It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 19

It Started With An Ice Cream

(Fill In The Blanks)


There will be some PROBLEMS that is needed to be SOLVED...........LOVE that needs to be CONFESSED..........And SINS that needs FORGIVENESS.......It's around 3:00pm and I'm still at the basketball court........Her name is EUSEBIO LEE MONICA right??......What about her big brother??? Aish~~~..........


Roof deck.................


Dong Ho:Ah! Ouch.......

Kris Anne:Just try to endure it.........

Dong Ho:I'm trying^^

Kris Anne:Then good for you=)

Dong Ho:Yeah right!!^^

Kris Anne:Oppa....................................

Dong Ho:Hmmm???

Kris Anne:I'm sorry.........

Dong Ho:What for???

Kris Anne:I know that this is all my fault......

Dong Ho:No.....It's not your fault........

Kris Anne:Don't say anything impossible that is way too obvious.......

Dong Ho:I'm not....I admit......

Kris Anne:What???

Dong Ho:I admit........That this is the first time.........

Kris Anne:In what???

Dong Ho:Girls chasing me......Stalking me.......And even trying to hurt me........

Kris Anne:I'm really sorry oppa..........

Dong Ho:But it's alright..........

Kris Anne:It's not alright......

Dong Ho:It is......As long as no one is hurting you..........

Kris Anne:Huh?? (Teary eyed)

Dong Ho:I can endure anything........Everything.........Just so that they won't try to hurt you............

Kris Anne:Oppa......(Starts to cry)

Dong Ho:They can do anything that they want to me.......But they should not dare to touch you.......Or else.......

Kris Anne:Or else what???

Dong Ho:I might kill them...........

Kris Anne:No.......

Dong Ho:Nah~~~ I'm just kidding.......

Kris Anne:Oppa!!! (Pressing Dong Ho's bruised arm)

Dong Ho:Ouch!! I was trying to make you smile.......

Kris Anne:But it didn't worked.....

Dong Ho:Yeah...I know.....

Kris Anne:There you go......(Putting some band-aids)

Dong Ho:Thank you^^ (Giving her a sweet warm smile)

Kris Anne:You're welcome^^ (Hiding her happiness inside)

Dong Ho:Are you going to attend the afternoon class??

Kris Anne:Yup....But I have to look for Shiee first.......

Dong Ho:Oh....I see....

Kris Anne:You??

Dong Ho:I'm not planning to......

Kris Anne:Why??

Dong Ho:I'm planning to stay here.....

Kris Anne:I think I know why.......

Dong Ho:Why??^^

Kris Anne:So that your fans.....Won't chase you after dismissal........

Dong Ho:It's one of my reasons.........

Kris Anne:So what's the main reason???

Dong Ho:I'll tell you.......

Kris Anne:Okay....

Dong Ho:If you stay here.......Beside me.......

Kris Anne:Huh?? Are you messing with me again??

Dong Ho:Do I look like I'm messing with you???

Kris Anne:Yeah...Sort of....

Dong Ho:I'm way too serious now......

Kris Anne:Ahhh...Okay.......If I stay you will tell me.......Your reason??

Dong Ho:I will.....I promise......

Kris Anne:But I have to find Shiee.......

Dong Ho:You can give her a call or text her.......(Hahahaha!! B.I)

Kris Anne:But......What about the class???

Dong Ho:You're not listening aren't you??

Kris Anne:What do you mean??

Dong Ho:Didn't you hear??

Kris Anne:What??

Dong Ho:Someone in your class shouted that...Your teacher will have a maternity leave......

Kris Anne:Ow........What about you??

Dong Ho::You are really an absent minded person......She's also our teacher........

Kris Anne:Oh yeah!! I forgot...We are going to have a p.e class today.........

Dong Ho:Correct.....Then??

Kris Anne:Then what??

Dong Ho:You are missing something.......

Kris Anne:Ahh....That when it is p.e time...We're as one....

Dong Ho:Good.....

Kris Anne:We're playing FILL IN THE BLANKS........

Dong Ho:Sort of.......

Kris Anne:So can you tell me???

Dong Ho:Hmmmm...Let's do it in the way of FILL IN THE BLANKS......

Kris Anne:Oh!! Wait....Before I forgot....

Dong Ho:What is it??

Kris Anne:I should call Shiee first.....Remember??

Dong Ho:Oh.....Hehehehe...Okay....

Kris Anne:Excuse me.....

Dong Ho:Just take your time....


Dialing my #................................................



Kris Anne:Shiee........

Me:Who's this??

Kris Anne:It's me.......


Kris Anne:It's me Kris......


Kris Anne:I just wanted to tell you.......


Kris Anne:I am here with Dong Ho oppa......

Me:You two are still on the roof deck???

Kris Anne:Yeah......

Me:When are you planning to go down?? (Teasing her)

Kris Anne:Hmmmmm......

Me:Don't answer me like that.....Say something.....

Kris Anne:Dong Ho will just say something.............

Me:What is that??

Kris Anne:I don't know either......

Me:Hey Kris.........

Kris Anne:Yes????

Me:Tell it to me later.........

Kris Anne:Hmmmm???

Me:Shhhh!! Don't let him see you like I'm saying something bad to you...........

Kris Anne:Ahhh....Okay okay^^

Me:Whatever he say to you........Tell me......Okay??

Kris Anne:Sure.....^^

Me:It's not like I'm butting in to your business....It's just that.....I want to know if he says something interesting to you......

Kris Anne:I don't know if he's going to say something interesting....

Me:Just wait for him to say it.....Okay???

Kris Anne:Okay.......

Me:Oh...By the way......I'm here at the basketball court.........

Kris Anne:You're there???


Kris Anne:Why???

Me:I'll tell you something later also^^

Kris Anne:Every single detail........

Me:I will.....

Kris Anne:Promise???

Me:I promise......So we will go home together later......

Kris Anne:Yup...As usual......

Me:Okay then......Drop by here....Or give me a call....If you two are done talking....Okay??

Kris Anne:Okay^^

Me:I'll hung up now.....Bye^^

Kris Anne:Bye^^ See you later^^


So I hung up the phone.......And I was thinking....What is it going to be??? Dong Ho?? Wants to say something.......I can feel that.............I don't know...It's very weird for me to feel this way.............But I think..........It's going to be a confession.........Confession of Shin Dong Ho..........Confession of the baseball captain.....................Interesting......Even though I want to see Dong Ho.......How he confess.......Again......It's not my business anymore..............I'll just wait for them to say it to me...............


Roof deck...............3:25pm............................


Dong Ho:You done??

Kris Anne:Yup^^

Dong Ho:So let's start the fill in the blanks.......To figure out my real reason.......

Kris Anne:Okay the....I'm ready........

Dong Ho:Okay....First one........You give me a first aid treatment....Because.......

Kris Anne:Because I feel very guilty......

Dong Ho: Why'd you feel that???

Kris Anne:Because I feel like it's all my fault.........

Dong Ho:Wrong answer.......

Kris Anne:What???

Dong Ho:Next........I said those cheesy things to you a while ago.......Because.......

Kris Anne:Because you don't want me to feel bad...........You don't want me to blame myself......

Dong Ho:Correct........

Kris Anne:1 correct answer......And 1 wrong answer......Is there a policy of right minus wrong.......

Dong Ho:Why?? Do you want??

Kris Anne:No no....I wast just asking^^

Dong Ho:Okay......Next question.....The reason why I wanted to stay here is because.........

Kris Anne:Because........You just feel it.......

Dong Ho:Wrong again.........

Kris Anne:Then what is it???

Dong Ho:You want me to say all the correct answer???

Kris Anne:If you don't mind^^

Dong Ho:Okay.....1st answer is.......The reason you gave me a first aid treatment......Is because.....YOU LIKE ME...........

Kris Anne:Ahhhhhhhhhhhh.....(Speechless)

Dong Ho:2nd answer is right......The reason why I said those cheesy things to you...It's because I don't want you to blame yourself from what happened.........

Kris Anne:Okay.....Then the last reason???

Dong Ho:The answer is.............I wanted you to stay beside me.......Because.............

Kris Anne:I'll brace myself first before you say the answer.....

Dong Ho:Hahahaha!! Okay then^^

Kris Anne:Okay...I'm ready....

Dong Ho:You sure??

Kris Anne:Totally sure.......

Dong Ho:Okay....Again...The reason why I wanted you to stay here with me.......I mean beside me......It's because...........I wanted to say..............That............

Kris Anne:Huh?!?!?! (Nervous)

Dong Ho:That................................I.........................

Kris Anne:I?!?!?!?!?!?!?

Dong Ho:I..................................LIKE.............................

Kris Anne:You like?!?!?!?!?!?!

Dong Ho:I.................................LIKE...............................YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Kris Anne:WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? YOU LIKE ME?!?!

Dong Ho:YES......................

Kris Anne:Omo!!!!!!!!!

Dong Ho:Why?!?!?!?!?!?

Kris Anne:I...................

Dong Ho:You?????????

Kris Anne:I..................Feel the same way too..........

Dong Ho:Really?!?!?!?!

Kris Anne:Really!!!!

Dong Ho:Yes!!!!!!! (Overjoyed)

Kris Anne:Hahahahah!!

Dong Ho:I'm so gonna tell this to Shiee!!!!

Kris Anne:She'll be happy!!!!

Dong Ho:Yay!!!!!!!! WORLD!!!! LISTEN TO ME!!!!! KRIS ANNE FAJARDO OF 3-1!!!! LIKES ME ALSO!!!!!!!! I'M SO HAPPY!!!!!

Kris Anne:HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!! You are?!?!

Dong Ho:Yes!!!! I am!!!!!!


Wow!!!! I'm so happy for them!!! I never thought that this day would come......That they will have the guts to confess their feelings........For each other.......I'm happy for you guys^^ Really I am^^ But there is something missing my happiness......I'm happy because of them......But I'm still Sad......Depressed.....Frustrated......Mad.........And longing for my big brother's love..........I wish that he'll set himself......Free form his lies......I wish that he'll be more honest to his feelings.........I wish that everything is gonna be alright.......Because now....Dong Ho and Kris Anne.......Is now on their way for love..........


(Yes?!?! Or No?!?!? YES!!!!!!)

See you in the next chapter^^


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.