16 - Our Broken Heart

Don't Say Goodbye, just Be mine


One week since all that happens. Sungjong kept his distance between Minkyung even at home. He will only talk to her when it’s time for dinner or telling her that he will go out for a while. Their  friends noticed and were worried. Sungyeol forced them to go buy some groceries. He listed a lot on the list so it will take a long time for them. He called Haeri and the Student Council’s members minus Sungjong and Minkyung to gather in his house while they’re gone.


“ I don’t know. I’m getting a lot more worried that my little Jongie isn’t hyper anymore. How can we help them?” Sungyeol ruffled his hair roughly. “ By the way, where’s Haeri?”


Everyone looked at Woohyun. “ I don’t know. She said she will come here sooner….” Woohyun waved his hands in the air.




“ .. or later…?”


*knock knock*


Sungyeol opened the door and invited Haeri. Later, there was someone else behind her.” I have an idea to make up Sungjong and Minkyung. I brought her here too. Guys, meet Jia.”


“ Why did you bring her here, noona?” Myungsoo asked confused.


“ I’m sorry about the incident that I locked Minkyung in the locker. I truly am. I know that Sungjong love her so much that he didn’t look at any other girls. I started to feel weird when he doesn’t talk to Minkyung anymore. I wanted Sungjong to be happy so that everyone’s happy. I’m so sorry.” Jia spoke, tears forming as she recalled what she did to Minkyung.


“Fine then. What’s your plan, Haeri?” Sungyeol turned his gaze to the said girl.


“ Urm, yeah. And we have to use her.” She pointed towards Jia.




During the whole hour of buying the groceries the duo was silent. Nothing came out from their mouths. They were done buying and were walking home side by side. ‘ I really need to start a conversation. It’s getting weirder. I don’t like this situation.’ Sungjong thought getting uncomfortable with the situation. ‘ Aish, Sungyeol-hyung, wait till I get home and I’ll locked you up in your room for making me do this .. and with Minkyung? Argh!!’ Sungjong groaned uncomfortably.


Minkyung looked at the boy. Worries in her eyes but she shrugged it off. She knew the boy was suffering but still she didn’t dare to take another step in their relationship. “Ermm Sungjong-sshi?” Minkyung started off, vibration in her voice.


The said boy turned to look at her, “ Nae?”


“ Are you mad at me? Why are you groaning?” the boy’s eyes widened at the question. He took a while to answer.


“N-no.. it’s just that I have math problems.. You know. What Mrs.Park gave this morning.”


“O-ooh… then, would you like me to teach you?” Sungjong’s heart was recovering a little bit.


“Erm.. yeah.. thanks.”


“ Not to worry. I’ll explain anything you don’t know. I’ll come to your room later.”


They arrived at the house. They entered just to see other ‘visitors’ in the living room. They greeted them and went into Sungjong’s room. “ They looked normal. What happened? Did they make up?” Hoya threw a lot of questions that were running in his mind.


“ Maybe! That’s wonderful! I’m going to have my little old Jongie back~” Sungyeol sang and hugged Myungsoo. They all smiled. Canceling the plan that they made an hour ago. Not a bit that they know, that they were totally wrong.


- to be continued –




Author : I know.. it’s boring right? I don’t know what to do… T _ T huhu…this is my first fanfic. It’s

              hard.. I hope someone’s here to cheer me..


              Well, please subscribe and comment!! ~~ I love you!♥~

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To Batrizy : thanks. well, this fanfic partner is sungjong and minkyung. But my second one is about sungjong and haeri , there's a little bit of minkyung and woohyun though. I also can't wait to finish this up and start another fic. Keke..
I got my first subscriber! thanks Annie1216! > W <
sorry, cause it's short...