Chapter 10

Love Is

Seungkwan's P.O.V

"That was a brutal are you not tired?" I asked Seoyoun. Sure, she was sweating, but tired? Not at all. She just shrugged.


"I don't know? I like working out?" 


"Well, I can see why you and Seungcheol hyung are siblings now." She chuckled and waved it off.


"You two are siblings? Wait, our Seungcheol hyung?? Like the one we know?" The8 hyung looked so confused, like a little chick learning how to walk.


"Yes, that one." Mingyu hyung answered, finally catching his breath.


"Ohh...then again, you two look alike a bit." The8 hyung giggled and a small smile appeared on her face.


"Thanks. I get that a lot. Well, I'm going to go now and get changed, then go. I don't know if you guys want to stop at your house first or..." She trailed off, looking at The8 hyung and I.


"Well, I don't mind coming-"


"Finish that sentence and I will straight out punch you." She glared and Mingyu hyung, causing The8 hyung to laugh.


"Fine, whatever."


"Um, I don't about you The8 hyung?" He seemed to think about it for a second..or two..that turned into almost a minute. 


"I think I'm going to my house first." She looked at me and we both chuckled.


"Okay. I'll see you guys later..hopefully not him." She turned to Mingyu and glared at him, then walked to towards the changeroom.


"Okay, why isn't she falling for me like the other girls? It's so weird." Mingyu hyung made a face that The8 hyung and I both laughed at.


"I mean, you did make a cocky first impression." The8 hyung said, which I only nodded at.


"I believe her exact words were cocky bastard." I looked at Mingyu hyung, pretending to know it all.


"Whatever. She's going to fall for me anyways. Let's go and change." Mingyu hyung waved it off like it was nothing.


"It's so obvious its not so whatever to him." The8 hyung whispered and I tried stiffling back a laugh.


"That's so true."



Seoyoun's P.O.V

I went in and changed as fast as I could. I didn't even look for Raehyun. I mean, it's not because I don't want drama - frankly, I couldn't give a , but it would still be a good idea to not cause a scene. I zipped up my skirt and looked one time in the mirror. Maybe, it wouldn't hurt if wiped some of my oilness and sweat off. I reached for the little side compartment on my bag and took a sheat out. From the mirror, I saw a familar face. Yup. This was the time to bolt. I quickily blotted my forehead and then went right out. I sighed in relief, glad I avoided her. I took my phone out and saw I got a text from Seungkwan? Curious, I opened it.


From: Seungkwan

Come to the field!! It's an emergency!!!


I rolled my eyes, but quickend my steps. Soon, I fund myself reaching the exit. I went out and I saw a huge crown with yelling. I ran there as fast as I could and I reached the crowd in no time. I pushed through the crowd, saying excuse mes. I finally broke through the barrier, and I was not pleased with what I saw. I met eyes with a worried Seungkwan, DK and The8. 


"Seriously? Is this reaally necesscary?" I dropped my bag and they both fell silent with the crowd. 


"Seoyoun!! YOU'RE HERE!!" I ignored the happiness of the 3 and went straight to the duo.


"Who the hell do you think you are, trying to pick a fight?" I glared at the taller one.


"Hey, he started it." 


"You little-"


"Woah, okay, there. Calm down, Sancheong. I'm pretty sure you guys don't need anymore injuries. Wow. Okay, so what's this about?" No words were exchanged - only glares.


"Yea, care to explain, Mingyu?" Sancheong was the first one to grit words through his teeth, and there, I decided. I had enough of this child play.


"OKAY, SOMEONE JUST ING TELL ME WHAT THIS IS ABOUT. NOW." I yelled, not only to them, but to everyone there.


"I-They were fighting." A girl spit out of fright.


"Yea, I can see that. About what?" I glared at her, trying to push her.


"A-about you." I sighed and looked at Seungkwan.


"You told me to come, so explain." 


"Well, we were talking and Mingyu hyung called you know. Then we saw him and Mingyu hyung did some comfronting a-"




"Yes, wife?" He smirked and I automatically pulled Sancheong back.


"I'm going to show you something and look carefully." He smirked at Sancheong and then back at me.


"Sure thing, beautiful."


I smirked and then turned to Sancheong. Although he was a good 20 cm taller than me, I grabbed his collar. I smirked at Mingyu one more time before I pulled him down, crashing his lips on mine. A lot of ou's were heard. Sancheong quickly acted on it and wrapped his arms around my waist. It wasn't until then I realized how much I missed this, his lips on mine, kissing passionately until one of us lost our breath, him close to me, everything. I just missed him. My hands automatically wrapped around his neck and pulled him closer. I just got so lost in the moment and it wasn't until someone cleared their throats I pulled away from him. He smiled, a gentle and a precious smile. I turned around to see Seungcheol oppa and Namjoon oppa. 


"Omg..this is so embarrassing." I groaned and burried my face in his chest. I felt the vibrations of Sancheong's chuckle as he held me closer.


" guys do know this is a school, right?" 


"Yea..." I answered Seungcheol oppa.


"You do also know that Seungcheol was videotaping the whole thing." That perked my attention and I turned around again.


" what?" 


"Uh, have approximately 10 seconds before she kills you." I broke from Sancheong's embrace and started my countdown from 5 as I made my way to a nervous Seungcheol.


"Seoyoun, you know your dear oppa loves you very much, right? Oh yea, did I mention I'm your oppa? I'm older- OKAY I'M SORRY. DON'T KILL ME." When my pinky finger went down, I started sprinting after his run, knowing I would obviously outrun him.




Raehyun's P.O.V

My jaw dropped when she pulled him into a kiss. I couldn't hear all of it, but I did go foreward. I madde my way to the front, and then I saw that. People started going when she started chasing Seungcheol oppa, but me? I don't even know. What was going on? Why hasn't she told me this? I frowned, and I took my phone out of my pocket, but I put it back as soon as I remembered what happened moments ago. I saw Namjoon oppa chuckling, and I wasn't sure if I should go and ask. If she found out, she'd be pissed, but then again, he's her brother. He's one of the 4 people that know her like a book. Finally, taking a breath, I went up to him.


"Hey..Namjoon oppa..can I talk to you for a second?" He stopped laughing and looked at me.


"Sure, what's up?" Omg. His smile. No. Don't. This is for your friendship..not anything else. To save the friendship.


"I-um..c-can we go somewhere more quiet? I-I m-mean not like t-that. I just don't w-want anyone to hear this." Great going Raehyun. He probably thinks I'm some obsessed girl..well, that's not entirely true.


"Yea, I know. Hold on, let me just go get her bag, then we can go." Internally, I sighed, thank goodness he didn't think anything weird of least, I hope not. He grabbed her bag and we made our way to the top of the hill, where a bench was located. We both sat down and I sighed, finalizing my thoughts. This could either ruin or restore my friendship with Seoyoun. Hopefully, it's the latter.



A/N: Namjoon X Raehyun moment for a certain someone ;D

I hope you guys enjoyed it, and have a good day/night^^

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Chapter 20: Ugh no.. I really really really really really really don't like this.. Why we're always fighting? :'(

*tries hard to bear with this*

But I seriously love Junhoe in this.. Did somthing I think happened, happened between you guys...? >:)
Chapter 19: You did the same as I did.. >:D double update.. no wonder I wad really lost at first XD

Let me just talk about Junhoe.. sassy I really like him here ;) and DONGHYUUUKKKK~~ ♡
Chapter 18: Omfg finally I finished reading all from the start.. andand DONGHYUKKIEE~~~~ yeah so.. Sancheong really just left? That bastard
Chapter 17: No I didn't enjoy :(
What does it mean my parents murdered yours? Wow.. That's sick

No just kidding.. I enjoyed Namjoon parts like.. Omgomg :') ❤
Chapter 16: You drop out of courses??? Gosh girl why?? *judging really hard*

But I really liked the chapter, especially the fact that Namjoon is about to see me!!! But then again.. You're gonna disturb us so.. XD
Chapter 15: you.. are.. a .. in this fic :DDD
I'm trying to find good parts.. wait.. me and Namjoon interaction was kinda good one ;)
Chapter 14: "You, my boyfriend.." my fav setence of this chapter x)
Chapter 12: Woooow so fast.... xD ready set action! Can you spend me the in private message?? XDDDDDDDDDD
Chapter 11: Me don't like... :( c'mon.. why to break our friendship?? Yhhhyyyyyh :'( I feel so bad now xd