It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 18

It Started With An Ice Cream

(Little Sister)


Now that Kris Anne is getting more and more closer to Dong Ho...............Can they say what they feel right now??..........Or are they going to keep their feelings for each other..........FOREVER???? Does Dong Ho have the guts to say what he feels to my best friend??? And same with Kris Anne......Is she going to tell to his oppa what she feels??? Or she's going to keep it as a secret??? She sure is gonna ask me to give her strength........Before she do that.........For my big brother and unnie Allyn.........Are they going to be together again?? Or never again?? Am I going to see them together.......Or I'm just gonna give them a call and ask if they are going steady when I'm back in China...??


I'm here.....Sitting again at the garden......Thinking about my big brother........About unnie Allyn.......Kris Anne and Dong Ho's feelings for each other..........And me.......Am I still gonna find him?? Or not.........It's lunch time....Yet I'm still not in the mood to go back to the class.....And I didn't even eat any lunch.....Except tita's given milk this morning....When I was in Kris Anne's house........


Students.....As usual are teasing each other...Chasing teach other like there will be no tomorrow.........Then I think back again.........Can my best friend and I do the same thing again?? Tagging and wrestling each other......I want to bring back our memories again..........Me.....Playing with Kris Anne in the mud........Alex.......Playing cars.....Yeah...I miss the old times........Then again.....I can't do it.......I don't have any power to do that......Bringing back the cherished moments....Not only with my friends......But also with my big brother.......


I don't want any students from our school to see me crying..........But I can't stop the tears from flowing.........Could it be that I'm so much affected?? Because everything happened for the first time.........Oppa...Calling me by my full name.........Oppa being mad because of unnie........Oppa....Giving conditions...........And oppa's temper..............Then I heard someone is talking about Kris Anne and Dong Ho.......


Student #1:Hey......Have You heard......

Student #2:What??

Student #1:Someone saw Dong Ho oppa......

Student #2:Where??

Student #1:At the roof deck......

Student #2:Alone??

Student #1:He's with a girl......

Student #2:He is???

Student #1:Yup.......And.....

Student #2:And what?!?!?

Student #1:They saw that the girl is giving oppa a first aid treatment...........

Student #2:Is he hurt???

Student #1:There are some issues going around.......That his fans are stalking him.......

Student #2:You know what...They should leave oppa alone......It's not like he's going to be here forever.....

Student #1:You're right.......They should give him a personal space.......

Student #2:Or should I say...PRIVACY......

Student #1:Correct.....


So Dong Ho is with Kris Anne.......No doubt.....Sooner or later...They will confess........I wish they'll do that.....Infront of me first^^ Kidding........I looked at the sky.......I wrote my name......But I didn't seem to find it.....Like what I'm feeling right now.......I can say what I feel to anyone.....But can they understand what I feel.......Maybe yes...Maybe No......

I'm really bored.....So I stood up and went for a stroll........Looking for someone I know.......Like...My big brother....I am trying to look for him.....But I didn't see him....Maybe he's at home.......Or maybe he's at the park.........Or maybe.....He's in his room........Thinking about our issues............


I went to the basketball court.........There are no students in here.......Maybe this is a good place for me to relax.....And unwind........I was sitting at the bench.........Trying to figure things out......But then....My brain is not working today..........It's STAGNANT.......Because of the never ending arguments with my big brother..........I closed my eyes.......


Me:Mom........I miss you............I really do........I want to see you again.......Same with dad........I miss both of you.........When are you going to come back?? Is it today......Tonight...........Tomorrow........On the next day........Next week........Next month......Or next year??? Are you even planning to see us again..........My mom is working in Singapore.....While dad....He's a Seaman........Once a year only......He will only have 2 months to have a vacation.......But he's still busy.....Processing his papers......So he doesn't have much time to spend it with us......While mom.....Christmas and Birthdays only......Imagine how hard to live......Without your parents guiding you.....And supporting you......I cried again.......Then I started sobbing.......

I want to scream that.....I can't take this anymore.......I want somebody to hug me.........Someone who will comfort me......Someone like her.........

Her:Uhhhmmmmm....Unnie......(She approached me)

Me:Huh?? (Full of tears)

Her:Are you alright???

Me:Am I???

Her:Unnie....Here......Use this........My big brother gave me this to wipe you tears........(Giving me the handkerchief...)

I was really really really surprised.....When I saw the knitted name on the handkerchief........The knitted name is Xander....Could it be..........

Me:You know me???

Her:Yeah.....Actually...I was really tired looking for you.......


Her:Because my big brother doesn't want to see you cry......Even me.....I don't want to see you cry.....

Me:Huh?? (It can be....)

Her:Unnie....Forgive me if I didn't introduced myself properly......

Me:What???!! (My head feels like it gonna be torn apart)

Her:My name is EUSEBIO LEE MONICA.........You can call me Monica.......

Me:EUSEBIO LEE???(Sounds familiar....)

Monica:Yes unnie........Your name is Kim Kyoung Shiee.....Right??

Me:Yeah.......But can I ask something......

Monica:Unnie.....Don't ask me anything.....Ask my big brother.......

Me:Why not you??

Monica:Because he will explain everything to you......When you meet him......

Me:When is that??

Monica:At the right time........

Me:I don't get it......(Super confused)

Monica:You'll understand it soon......

Me:Okay......I'll wait for the right time.....

Monica:It's nice to see you smiling again.......

Me:Smile?? (Who is she?!?!)

I know her name....But...The heck!!! I don't know her......Is she going to play a mysterious part also??? Like her big brother Xander???



Monica:Are you felling better now???

Me:A little......


Me:So...This is your big brother's handkerchief right???


Me:And his name is Xander??


Me:So it means.......

Monica:Means what???

Me:It means that you are his little sister???

Monica:Yes.....And also his best friend......

Then I started to feel the frustration again..........When she said......"ALSO HIS BEST FRIEND....." She is like me.........When it comes to siblings.......No one can separate you........Even your parents.....Because you treat each other not only as brother and sister....But also best friends.......

Me:Ahhh.....Good for you......

Monica:Unnie......Please do me a favor.......

Me:Hmmmm?? What is it???

Monica:Please don't cry anymore.......It makes me really sad.......

Me:Why?? Are you stalking me?? (Fooling around)

Monica:No........I can see it in your aura.........

Me:It shows a lot......

Monica:Way too obvious......

Me:I know.....

Monica:Unnie.....I know that....You are just trying.....

Me:Trying what??

Monica:Trying to hide your feelings with a smile....


Monica:Yeah.....And you're not good at it,,,,,

Me:What makes you say that.......

Monica:Whenever I see you....You are always smiling.....Even if you're sad.........

Me:I'm not a good poker face am I???

Monica:Yeah....We're just the same.......People easily.....

Me:See our true feelings...(Interrupting her)

Monica:So true.......

Me:So what year level are you???

Monica:I'm a Sophomore student.........

Me:Ahhh....2nd year huh....


Me:2nd Year...Section 1.....Right???

Monica:Yes........And you unnie???

Me:Me?? I belong to 3-1......Junior student.....

Monica:Ahhh......1 Year gap^^


Monica:Do you have a big brother also unnie??

Me:Yup...I have one.....

Monica:So what's his name??

Me:Kim Kyoung Jae......You can call him ELI.....

Monica:Ahhh...ELI....Nice name......

Me:Is it....

Monica:Yep...I like his name.....

Me:But girls from our school doesn't like his name....But....

Monica:But his what unnie??

Me:But his face and figure....

Monica:I'm sure that he's brawny.....

Me:Yes he is......

Monica:Not like my big brother...


Monica:Oppa......Yes he have muscles.....But not brawny like yours........

Me:It's okay......As long as he's nice and kind......

Monica:He is......He loves me.....

Me:Good for you^^

Monica:But sometimes....We are also having some difficulties........Arguments....

Me:Same....No doubt......




The bell rang.....For the afternoon classes.......I still haven't seen Kris Anne and Dong Ho.........Are they sleeping?? At the roof deck?? No way.....Kris Anne will not try to sleep there........Then....Monica.....Xander's little sister.......


Monica:Unnie.....You're not coming??



Me:Still not in the mood.....

Monica:I see.......


Monica:It's okay......See you later^^

Me:Okay....Bye bye^^

Monica:Bye unnie!! Nice to meet you again^^

Me:Same here!!!


Now that I found Xander's little sister.......No...I'm wrong.....Monica found me.....Will I ever meet him.......Because his little sister is kinda......Mysterious also.....So I'm doubting.....That I might not see him......There are a lot of possibilities...That may happen before I meet him.........There will be some PROBLEMS that is needed to be SOLVED...........LOVE that needs to be CONFESSED..........And SINS that needs FORGIVENESS.......


(Xander's Handkerchief^^)

See you in the next chapter^^


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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.