anne:And why??

Me:Remember that Gabbie girl??

Kris Anne:Yes...What about her.......

Me:If she's going to find out what's going on between me and Xander oppa....Including Kelly for being our adopted child?? She's going to freak out and spread everything to the school..............

Kris Anne:Oh yeah...............You have a love game with her right??

Me:That's my point.............

Kris Anne:Well that's a big problem......

Kelly:Eomma......(Pulling my shirt)

Me:Ahh...Yes baby??

Kelly:I'm hungry.........

Me:Okay...We will eat.......But we need to put the groceries to appa's car first.....

Kelly:Okay...I'll wait here with unnie Kris Anne and hyung Dong Ho^^


Xander:What is it?? (Grabbed my hands)

Me:Hmmmmm.......(Mental blocked again!!!)


Me:Kelly....Wants to eat......But we need to put the groceries to your car's compartment first......

Xander:Let's go then^^


Xander:Kelly baby.....You wait for us here okay....Eomma and appa will just put these in to appa's car okay??

Kelly:Okay appa^^

Me:We'll be right back.......

Kris Anne:Take your time.......


Parking lot......................................................................


Me:You're not planning to let go of my hands are you??


Me:And why??

Xander:Because Kelly said that I should hold your hands............


Xander:After this.....We will eat our lunch...........

Me:My treat^^


Me:Huh!! Unfair!!

Xander:I'm the father^^


Xander:I should be the one who's providing what my family needs!!


Xander:Remember......Kelly said that we're his parents^^

Me:Omo......(I loose....)

He close his car's compartment and again......Held my hands....................................

Xander:Let's go....Our baby is waiting^^

Me:Sure......................(Proof of loosing)


So we went back again to the main mall...................Where we left Kris Anne, Dong Ho and of course my adorable baby.....Kelly^^


Kelly:Eomma!!!! (Running towards me)


Kelly:Let's eat now eomma^^

Me:Sure....I'll treat you^^


Kelly:You have a cough appa??

Xander:No Kelly......I should be the one who will treat you^^

Kelly:Hmmm..Okay^^ You will treat me......Eomma.....

Me:Yes dear?? (Disappointed)

Kelly:Don't worry^^


Xander:Here^^ (He kissed my cheeks!!! My GED!!!!)


Me:What's that for??

Xander:You looked so bothered........So I gave you an awakening kiss^^

Me:Oh really???

Xander:Yes really^^

I noticed Kris Anne and Dong Ho is giggling...........So......

Me:Hey you!! (Pointed at Kris Anne)

Kris Anne:Yes??

Me:Stop giggling~~

Kris Anne:Dong Ho..........She said stop........So stop..........

Dong Ho:Ohh.....Okay....(A bit scared  lol)

Xander:She's kinda bit scary Kelly....So you behave okay?^^

Kelly:Yes appa........

Me:Let's go Kelly!! (Grabbed Kelly's hands)

Kelly:Eomma....How about appa??

Me:Let's go Xander!!! (Held Xander oppa's hand)

Xander:Hehehe^^ (Blinked at Kelly)

Kris Anne:Shiee!!! We're sorry!!(Running after me)

Me:It's okay Kris^^ I was just embarrassed^^ (Turned around and looked at her)

Dong Ho:She's not mad...Aren't she?? (Whispering)

Me:No...I;m not mad Dong Ho^^ (Heard him)




Me:What do you want to eat Kelly??

Kelly:Hmmmm....What's yours eomma??

Me:Hmmm...I want....Bulgogi Bibimbap.......

Kelly:Then...Same with you^^

Xander:So 3 Bulgogi Bibimbap^^

Kris Anne:Dong Ho oppa....What do you want??

Dong Ho:Hmmmmm.........Same with them....^^

Kris Anne:Okay....We'll have the same order with you^^

Xander:Okay. then^^ (Went to the cashier)

Cashier Lady:Good afternoon sir^^

Xander:5 Bulgogi Bibimbap please........

Cashier Lady:Okay...Anything else sir??

Xander:Milk tea............5 Milk tea........

Cashier Lady:So that will be 13,679,47 won sir^^

Xander:Okay....(Gave her the payment)

Cashier Lady:We will serve it right away sir^^



In our table.....................................................................


Me:How much did it cost you??

Xander:It's a secret......


Xander:Don't mind it^^

Kelly:Appa!!! You will feed me okay??

Xander:Sure Kelly^^


Kris Anne:Dong Ho oppa.....

Dong Ho:Yes??

Kris Anne:I want a milk tea........

Xander:Oh~ Don't worry I already ordered a milk tea for all of us^^

Dong Ho:We'll pay you later^^

Xander:It's okay...You don't have to^^

Waiter:5 Bulgogi Bibimbap^^


Waiter:And 5 milk tea^^

Kelly:Wow!! Milk tea!!

Waiter:Enjoy your meal^^

Kris Anne:Thank you^^

Kelly:Eomma...I want a milk tea^^

Me:Okay...Here^^ (Helping him to drink)


Xander:Here Kelly^^ (Feeding him)

Me:Say ahh~~ Kelly^^

Kelly:Ahhh~~ (Opened his mouth)


Kris Anne:Kimchi.......

Me:Hahahah!! I love kimchi^^

Xander:Here...Open you mouth^^

Me:No!! That's to many!! It's darn spicy!!

Xander:Ahahaha!! I thought you loved kimchi.........

Me:I do....But I eat kimchi with beef^^

Xander:Is that so....


He putted down his chopsticks...........................And get some beef...............

Xander:Now open you mouth^^


Kelly:Open it up eomma!!^^

Me:Ahhhhh~~ (Opened my mouth)

Xander:Is it still spicy??



He wiped my lips again......................

Dong Ho:Kris....I envy them=((

Kris Anne:Here.........Open you mouth^^

Dong Ho:Ahhhh~~

Kelly:Ahaahaha!! Look eomma!! Dong Ho oppa is like a baby too^^

Me:Kelly.....Don't tease Dong Ho oppa.^^

Dong Ho:Silly kid^^ (Pinched Kelly's nose)


We talked about a lot of things.......While eating our lunch.................Including school.............Friends and foes..........Until we finished our lunch..........................


Kelly:I'm full^^

Me:Look at your tum tum^^ (Teasing Kelly)

Kelly:Eomma~~ (Embarrassed)

Xander:Hahaha!! Eomma is teasing our baby^^

Kris Anne:Well.....That's tough....I thought I won't able to finish my food^^

Dong Ho:Me too......

Xander:Shall we head home now??




We reached Woo's residences around 1:35pm...............................


I pushed the door bell.........................................




Kevin:Oh!! Hi guys^^

Me:Hi Kevs^^

Xander:Hey there^^

Dong Ho:Hi hyung^^

Kris Anne:Hey^^

Kevin:So how's shopping??

Kelly:It's fun hyung!! Shiee became my eomma....And Xander became my appa^^

Kevin:Hahaha!! Cool^^

Xander:We dropped Kelly first^^

Kevin:Thanks hyung^^

Me:We better go now^^

Kevin:Okay^^ Thank you for taking care of my little brother^^ Eomma and Appa^^

Xander:Bye bye^^

Kelly:Wait!! (Kissed me and Xander oppa on cheeks)

Me:Bye baby Kelly^^


Kelly:Bye eomma!! Bye appa!!

Kevin:See you on Monday guys^^


After Kelly................Xander oppa dropped us home too................


Me:Thank you for everything^^

Xander:My pleasure^^

Dong Ho:Shiee....(Getting the grocery bags out in the compartment)


Kris Anne:Be careful with those oppa..........There are some breakable things there......

Xander:So that's it.................

Me:Thank you^^

Xander:You're always welcome^^

I pushed the door bell.........................................Eli oppa opened the gate......................

ELI:You're back^^


ELI:Thanks for everything hyung^^

Xander:No problem^^

ELI:Want to come in first??

Xander:No.............I should go home now^^ Shiee is kinda tired.......

ELI:Ohh~~ Is that so?? (Looked at me)

Xander:Yeah....So I'll be going now^^

ELI:Bye hyung^^

Xander:Bye bye^^


Eusebio's residences.........................................Living room...........................................................


Monica:Welcome back^^

Xander:How are you???

Monica:I'm done eating my lunch^^

Xander:I see^^

Monica:How's shopping??

Xander:It's fun^^

Monica:Oh really....I can see it^^

Xander:Hahaha!! Kelly is such an adorable kid^^

Monica:I want to meet him oppa^^

Xander:On Monday........I will introduce you to my baby^^


Xander:Yeah.....I'm his father.........And Shiee is his mother^^



Monica:Congratulations oppa!!!!=)

Xander:Hahaha!! Thank you^^

Monica:By the way........Did you get unnie Shiee's #???

Xander:I dont have...........

Monica:Aish!! How will you call her??

Xander:I'll ask her # on Monday................Don't worry^^

Monica:You should!!

Xander:After all............This is the BEST DAY EVER!!!

Monica:Because you're with unnie Shiee..........


Monica:Then what??

Xander:I've got the chance....................

Monica:You've got the chance of what??

Xander:I've got the chance to kiss her!!!^^

Monica:Kissed her?!?!? Where?!?!?

Xander:Cheeks only^^

Monica:Wow!!! PARTY PARTY!!!!!!!=))



See you in the next chapter^^


Monica And Xander Eusebio's Living Room^^
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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.