It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 47

It Started With An Ice Cream



The game started.............And I'm still clueless if they are seriously going to do that deal............I don't what am I going to do....I'm always confused and I know you know that T_T............But I was a bit surprised when I saw Gabbie~~~ My Mortal or Immortal enemy?!? You choose^^ lol And it goes like this.............................


Gabbie:Hey......What's up with the big fuss??


Gabbie:Well what?!?

Me:They are having a deal....^^

Gabbie:What kind of deal??

Me:You'll find out soon^^

Dong Ho:They want to know who will have Shiee for the rest of their lives (Teasing

Gabbie:NO WAY!!!! (Proof of disagreeing^^)

Kris Anne:Yes way^^

Gabbie:This can't be right......

Allyn:This is right^^ (lol)

Gabbie:It can't be!!!!

ELI:I will not gonna answer her^^

Me:Hahahaha!! Now that you found out....Do you mind getting out of this place?!

Gabbie:No!! I'm staying!! I want Xander to win....Not Ki Bum oppa.....

Me:And why is that??

Gabbie:Because Ki Bum oppa is mine....

Kris Anne:Poor girl....(lol)

Me:They are both mine^^

Gabbie:In your dreams!!

Me:No!! In REALITY^^

Gabbie:Look!! (Pointing the score board)

Me:What about the score??

Gabbie:Xander is winning.....


Gabbie:There's no hope for Ki Bum oppa to win^^

Me:I don't think so^^




Me:Go Ki Bum oppa!!!!! I LOVE YOU!!!!!!!!

Gabbie:What did you just said?!?!

Me:Want me to repeat it??




Ki Bum oppa paused for a while.................Then..............A HARSH LOOK from Xander oppa is replied.......Omo~~=(( The score was 20-18.................20 For Xander oppa...............While 18 For Ki Bum oppa............After I chanted Ki Bum oppa's name......It Became...........22-20............22 For Ki Bum oppa.....While 20 For Xander oppa.............I don't know which side am I going to............

Kris Anne pulled my hand and whispered.......................


Kris Anne:Why'd you do that??

Me:I have to.......

Kris Anne:What for??

Me:Because if I'm not going to do that.........Soo Hyun oppa will be mad.....Don't worry.....I'm already planning to quit this deal as soon as I can...............

Kris Anne:You better do that.......Or else....You might loose him........(Pointing at Xander oppa)

Me:I will......I promise.....And I'm going to explain everything to Xander oppa and Gabbie unnie........After I quit..........

Kris Anne:Okay......It's better to know it earlier................

Me:Yeah.......You know who do I really like right??

Kris Anne:Of course!! I'm your best friend remember?? I'm not dumb enough not to notice that^^


Dong Ho:Honey~~~(Referring to Kris Anne)

Kris Anne:Uh?!?!

Me:Honey?!?!?! My Ged!!!! Is this for real?!?!?

Dong Ho:Yeah...It's for real^^


Kris Anne:Ahahahaha!! He's just kidding Shiee^^ (Not believing to Dong Ho)

Dong Ho:No I'm not!! (DEFENSIVE^^)

Kris Anne:Ahehehe....Stop it Dong Ho......Stop fooling around.......

Me:Hey....Look.....Dong Ho is serious about calling you "HONEY"

Kris Anne:Shiee.....He's just kidding.......Don't believe him......

Me:He's not Kris.......He's not.......

Kris Anne:Omo~~~

Dong Ho:HONEY!!! (Shouting)


Everyone looked at him...............................Even the players of love^^ Ki Bum and Xander oppa^^.........................


Dong Ho:What?!?! I'm talking to Kris Anne here......Just go and play!!


All of us laughed and said "Ayiiiiiiiiiiieeeeeeeeeeee".............................Kris Anne is kinda embarrassed now.....She's

blushing!!! My ged!!!!!!


Gabbie:Huh!! How childish!!!

Me:Don't you know that love is meant to be childish?!?!

Gabbie:Who cares?!?!

Me:Care bears care!! (lol)

Gabbie:You know what.....


Gabbie:I don't have any idea how did Ki Bum oppa fell in love with you........

Me:It's still a mystery isn't it??

Gabbie:Huh!! Mystery my face!!

Me:Well....Since you already opened the topic about faces.........


Me:Do you mind wiping that excess food near to your lips?!? It's very DISTURBING!!!!

Gabbie:I'm perfect.......I don't have any excess food on my face!!

Me:Want me to prove it?!?

Gabbie:Go ahead!!

Me:Here!! (Showed my mirror in front of her face)

Gabbie:It's just a dirt.........

Me:I'm not stupid Gabbie......It's a sauce!!!

Gabbie:Give me that!! (Snatched my handkerchief)



I caught everyone's attention................................................................


Gabbie:Nice~~(Teasing me sarcastically)

Me:I'm so sorry....


Kris Anne:Dong ho oppa..............

Dong Ho:They are very annoying..............

Kris Anne:Just calm down okay??

Dong Ho:Okay........

Me:What's the score now??

Kris Anne:40-43

Me:Whose score is 40??

Kris Anne:Xander oppa..............

Me:Then 43 is Ki Bum oppa's score...........

Kris Anne:Yeah...He shooted a 3 point shot........

Me:3 POINT SHOT?!?!?

Kris Anne:Yeah.....He's good at playing it........

Me:I'm scared now.......

Kris Anne:You should be........

Me:But being his slave is not a heavy duty right??

Kris Anne:It is Shiee....It is.....

Me:What?!?! (Started to panic)

Kris Anne:You should have done that earlier.......


Kris Anne:You're panicking right??


Kris Anne:That's what I'm talking about......



ELI:Look!! Another 3 point shot!!!

Me:What?!?!? Who shooted??

ELI:Xander hyung~~(Giggling)

Me:Eeeew!! Stop doing that!! It's disgusting!!

ELI:So tell me Shiee......Which side are you???


ELI:That's not right......

Me:Nothing is right!!! My ged oppa!!!



ELI:What did you said Allyn??(Heard unnie Allyn)

Allyn:I said you're stupid.......

ELI:Huh!! Huh!! Huh!!

Allyn:What's that?!?

ELI:Huh!! Huh!!

Me:Cut it out!! (Pinched his nose)


Me:That's what you get for being so annoying big brother............

ELI:Blah blah blah..................Say whatever you want......

Me:Shut up!!!

Gabbie:Could you please shut the hell up!!! (Referring to me and ELI oppa)

Me:Hahaha!! So Gabbie.....I think Ki Bum oppa will win^^

Gabbie:Hmft! The game is not over yet.......

Me:Hahahah!! As if!! I'm gonna win unnie^^

Gabbie:Don't push your luck too much dear^^

Me:I'm not^^ It's just that my luck is always with me.....Unlike yours^^ You're always having a bad luck^^

Gabbie:Because this is not my day.........

Me:What do you mean not your day...........You mean....It's not your period today?!? (Teasing her)

Gabbie:Stupid girl!!! Of course it's still not my monthly period!!!



I don't know what's up with us.........Everyone is always shouting and getting a lot of attetion from the people who's busy watching the match between Ki Bum and Xander oppa.....





ELI:Shiee......(Pulled me)

Me:Unnie....Are you okay??

Gabbie:I'm fine.......(Shaking)

Me:Unnie.....Here.....(Gave her some Xander oppa's water^^)

Gabbie:Thank you.....


Then I walked towards the center of the court...............................


Me:Okay guys......................The game is over.............No one wins...........No one loose..............So I think it would be better if all of you leave this court now...................Sorry for giving you a trouble like this..................

Xander:What's wrong??

Me:Unnie Gabbie is humiliated.......

Xander:Not good........

Ki Bum:What just happened??

Me:Her.....(Pointing at unnie Gabbie)

Ki Bum:What's wrong with her.......

Me:We're teasing each other........Then suddenly all that girly stuff like monthly period.....And something like that.....She accidentally shouted it......Then some students started teasing her...............

Ki Bum:Is that so......

Xander:No one wins right??

Me:Yeah......Here (Thrown a towel to him)


Me:No problem.......

Ki Bum:And me??

Me:Here (Same with Xander oppa)

Ki Bum:Thank you......

Me:Don't mention it...................


All of the students started to get out of the court................I can everyone whispering about Gabbie.............Like....."She's not pretty!!" "Stupid girl!!" "The game should still be on if she didn't just seek for an attention!!"

All of their comments are harsh...... I don't know how am I going to comfort unnie Gabbie.......


See you in the next chapter^^



Xander & Ki Bum Oppa's Water^^
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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.