10 - Unidentified Date

Don't Say Goodbye, just Be mine

“How do you know?” Minkyung’s cheeks turned red and Sungjong heart broke into pieces.


“So.. it’s true? Urm.. forget about it.. I hope you and him will make out well. Hwaiting!” Sungjong placed a smile on his lips covering his broken heart. “Kaja. The day is still young. Haha.. we’ll have a lot of time.”


After they put Minkyung’s bag in Sungjong’s house, they went out. “The air is still fresh! Wanna go somewhere?” Sungjong put a fake smile.


“ How about Lotte World?”


“Sure! Sounds fun! Well, it is. I haven’t been there for ages.”


Sungjong was happy again to see Minkyung’s chuckling face when a voice interrupted their conversation. “Jongie~ I’ve been looking everywhere for you. You don’t have plans,right?”

They turned around to see Sungyeol, Haeri and Woohyun. “ I need to tutor Haeri and the others. So, can you buy groceries for me? Or you will have no dinner for tonight.” Sungyeol continued waiting for his younger brother to answer him.


“ Why can’t you do it yourself?”


“ I wanted to tutor them. Their results are going bad.” There was a battle of aegyo and finally the younger gave up because he didn’t want this to be carried on and wasting time. “Thanks, love you!” Sungyeol pecked Sungjong’s cheek.


“ Aish.. that hyung. We’ll have to go next time then” he puffed his cheeks and pouted a little.


“ It’s okay. There’s always be next time.” Minkyung showed her beautiful smile.


They finished buying the groceries an hour later. Sungjong sighed while Minkyung just smiled at the boy. “ Minkyung-ah can we go to the ice-cream shop?” Minkyung nodded at the question that Sungjong gave.


They entered the ice-cream shop. “ Min-noona! I missed you!” Sungjong ran towards the ice-cream lady.


“Sungjong-sshi. Long time  no see. Where’s Sungyeol?” the lady asked him.


“ He’s having fun studying with his friends while I was forced buying the groceries.” He pouted. “Luckily, there’s Minkyung to help me.” Sungjong held Minkyung’s arm dragging her closer to him. Min laughed at the sight.


“ Great choice” Min whispered to Sungjong. “So, how may I help you?”


“Can you pick for me?” Sungjong showed his puppy eyes pleading Min to choose for him. Minkyung felt a little scratch in her heart as she saw the boy’s friendliness towards Min.


‘What is this feeling? Is this jealousy? Am I falling for him? It can’t be. I want him to be with Haeri.” Minkyung thought deeply.


“How about I give you the couple ice-cream for the cute couple?” Min suggested stopping Minkyung from getting deeper into her thoughts.


“Noona! We’re not a couple! We’re friends”


“Then, why are you still holding her?” Min’s words realized Sungjong that he didn’t let go of Minkyung’s arms. The two youngers blushed. “ Furthermore, you do look like one. Here, a couple ice-cream for Sungjong and his girlfriend-to-be. Take it. It’s my treat” Min stared at the two who blushed even more.


“Jjinja?! Thanks, noona!” Sungjong forgot about the ‘couple’ thing when he received the ice-cream. They walked out silently. What they didn’t know was a group of six boys and a girl watched them.


- to be continued -

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To Batrizy : thanks. well, this fanfic partner is sungjong and minkyung. But my second one is about sungjong and haeri , there's a little bit of minkyung and woohyun though. I also can't wait to finish this up and start another fic. Keke..
I got my first subscriber! thanks Annie1216! > W <
sorry, cause it's short...