It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 28

It Started With An Ice Cream

(Good Night Kiss)


It was really fun hanging out with them.........But I am so totally happy for Kris Anne and Dong Ho's progression in love.....Woot Woot^^.......After Kris Anne bought the magic pencil?? (I am referring to the pencil that they used^^) We went to a restaurant........It's KAYA........I'm not used to eat with them especially when my big brother is not around...........He always know what will I'm going to eat....But now....I should be more independent^^


Soo Hyun:Shiee....What do you want??

Me:Hmmmmm...Since it's raining outside...I like ramen^^

Dong Ho:I want bulgogi.......

Kris Anne:Same with Shiee.....

Dong Ho:You don't want bulgogi??

Kris Anne:Yeah....I want to eat noodles^^

Soo Hyun:So it will be 2 ramen and bulgogi........

Me:Thank you^^ Oh..By the way..I'll come with you....

Soo Hyun:Okay...(Walking away)

Me:Don't ask me......

Soo Hyun:Hahahah!! You knew it already huh.....

Me:Yup...I know you will ask me......

Soo Hyun:So....They are not dating??

Me:I don't know...Maybe yes....Maybe no.....

Soo Hyun:You're not sure??

Me:Yeah...I was also surprised......I thought they are just dating......

Soo Hyun:Maybe they are going steady now......


Cashier Lady:Good afternoon sir^^

Soo Hyun:2 ramen and 2 bulgogi......

Cashier Lady:Okay....What will be the drinks sir??

Soo Hyun:What do you want??

Me:Red tea^^

Soo Hyun:So 4 red tea please.....

Cashier Lady:Okay sir...That will be 2 ramen....2 bulgogi....and 4 red tea....

Soo Hyun:Yes please.......

Cashier Lady:That will be 10,000 won sir.....

Soo Hyun:Here....

Me:You're going to pay this all??

Soo Hyun:Why?? You don't want??

Me:Fair share??

Soo Hyun:Not me^^

Me:I'll tell them to pay you.....

Soo Hyun:Don't.......


Soo Hyun:If you're going to do that.........I'll do something that you might regret^^

Me:Is that a threat??

Soo Hyun:Nah......Just a warning........

Me:I'll still tell them......

Soo Hyun:Suite yourself.......But I won't accept the money......

Me:We'll see about that^^

Cashier Lady:Here's your order sir^^

Soo Hyun:I'll bring this....You go for the drinks....





Soo Hyun:Here (Serving the food)

Dong Ho:Yum yum^^

Kris Anne:Where's Shiee??

Soo Hyun:She's getting some straws......

Dong Ho:I'll help her....

Kris Anne:No......You sit here....

Dong Ho:Why??

Kris Anne:You stay here and help oppa........(Helping me)

Dong Ho:Okay........

Me:Thank you....

Kris Anne:No prob.....


Kris Anne:Yes??

Me:Tell me....

Kris Anne:What??

Me:You and Dong Ho......

Kris Anne:What about that??

Me:Are you two dating or going steady already??

Kris Anne:Dating......

Me:You sure??

Kris Anne:Yup......

Me:Tell me if you are steady with each other....Okay??

Kris Anne:Sure^^

Soo Hyun:Okay.....They're here......

Dong Ho:Sit beside me Kris^^

Me:She will^^

Soo Hyun:He can't live without Kris sitting beside him (Teasing him)

Me:Let's eat......

Dong Ho:Okay!!


Soo Hun oppa is quite talkative when eating..........While me.......I want to isolate myself as possible as I can.......I don't want eating while talking......Except when I'm at home^^ lol


Me:I'm done........

Kris Anne:That fast??

Me:I'm used to it.......Eating ramen fast.......

Dong Ho:She have a grinding machine in her tum tum^^

Soo Hyun:Hey.......


Dong Ho:What is it hyung??

Soo Hyun:Respect Shiee......

Kris Anne:Tsk Tsk Tsk......

Dong Ho:Sorry Shiee.....

Me:Nah....It's fine^^

Kris Anne:Ahhh..Oppa.....

Soo Hyun:Hmmm?? (Drinking)

Kris Anne:Are you done??

Soo Hyun:Yeah.....Shall we go now??

Dong Ho:I want to play~~


Dong Ho:Baseball field.....

Kris Anne:At school??

Dong Ho:Yeah.....

Soo Hyun:But that's too far.......

Dong Ho:You're right........

Kris Anne:Let's play arcade???

Soo Hyun:That will be nice^^

Me:Dance dance revolution??

Dong Ho:I'm an expert with that game^^

Kris Anne:Oh really??

Dong Ho:Yes!!

Kris Anne:Then let's go...

Me:Let's see your dancing skills^^

Waiter:Thank you ma'am...Thank you sir.....Come back again^^




Me:Okay Dong Ho......Show us some killer moves......

Dong Ho:Let's dance^^ (Grabbed Kris Anne's arm)

Kris Anne:But....I don't know.......

Dong Ho:I'm an expert...Remember??

Kris Anne:Then teach me......

Dong Ho:I will........


Soo Hyun oppa and I are watching behind them......We're trying to tease Dong Ho..........And now the music has started...........Hahahahaha!!! Total humiliation!!!! lol


Soo Hyun:What happened?!?!?! (Teasing Dong Ho)

Dong Ho:Just practicing.....(Embarrassed)

Soo Hyun:Then try again.....

Kris Anne:Oppa....I thought you're an expert.....

Dong Ho:I am.....Let's play it again......

Me:Okay......(Trying to hide my laughter)


Then again...................................Ahahahahahhah!! I think this is really embarassing^^ lol


Me:Dong Ho...........

Soo Hyun:Poor

Dong Ho:Let's get out of here (Super embarrassed)

Kris Anne:Oppa.......

Me:Is he okay??

Dong Ho:Hahahahahahhahah!!.....I'm so embarrassed!! lol (Can't stop laughing)

Soo Hyun:That's very embarrassing Dong Ho......

Dong Ho:I know^^ lol

Soo Hyun:There are a lot of people watching you...

Dong Ho:I will not show my face here again....(Still laughing)

Me:Another game?? Rather than Dance dance revolution???

Kris Anne:Basketball??


Soo Hyun:You play basketball Kris??

Kris Anne:Just a suggestion^^

Soo Hyun:I see^^

Dong Ho:This time....I will shoot

Me:Good luck with that^^

Soo Hyun:Let's have a bet....


Soo Hyun:If you win in this game.....I will accept the money for our lunch.....

Me:But if I loose??

Soo Hyun:You'll see.....

Me:Not fair......

Soo Hyun:I already have something in my mind.......


Soo Hyun:It's a secret^^

Me:Say it....

Soo Hyun:No...


Soo Hyun:Agree??


Soo Hyun:Pinky promise??

Me:Pinky promise.....

Soo Hyun:Okay......The one that has a highest score wins.......


Dong Ho:You're betting??

Kris Anne:Bad...

Me:No....Just a friendly bet.....

Kris Anne:Ahhh..Okay.....


And I loose.................=((.......I don't know what will be Soo Hyun oppa's consequence ..............It's 35:37.......My score is 35....While Soo Hyun oppa got 37........2 points to go!!!!! It was already 7:50pm........And it's still raining.......And I brought some umbrella^^ After that funny moments with Dong Ho and Soo Hyun oppa's scary consequence...........I know it will be hard......But I agreed......Stupid me!!! I shouldn't had say "Okay" from the first place..........


Soo Hyun:Okay...You loose......

Me:I know......

Soo Hyun:You're so gonna regret this^^

Me:Ahhhhhh!!!!! (Scared)

Soo Hyun:I told you.....After I paid the bill....You will regret it^^

Me:It's not hard right??

Soo Hyun:Just wait and see........


Dong Ho:So who wins??

Kris Anne:Don't tell me Shiee......

Me:I loose.......

Dong Ho:Hehehehehe^^

Me:I'm scared of the consequence.......

Soo Hyun:It's not hard.....But it will be interesting^^

Kris Anne:Shiee.....It's already 8:10pm.....We need to go home now.......


Dong Ho:It's kinda late.....

Soo Hyun:We need to take them home......Dong Ho....

Dong Ho:Sure...........

Me:Let's take the subway.....

Soo Hyun:Good idea....

Dong Ho:No more bus^^


There are a lot of people inside the subway...........It's really hard to move........But it's nice that they are taking us home......Even though it's raining......


Walking in the streets.......................................................................


Me:I hope it's not hard.....

Kris Anne:Don't worry Shiee.....

Soo Hyun:It's not hard.......

Me:I wish.........

Dong Ho:Okay Shiee.....

Me:We're here.....I'm going now.....

Soo Hyun:Bye bye...^^


Kris Anne:I'll call you later^^


Dong Ho:Bye Shiee^^

Me:Bye bye dance dance revolution expert^^

Dong Ho:Hahahahah!!!


They walked me home first.....Then next is Kris.........Unnie Allyn is still in our house?!?! That's weird.......Hahahahah!!!!


Allyn:Hey....ELI!!! Shiee is home!!


Me:He's in the kitchen??


Me:I see......

Allyn:So how's your day today??

Me:I had fun^^


Me:How about you guys here??

Allyn:We played wii and I slept^^


ELI:Shiee!!! (Shouting from the kitchen)


ELI:Go up and change your clothes......Dinner will be served later.....



I changed my clothes............Put my clothes on the dirty clothes rack............Put my shoes under my bed^^ And I'm all set^^ I wonder what's happening now.......


Kris Anne's front house........................................


Kris Anne:We're here^^

Dong Ho:bye bye^^

Kris Anne:Bye.......

Dong Ho:No more?? (Holding the umbrella)

Soo Hyun:Hahahaha!! Dong Ho is waiting for something.......

Kris Anne:Okay......(Kissed Dong Ho for about 15 seconds)

Dong Ho accidentally dropped the umbrella because of Kris Anne^^

Kris Anne:Good night^^ (Putting back the umbrella)

Dong Ho:Go.o.....Go..o.....Good........Good night.........

Soo Hyun:Well that's sweet^^

Dong Ho:I'm not gonna sleep^^

Kris Anne:Try it......

Dong Ho:Okay...I'll sleep^^

Soo Hyun:Bye Kris^^

Dong Ho:Bye Kris my love^^

Kris Anne:Bye bye guys!!! Take care!!!

Soo Hyun:I will return your umbrella on Monday^^

Kris Anne:Sure!!!

Dong Ho:I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kris Anne:Never mind!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Dong Ho:Bad~~~~~~~

Kris Anne:Joke!!!! I LOVE YOU TOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Omo~~~~~ Another kiss?!?! That will be a record breaking for Kris Anne and Dong Ho's kiss^^ Hahahahahahaha!!! They are so sweet!!!! But I'm still curious about Soo Hyun oppa's consequences=(( I hope it's not gonna be hard.....But he told me that I am going to regret it....Aish~~~~


(Umbrella Filled With Love^^ Dong Ho ♥ Kris Anne^^)

See you in the next chapter^^


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.