It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 17

It Started With An Ice Cream


Kris Anne is always there for me........Even there are times that we're having some difficulties.......She never leaved me alone......She's there to support me even when it comes to stupidity.....We're always partner in crimes.......But can she still stay beside me when my brother decide if we're going to stay or leave?? Can I be her best friend forever if I'm the one who's going to leave her??? Everything is still not clear yet.......And I'm not sure if I'm going to talk to unnie or not.......Please......I'm so confused.....I don't know what to do......Will she understand that it was my big brother's decision?? Or she will be mad at me........Forever........And unnie.......Will she ever get the chance to talk to oppa??


Still walking in the streets................Our street...........


Kris Anne:Shiee.....


Kris Anne:I didn't noticed that we went here.........

We're actually standing infront of our house..........Without knowing it.................

Me:Me too......(Tears fell down)

Kris Anne:Come on Shiee..........Get a hold on yourself..........

Me:i can't.......

Kris Anne:I know that you really love your big brother..........But......How long are you planning to be like this??

Me:I don't know either....

Then someone called us..........And it's Dong Ho..........

Dong Ho:Morning girls^^


Kris Anne:Good morning.......

Dong Ho:Are you alright???

Kris Anne:If you're going to ask her....She's not.........

Dong Ho:I can see that.......Her eyes is swollen......Did she......(Trying to ask)

Kris Anne:Yeah........

Dong Ho:I hope there is something that I can do.........

Kris Anne:I was trying too.....

Dong Ho:Shiee.........


Dong Ho:You know what.....


Dong Ho:This is the first time I saw you crying..........

Me:Get used to it......

Dong Ho:If you want someone that you can talk to.........We're here.......

Kris Anne:Don't hesitate......


Dong Ho:Well...As you can see....I'm the only one who's walking with you.......

Me:Where's unnie?!?

Dong Ho:She's not feeling well..........

Kris Anne:I think this disaster......Will not end.......If.........

Dong Ho:If what???

Me:I'll explain later...........

Kris Anne saw another bruises on Dong Ho's arms...........Are they really trying to kill the baseball captain?!?!?

Me:Let's go guys......

Kris Anne:Hey..........Dong Ho......

Dong Ho:Hmmmm???

Kris Anne:What happened.....

Dong Ho:What??

Kris Anne:I'm asking what happened......

Dong Ho:To what?!?

Kris Anne:To your arms??

Dong Ho:Ahhhhhhh......I accidentally scratched it.........

Kris Anne:Are you sure???

I can hear their discussion.......And I was trying to tell Kris that he didn't....That Dong Ho is lying.......But my stupid tongue slipped.......And said....

Me:He didn't!! Don't believe on him.........

Kris Anne:What??

Me:I saw him last night........

Dong Ho:Shiee.........

Me:He was chased again....Then.....

Kris Anne:Continue........

Me:Someone scratched him...

Kris Anne:So you're the one who scratched it huh?? (Sarcasm)

Dong Ho:Yeah^^

Kris Anne:Sorry....But that smile won't affect me......


Kris Anne:Another???

Me:Someone said that......."Oppa!!! We will never leave you alone!!"

Kris Anne:Are they trying to kill you???

Dong Ho:I think so......

Me:But.....I was surprised when Dong Ho replied...."Sorry girls!!! I'M ALREADY TAKEN!!!!"

Kris Anne:Taken?!?!?

Dong Ho:Well^^

Me:Yeah....He's taken........

Dong Ho:Shiee is right.....(He blinked to me)

Kris Anne:So who's the girl???

Dong Ho:You'll find out soon.......

Kris Anne:I can't wait^^(Is she excited......Or irritated?!?)


It's 6:55am...........And at last......We're in school now........Dong Ho has an issue......He needs to tell Kris Anne that he likes her.....Before someone.....Somewhere....Out there.......Steal Kris Anne's heart^^ It would be painful.........


Room 3-1................................



Kris Anne:Yes??

Me:If you're going to look for me.......I'll be at the garden........

Kris Anne:Okay....But don't.......

Me:I'm not gonna do something stupid Kris......Trust me.......

Kris Anne:Okay^^


Kris Anne:See you later......^^


Room 3-2...............................


Student #1:Hey!! (Grabbed Dong Ho's arms)

Dong Ho:Ouch!!

Student #2:He....Are you alright.......

Dong Ho:Yeah....I'm fine......I'm just having some trouble here (Pointing his bruises)

Student #1:Are you COLLECTING SCRATCHES?!?!?! (Teasing Dong Ho)

Student #2:You should have told us.....

Dong Ho:No I'm not collecting scratches.........

Student #1:Then explain those........

Dong Ho:Like yesterday.........I was chased again.....


Dong Ho:I AGREE WITH THAT........

Student #1:What's the point of chasing you.......(Finishing his sentence)

Student #2:While they've got so plenty of time doing it in here.........(Interrupting)

Dong Ho:Hahahaha!! You've got a point........

Student #1:Maybe they don't want to chase you here.......Because.....

Dong Ho:Hmmm???

Student #2:Because they are going to loose........

Dong Ho:In what way???

Student #1:Imagine how big this campus is...............

Student #2:You can hide anywhere.....Where they can't see you.........

Student #1:While when you are at home........

Student #2:They can easily find you........

Student #1:And HARASS you^^

Dong Ho:Harass me?!?!?!

Student #2:Yeah....

Student #1:They can do whatever they want..........

Student #2:If they finally got you........

Student #1:If you know what we mean........

Dong Ho:Hey guys......Don't scare me like that.........

Student #2:We're just telling you all the possibilities.......

Student #1:That may happen^^

Dong Ho:You've got to be kidding me guys......(Trying to get out of the room)

Student #2:Hey!!! Where are you going?!?!?

Dong Ho:It's a secret........(Running away)


Kris Anne is walking in the hallway......When she saw Dong Ho running.........


Kris Anne:Oppa???

Dong Ho:Oh...Hey^^

Kris Anne:Are you okay???

Dong Ho:Yeah.....(Panting)....I'm fine.......

Kris Anne:Ah!!

Dong Ho:What?!?

Kris Anne:It's bleeding.......

Dong Ho:What is bleeding???

Kris Anne:You're scratches and bruises.......

Dong Ho:Oh c'mon!! Not now......

Kris Anne:Let's go........

Dong Ho:Where??

Kris Anne:We have to put some first aid on that...........

Dong Ho:You have a first aid kit?!?

Kris Anne:I have......Let's go........

Dong Ho:I'll wait for you here.....Outside your classroom........

Kris Anne:If that makes you comfortable.........

She opened the door........While she was getting the first aid kit.........Our classmates are starting to tease Kris Anne and Dong Ho...........

Student #1:Hey Kris......

Kris Anne:Hmmm?? (Looking at her while trying to find her first aid kit)

Student #1:You two dating?!?

Kris Anne:Who?!?

Student #2:You and Dong Ho??

Kris Anne:Of course not!!


Kris Anne:I need to get out of here........(Getting out of our room)

Dong Ho:You're back^^(Still waiting outside)

Kris Anne:Yeah...Let's go.......(Grabbed Dong Ho's arms)

Dong Ho:Ahhh...Wait.....(He's hurt....He's just trying to fake it^^)

Kris Anne:What?!?

Dong Ho:Where are we going?!?!

Kris Anne:Anywhere.....Where I can treat your bruises and scratches quietly...........

Dong Ho:Hmmmmm.......Clinic......

Kris Anne:Then what's the point of bringing my first aid kit??

Dong Ho:You're right..............

Kris Anne:I know........

Dong Ho:Where?!?!

Kris Anne:Roof deck!!!

Dong Ho:Yeah!! That's the quiet place I know........

Kris Anne:Let's go then...........

Dong Ho:By the way...Where's Shiee???

Kris Anne:She's at the garden.......

Dong Ho:Ahh...I see.......I hope she's going to be alright...........

Kris Anne:I hope too...........

Dong Ho:We're here at last.......

Kris Anne:I'm tired......

Dong Ho:Me too.......

Kris Anne:Okay......Give it to me......

Dong Ho:Here^^

Kris Anne:Oppa??

Dong Ho:Hmmm???

Kris Anne:Why did you lied......

Dong Ho:When??

Kris Anne:This morning.....While I'm asking you about this (Referring to Dong Ho's bruises and scratches)

Dong Ho:Because....I don't want you to be worried........

Kris Anne:You know.......Even if you think of that......I'll still be worried.......

Dong Ho:Because??

Kris Anne:Because......Look at this!! (Pressed Dong Ho's bruised arms)

Dong Ho:Aw!!!! Why'd you do that?!

Kris Anne:Because I can see it!! And you cannot take away my worries for you.............

Dong Ho:Kris.....(Yup...He's confused)

Kris Anne:It's true......When I saw your bruises yesterday afternoon...........

Dong Ho:You are worried......Right???

Kris Anne:I am.......

Dong Ho:You really do care for me.........

Kris Anne:Yes.......

Dong Ho:Thanks for being concern Kris.........I really do appreciate it........

Kris Anne:It's okay^^ And you're welcome^^


Now that Kris Anne is getting more and more closer to Dong Ho...............Can they say what they feel right now??..........Or are they going to keep their feelings for each other..........FOREVER???? Does Dong Ho have the guts to say what he feels to my best friend??? And same with Kris Anne......Is she going to tell to his oppa what she feels??? Or she's going to keep it as a secret??? She sure is gonna ask me to give her strength........Before she do that.........For my big brother and unnie Allyn.........Are they going to be together again?? Or never again??


See you in the next chapter^^


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.