It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 16

It Started With An Ice Cream



Will my brother and I going to be alright again?? Or this will be the beginning of our ending??Are we really going back to China?!?! Or he's just trying to scare me??If he's doing that....Then it's not a good joke......I don't want to go back in China......I promise.....

I didn't notice that it's already 5:00am......And I'm still awake......Then I heard big brother's door opened..........I saw him trying to sneak if I'm still awake.......He's right....I'm still awake.....But I didn't talked to him.....Same with him......He didn't dared.........We're just like an air..........Acting like we don't know each other............So I decided to go to my room......And take a bath.....This early........I brushed my teeth......I combed my hair after drying it up........Put on my uniform.......And thought that I NEED TO GET OUT OF HERE!!!! it's killing me!! I don't want to see him first....After his madness!!

He saw me running down the stairs.......Then......


ELI:Where do you think you're going?!?

Me:Going to school??

ELI:This early??


ELI:You're too early for today....

Me:So that you will not put some effort.......In waking me up....


Me:And reminding me to wake up early.......

ELI:Where are you going?!?!

Me:School!!! Bye!!

ELI:(Sighed) She sure is mad at me........


I went to the other street..........Kris Anne's street...........

I pushed the doorbell........I saw tita opening the door.....She's Kris Anne's mom.......


Tita:Just a minute........

Me:Good morning tita...........-_-

Tita:Shiee?!?! (She was surprised to see me)


Tita:What are you doing here?? This early in the morning??

Me:I had a fight with my big brother......

Tita:Come in....It's cold out here.......

Me:Thank you.....


She welcomed me in their house.....As usual......Tita is a very strict person........No boys allowed......Only girls.......Then she let me sit on their sofa.......


Tita:Wait here...I'll give you some milk.....

Me:Okay......(Now I'm getting sleepy)

Tita:Is there something wrong with ELI???

Me:Yeah......A lot.....

Tita:Then I don't want to know.....It's your matter.......

Me:It's okay tita......

Tita:No....When it comes to family matter......I don't have the right to ask........

Me:You sure are very careful....Tita.....

Tita:It would be better if Kris will be the one who will hear it........

Me:Yeah...I think so.......

Tita:Here....(Giving me the glass of milk)

Me:Thank you........


Me:Yes tita??

Tita:Whatever it takes...Don't hesitate to come here......

Me:I will......(Tears flowing again)

Tita:Don't cry anymore.......I'm sure that....You two will be alright......

Me:I wish.....

Tita:It will be fine.....You two just need some time.......


Tita:I'll wake Kris Anne so that you won't be bored....

Me:It's okay tita....No need.......

Tita:It's already 6:00am....It's okay.....I always wake her up during this time.......(Walking upstairs)

Me:She's nice....I miss mom.....


Kris Anne's room..............Tita knocked and opened the door.....



Kris Anne:Yes??......

Tita:Shiee is here.....

Kris Anne:What?!?! (Getting up)

Tita:She said she had a fight with her big brother.......

Kris Anne:With ELI oppa??


Kris Anne:Where is she??

Tita:She's downstairs.....I gave her a glass of milk.....

Kris Anne:Okay...I'll be down there....Just wait for me mom....


Kris Anne:Is she alright mom?? (Washing her face)

Tita:I don't know....

Kris Anne:She's stress again.....

Tita:I think......

Kris Anne:Okay...I'm done......Let's go.....


They saw me........I was sleeping......I didn't mean to sleep.....I'm sorry Tita and Kris..........


Kris Anne:Omo~~.....

Tita:She's not fine...Isn't she......

Kris Anne:Yeah....Look at her......

Tita:I think she cried....

Kris Anne:I can see that.....And she didn't sleep.....

Tita:Yeah....I even noticed that...She was kinda sleepy when I was talking to her......

Kris Anne:Mom.......

Tita:Yes sweetie??

Kris Anne:Let us leave her like this first....She need some rest......

Tita:I'll get some sheets......

Kris Anne:Thanks mom.........

Tita:She's a very nice girl........(Walking upstairs to get some sheets)

Kris Anne:Shiee......What's wrong now?? Did your brother hurt you?? Why did you do this?? Are you okay?? Did you get some sleep.....Shiee....Come on......Don't be like this......I'm worried.....I don't want to see you having a swollen  eyes........Look at your eye bags.....It's getting bigger and bigger when you don't sleep......Shiee.......Don't do anything like this anymore.......Even though I don't know you're story between you and your brother........Just try to understand him...Okay??

Tita:Kris.....(Holding the sheets)

Kris Anne:Yes mom......

Tita:Talk to her and give her some advice....

Kris Anne:I will mom......

Tita:I know that you're the only one that will try her best to understand her best friend........

Kris Anne:Thanks mom.......

Tita:She's trusting you.......

Kris Anne:And I will not loose her trust........

Tita:Good then......


It's was 7:00am when Kris Anne waked me up..........I slept for just 1 hour........Power nap?!?


Kris Anne:Shiee.....


Kris Anne:Are you felling better now??

Me:I think.....

Kris Anne:Are you ready to go then??

Me:Yeah sure....Going to school right??

Kris Anne:Yes.....


Kris Anne:Mom!! We're leaving now......

Tita:Okay!! Be careful girls!! (She's in the kitchen)

Me:Thanks for everything tita!!^^

Tita:Always welcome!!^^


Walking down the street.................................................


Kris Anne:So what happened??

Me:We had a fight last night........

Kris Anne:Because of what??

Me:Because of unnie......

Kris Anne:Unnie Allyn??


Kris Anne:Why??

Me:He was trying to explain me everything.......

Kris Anne:I don't get it.......

Me:Me either......

Kris Anne:Then???

Me:He gave me conditions.....

Kris Anne:Like what?? For example......

Me:Not an example......It's command.......

Kris Anne:Huh??

Me:He told me....That starting today......

Kris Anne:What??

Me:I'm not allowed to talk to unnie anymore.........

Kris Anne:Why is that??

Me:I don't know......He said that if I'm not going to listen to him........

Kris Anne:Hmmm??

Me:We will go back in China.....

Kris Anne:WHAT?!?!?! CHINA?!?!?


Kris Anne:So you're confused.....

Me:No...I'm scared......

Kris Anne:Why??

Me:Because if we're going to go back in China....I will not see you anymore.......I will never play volleyball......I will never swim again.....I still want to see you.....

Kris Anne:Shiee........No matter what happens......(Interrupting me)

Me:I still want to know who's Xander.......(Interrupting her)

Kris Anne:I'll be here for you......

Me:Are you listening??

Kris Anne:Of course I am.......

Me:Then what did I say??

Kris Anne:You want to know who's Xander......


Kris Anne:Let me guess......


Kris Anne:You didn't sleep.....

Me:Yup......I can't stop thinking about my big brother's conditions.......

Kris Anne:I can't believe he said those things to you.....

Me:Me too.....

Kris Anne:He sure changed a lot......

Me:I think so.....

Kris Anne:Don't worry...We're still here for you.......

Me:Whether I like it or not??


Me:Thanks Kris....

Kris Anne:You're welcome^^


Kris Anne is always there for me........Even there are times that we're having some difficulties.......She never leaved me alone......She's there to support me even when it comes to stupidity.....We're always partner in crimes.......But can she still stay beside me when my brother decide if we're going to stay or leave?? Can I be her best friend forever if I'm the one who's going to leave her??? Everything is still not clear yet.......And I'm not sure if I'm going to talk to unnie or not.......Please......I'm so confused.....I don't know what to do......


(Kris Anne's Colorful House^^)

See you in the next chapter^^


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.