It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 43

It Started With An Ice Cream



It's been a while since I haven't seen Kelly Woo................My adorable dongsaeng^^ But this afternoon..............We will meet again and of course I will introduce him to everyone.......................And tell him that I finally met his big brother Kevin Woo through a lost book................Weird..............................But I was quite confused about Xander oopa's glare a while ago.........When he heard that I was Ki Bum oppas' girlfriend........If he only knew.......I'm not totally his girlfriend......I'm still waiting for someone.....


Walking in the hallway..............................................


Kris Anne:Shiee??

Dong Ho:Is she alright??

Kris Anne:Shiee!!! (Slightly shouted)

Me:Oh?!?! Yes??

Dong Ho:Hahahahahahahah!! Shiee is spaced out again.......

Kris Anne:Shut up........

Dong Ho:Okay....Mouth zipped^^


Then everyone looked at me................................................................

Xander:You're not okay....Are you???

Me:No....I'm just thinking about something...........

Xander:I know you can keep up^^

Me:Thank you..........

Kris Anne:You okay Shiee??

Me:Yeah....Just bothered...........

Kris Anne:Want a phone call later??


Kris Anne:Hahahahahaha!! I'm happy to hear that^^

Soo Hyun:Well..........(Interrupting)

Ki Bum:What is it hyung??

Soo Hyun:Now that we have another friend........And it was Kevin........Is it okay if we celebrate??

Ki Bum:Celebration?? No......

Soo Hyun:Why??

Ki Bum:November 20 is near hyung...........And haven't you heard that it's Kevin's younger brother's birthday??

Soo Hyun:Oh!! You're right.......We can wait guys right?!?! (Referring to us)



It was around 2:45pm.............................When I found out that I stayed to long inside the classroom lol^^ I know that sometimes it's not the subject that is boring................But the teacher^^ True!!


Room 3-1...............................................................


Kris Anne:Shiee........


Kris Anne:Don't even try to sleep..................

Me:I'm not..............(Lying)

Kris Anne:Shiee.......


Kris Anne:A little more patience.................Then class will be over soon.................

Me:How many more minutes??

Kris Anne:Hmmmm....15 more minutes................

Me:Aish......Still long...............

Kris Anne:Patience??

Me:Okay..............I'll wait for it patiently...............

Kris Anne:Thank you^^ By the way.............Can I copy some notes???

Me:Do you think I'm writing down notes??

Kris Anne:Maybe YES...................Maybe NO..............

Me:Then I'll go for NO...................

Kris Anne:How are you going to pass the finals?? If you're not writing down notes...........

Me:My big brother has so many notes...............

Kris Anne:Shiee.........

Me:Okay............I'll copy the notes.................


As you can see.....................You can rarely see me copy some notes.............So.............Now that my best friend finally found out what am I doing in my life...............Here at school.............I will change and write down some notes^^.................... Cool^^...................... It's true^^................

The bell finally rang!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh yeah!!!! I'm going out of this boring class and meet my beloved Kelly Woo again^^


Me:Let's go!!!! (Dragging Kris Anne)

Kris Anne:Huh?!?! Wait!!! (Not yet done packing her things)

Me:Hurry Kris^^

Kris Anne:Wait Shiee...............(Putting her notebooks inside her bag)

Me:Kris.......I can't wait to see Kelly again!!!

Kris Anne:Why??

Me:Because he's so nice and he's so innocent^^

Kris Anne:Like my Dong Ho oppa??

Me:No......Dong Ho is innocent but a walking disaster.............

Kris Anne:Shiee.........

Me:I'm just kidding Kris^^.............Don't take it seriously^^

Kris Anne:I won't^^


We're infront of the school now..................And I saw Kevin oppa waiting for us.......................And Kelly?? Where's Kelly?? I'm not the only one who noticed it.............But Kris Anne also^^

Then Kris Anne phone rings...................................................


Kris Anne:You go ahead Shiee...............I'm just gonna pick-up this call.....................

Me:Okay^^ (Walking towards Kevin oppa)

Kris Anne:Hello??

Dong Ho:Where are you???

Kris Anne:Oppa??

Dong Ho:Yup..........It's me.............

Kris Anne:I'm here infront of the school..............

Dong Ho:And I'm here waiting for you infront of your classroom.................

Kris Anne:Omo~~ I'm sorry oppa.....Just get in here and please spread the word............That we're here infront of the school........................

Dong Ho:Okay^^ I love you Kris^^

Kris Anne:I love you too oppa^^ (Then hung up the phone)

Me:Where's Kelly??

Kevin:He's still in there............

Me:Awwwwwww..........I thought he's going to be the one who's early=((

Kevin:Don't worry Shiee...........When he found out that you want to see him again...........You cannot compare his happiness^^


Kevin Yup^^

Kris Anne:Hi oppa^^ (Interrupting)

Kevin:Hi Kris^^

Kris Anne:So Kelly is not here yet??


Kris Anne:Then we should wait for him^^


Ki Bum:Hey guys!!

Me:Oh?? They're here already??

Kris Anne:I told Dong Ho that he should call or text them that we're here infront of the school...............


Kevin:WOW^^ You really want to meet Kelly^^ (Referring to them)

Xander:So where's the little guy??

Kevin:He's still in there^^

Soo Hyun:I can feel that he's cute^^

Ki Bum:Of course!! It's my baby!!

Soo Hyun:Baby?!?

Ki Bum:Me and Shiee's baby^^

Soo Hyun:You've got to be kidding me^^

Xander:What grade/section does he belong??


Xander:Can I fetch him??


Me:What is it oppa??

Kevin:Can you go with Xander hyung.........For sure Kelly will look for you............


Ki Bum:How about me??

Kris Anne:You stay^^ (Referring to Ki Bum oppa)

Ki Bum:Awwwww.....=((

Soo Hyun:Drop the act Ki Bum...........They are just going to get Kelly......

Ki Bum:Okay.........

Me:We're going now^^

Xander:Let's go^^



Walking in the hallway................................................................


Xander:He's cute right??


Xander:He's so attached to you.......

Me:Hehehe...Because when I met him........He was longing for his big brother's love..........

Xander:Ohhh....But Kevin told us that they are okay with each other.............

Me:Yup....And it's good to hear that^^


We're already infront of Kindergarten's room now...............And I was kinda nervous.............Fetching a little boy.......They might think that I'm Kevin oppa's girlfriend..................

We knocked on the door.......................Then the teacher opened the door to us^^



Me:Uhmmmm....We're looking for Kelly Woo^^


Then Kelly saw me..................................




Me:Yes ma'am............


Me:Thank you ma'am^^

Teacher:Kelly.....Pack your things up now.......Your big sister is picking you now^^

Kelly:Yes ma'am^^

Student #1:Kelly....Your noona have a boyfriend??

Kelly:I don't know.........

Student #1:Really?? Then who's he?? (Pointing Xander oppa)

Kelly:He must be noona's friend^^

Student #1:I see^^

Kelly:Bye teacher^^ Bye classmates^^

Teacher:Bye Kelly^^ See you on Monday^^

Classmates:Bye bye Kelly^^

Me:Hi Kelly^^

Kelly:Noona!! (He hugged me)

Me:I miss you^^

Kelly:Me too noona^^ Who is he noona??

Me:Oh...He's Xander oppa........

Kelly:Your boyfriend noona??



Xander:So let's go now Kelly^^

Kelly:Okay hyung!!!^^

Xander:Come on^^

Kelly:Piggy back ride??

Xander:You don't want??

Kelly:I want!! I want!!^^

Xander:Then climb up^^


Walking in the hallway......................................................................


Kelly:Okay^^ Noona......


Kelly:While hyung is piggy back riding me.........Can you hold my hands??^^

Me:Sure Kelly^^

Kelly:Thanks noona^^

Me:You're always welcome Kelly^^

Kelly:So Xander hyung..........You are my noona's boyfriend right??

Xander:Yes I am.....Why??

Kelly:Then why aren't you holding noona's hands??

Xander:I can't because......She's holding your hands Kelly^^

Kelly:You're right^^ Sorry hyung^^

Xander:It's okay Kelly^^

Me:So how's school Kelly??

Kelly:It's fine noona^^

Me:Then........You and Kevin oppa??

Kelly:You know Kevin hyung??


Kelly:When did you met him??

Me:A while ago........

Kelly:COOL!!!^^ How about you Xander hyung?? Have you finally met my big brother??

Xander:I did Kelly^^



Where outside the school now.............................And we're approaching them...........Still, Xander oppa is piggy back riding Kelly^^


Soo Hyun:Wow!!! What a cute happy family!!!


Kris Anne:Super agree!!

Dong Ho:Super Duper Mega Agree!!



ELI:Hahaha!! Majority wins Ki Bum hyung^^

Ki Bum:I can see that...............

Kelly:Hi hyung^^ (Referring to Kevin)

Kevin:Hey there^^ How's your day??

Kelly:Great!! Noona Shiee and her boyfriend Xander hyung fetched me^^

ELI:BOYFRIEND?? Xander & Shiee??


Kris Anne:BOYFRIEND!!!^^

Dong Ho:BOY--------FRIEND!!!!^^

Soo Hyun:Huh??

Ki Bum:DISAGREE AGAIN!!!!!!!!! (Rebellion)

Kevin:Hahahah!! Nice^^

Kelly:Let's go hyung^^ (Grabbing Xander oppa's hands)

Xander:Oh?? Wait Kelly.........

Kelly:Let's go noona!!!

Me:Wait up Kelly.........

Kelly:I want an ice cream noona!!

ELI:We're dead^^

Me:My treat?!? (I have no money anymore Kelly!! Please spare me!!)

Xander:No........My treat!!!

Dong Ho:Okay!!!! Ice cream!! Here we go!!!!

Me:Hahahaha!! Chocolate Heaven again Dong Ho??

Kris Anne:Silly boy^^

Ki Bum:Hyung.....I think I need to go home now...........(Whispering)

Soo Hyun:Okay..........You will regret it..........Seeing Shiee and Xander alone?? Like a happy family with Kelly??

Ki Bum:Okay.......No More!! I'm staying!!!

ELI:Hyung...........You're teasing Ki Bum again^^ (Referring to Soo Hyun oppa)

Kevin:What's up with hyung?? (Referring to Ki Bum)

Soo Hyun:Just don't mind him Kevin^^

Kevin:Oh I won't^^

Kelly:I want to eat ice cream at Gelatissimo Cafe'

Xander and I looked at each other..................................................................

Me:Okay Kelly^^

Xander:My treat^^


Inside Gelatissimo Cafe'..................................................................................


Cashier Lady:Good afternoon sir^^

Xander:Good afternoon^^

Kelly:Hyung....I want Cookies & Cream^^

Me:His favorite^^ (Referring to Kelly)

Xander:And you Shiee??

Me:You know what I want right??



Xander:Kevin, you?? What flavor??

Kevin:I'll go for Blueberries

Xander:Nice choice^^ How about ELI??

ELI:No...I want coffee only^^

Xander:Okay.....So Kris??

Kris Anne:Strawberries & Cream^^

Xander:Dong Ho??

Dong Ho:Chocolate Heaven^^


Allyn:Fruit shake only^^

Xander:Soo Hyun??

Soo Hyun:Mango Yoghurt^^

Xander:Ki Bum??

Ki Bum:Same with Soo Hyun hyung.................(Bad vibes)

Cashier Lady:So??

Xander:1 Cookies & Cream............2 Pistachio.........1 Blueberries.........1 Strawberries & Cream............1 Chocolate Heaven.......1 Coffee.............1 Fruit Shake...............2 Mango Yoghurt....................

Cashier Lady:So that will be 18,815.93 won sir^^

Xander:Here (Giving the payment)

Cashier Lady:Please wait for a while sir^^ We'll serve it^^


Kelly:Hyung!! You sit beside me!! And Noona!!  (Referring to me and Xander oppa)

Kris Anne:I'll sit beside Shiee.....


Dong Ho:I'll sit beside Xander Hyung...........

ELI:Beside Dong Ho...........

Kevin:Where am I going to sit??

ELI:Beside me.............

Soo Hyun:How about me??

ELI:Beside Kevin hyung............

Ki Bum:I'll sit here...........So I can see everything...........

Cashier Lady:Here's all of your order sir^^

Xander:Thank you^^

Kelly:I'm gonna eat now!!! Yum yum!!!!

Xander:Eat slowly Kelly..........

Kelly:Okay hyung^^

Xander:Here....There's something on your lips...............(Wiping the excess ice cream)

Kelly:Thank you hyung^^

Xander:And you!! (Referring to me)


Xander:You're like a child also.........

Me:What?!? Why??

Xander:Let me see^^ (Wiping the excess ice cream also)

Me:Oh.....Thank you.....(Blushing)

Kris Anne:Their ice cream is getting sweeter and sweeter!!

Dong Ho:I agree!! HEAVEN!!!!=))


I'm in a big trouble right?? Ki Bum oppa is always looking at us........I'm so freaking dead................It can't be that he's jealous or something......................We're just fake lovers.............Pretending to be real...........


See you in the next chapter^^



Kelly Inside Their Classroom^^ Kiyuouyo^^
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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.