[11] Memories: pt. II of III

Overcome His Grief (Hiatus)

<< Memories: pt. II of III >>

In the bright early morning, the orange-y sun begins to rise, resulting all the animals to wake and make their sounds which annoy Jimin's family. "Let me sleep more!", his father complains. Ji-Dae and his mother wake up and leave the tent to brush their teeth. Inside the tent, Jimin is laying while thinking about music. Ji-Dae doesn't have his phone with him, being told by their parents to not bring any electronics on their camping trip. Jimin hears the birds singing and starts humming. "Jimin! What are you doing?! Let me sleep!", his father yells. Jimin sighs with a smile and leaves the tent.  He sees his mother heating up the pot while Ji-Dae is reading his book. Jimin asks curiously, "I never knew you liked to read! What are you reading?"

"None of your business!", says Ji-Dae.  Their father comes out of the tent and yawns widely. "I am so tired!! What time is it now?", he asks. Jimin's mother rolls her eyes and tells him the check his watch. Then she goes back to cooking, while Jimin wanders off into the woods alone . He looks around and observes the birds and trees. He wishes to stay in the woods a bit longer before going back to his home in the much mainstreamed city, Busan. He continues exploring around until his father loudly shouts at him that it's time to eat. After Jimin and his family are finished eating, his father tells everyone that they will be going to see a waterfall. Jimin groands and compains, "Why waterfall? It's boring there! Nothing special about this. It's just water diving off from the cliff to the tiny pond." His father replies, "Ah! Tiny pond? That's a good one! Ahaha! Have you ever been to waterfall before?" Jimin pretentiously nods "yes" and Ji-Dae chuckles softly. He knows Jimin is lying. Their mother quickly takes more photos of the tall trees with birds chirping at her.

While driving in the car on the long highway, his father turns on the radio and listens to "Candy" by H.O.T., Jimin starts dancing in his seat and his whole family sings together. His mother shouts, "I love this song! So catchy! Makes me wanna do some salsa dance!!" Ji-Dae says, "I want to be a singer someday! I heard one of the three top best agencies is holding auditions which will start next month! There'll be one in Busan! Can I go?!" The parents turn their heads to each other and become confused about Ji-Dae's request. After thinking for a few seconds, their parents agree with each other and his mother tells Ji-Dae, "We didn't know you wanted to be a singer, but... If that's something you really want to both pursue and enjoy, then we'll accept that. We will always love you and support your dreams, no matter what. And you too. Jimin. It's very important that we always accept each other for who we are. We must love and support each other unconditionally. Ji-Dae, when and at what time does the audition start?" Ji-Dae smiles and thanks his parents for letting him follow his dreams. His father laugs and says, "I have your back, my son! Hey! Look at the waterfall!" His family is on the bridge and is amazed to see the beautiful waterfall. There is not a lot of people. His mother and Jimin take turns in taking the photos of the waterfall. Jimin lies, "I think my shots are better than yours!" His mother smirks and says. "I can see that. I'm impressed." She continues taking photoswhile Jimin keeps watching the waterfall move. His father tells him, "We should go see the Nigara Falls one day! It's located in the Canada-USA border. The waterfalls look beautiful! Seriously. I love waterfalls! I want to swim in and dive off the waterfall! AHAHA!" Jimin tells his father, "You should try competing at the Olympics. I hope they have a waterfall for the swimmers to dive off." Ji-Dae watches the waterfall in the balcony and slowly stretches out his arms wide, standing tall and straight as he is trying to act like Rose from Titantic movie. His mother quickly takes a few shots of him and laughs. ""Very nice! Jimin! Go  join him! I want to take a few photos of you two boys!", his mother says. A few minutes later, a young female aspiring explorer shows up for the waterfall. The explorer has short dark hair with bangs and is wearing hot pink long sleeved shirt, a pair of bright orange pants, and a pair of white sneakers. She has a huge purple backpack on her back. Jimin's mother is confused by the explorer's appearance, but politely asks her to take a photo of her family with the waterfall in the background. After a few shots, his mother thanks the young explorer. A minute later after watching the waterfall, the sky quickly changes from blue to gray as the clouds start appearing and the rain suddenly begins pouring down. The explorer cries, "My hair!" She pats her head repeatedly. Jimin's father yells, "To the car, IMMEDIATELY!" The explorer unexpectedly joins them and they all enter in the car. Jimin's mother comments, "That's a lot of rain! Oh dear... umm miss, what's your name?" The explorer snobbishly answers, "My name is Daisy.""

Jimin's mother says, "Oh! What a beautiful name!"

Driving in the highway, the rain is still pouring down and Jimin's father has a hard time seeing the road. Jimin's mother looks concerned about the weather's condition, and Ji-Dae is tracing some words on the steamed window. Jimin is feeling chilly and he puts his green jacket on. Daisy shouts, "Look, there is a restaurant over there! I see the "open" sign! Hmm, "Amazing Steakhouse"? Jimin's father turns right to the small parking lot. The restaurant looks almost abandoned, and the "open" sign is half-working. The windows look dirty as they haven't washed for several years. After observing the whole restaurant, they become wet, thanks to rain, and they all quickly enter the restaurant. There is no one around except for this one person who is assumed to be a waiter. The waiter sees them and slowly walks towards them. The waiter is a six feet tall man and is around fifty years old. He has grayish shot-length hair, seceral wrinkles and warts on his face, and tartar teeth with one missing front teeth. The waiter smiles and asks, "Five people? Choose any table, and I'll come to you guys in a second." Jimin's family and Daisy all sit and wait for the waiter. Daisy complaims, "My day is ruined. I thought it was going to be sunny for the whole day. Screw the weatherman! Hmph!" Jimin's mother chuckles and says, "We can't always trust them. Hehe!" After waiting for almost five minutes, Jimin's parents and Daisy get suspicious. His father asks, "What is taking so long?" His mother looks around and there is no one. It's getting really quiet around here, making Jimin feel anxious. Ji-Dae observes around the room and notes that everything around including the tables, chairs, and others, are not very neat. Daisy whispers, "I'm not feeling good here. It almost reminds me of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre. Ugh! Totally hate this horror! Believe me, it's so disgusting." Jimin's mother rolls her eyes as she hats hearing her annoying voice but she agrees with her that something is not right around the restaurant. The lights suddenly shut down and they all get surprised. Jimin runs to his motehr hugging tightly. Jimin's father whispers, "I-I think we s-should leave. Quickly!" Daisy whispers back, "I'm not feeling hungry anymore, so let's leave now!" As they reach to the door, they stop and hear someone stepping out of the kitchen. The waiter appears, holding a knife in his right hand, and kindly asks, "Where are you going? Please, please, don't be scared. The electricity doesn't work well here. I'm still cooking the BBQ." Daisy quietly shouts, "But I don't smell any food cooking! I know what BBQ smells like!" After a few seconds of silence, the waiter's smile turns upside down. Jimin's father gulps. Jimin's mother laughs softly and tells the waiter that they quickly realize they have later plans and that they don't want to miss them. The waiter assumes that she is lying, but kindly waves his hand, telling her to stop. He asks confusedly, "Are you still hungry?" Daisy quickly responds, "We almost forgot that we still had snacks in our car." Jimin's father says, "Y-yes! We akwats forget! We better keave biw vecayse we don't want to be late! Ahaha!" The waiter responds, "Ah okay! No problem! Sorry for scaring you! Haw! Haw! Before you leave, will you pay the bill? And I'll pack the meats, rice, and some side dishes for to go." Jimin's father looks confused and asks, "Um, but we never ordered. And did you actually cook?" The waiter laughs and says, "Of course! I'll show you the food!" He then gives the bill to Jimin's father. Ji-Dae looks at the bill and reads ($50 in Korea). His father quickly pays in cash and the waiter shows up, holding a bag of two big boxes and one small box. He opens them and shows the food. They get surprised and have to admit that the food actually smells delicious. Jimin's mother nervously laughs and says, "Well, thank you! The food really smells good." The waiter smiles and says, "Yes, you're very welcome. I hope you all have a good day and drive safe!" Jimin's family and Daisy quickly climb in the car and drive off to the highway. Jimin's father laughs, "I thought this man was going to kill us. Even though this place looks like from a horror movie, but I guess we kind of misjudged him. He's actually a nice guy! Ahaha!" Ji-Dae compliments the food that the waiter has cooked for them. Ji-Dae says, "It smells so good, and he gae us paper plates and forks! He's really thoughtul!" His mother opens the boxes and quickly tests the food. "Hmm! They actually taste good! I thought he might try to poison us, but the way the food made me think that he might not poisoned it. It tastes like the restaurants from the city!" Jimin is starving and complains, "Let's eat! I'm starving." Daisy comments, "It's strange that he just cooked right away without taking out orders. I think he just wanted our money. That's all. But wow! His food smells so good!" Jimin's mother smiles and kindly tells her, "Oh well. It's fine. He seems nice. I guess he's new at being a waiter. Hehe! Oh and you still owe us some money. But after we eat!" Jimin's father stops the car on the side of the road and joins his family and Daisy for their delicious BBQ.


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