It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 55

It Started With An Ice Cream

(Sleep Over)


I didn't know that I fell asleep on Xander oppa's shoulder.........But I can feel the heaviness of my head when I woke up...........


Me:No teacher?? (Looking at Xander oppa and rubbing my eyes)

Xander:Yeah....Your teacher is not around.....Or in short..The teacher is absent^^ (Giving me a wake up smile)

Me:Ahhh~~ Where's Kris??

Xander:She went home already^^

Me:That early?!?!?


Me:Omo~~~(Stood up)

Xander:Wait...(Grabbed my hands)

Me:What is it oppa??

Xander:Don't worry....She told me that she needs to prepare her room for your sleep over tonight^^

Me:You should have woke me up........

Xander:I can't......Kris told me that your sleep every night is just 3-4 hours.....Why is that??


Xander:Okay...If you will keep on doing that and not trying to fight it.......I've got no choice.......

Me:No choice?? Huh?? What??

Xander:I've got no choice but to bring you home and let you sleep in my room^^(Teasing me)


Xander:I'm serious Shiee.....

Me:No way^^

Xander:Don't make me Shiee.......

Me:Okay okay....I'll sleep early tonight... (Pouting)

Xander:Hahahah!! Don't you ever do that again.......


Xander:That you are pouting.......

Me:And why??

Xander:Because I can feel that my lips are being attracted to yours........(lol)

Me:Yeah right!!!

Xander:Don't ever do that again okay??^^

Me:Okay^^ (Pouted and tried him)


My Ged!!!!!!!!!!! He is really serious!!!!!!!! He kissed me!!!! And the most embarrassing part is a lot of students passing by saw us.....>.< My Ged!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Xander:I warned you^^ (Tongue out)

Me:Okay......That was.......



Xander:Don't worry^^ I won't do that again.......I just missed you that's why I kissed your lips^^

Me:So that's how you show your miss huh??

Xander:Hahah!! Yup....So be careful next time......You should only give me your attention whenever I'm here^^


Xander:Let's go....I'll drive you home....I mean I'll drive you to Kris Anne's home^^ (Reaching for my hand)

Me:Okay^^ (Helping me to stand up)


While we are walking in the hallway..........We saw Ki Bum oppa running like there's no tomorrow^^ (lol)


Me:Oh?!?! Ki Bum oppa!!!

Ki Bum:Hi Shiee!!! Hi hyung!!! Bye Shiee!!! Bye hyung.......(Running while waving)

Xander:I don't get him........

Me:Me too.....Okay!! Bye Ki Bum oppa!!

Xander:I miss Kelly........Do you want to pay a visit for him??

Me:Oh yeah!!! The day after tomorrow is Kelly's birthday!!! My ged!!! I almost forgot!!


Me:Let's go^^

Xander:By the way....Kris told me that you can go to their house after we're done doing something like having fun alone with each other^^

Me:Hahaha!! Is that something like a date??

Xander:Hmmmm...No?? (Teasing me)

Me:Okay then....(Walking away)

Xander:Shiee...Wait....(Grabbed my hands and hug me tight)

Me:It's okay....(Hugging him back)

Xander:No it's not okay......I want to hold you like this every time I see you.......


Xander:Can we stay like this for a little while??

Me:But.....There's a lot of students looking at us......

Xander:I don't care........

Student #1:Omo!! They are so sweet!!!

Xander:See....They envy us......

Student #2:I wish my boyfriend is like Xander oppa......

Me:Well....That was disturbing^^ (lol)

Xander:Don't be.......I'm always yours Shiee......And FOREVER will^^


My heart beat so fast when he said those things to me..................Then tears started to fall in my eyes running down to my cheeks............


Xander:Hey don't cry....I don't want to see you cry and see Kelly like that......Our baby will be bothered^^ (Wiping my tears)


Xander:Let's go.....I want to see our baby soon^^ (Held my hands)

Me:Hahaha....Tomorrow....I don't have classes......


Me:Our adviser is having a maternity leave.......

Xander:Shall we go out tomorrow??


Xander:Please.....Like a group date??^^

Me:Who's coming??

Xander:Kris Anne and Dong Ho........Allyn and ELI.........Gabbie and Ki Seop?? (Doubting their pair lol)

Me:Hahaha!! What's up with that doubting tone??

Xander:You caught that huh......

Me:I did.......

Xander:Never mind...Let's just have fun tomorrow.......


Xander:By the way....Kevin texted me....

Me:What did he said??

Xander:He told me that he'll fetch Kelly later......


Xander:After that...I replied to him saying that we can go home together....Since I'm gonna drive my car^^


Xander:The Woo brothers^^

Me:Yeah!! Hahaha!! Both of them are so quiet......


Me:Oh?!? We're already here??

Xander:Because you walk too fast Shiee.........

Me:I do??

Xander:Hahaha!! Silly girl^^ (Kissed my head)

Me:What's with that again??

Xander:Never mind that^^



Xander oppa knocked on the door.................


Xander:Excuse me ma'am.......


Xander:We're here to fetch Kelly.....

Teacher:Okay.....Kelly!! It's your big brother!!

Kelly:Yes ma'am?? Oh?!?! Appa!!!

Teacher:Appa?!? (Confused)

Xander:I'm sorry ma'am...^^

Teacher:You're too young to be a dad........Is she your wife?? (lol)

Xander:Soon to be ma'am^^ Soon to be^^

Kelly:Appa!! Eomma!!!

Me:Hi Kelly^^

Kelly:Eomma...Look....(Showing his drawing)


Kelly:It's you and Xander appa^^

Me:Awwww!! Thank you Kelly^^

Kelly:I missed you appa and eomma.......

Me:Us to Kelly^^

Kelly:We're going home together??

Xander:Yup.....Your Kevin hyung will also be here......



Kelly:Yes appa??

Xander:What do you want for your birthday??


Xander:Just say it^^

Kelly:I want a puppy^^ But a male puppy.......So that I can name them eomma Shiee and appa Xander (lol)

Xander:Hahahah!! We're already your parents...And now you're going to name the puppies after us^^

Me:It's okay oppa^^

Xander:Okay.......Then we will give you a puppy.......If......

Kelly:Yay!!! If what appa??

Xander:If you promised to appa that you will take care of eomma Shiee......



That was weird........What's up with his conditions?!?! I don't want any conditions again!! I'm already having a trauma about conditions!!! I feel like there's something wrong here...........


Kevin:Hey guys!!!

Me:Oh!! Hi oppa!!



Kevin:So you two really did visit Kelly huh....Your baby^^

Xander:Of course....We missed Kelly so much^^

Kevin:Shall we go home now??

Kelly:Let's go home~~~


Then we saw ELI oppa running.............................




Me:Are you okay???

ELI:I'm fine.....By the way...I already prepared you pajamas.....

Me:Thank you oppa^^

ELI:But you have to go home first.......


ELI:What are you going to wear for your inner??

Me:Hehehe!!! Right^^

ELI:Okay...So I'll be going now.....Have fun sleeping at Kris Anne's house^^ Go home tomorrow!! Okay??


Kevin:Wow......Nice brother......

Kelly:Hahaha!! Inner wear of eomma!!

Me:Kelly!! (Embarrassed)

Xander:Hahahah!! Kelly is teasing you Shiee.....

Me:He is^^

Kelly:Let's go home now^^



It was around 6:45pm when I got to Kris Anne's house.........And it's already dark.......The sun already setted a while ago while I'm still inside Xander oppa's car........


Me:I'm here^^

Kelly:Eomma....Good night^^

Me:Good night too beby Kelly^^

Xander:I'll call you later^^


Kevin:Bye Shiee^^

Me:Bye bye boys^^ Take care^^

Xander:Bye and I love you........ (Driving away)



Kris Anne is already waiting for me........She saw Xander oppa's car.......So she went out of their house as soon as she can...Then ran....Like a little girl^^


Kris Anne:Shiee!!!


Kris Anne:I'm sorry......


Kris Anne:I went to your house a while ago....And grabbed some inner wear of yours.....

Me:Hahahaha!! You are really into to this sleep over huh^^

Kris Anne:I'm so sorry....

Me:It's okay^^ It's good that you are the one who went  inside my room and garbbed some inner wear not my big brother....It'll be embarrassing^^

Kris Anne:Let's get inside now^^ It's getting cold in here.....



We went inside their house and I saw tita.....She's preparing the dinner......


Me:Good evening tita^^

Tita:Hi Shiee!!!! It's been a while!!

Me:Hahaha!! I can smell the food already^^

Tita:Of course!! I made it specially for you^^

Me:Thank you tita^^

Tita:You two take your seats now......

Kris Anne:Mom....Where's the juice??

Tita:It's inside the fridge Kris.....

Kris Anne:Okay..Thanks^^

Tita:Okay...Here you go.....(Putting down the dish)

Me:Omo!! It looks very delicious!!!

Tita:Help yourself out girls^^ There are plenty of that........

Me:I will tita!! Thank you for the food^^

Tita:You are always welcome Shiee^^

Kris Anne:Here...Eat now Shiee^^

Me:Thank you Kris^^

Kris Anne:After this.....You can go upstairs and take a shower while I wash the dishes.......

Me:I will wash the dishes with you too^^

Tita:No....You girls should go inside of your room and have some fun^^ I will be the one who will wash the dishes^^

Kris Anne:Are you sure mom??

Tita:It's okay dear....It's time for me to wash again^^

Kris Anne:Hahaha!! You're so silly mom^^

Tita:So after this....You can do whatever you like upstairs okay??

Me:Thank you tita^^


7:15pm when we finished our dinner^^ It's time to have some fun at Kris Anne's room!! Yay!!!


Inside Kris Anne's room.................As soon as I entered Kris Anne's room...I went to the bath room to take my shower^^.............And after that we both brushed our teeth together^^...............


Kris Anne:I'm not gonna take a shower tonight......

Me:Why?? (Putting on my pajamas)

Kris Anne:I'm not feeling well.........

Me:Omo.....We already have plans for tomorrow........

Kris Anne:Plans??

Me:Yeah....That we will have a group date tomorrow.......(Brushing my hair)

Kris Anne:And it includes me and Dong Ho oppa right??


Kris Anne:I can go with you tomorrow......But tonight I will not take a shower....Maybe tomorrow....

Me:Okay.....But you have to be with us tomorrow......

Kris Anne:I promise^^


Kris Anne:Twitter or Facebook?? (Browsing the web)

Me:Twitter first^^

Kris Anne:Okay......You want to check Xander oppa's tweet right??

Me:Hahaha!! You got me Kris^^

Kris Anne:Okay......It's here.......

Me:Sometimes........His tweet....I don't get it.......

Kris Anne:Because you're stalking too much in his tweets!! (lol)


Kris Anne:Don't be confused......Why don't you just ask him about it.......Maybe he'll explain it to you^^

Me:I'll ask him tomorrow^^


See you in the next chapter^^




Kris Anne's Bed Room^^
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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.