6 - Bittersweet Sleepover Accident

Don't Say Goodbye, just Be mine

  Sungjong arrived at his house with Minkyung on his back. He knocked on the door with his head."who's that? It's like he's using a log to barge in." Myungsoo who was with Sungyeol looked at the door. It looked like it would be broken in any minute. Sungyeol opened it and saw Sungjong.

"Shh... She's sleeping" Sungjong warned his brother. He walked upstairs and went inside his room.

"What's that? He brought a woman in here" Myungsoo asked Sungyeol who was shocked, no, stunned by his younger brother action.

"Omo! My littlebrother brings a girl home? Did he kidnapped her? oh, no!" Sungyeol started to make a weird conclusion. Sungyeol peeked in Sungjong's room followed by his Vice President, Myungsoo.Sungjong put Minkyung on his bed. He did not turn on the light because he's afraid that Minkyung might wake up.Sungyeol could not see who's the girl because of the dark.'aish, this boy. Is he a vampire? Staying in the dark room..' Sungyeol thought.

Sungjong carefully opened his drawer to take some medicine. After he's done treating Minkyung's wound, he stayed by her side. He looked at her sleeping face. He unconciously smiled to himself."Minkyung-ah, Why is your face is like an angel?" Sungjong asked the girl eventhough he knew that she won't answer.

Sungyeol's mouth opened wide enough for a slice of pizza to fit in. Myungsoo came and pushed the older's jaw up to it's place. "Close your mouth hyung. You might catch flies or mouse with it." Myungsoo poked Sungyeol's rib.Sungyeol sneaked into Sungjong's room to see what was happening. His mouth was opened again when Myungsoo shut his mouth with his hand.

There they were, Minkyung laying on the bed while Sungjong was beside the bed. He placed his head on both of his arms, sleeping. "Let them be.Such a sweet sleepover,hmm?" Sungyeol whispered to Myungsoo. They walked out from the room and closed the door. They chuckled naughtily. "hyung, can I sleep here, too?" Myungsoo asked. Sungyeol nodded almost immediately. They went into Sungyeol's room.

Inside Sungjong's room, Minkyung's hand moved a little. Her hand touched Sungjong's She held it tight as she can't wake up from her nightmare. She dreamed that if she get closer to Sungjong, Haeri will hate her. If she let Haeri and Sungjong make love, the two of them will leave her behind. But why in her heart, she's more scared if Sungjong leave her more than Haeri?

-to be continued-

Kyaaaa!!!! Sungjong's voice is sooo echoing in y head... Hope you enjoy reading this.

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To Batrizy : thanks. well, this fanfic partner is sungjong and minkyung. But my second one is about sungjong and haeri , there's a little bit of minkyung and woohyun though. I also can't wait to finish this up and start another fic. Keke..
I got my first subscriber! thanks Annie1216! > W <
sorry, cause it's short...