It Started With An Ice Cream Chapter 36

It Started With An Ice Cream

(Alexander Lee Eusebio)


It's really weird for him to ask me to join with him to eat our lunch.......And I know that it's already time for our classes.....But!! Never mind the classes^^ I'd rather spend my time with him.....So you better brace yourself Xander....You don't know how long I've waited for you.........


Xander:Are you okay??


Xander:By the way.....I'm sorry.....

Me:Hmmmm??What for??

Xander:I know that it's very rude...Not to introduce myself to you last time......

Me:Nah~~It's okay......But.....

Xander:Hehehe..I know....You're curious^^ (Interrupting)


Xander:I'll tell everything to you....At the right time.......

Me:And when is that??

Xander:At the right time^^


Xander:I promise^^

Me:Cross your heart?? Not your finger???^^ (lol)

Xander:My heart...Not my finger^^

Me:Pinky promise??

Xander:Pinky promise^^

Me:Okay then^^ I'll wait for that "Right Time"

Xander:You have to^^

Me:So where are we going??

Xander:After lunch..We will go to my favorite place^^

Me:Cafeteria first...Then your favorite place^^


Me:So where's Monica??

Xander:She'd probably at home now.....

Me:This early??

Xander:Yeah......We're half day today....

Me:Huh?? (Confused)

Xander:Remember?? It's Teacher's day today......

Me:Omo~~~I didn't know that......

Xander:Silly girl^^



Me:A lot of students are looking at us.....

Xander:Just don't mind them......

Me:I won't but..My friends and my big brother is one of them.....



Not good!!!! Everyone is looking at us.....I don't know what to do......Even my big brother is also looking.....How will I explain everything?? Are they going to interrogate me again?!?! And with matching torture?!?!? And Ki Bum oppa.......I know that he's looking.......What am I going to do?!?!?!

I tried to calm myself down as soon as I can.....As I walk towards the table........


ELI:Oh?!?! New one??

Me:Huh?!?! (Standing infront of them)

Allyn:Who's he Shiee??


Xander:I'm sorry...My name is Alexander Lee Eusebio........

Kris Anne:Oh!!!! Shiee!!!! You finally found him!!!!

Ki Bum:Finally found him?!?!

Me:Ssshhh!! Kris Anne!! (Whispering)

Kris Anne:Oh.....He has a debt.......(Sorry Xander oppa=| )


Xander:What?!?! Debt?!?! I-----


Soo Hyun:Okay...Let him sit first....

Ki Bum:Sit with me Shiee.......


Dong Ho:Yeah...I don't want to into Shiee business again......This time...It might be personal now......

Kris Anne:Yeah...So shut up okay....Or you'll be in trouble again......

Dong Ho:What?!?!

Kris Anne:You're a walking disaster......^^ I love you^^

Dong Ho:Me?!?! I love you too^^ (He forgot everything that easily lol...Just say those 3 words^^)

Allyn:So Xander...Do you mind introducing yourself??^^


Ki Bum:Go ahead then.....(Cold)

Xander:I'm Alexander Lee Eusebio........I'm a 1st year college.....Taking up Artist Management......Same with Kim Ki Bum and Soo Hyun......I was born on  July 29, 1988....My blood type is O.......My height 181 cm.........Weight 63 kg...I have an older sister........And younger sister.....She's Monica Lee Eusebio........The one who's close with Shiee.......My hobbies are;Listening to music.....Watch movies..........And taking picture.

Me:*wow what a camera …It's okay I still love you*

Xander:I can speak English.........Chinese...........Portuguese.........And Japanese.....

Allyn:Wow....He's very talented.....

Ki Bum:Yeah right.....(Pissed off)

Soo Hyun:So it means....You are our classmates.....But I don't see you around........

Xander:Because.......I'm in the front of the class.......

Soo Hyun:Oh yeah......You're the one who's always listening on his iPod......

Ki Bum:There are always an earphones plugged on his ears.....

Me:Ki Bum.......

Ki Bum:What?!?!


Ki Bum:Okay.....I'll shut my annoying mouth.......

Me:Don't bully him......I'm not saying that you should zip your mouth.......You're just being unreasonable.........

Xander:It's okay Shiee.....I understand....(He looked at Ki Bum blankly)

ELI:So it was you huh.........

Soo Hyun:What about him???

ELI:Ahhh..Allyn...Let's go......

Allyn:Huh?!?! Where??

ELI:Let's go....(Dragging unnie)

Allyn:Bye guys....See tomorrow......

Me:What the heck?!?!

Dong Ho:Where are they going??

Kris Anne:Never mind them...Just play your game.......

Dong Ho:Okay...If you say so.......

Soo Hyun:So how long you've been known each other???



Soo Hyun:Never mind^^



Ki Bum:Huh??

Soo Hyun:Yes??

Kris Anne:Hahahah!! (lol)

Me:No..Xander oppa....


Me:Shall we go now??


Then suddenly..................


Gabbie:Hey Shiee........

Me:Hi Gabbie......



Gabbie:Another guy???

Me:No....Another FRIEND OF MINE.......

Gabbie:Oh really??~


Gabbie:Don't forget the game.....

Me:I won't......

Gabbie:Hi oppa^^ (Referring to Ki Bum)

Ki Bum:Hey........

Soo Hyun:It's the witch again......

Dong Ho:Hahahahah!!! (Referring to his game)

Kris Anne:Dong Ho......

Dong Ho:What???

Kris Anne:That's rude......

Dong Ho:What?!?!

Me:It's okay....She will understand it....Right Gabbie??

Gabbie:Right....(Pissed off)

Me:I better go now......

Ki Bum:Where???

Me:Somewhere else......

Ki Bum:Huh??

Me:I just wanted to be alone.....

Ki Bum:Awwww......Again??



I lied right?!?! I lied.......Omo~~~ Another sin!!!! Forgive me Ki Bum oppa!!! I just wanted to be alone........With Xander oppa.......I'm so sorry........


See you in the next chapter^^



Alexander Lee Eusebio Of 1-AM (Artist Management)^^
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Whimsical_Princess #1
Chapter 65: Omg book 2 gotta read it
You happy now you made me cry
So sad ending of book 1
nina_liew #2
omg.. i finally found this story. This is the first fanfic i've read in AFF. and because of this story, i signed up. :D I love your fic~ :)
reichi99 #3
yay book 2~~~~~!!!!!!!<br />
i really really really love this fic~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<br />
and the author is the best~~`lol
reichi99 #4
kya~~complete already??wae??????????<br />
i dnt wnt this to end
Eugh. Xanders mom is horrible ¬¬<br />
I don't want him to leave Shiee!!! I cried a little! xD<br />
Update soon!!! <3
pinkypn #6
i also wished that i was kevin. what is up w/kiseop and gabbie buying gold gifts. Poor Shiee
pinkypn #7
lol @ everyone thinking xander ans shiee soing something last night even monica. poor xander and monice r being force by their mom to move and the dad cannt help
reichi99 #8
omo....sleeping in xander's nice would it be to have a bf like xander<br />
<br />
"Because I want her to be my one and only ice cream.....She's the flavor of my life......."<br />
i like those lines^^<br />
pinkypn #9
i wish i was kelly getting all those expensive gifts.