It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 24

It Started With An Ice Cream

(Little Boy)


So it's a date!!! Tomorrow will be the day!!!! They will clear things up......And I hope it will go nicely........No more dramas^^ No more tears^^ Only happiness^^ I hope that they'll forgive and understand each other's feelings.....I hope it will work out^^

I was on my way to our house......................When I saw a little boy sitting on the swing.................Then suddenly....I feel like I was there also before......When I was young........Like I feel nostalgic...................That someone gave me an ice cream that time........I tried to look at the boy's face in my memories.......But it's too blurred.............I can't see his face...........I can't even remember his name..............Okay...I give up now........

I tried to approach the little boy...........And asked him....



Little Boy:Hello noona....

Me:Are you okay??

Little Boy:No....

Me:What's your name??

Little Boy:I'm Woo Kelly...How about you noona??

Me:I'm Kim Kyoung Shiee......How old are you??

Kelly:I'm 5 years old......

Me:You're too young to be here....Outside....All alone

Kelly:I just want to be alone noona.....

Me:Stop crying now.....

Kelly:I can't stop.....

Me:Why?? What's the problem??

Kelly:My puppy died.......

Me:I'm so sorry about that......

Kelly:I love him noona!!! (He hugged me)

Me:Okay...Stop crying now......You know what....

Kelly:What noona??

Me:If you will not stop crying...Your baby face will turn into a cockroach's face.....Do you want that to happen?? (Wiping his tears)

Kelly:No!! I don't want that to happen noona....Cockroach's face is ugly.....

Me:So stop crying now....Okay??

Kelly:How about my puppy??

Me:How old is your puppy??

Kelly:6 months....

Me:When is your birthday??

Kelly:Next month......

Me:You want a puppy??


Me:So I'll give you a puppy....A birthday gift....

Kelly:Really noona?!?!

Me:Yes...If you will stop crying.....

Kelly:Okay noona!!!

Me:You want an ice cream??

Kelly:Are you gonna treat me??

Me:Of course^^


Me:So what flavor do you want??

Kelly:I want Cookies & Cream^^

Me:Okay....Let's go^^

Kelly:Noona..Can you hold my hands??

Me:Sure^^ Here (Reaching my hands)

Kelly:I want a noona like you.....

Me:You want??

Kelly:Can I be your younger brother noona??

Me:It's okay^^

Kelly:Yehey!! I got a loving noona^^

Me:We will go at Gelatissimo Cafe'



My phone rang..........And I answered it....



ELI:It's me.....ELI...Where are you??

Me:I'm in the park right now.....

ELI:Who's with you??

Me:A little boy.....

ELI:A little boy??

Me:Yeah..His name is Kelly

Kelly:Noona...Who are you talking to?? (Interrupting)

Me:Oppa...Just a minute....


Me:Kelly..It's my big brother....

Kelly:You have an older brother??


Kelly:Can I meet him??


ELI:I heard it.......

Kelly:Can I noona??

ELI:Say to him that it's okay...(Over the phone)

Me:Okay...But if you behave properly.....

Kelly:I will noona..I promise^^

ELI:So where are you now??

Me:We're heading at Gelatissimo Cafe'

ELI:Okay....See you there.....

Me:Okay..... (I hung up)



Kelly:He's coming right??



Me:Yes...You will meet him....


Me:By the way Kelly....Where do you live??

Kelly:I live here^^ (Pointing a big house)

Me:Ohhhhhh~~ Who's with you??

Kelly:My big brother....

Me:You also have a big brother?

Kelly:I have^^

Me:He's there??

Kelly:No...He's at school....

Me:So...You're with your maids??




Kelly is a nice boy..........I only knew him just a while ago.....But I can feel that he also feel alone.........


Me:We're here^^

Kelly:WOW!!!! So many ice creams!!!

ELI:Hey!!^^ (Already seated)

Me:Oh!! Hi oppa!!! (Walking towards his seat)

Kelly:Noona!!! I want this!!

Me:Be right back^^

Kelly:This one noona....


Cashier Lady:Cookies and Cream??

Kelly:Yes please^^

Me:Please give him one^^

Cashier Lady:That would be 5,000 won ma'am

Me:Okay...Here (Giving her the payment)

Cashier Lady:Thank you ma'am

Kelly:Thank you noona^^

Me:You're welcome Kelly^^

Kelly:Let's go there....

Me:No..This way...My big brother is already here...



ELI:He's cute^^


ELI:Where did you saw him??

Me:I saw him on the swing...At the park.....


Me:Yeah...When I was on way home after I talked to unnie......

ELI:Poor kid.......



Kelly:He's your big brother right??

Me:Yes Kelly...Why??

Kelly:Well....He's handsome^^

Me:No..Your eyes are just fooling you.....


Kelly:No noona....It's true....

Me:So it means that if my big brother is handsome...I'm pretty?? (lol)

Kelly:Yes noona!! You're pretty^^

ELI:Kelly don't lie^^


Kelly:You two looks funny^^ I wish my big brother is also like that^^

ELI:Like the ice cream??


ELI:How old are you??

Kelly:I'm 5 years old hyung^^

ELI:You're alone at the park......Aren't you scared being alone??

Kelly:Sometimes I am.....But I'm used to it.....


Kelly:My big brother is always in his room studying....While I'm downstairs alone watching TV........

Me:The maids??

Kelly:They are all busy doing the chores..........

ELI:You sure are a lonely kid.....

Kelly:I am....But not anymore^^


Kelly:Because I found a loving noona^^ (Pointing at me)


Me:Yes I am!!! (Proud)

ELI:Good luck^^

Me:Why?!? He's nice^^

Kelly:I am a very good boy hyung......

ELI:I know..But her??


Kelly:Don't bully noona hyung.......

Me:Beh!! (Tongue out)



ELI:let's go home...Kelly...You done??


Me:Here (Wiping the excess ice cream)

Kelly:Thank you noona^^

Me:We will walk you home^^

ELI:Let's go??



Walking in the streets......................................................................


Kelly:Noona.....Can you piggy back me??


ELI:i'll do it......


ELI:It's okay.......

Me:Thank you oppa^^

ELI:I know you can't piggy back him.......


ELI:Is he asleep now??

Me:Yup...He's so cute......Maybe his older brother is also cute...

ELI:Yeah right......

Me:It's true..If you could just see him......His face is so angelic......

ELI:Yeah..He's very cute......

Me:Okay.......We're here.......

ELI:Their house is much more bigger than ours....

Me:I know!!

I pressed the doorbell...............


Me:We're with Woo Kelly...

Maid:Omo.....I'm so sorry for the trouble......

Me:No..It's okay.....He's a nice kid......

Maid:Thank you for bringing him home.......

Me:It's okay.....

ELI:Here you go (Giving Kelly to the maid)

Maid:Thank you sir.......

ELI:No problem....Just don't let him go out all alone.......

Me:If I haven't seen him.......He might get in to a trouble....

Maid:Thank you again......

Me:We will go now....

Maid:Take care......


Maid:I will sir...


It's already 6:55pm........Time really do fly............Kelly is a nice boy.....I hope his older brother will give him some more attention.......I'm kinda worried for Kelly......He might do it again if he's sad.......Running away from their home........


(Kelly Woo^^)

See you in the next chapter^^


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.